cpp-pistache-server.model-validation-body.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy
This template generates the validation logic for a model.
This template file calls itself recursively for arrays.
{{! Check for eunm properties that are their own schema }}
{{! These are in their own class with a validate function, the way to check for this is quite a hack
since isEnum, isString and isModel are all false. }}
success = value.validate(msg, currentValuePath) && success;
{{#isModel}}success = value.validate(msg, currentValuePath + ".{{nameInCamelCase}}") && success;{{/isModel}}
{{! Date validation }}
if (!{{helpersNamespace}}::validateRfc3339_date(value))
success = false;
msg << currentValuePath << ": must be a valid RFC 3339 date-full string;";
{{! Date-Time validation }}
if (!{{helpersNamespace}}::validateRfc3339_date_time(value))
success = false;
msg << currentValuePath << ": must be a valid RFC 3339 date-time string;";
{{! string validation }}
if (value.length() < {{minLength}})
success = false;
msg << currentValuePath << ": must be at least {{minLength}} characters long;";
if (value.length() > {{maxLength}})
success = false;
msg << currentValuePath << ": must be at most {{maxLength}} characters long;";
TODO validate regex of string using pattern variable. This has two challenges
- Is compatibility with the given regex pattern guaranteed?
- Creating the std::regex on every validation would be rather slow. Ideally one would
initialize them for the class once as a static const and use them.
{{! string encoded enum validation }}
if ({{#enumVars}}
value != "{{value}}"{{^-last}} &&{{/-last}}{{/enumVars}}
) {
success = false;
msg << currentValuePath << ": has invalid value \"" << value << "\";";
{{! numeric validation }}
if (value <{{#exclusiveMinimum}}={{/exclusiveMinimum}} {{#isFloat}}static_cast({{/isFloat}}{{minimum}}{{#isFloat}}){{/isFloat}}{{#isLong}}ll{{/isLong}})
success = false;
msg << currentValuePath << ": must be greater than{{^exclusiveMinimum}} or equal to{{/exclusiveMinimum}} {{minimum}};";
if (value >{{#exclusiveMaximum}}={{/exclusiveMaximum}} {{#isFloat}}static_cast({{/isFloat}}{{maximum}}{{#isFloat}}){{/isFloat}}{{#isLong}}ll{{/isLong}})
success = false;
msg << currentValuePath << ": must be less than{{^exclusiveMaximum}} or equal to{{/exclusiveMaximum}} {{maximum}};";
{{#isInteger}}if (value % {{multipleOf}}{{#isLong}}ll{{/isLong}} != 0){{/isInteger}}
{{#isFloat}}if (std::fmod(value, static_cast({{multipleOf}})) != 0){{/isFloat}}
{{#isDouble}}if (std::fmod(value, {{multipleOf}}) != 0){{/isDouble}}
success = false;
msg << currentValuePath << ": must be a multiple of {{multipleOf}};";
{{! Array validation }}
if (value.size() < {{minItems}})
success = false;
msg << currentValuePath << ": must have at least {{minItems}} elements;";
if (value.size() > {{maxItems}})
success = false;
msg << currentValuePath << ": must have at most {{maxItems}} elements;";
if (!{{helpersNamespace}}::hasOnlyUniqueItems(value))
success = false;
msg << currentValuePath << ": may not contain the same item more than once;";
{ // Recursive validation of array elements
const std::string oldValuePath = currentValuePath;
int i = 0;
{{! the element var has the same name as the vector, so that the recursive template works - what a wonderful hack }}
for (const {{{items.dataType}}}& value : value)
{ {{! and I do a similar hack with currentValuePath... }}
const std::string currentValuePath = oldValuePath + "[" + std::to_string(i) + "]";
{{> model-validation-body }} {{! Recursively apply template to array - this is where things will probably go wrong }}