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r.api.mustache Maven / Gradle / Ivy

#' @docType class
#' @title {{baseName}} operations
#' @description {{{description}}}{{^description}}{{{classname}}}{{/description}}
#' @format An \code{R6Class} generator object
#' @field api_client Handles the client-server communication.
#' @section Methods:
{{! Adding the below changes for generating documentation for the api methods. }}
#' \describe{
#' \strong{ {{operationId}} } \emph{ {{#lambdaRdocEscape}}{{summary}}{{/lambdaRdocEscape}} }
#' {{#lambdaRdocEscape}}{{{.}}}{{/lambdaRdocEscape}}
#' \itemize{
#' \item \emph{ @param } {{paramName}} Enum < {{#allowableValues}}{{values}}{{/allowableValues}} >
#' \item \emph{ @param } {{paramName}} list( {{dataType}} )
#' \item \emph{ @param } {{paramName}} list( \link{{=<% %>=}}{<%dataType%>}<%={{ }}=%> )
#' \item \emph{ @param } {{paramName}} named list( {{dataType}} )
#' \item \emph{ @param } {{paramName}} named list( \link{{=<% %>=}}{<%dataType%>}<%={{ }}=%> )
#' \item \emph{ @param } {{paramName}} {{dataType}}
#' \item \emph{ @param } {{paramName}} \link{{=<% %>=}}{<%dataType%>}<%={{ }}=%>
#' \item \emph{ @returnType } {{#returnContainer}}{{#isArray}}list( {{/isArray}}{{#isMap}}named list( {{/isMap}}{{/returnContainer}}\link{{=<% %>=}}{<%#returnContainer%><%={{ }}=%>{{returnBaseType}}{{/returnContainer}}{{^returnContainer}}{{returnType}}{{=<% %>=}}<%/returnContainer%>}<%={{ }}=%>{{#returnContainer}}{{#isArray}} ){{/isArray}}{{#isMap}} ){{/isMap}}{{/returnContainer}} \cr
#' \item On encountering errors, an error of subclass ApiException will be thrown.
#' \item status code : {{code}} | {{{message}}}
#'{{#dataType}} \item return type : {{{.}}}{{/dataType}}
#' \item response headers :
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' {{name}} \tab {{{description}}} \cr
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ####################  {{operationId}}  ####################
#' library({{{packageName}}})
#' var_{{{paramName}}} <- {{{vendorExtensions.x-r-example}}} # {{{dataType}}} | {{{description}}}{{^required}} (Optional){{/required}}
#' #{{{.}}}
#' api_instance <- {{#lambda.lowercase}}{{{packageName}}}{{/lambda.lowercase}}_api$new()
#' api_instance <- {{{classname}}}$new()
#' # Configure HTTP basic authorization: {{{name}}}
#' api_instance$api_client$username <- Sys.getenv("USERNAME")
#' api_instance$api_client$password <- Sys.getenv("PASSWORD")
#' # Configure HTTP bearer authorization: {{{name}}}
#' api_instance$api_client$bearer_token <- Sys.getenv("BEARER_TOKEN")
#' # Configure API key authorization: {{{name}}}
#' api_instance$api_client$api_keys["{{{keyParamName}}}"] <- Sys.getenv("API_KEY")
#' # Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: {{{name}}}
#' api_instance$api_client$access_token <- Sys.getenv("ACCESS_TOKEN")
#' result <- tryCatch(
#'              {{#returnType}}
#'              # to save the result into a file, simply add the optional `data_file` parameter, e.g.
#'              # api_instance{{#generateWrapper}}${{#lambda.snakecase}}{{{classname}}}{{/lambda.snakecase}}{{/generateWrapper}}${{{operationId}}}({{#requiredParams}}var_{{{paramName}}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/requiredParams}}{{#optionalParams}}{{#-first}}{{#requiredParams.0}}, {{/requiredParams.0}}{{/-first}}{{{paramName}}} = var_{{{paramName}}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/optionalParams}}{{#allParams}}{{#-first}}, {{/-first}}{{/allParams}}data_file = "result.txt"),
#'              {{#vendorExtensions.x-streaming}}
#'              # this endpoint supports data streaming via a callback function using the optional `stream_callback` parameter, e.g.
#'              # api_instance{{#generateWrapper}}${{#lambda.snakecase}}{{{classname}}}{{/lambda.snakecase}}{{/generateWrapper}}${{{operationId}}}({{#requiredParams}}var_{{{paramName}}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/requiredParams}}{{#optionalParams}}{{#-first}}{{#requiredParams.0}}, {{/requiredParams.0}}{{/-first}}{{{paramName}}} = var_{{{paramName}}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/optionalParams}}{{#allParams}}{{#-first}}, {{/-first}}{{/allParams}}stream_callback = function(x){ print(length(x)) }),
#'              {{/vendorExtensions.x-streaming}}
#'              {{/returnType}}
