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kotlin-client.libraries.multiplatform.infrastructure.ApiClient.kt.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package {{packageName}}.infrastructure

import io.ktor.client.HttpClient
import io.ktor.client.HttpClientConfig
import io.ktor.client.engine.HttpClientEngine
import io.ktor.client.plugins.contentnegotiation.ContentNegotiation
import io.ktor.client.request.*
import io.ktor.client.request.forms.FormDataContent
import io.ktor.client.request.forms.MultiPartFormDataContent
import io.ktor.client.request.header
import io.ktor.client.request.parameter
import io.ktor.client.statement.HttpResponse
import io.ktor.http.ContentType
import io.ktor.serialization.kotlinx.json.json
import io.ktor.http.*
import io.ktor.http.content.PartData
import io.ktor.http.contentType
import kotlin.Unit
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json

import {{packageName}}.auth.*

{{#nonPublicApi}}internal {{/nonPublicApi}}open class ApiClient(
        private val baseUrl: String
) {

    private lateinit var client: HttpClient

        baseUrl: String,
        httpClientEngine: HttpClientEngine?,
        httpClientConfig: ((HttpClientConfig<*>) -> Unit)? = null,
        jsonBlock: Json,
    ) : this(baseUrl = baseUrl) {
        val clientConfig: (HttpClientConfig<*>) -> Unit by lazy {
                it.install(ContentNegotiation) { json(jsonBlock) }

        client = httpClientEngine?.let { HttpClient(it, clientConfig) } ?: HttpClient(clientConfig)

        baseUrl: String,
        httpClient: HttpClient
    ): this(baseUrl = baseUrl) {
        this.client = httpClient

    private val authentications: kotlin.collections.Map by lazy {
                "{{name}}" to HttpBasicAuth(){{/isBasicBasic}}{{#isBasicBearer}}
                "{{name}}" to HttpBearerAuth("{{scheme}}"){{/isBasicBearer}}{{/isBasic}}{{#isApiKey}}
                "{{name}}" to ApiKeyAuth({{#isKeyInHeader}}"header"{{/isKeyInHeader}}{{^isKeyInHeader}}"query"{{/isKeyInHeader}}, "{{keyParamName}}"){{/isApiKey}}{{#isOAuth}}
                "{{name}}" to OAuth(){{/isOAuth}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/authMethods}})
    private val authentications: kotlin.collections.Map? = null

    {{#nonPublicApi}}internal {{/nonPublicApi}}companion object {
        const val BASE_URL = "{{{basePath}}}"
        val JSON_DEFAULT = Json {
          ignoreUnknownKeys = true
          prettyPrint = true
          isLenient = true
        protected val UNSAFE_HEADERS = listOf(HttpHeaders.ContentType)

     * Set the username for the first HTTP basic authentication.
     * @param username Username
    fun setUsername(username: String) {
        val auth = authentications?.values?.firstOrNull { it is HttpBasicAuth } as HttpBasicAuth?
                ?: throw Exception("No HTTP basic authentication configured")
        auth.username = username

     * Set the password for the first HTTP basic authentication.
     * @param password Password
    fun setPassword(password: String) {
        val auth = authentications?.values?.firstOrNull { it is HttpBasicAuth } as HttpBasicAuth?
                ?: throw Exception("No HTTP basic authentication configured")
        auth.password = password

     * Set the API key value for the first API key authentication.
     * @param apiKey API key
     * @param paramName The name of the API key parameter, or null or set the first key.
    fun setApiKey(apiKey: String, paramName: String? = null) {
        val auth = authentications?.values?.firstOrNull { it is ApiKeyAuth && (paramName == null || paramName == it.paramName)} as ApiKeyAuth?
                ?: throw Exception("No API key authentication configured")
        auth.apiKey = apiKey

     * Set the API key prefix for the first API key authentication.
     * @param apiKeyPrefix API key prefix
     * @param paramName The name of the API key parameter, or null or set the first key.
    fun setApiKeyPrefix(apiKeyPrefix: String, paramName: String? = null) {
        val auth = authentications?.values?.firstOrNull { it is ApiKeyAuth && (paramName == null || paramName == it.paramName) } as ApiKeyAuth?
                ?: throw Exception("No API key authentication configured")
        auth.apiKeyPrefix = apiKeyPrefix

     * Set the access token for the first OAuth2 authentication.
     * @param accessToken Access token
    fun setAccessToken(accessToken: String) {
        val auth = authentications?.values?.firstOrNull { it is OAuth } as OAuth?
                ?: throw Exception("No OAuth2 authentication configured")
        auth.accessToken = accessToken

     * Set the access token for the first Bearer authentication.
     * @param bearerToken The bearer token.
    fun setBearerToken(bearerToken: String) {
        val auth = authentications?.values?.firstOrNull { it is HttpBearerAuth } as HttpBearerAuth?
                ?: throw Exception("No Bearer authentication configured")
        auth.bearerToken = bearerToken

    protected suspend fun  multipartFormRequest(requestConfig: RequestConfig, body: kotlin.collections.List?, authNames: kotlin.collections.List): HttpResponse {
        return request(requestConfig, MultiPartFormDataContent(body ?: listOf()), authNames)

    protected suspend fun  urlEncodedFormRequest(requestConfig: RequestConfig, body: Parameters?, authNames: kotlin.collections.List): HttpResponse {
        return request(requestConfig, FormDataContent(body ?: Parameters.Empty), authNames)

    protected suspend fun  jsonRequest(requestConfig: RequestConfig, body: Any? = null, authNames: kotlin.collections.List): HttpResponse = request(requestConfig, body, authNames)

    protected suspend fun  request(requestConfig: RequestConfig, body: Any? = null, authNames: kotlin.collections.List): HttpResponse {
        val headers = requestConfig.headers

        return client.request {
            this.url {
                requestConfig.query.forEach { query ->
                    query.value.forEach { value ->
                        parameter(query.key, value)
            this.method = requestConfig.method.httpMethod
            headers.filter { header -> !UNSAFE_HEADERS.contains(header.key) }.forEach { header -> this.header(header.key, header.value) }
            if (requestConfig.method in listOf(RequestMethod.PUT, RequestMethod.POST, RequestMethod.PATCH)) {
                val contentType = (requestConfig.headers[HttpHeaders.ContentType]?.let { ContentType.parse(it) }
                    ?: ContentType.Application.Json)

    private fun  RequestConfig.updateForAuth(authNames: kotlin.collections.List) {
        for (authName in authNames) {
            val auth = authentications?.get(authName) ?: throw Exception("Authentication undefined: $authName")
            auth.apply(query, headers)

    private fun URLBuilder.appendPath(components: kotlin.collections.List): URLBuilder = apply {
        encodedPath = encodedPath.trimEnd('/') + components.joinToString("/", prefix = "/") { it.encodeURLQueryComponent() }

    private val RequestMethod.httpMethod: HttpMethod
        get() = when (this) {
            RequestMethod.DELETE -> HttpMethod.Delete
            RequestMethod.GET -> HttpMethod.Get
            RequestMethod.HEAD -> HttpMethod.Head
            RequestMethod.PATCH -> HttpMethod.Patch
            RequestMethod.PUT -> HttpMethod.Put
            RequestMethod.POST -> HttpMethod.Post
            RequestMethod.OPTIONS -> HttpMethod.Options

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