org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PerlClientCodegen Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2018 OpenAPI-Generator Contributors (
* Copyright 2018 SmartBear Software
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.openapitools.codegen.languages;
import lombok.Setter;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.openapitools.codegen.*;
import org.openapitools.codegen.meta.features.*;
import org.openapitools.codegen.utils.ModelUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import static org.openapitools.codegen.utils.StringUtils.camelize;
import static org.openapitools.codegen.utils.StringUtils.underscore;
public class PerlClientCodegen extends DefaultCodegen implements CodegenConfig {
private final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PerlClientCodegen.class);
protected static int emptyFunctionNameCounter = 0;
public static final String MODULE_NAME = "moduleName";
public static final String MODULE_VERSION = "moduleVersion";
@Setter protected String moduleName = "WWW::OpenAPIClient";
@Setter protected String modulePathPart = moduleName.replaceAll("::", Matcher.quoteReplacement(File.separator));
@Setter protected String moduleVersion = "1.0.0";
protected String apiDocPath = "docs/";
protected String modelDocPath = "docs/";
private Map schemaKeyToModelNameCache = new HashMap<>();
public PerlClientCodegen() {
modifyFeatureSet(features -> features
.wireFormatFeatures(EnumSet.of(WireFormatFeature.JSON, WireFormatFeature.XML))
// add multiple inheritance support (beta)
supportsMultipleInheritance = true;
// clear import mapping (from default generator) as perl does not use it
// at the moment
modelPackage = File.separatorChar + "Object";
outputFolder = "generated-code" + File.separatorChar + "perl";
modelTemplateFiles.put("object.mustache", ".pm");
apiTemplateFiles.put("api.mustache", ".pm");
modelTestTemplateFiles.put("object_test.mustache", ".t");
apiTestTemplateFiles.put("api_test.mustache", ".t");
modelDocTemplateFiles.put("object_doc.mustache", ".md");
apiDocTemplateFiles.put("api_doc.mustache", ".md");
embeddedTemplateDir = templateDir = "perl";
"else", "lock", "qw",
"__END__", "elsif", "lt", "qx",
"__FILE__", "eq", "m", "s",
"__LINE__", "exp", "ne", "sub",
"__PACKAGE__", "for", "no", "tr",
"and", "foreach", "or", "unless",
"cmp", "ge", "package", "until",
"continue", "gt", "q", "while",
"CORE", "if", "qq", "xor",
"do", "le", "qr", "y",
typeMapping.put("integer", "int");
typeMapping.put("long", "int");
typeMapping.put("float", "double");
typeMapping.put("double", "double");
typeMapping.put("number", "double");
typeMapping.put("decimal", "double");
typeMapping.put("boolean", "boolean");
typeMapping.put("string", "string");
typeMapping.put("date", "DATE");
typeMapping.put("DateTime", "DATE_TIME");
typeMapping.put("password", "string");
typeMapping.put("array", "ARRAY");
typeMapping.put("set", "ARRAY");
typeMapping.put("map", "HASH");
typeMapping.put("object", "object");
typeMapping.put("AnyType", "object");
typeMapping.put("binary", "string");
typeMapping.put("file", "string");
typeMapping.put("ByteArray", "string");
typeMapping.put("UUID", "string");
typeMapping.put("URI", "string");
cliOptions.add(new CliOption(MODULE_NAME, "Perl module name (convention: CamelCase or Long::Module).").defaultValue("OpenAPIClient"));
cliOptions.add(new CliOption(MODULE_VERSION, "Perl module version.").defaultValue("1.0.0"));
cliOptions.add(CliOption.newBoolean(CodegenConstants.ENSURE_UNIQUE_PARAMS, CodegenConstants
cliOptions.add(new CliOption(CodegenConstants.HIDE_GENERATION_TIMESTAMP, CodegenConstants.HIDE_GENERATION_TIMESTAMP_DESC)
// option to change the order of form/body parameter
public void processOpts() {
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(System.getenv("PERL_POST_PROCESS_FILE"))) {"Environment variable PERL_POST_PROCESS_FILE not defined so the Perl code may not be properly formatted. To define it, try 'export PERL_POST_PROCESS_FILE=/usr/local/bin/perltidy -b -bext=\"/\"' (Linux/Mac)");"NOTE: To enable file post-processing, 'enablePostProcessFile' must be set to `true` (--enable-post-process-file for CLI).");
} else if (!this.isEnablePostProcessFile()) {"Warning: Environment variable 'PERL_POST_PROCESS_FILE' is set but file post-processing is not enabled. To enable file post-processing, 'enablePostProcessFile' must be set to `true` (--enable-post-process-file for CLI).");
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(MODULE_VERSION)) {