#'              api_instance{{#generateWrapper}}${{#lambda.snakecase}}{{{classname}}}{{/lambda.snakecase}}{{/generateWrapper}}${{{operationId}}}({{#requiredParams}}var_{{{paramName}}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/requiredParams}}{{#optionalParams}}{{#-first}}{{#requiredParams.0}}, {{/requiredParams.0}}{{/-first}}{{{paramName}}} = var_{{{paramName}}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/optionalParams}}),
#'              ApiException = function(ex) ex
#'           )
#' # In case of error, print the error object
#' if (!is.null(result$ApiException)) {
#'   print("Exception occurs when calling `{{{operationId}}}`:")
#'   dput(result$ApiException$toString())
#'   {{#errorObjectType}}
#'   # error object
#'   dput(result$ApiException$error_object$toJSONString())
#'   {{/errorObjectType}}
#' }{{#returnType}} else {
#'   # deserialized response object
#'   print("The response is ...")
#'   dput(result$toString())
#' }
#' # This endpoint doesn't return data
#' # to save the result into a file, simply add the optional `data_file` parameter, e.g.
#' # result <- api_instance${{{operationId}}}({{#requiredParams}}var_{{{paramName}}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/requiredParams}}{{#optionalParams}}{{#-first}}{{#requiredParams.0}}, {{/requiredParams.0}}{{/-first}}{{{paramName}}} = var_{{{paramName}}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/optionalParams}}data_file = "result.txt")
#' # this endpoint supports data streaming via a callback function using the optional `stream_callback` parameter, e.g.
#' # api_instance${{{operationId}}}({{#requiredParams}}var_{{{paramName}}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/requiredParams}}{{#optionalParams}}{{#-first}}{{#requiredParams.0}}, {{/requiredParams.0}}{{/-first}}{{{paramName}}} = var_{{{paramName}}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/optionalParams}}{{#allParams}}{{#-first}}, {{/-first}}{{/allParams}}stream_callback = function(x){ print(length(x)) })
#' {{#returnType}}result <- {{/returnType}}api_instance{{#generateWrapper}}${{#lambda.snakecase}}{{{classname}}}{{/lambda.snakecase}}{{/generateWrapper}}${{{operationId}}}({{#requiredParams}}var_{{{paramName}}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/requiredParams}}{{#optionalParams}}{{#-first}}{{#requiredParams.0}}, {{/requiredParams.0}}{{/-first}}{{{paramName}}} = var_{{{paramName}}}{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/optionalParams}})
#' dput(result)
#' }
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @importFrom base64enc base64encode
#' @importFrom rlang abort
#' @export
{{classname}} <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    api_client = NULL,
    #' Initialize a new {{{classname}}}.
    #' @description
    #' Initialize a new {{{classname}}}.
    #' @param api_client An instance of API client.
    #' @export
    initialize = function(api_client) {
      if (!missing(api_client)) {
        self$api_client <- api_client
      } else {
        self$api_client <- ApiClient$new()
    #' {{{summary}}}
    #' @description
    #' {{{description}}}{{^description}}{{{summary}}}{{/description}}
    #' @param {{{paramName}}} {{{description}}}
    #' @param {{{paramName}}} (optional) {{{description}}}{{^description}}No description{{/description}}{{#defaultValue}} (default value: {{{.}}}){{/defaultValue}}
    #' @param stream_callback (optional) callback function to process the data stream
    #' @param data_file (optional) name of the data file to save the result
    #' @param ... Other optional arguments
    #' @return {{{returnType}}}{{^returnType}}void{{/returnType}}
    #' @export
    {{{operationId}}} = function({{#requiredParams}}{{paramName}}, {{/requiredParams}}{{#optionalParams}}{{paramName}} = {{^defaultValue}}NULL{{/defaultValue}}{{{defaultValue}}}, {{/optionalParams}}{{#vendorExtensions.x-streaming}}stream_callback = NULL, {{/vendorExtensions.x-streaming}}{{#returnType}}data_file = NULL, {{/returnType}}...) {
      local_var_response <- self${{{operationId}}}{{WithHttpInfo}}({{#allParams}}{{paramName}}, {{/allParams}}{{#vendorExtensions.x-streaming}}stream_callback = stream_callback, {{/vendorExtensions.x-streaming}}{{#returnType}}data_file = data_file, {{/returnType}}...)
      if (typeof(stream_callback) == "closure") { # return void if streaming is enabled