setModuleVersion((String) additionalProperties.get(MODULE_VERSION));
} else {
additionalProperties.put(MODULE_VERSION, moduleVersion);
if (additionalProperties.containsKey(MODULE_NAME)) {
setModuleName((String) additionalProperties.get(MODULE_NAME));
setModulePathPart(moduleName.replaceAll("::", Matcher.quoteReplacement(File.separator)));
} else {
additionalProperties.put(MODULE_NAME, moduleName);
// make api and model doc path available in mustache template
additionalProperties.put("apiDocPath", apiDocPath);
additionalProperties.put("modelDocPath", modelDocPath);
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("ApiClient.mustache", ("lib/" + modulePathPart).replace('/', File.separatorChar), ""));
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("Configuration.mustache", ("lib/" + modulePathPart).replace('/', File.separatorChar), ""));
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("ApiFactory.mustache", ("lib/" + modulePathPart).replace('/', File.separatorChar), ""));
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("Role.mustache", ("lib/" + modulePathPart).replace('/', File.separatorChar), ""));
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("AutoDoc.mustache", ("lib/" + modulePathPart + "/Role").replace('/', File.separatorChar), ""));
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("autodoc.script.mustache", "bin", "autodoc"));
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("README.mustache", "", ""));
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("gitignore.mustache", "", ".gitignore"));
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("", "", ""));
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("travis.mustache", "", ".travis.yml"));
supportingFiles.add(new SupportingFile("cpanfile.mustache", "", "cpanfile"));
public CodegenType getTag() {
return CodegenType.CLIENT;
public String getName() {
return "perl";
public String getHelp() {
return "Generates a Perl client library.";
public String escapeReservedWord(String name) {
if (this.reservedWordsMappings().containsKey(name)) {
return this.reservedWordsMappings().get(name);
return "_" + name;
public String apiFileFolder() {
return (outputFolder + "/lib/" + modulePathPart + apiPackage()).replace('/', File.separatorChar);
public String modelFileFolder() {
return (outputFolder + "/lib/" + modulePathPart + modelPackage()).replace('/', File.separatorChar);
public String apiTestFileFolder() {
return (outputFolder + "/t").replace('/', File.separatorChar);
public String modelTestFileFolder() {
return (outputFolder + "/t").replace('/', File.separatorChar);
public String apiDocFileFolder() {
return (outputFolder + "/" + apiDocPath).replace('/', File.separatorChar);
public String modelDocFileFolder() {
return (outputFolder + "/" + modelDocPath).replace('/', File.separatorChar);
public String getTypeDeclaration(Schema p) {
if (ModelUtils.isArraySchema(p)) {
Schema inner = ModelUtils.getSchemaItems(p);
return getSchemaType(p) + "[" + getTypeDeclaration(inner) + "]";
} else if (ModelUtils.isMapSchema(p)) {
Schema inner = ModelUtils.getAdditionalProperties(p);
return getSchemaType(p) + "[string," + getTypeDeclaration(inner) + "]";
return super.getTypeDeclaration(p);
public String getSchemaType(Schema p) {
String schemaType = super.getSchemaType(p);
String type = null;
if (typeMapping.containsKey(schemaType)) {
type = typeMapping.get(schemaType);
if (languageSpecificPrimitives.contains(type)) {
return type;
} else {
type = schemaType;
if (type == null) {
return null;
return toModelName(type);
public String toDefaultValue(Schema p) {
if (ModelUtils.isBooleanSchema(p)) {
if (p.getDefault() != null) {
return p.getDefault().toString();
} else if (ModelUtils.isDateSchema(p)) {
} else if (ModelUtils.isDateTimeSchema(p)) {
} else if (ModelUtils.isNumberSchema(p)) {
if (p.getDefault() != null) {
return p.getDefault().toString();
} else if (ModelUtils.isIntegerSchema(p)) {
if (p.getDefault() != null) {
return p.getDefault().toString();
} else if (ModelUtils.isStringSchema(p)) {
if (p.getDefault() != null) {
return "'" + p.getDefault() + "'";
return null;
public String toVarName(String name) {
// obtain the name from nameMapping directly if provided
if (nameMapping.containsKey(name)) {
return nameMapping.get(name);
// return the name in underscore style
// PhoneNumber => phone_number
name = underscore(name); // FIXME: a parameter should not be assigned. Also declare the methods parameters as 'final'.