      if (local_var_response$status_code >= 200 && local_var_response$status_code <= 299) {
      } else if (local_var_response$status_code >= 300 && local_var_response$status_code <= 399) {
      } else if (local_var_response$status_code >= 400 && local_var_response$status_code <= 499) {
      } else if (local_var_response$status_code >= 500 && local_var_response$status_code <= 599) {
    #' {{{summary}}}
    #' @description
    #' {{{description}}}{{^description}}{{{summary}}}{{/description}}
    #' @param {{{paramName}}} {{{description}}}
    #' @param {{{paramName}}} (optional) {{{description}}}{{^description}}No description{{/description}}{{#defaultValue}} (default value: {{{.}}}){{/defaultValue}}
    #' @param stream_callback (optional) callback function to process the data stream
    #' @param data_file (optional) name of the data file to save the result
    #' @param ... Other optional arguments
    #' @return API response ({{{returnType}}}{{^returnType}}void{{/returnType}}) with additional information such as HTTP status code, headers
    #' @export
    {{{operationId}}}{{WithHttpInfo}} = function({{#requiredParams}}{{paramName}}, {{/requiredParams}}{{#optionalParams}}{{paramName}} = {{^defaultValue}}NULL{{/defaultValue}}{{{defaultValue}}}, {{/optionalParams}}{{#vendorExtensions.x-streaming}}stream_callback = NULL, {{/vendorExtensions.x-streaming}}{{#returnType}}data_file = NULL, {{/returnType}}...) {
      args <- list(...)
      query_params <- list()
      header_params <- c()
      form_params <- list()
      file_params <- list()
      local_var_body <- NULL
      oauth_scopes <- NULL
      is_oauth <- FALSE

      if (missing(`{{paramName}}`)) {
        stop("Missing required parameter `{{{paramName}}}`.")
        rlang::abort(message = "Missing required parameter `{{{paramName}}}`.",
                     .subclass = "ApiException",
                     ApiException = ApiException$new(status = 0,
                                                     reason = "Missing required parameter `{{{paramName}}}`."))

      if (nchar(`{{paramName}}`) > {{maxLength}}) {
        stop("Invalid length for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, must be smaller than or equal to {{maxLength}}.")
        rlang::abort(message = "Invalid length for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, must be smaller than or equal to {{maxLength}}.",
                     .subclass = "ApiException",
                     ApiException = ApiException$new(status = 0,
                                                     reason = "Invalid length for ${{paramName}} when calling {{classname}}.{{operationId}}, must be smaller than or equal to {{maxLength}}."))
      if (nchar(`{{paramName}}`) < {{minLength}}) {
        stop("Invalid length for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, must be bigger than or equal to {{minLength}}.")
        rlang::abort(message = "Invalid length for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, must be bigger than or equal to {{minLength}}.",
                     .subclass = "ApiException",
                     ApiException = ApiException$new(status = 0,
                                                     reason = "Invalid length for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, must be bigger than or equal to {{minLength}}."))
      if (`{{paramName}}` >{{#exclusiveMaximum}}={{/exclusiveMaximum}} {{maximum}}) {
        stop("Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, must be smaller than {{^exclusiveMaximum}}or equal to {{/exclusiveMaximum}}{{maximum}}.")
        rlang::abort(message = "Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, must be smaller than {{^exclusiveMaximum}}or equal to {{/exclusiveMaximum}}{{maximum}}.",
                     .subclass = "ApiException",
                     ApiException = ApiException$new(status = 0,
                                                     reason = "Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, must be smaller than {{^exclusiveMaximum}}or equal to {{/exclusiveMaximum}}{{maximum}}."))
      if (`{{paramName}}` <{{#exclusiveMinimum}}={{/exclusiveMinimum}} {{minimum}}) {
        stop("Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, must be bigger than {{^exclusiveMinimum}}or equal to {{/exclusiveMinimum}}{{minimum}}.")
        rlang::abort(message = "Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, must be bigger than {{^exclusiveMinimum}}or equal to {{/exclusiveMinimum}}{{minimum}}.",
                     .subclass = "ApiException",
                     ApiException = ApiException$new(status = 0,
                                                     reason = "Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, must be bigger than {{^exclusiveMinimum}}or equal to {{/exclusiveMinimum}}{{minimum}}."))
      if (!str_detect(`{{paramName}}`, "{{{pattern}}}")) {
        stop("Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, must conform to the pattern {{{pattern}}}.")
        rlang::abort(message = "Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, must conform to the pattern {{{pattern}}}.",
                     .subclass = "ApiException",
                     ApiException = ApiException$new(status = 0,
                                                     reason = "Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, must conform to the pattern {{{pattern}}}."))
      if (length(`{{paramName}}`) > {{maxItems}}) {
        stop("Invalid length for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, number of items must be less than or equal to {{maxItems}}.")
        rlang::abort(message = "Invalid length for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, number of items must be less than or equal to {{maxItems}}.",
                     .subclass = "ApiException",
                     ApiException = ApiException$new(status = 0,
                                                     reason = "Invalid length for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, number of items must be less than or equal to {{maxItems}}."))
      if (length(`{{paramName}}`) < {{minItems}}) {
        stop("Invalid length for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, number of items must be greater than or equal to {{minItems}}.")
        rlang::abort(message = "Invalid length for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, number of items must be greater than or equal to {{minItems}}.",
                     .subclass = "ApiException",
                     ApiException = ApiException$new(status = 0,
                                                     reason = "Invalid length for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}, number of items must be greater than or equal to {{minItems}}."))