// parameter name starting with number won't compile
// need to escape it by appending _ at the beginning
if (name.matches("^\\d.*")) {
name = "_" + name;
return name;
public String toParamName(String name) {
// obtain the name from parameterNameMapping directly if provided
if (parameterNameMapping.containsKey(name)) {
return parameterNameMapping.get(name);
// should be the same as variable name
return toVarName(name);
public String toModelName(String name) {
// obtain the name from modelNameMapping directly if provided
if (modelNameMapping.containsKey(name)) {
return modelNameMapping.get(name);
// We need to check if schema-mapping has a different model for this class, so we use it
// instead of the auto-generated one.
if (schemaMapping.containsKey(name)) {
return schemaMapping.get(name);
// memoization
String origName = name;
if (schemaKeyToModelNameCache.containsKey(origName)) {
return schemaKeyToModelNameCache.get(origName);
name = sanitizeName(name); // FIXME: a parameter should not be assigned. Also declare the methods parameters as 'final'.
// model name cannot use reserved keyword
if (isReservedWord(name)) {
LOGGER.warn("{} (reserved word) cannot be used as model name. Renamed to {}", name, camelize("model_" + name));
name = "model_" + name;
// model name starts with number
if (name.matches("^\\d.*")) {
LOGGER.warn("{} (model name starts with number) cannot be used as model name. Renamed to {}", name,
camelize("model_" + name));
name = "model_" + name; // e.g. 200Response => Model200Response (after camelize)
// add prefix/suffix to model name
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(modelNamePrefix)) {
name = modelNamePrefix + "_" + name;
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(modelNameSuffix)) {
name = name + "_" + modelNameSuffix;
// camelize the model name
// phone_number => PhoneNumber
String camelizedName = camelize(name);
schemaKeyToModelNameCache.put(origName, camelizedName);
return camelizedName;
public String toModelFilename(String name) {
// should be the same as the model name
return toModelName(name);
public String toModelTestFilename(String name) {
return toModelFilename(name) + "Test";
public String toModelDocFilename(String name) {
return toModelFilename(name);
public String toApiTestFilename(String name) {
return toApiFilename(name) + "Test";
public String toApiDocFilename(String name) {
return toApiFilename(name);
public String toApiFilename(String name) {
// replace - with _ e.g. created-at => created_at
name = name.replaceAll("-", "_"); // FIXME: a parameter should not be assigned. Also declare the methods parameters as 'final'.
// e.g. phone_number_api.rb => PhoneNumberApi.rb
return camelize(name) + "Api";
public String toApiName(String name) {
if (name.length() == 0) {
return "DefaultApi";
// e.g. phone_number_api => PhoneNumberApi
return camelize(name) + "Api";
public String toOperationId(String operationId) {
//rename to empty_function_name_1 (e.g.) if method name is empty
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(operationId)) {
operationId = underscore("empty_function_name_" + emptyFunctionNameCounter++);
LOGGER.warn("Empty method name (operationId) found. Renamed to {}", operationId);
return operationId;
// method name cannot use reserved keyword, e.g. return
if (isReservedWord(operationId)) {
LOGGER.warn("{} (reserved word) cannot be used as method name. Renamed to {}", operationId, underscore(sanitizeName("call_" + operationId)));
return underscore(sanitizeName("call_" + operationId));
// operationId starts with a number
if (operationId.matches("^\\d.*")) {
LOGGER.warn("{} (starting with a number) cannot be used as method name. Renamed to {}", operationId, underscore(sanitizeName("call_" + operationId)));
operationId = "call_" + operationId;
//return underscore(operationId).replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9_]", "");
return underscore(sanitizeName(operationId));
public void setParameterExampleValue(CodegenParameter p) {
String example;
if (p.defaultValue == null) {
example = p.example;
} else {
p.example = p.defaultValue;
String type = p.baseType;
if (type == null) {
type = p.dataType;
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isInteger)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "56";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isLong)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "789";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isDouble)
|| Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isFloat)
|| Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isNumber)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "3.4";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isBoolean)) {
if (Boolean.parseBoolean(p.example)) {
p.example = "1";
} else {
p.example = "0";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isFile) || Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isBinary)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "/path/to/file";
example = "\"" + escapeText(example) + "\"";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isByteArray)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "YmFzZSA2NCBkYXRh";
example = "\"" + escapeText(example) + "\"";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isDate)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "2013-10-20";
example = "DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => str2time('" + escapeText(p.example) + "'))";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isDateTime)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00";