      header_params["{{baseName}}"] <- `{{paramName}}`

      # check if items are unique
      if (!identical(`{{{paramName}}}`, unique(`{{{paramName}}}`))) {
        stop("Invalid value for {{{paramName}}} when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}. Items must be unique.")
        rlang::abort(message = "Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}. Items must be unique.",
                     .subclass = "ApiException",
                     ApiException = ApiException$new(status = 0,
                                                     reason = "Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}. Items must be unique."))
      # explore
      for (query_item in `{{{paramName}}}`) {
        # validate enum values
        if (!(query_item %in% c({{#_enum}}"{{{.}}}"{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/_enum}}))) {
          stop("Invalid value for {{{paramName}}} when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}. Must be {{_enum}}.")
          rlang::abort(message = "Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}. Must be {{_enum}}.",
                       .subclass = "ApiException",
                       ApiException = ApiException$new(status = 0,
                                                       reason = "Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}. Must be {{_enum}}."))
        query_params[["{{{baseName}}}"]] <- c(query_params[["{{{baseName}}}"]], list(`{{{baseName}}}` = query_item))
      # no explore
      # validate enum values
      for (query_item in `{{{paramName}}}`) {
        if (!(query_item %in% c({{#_enum}}"{{{.}}}"{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/_enum}}))) {
          stop("Invalid value for {{{paramName}}} when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}. Must be {{_enum}}.")
          rlang::abort(message = "Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}. Must be {{_enum}}.",
                       .subclass = "ApiException",
                       ApiException = ApiException$new(status = 0,
                                                       reason = "Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}. Must be {{_enum}}."))
      query_params[["{{{baseName}}}"]] <- I(paste(lapply(`{{{paramName}}}`, URLencode, reserved = TRUE), collapse = ","))
      # explore
      for (query_item in `{{{paramName}}}`) {
        # validate enum values
        if (!(query_item %in% c({{#_enum}}"{{{.}}}"{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/_enum}}))) {
          stop("Invalid value for {{{paramName}}} when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}. Must be {{_enum}}.")
          rlang::abort(message = "Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}. Must be {{_enum}}.",
                       .subclass = "ApiException",
                       ApiException = ApiException$new(status = 0,
                                                       reason = "Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}. Must be {{_enum}}."))
        query_params[["{{{baseName}}}"]] <- c(query_params[["{{{baseName}}}"]], list(`{{{baseName}}}` = query_item))
      # no explore
      # validate enum values
      for (query_item in `{{{paramName}}}`) {
        if (!(query_item %in% c({{#_enum}}"{{{.}}}"{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/_enum}}))) {
          stop("Invalid value for {{{paramName}}} when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}. Must be {{_enum}}.")
          rlang::abort(message = "Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}. Must be {{_enum}}.",
                       .subclass = "ApiException",
                       ApiException = ApiException$new(status = 0,
                                                       reason = "Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}. Must be {{_enum}}."))
      query_params[["{{{baseName}}}"]] <- I(paste(lapply(`{{{paramName}}}`, URLencode, reserved = TRUE), collapse = ","))
      if (!(`{{paramName}}` %in% c({{#_enum}}"{{{.}}}"{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/_enum}}))) {
        stop("Invalid value for {{{paramName}}} when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}. Must be {{_enum}}.")
        rlang::abort(message = "Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}. Must be {{_enum}}.",
                     .subclass = "ApiException",
                     ApiException = ApiException$new(status = 0,
                                                     reason = "Invalid value for `{{paramName}}` when calling {{classname}}${{operationId}}. Must be {{_enum}}."))
      query_params[["{{baseName}}"]] <- `{{paramName}}`

      form_params["{{baseName}}"] <- `{{paramName}}`
      file_params["{{baseName}}"] <- httr::upload_file(`{{paramName}}`)
      file_params["{{baseName}}"] <- curl::form_file(`{{paramName}}`)
      if (!is.null(`{{paramName}}`)) {
        body.items <- paste(unlist(lapply(`{{paramName}}`, function(param) {
                                                         })), collapse = ",")
        local_var_body <- paste0("[", body.items, "]")
        local_var_body <- `{{paramName}}`$toJSONString()
      } else {
        body <- NULL

      local_var_url_path <- "{{path}}"
      if (!missing(`{{paramName}}`)) {
        {{=< >=}}
        local_var_url_path <- gsub("\\{\\}", paste(URLencode(as.character(``), reserved = TRUE), collapse= ",", sep=""), local_var_url_path)
        local_var_url_path <- gsub("\\{\\}", URLencode(as.character(``), reserved = TRUE), local_var_url_path)
        <={{ }}=>