example = "DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => str2time('" + escapeText(p.example) + "'))";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isString)) {
if (example == null) {
example = p.paramName + "_example";
example = "\"" + escapeText(example) + "\"";
} else if (!languageSpecificPrimitives.contains(type)) {
// type is a model class, e.g. User
example = "new " + moduleName + "." + type + "()";
// container
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isArray)) {
example = setPropertyExampleValue(p.items);
example = "(" + example + ")";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isMap)) {
example = setPropertyExampleValue(p.items);
example = "('key' => " + example + "}";
} else if (example == null) {
example = "null";
p.example = example;
protected String setPropertyExampleValue(CodegenProperty p) {
String example;
if (p == null) {
return "null";
if (p.defaultValue == null) {
example = p.example;
} else {
example = p.defaultValue;
String type = p.baseType;
if (type == null) {
type = p.dataType;
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isInteger)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "56";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isLong)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "789";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isDouble)
|| Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isFloat)
|| Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isNumber)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "3.4";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isBoolean)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "true";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isFile) || Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isBinary)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "/path/to/file";
example = "\"" + escapeText(example) + "\"";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isDate)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "2013-10-20";
example = "DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => str2time('" + escapeText(p.example) + "'))";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isDateTime)) {
if (example == null) {
example = "2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00";
example = "DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => str2time('" + escapeText(p.example) + "'))";
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(p.isString)) {
if (example == null) {
example = + "_example";
example = "\"" + escapeText(example) + "\"";
} else if (!languageSpecificPrimitives.contains(type)) {
// type is a model class, e.g. User
example = "new " + moduleName + "." + type + "()";
return example;
public String escapeQuotationMark(String input) {
return input.replace("'", "");
public String escapeUnsafeCharacters(String input) {
// remove =end, =cut to avoid code injection
return input.replace("=begin", "=_begin").replace("=end", "=_end").replace("=cut", "=_cut").replace("=pod", "=_pod");
public void postProcessFile(File file, String fileType) {
super.postProcessFile(file, fileType);
if (file == null) {
String perlTidyPath = System.getenv("PERL_POST_PROCESS_FILE");
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(perlTidyPath)) {
return; // skip if PERL_POST_PROCESS_FILE env variable is not defined
// only process files with .t, .pm extension
if ("t".equals(FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.toString())) ||
"pm".equals(FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.toString())) ||
"pl".equals(FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.toString()))) {
this.executePostProcessor(new String[] {perlTidyPath, "-b", "-bext='/'", file.toString()});
public void postProcess() {
System.out.println("# Thanks for using OpenAPI Generator. #");
System.out.println("# Please consider donation to help us maintain this project \uD83D\uDE4F #");
System.out.println("# #");
System.out.println("# #");
System.out.println("# This generator is created by wing328 ( #");
System.out.println("# Please support his work directly by purchasing a copy of the eBook \ud83d\udcd8 #");
System.out.println("# - OpenAPI Generator for Perl Developers #");
* Convert OAS Model object to Codegen Model object
* A custom version is made for this method to ensure that
* model.format remains empty string
* @param name the name of the model
* @param sc OAS Model object
* @return Codegen Model object
public CodegenModel fromModel(String name, Schema sc) {
CodegenModel cm = super.fromModel(name, sc);
return cm;
* Convert OAS Property object to Codegen Property object
* A custom version is made for this method to ensure that
* property.format remains empty string
* @param name name of the property
* @param p OAS property schema
* @param required true if the property is required in the next higher object schema, false otherwise
* @param schemaIsFromAdditionalProperties true if the property is defined by additional properties schema
* @return Codegen Property object
public CodegenProperty fromProperty(String name, Schema p, boolean required, boolean schemaIsFromAdditionalProperties) {
CodegenProperty property = super.fromProperty(name, p, required, schemaIsFromAdditionalProperties);
return property;
public GeneratorLanguage generatorLanguage() {
return GeneratorLanguage.PERL;
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