      # HTTP basic auth
      if (!is.null(self$api_client$username) || !is.null(self$api_client$password)) {
        header_params["Authorization"] <- paste("Basic", base64enc::base64encode(charToRaw(paste(self$api_client$username, self$api_client$password, sep = ":"))))
      # Bearer token
      if (!is.null(self$api_client$bearer_token)) {
        header_params["Authorization"] <- paste("Bearer", self$api_client$bearer_token, sep = " ")
      # API key authentication
      if ("{{{keyParamName}}}" %in% names(self$api_client$api_keys) && nchar(self$api_client$api_keys["{{{keyParamName}}}"]) > 0) {
        header_params["{{keyParamName}}"] <- paste(unlist(self$api_client$api_keys["{{keyParamName}}"]), collapse = "")
      if ("{{{keyParamName}}}" %in% names(self$api_client$api_keys) && nchar(self$api_client$api_keys["{{{keyParamName}}}"]) > 0) {
        query_params["{{keyParamName}}"] <- paste(unlist(self$api_client$api_keys["{{keyParamName}}"]), collapse = "")
      # OAuth-related settings
      is_oauth <- TRUE
      oauth_scopes <- "{{#scopes}}{{scope}}{{^-last}} {{/-last}}{{/scopes}}"

      # The Accept request HTTP header
      local_var_accepts <- list({{#produces}}"{{{mediaType}}}"{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/produces}})

      # The Content-Type representation header
      local_var_content_types <- list({{#consumes}}"{{{mediaType}}}"{{^-last}}, {{/-last}}{{/consumes}})

      local_var_resp <- self$api_client$CallApi(url = paste0(self$api_client$base_path, local_var_url_path),
                                 method = "{{httpMethod}}",
                                 query_params = query_params,
                                 header_params = header_params,
                                 form_params = form_params,
                                 file_params = file_params,
                                 accepts = local_var_accepts,
                                 content_types = local_var_content_types,
                                 body = local_var_body,
                                 is_oauth = is_oauth,
                                 oauth_scopes = oauth_scopes,
                                 stream_callback = stream_callback,

      if (typeof(stream_callback) == "closure") { # return void if streaming is enabled

      if (local_var_resp$status_code >= 200 && local_var_resp$status_code <= 299) {
        local_var_content <- local_var_resp$response
          local_var_resp, "text", encoding = "UTF-8", simplifyVector = FALSE
        # save response in a file
        if (!is.null(data_file)) {
          write(local_var_content, data_file)

        # save response in a file
        if (!is.null(data_file)) {
          write(local_var_resp$response, data_file)

        deserialized_resp_obj <- tryCatch(
          self$api_client$deserialize(local_var_resp$response_as_text(), "{{returnType}}", loadNamespace("{{packageName}}")),
          error = function(e) {
            stop("Failed to deserialize response")
            rlang::abort(message = "Failed to deserialize response",
                         .subclass = "ApiException",
                         ApiException = ApiException$new(http_response = local_var_resp))
        local_var_resp$content <- deserialized_resp_obj
        {{! Returning the ApiResponse object with NULL object when the endpoint doesn't return anything}}
        local_var_resp$content <- NULL
      } else if (local_var_resp$status_code >= 300 && local_var_resp$status_code <= 399) {
        local_var_error_msg <- local_var_resp$response
        if (local_var_error_msg == "") {
          local_var_error_msg <- paste("Server returned ", local_var_resp$status_code, " response status code.")
        rlang::abort(message = local_var_error_msg,
                     .subclass = "ApiException",
                     ApiException = ApiException$new(http_response = local_var_resp))
        ApiResponse$new(paste("Server returned ", local_var_resp$status_code, " response status code."), local_var_resp)
      } else if (local_var_resp$status_code >= 400 && local_var_resp$status_code <= 499) {
        local_var_error_msg <- local_var_resp$response
        if (local_var_error_msg == "") {
          local_var_error_msg <- "Api client exception encountered."
        rlang::abort(message = local_var_error_msg,
                     .subclass = "ApiException",
                     ApiException = ApiException$new(http_response = local_var_resp))
        ApiResponse$new("API client error", local_var_resp)
      } else if (local_var_resp$status_code >= 500 && local_var_resp$status_code <= 599) {
        local_var_error_msg <- local_var_resp$response
        if (local_var_error_msg == "") {
          local_var_error_msg <- "Api server exception encountered."
        rlang::abort(message = error_msg,
                     .subclass = "ApiException",
                     ApiException = ApiException$new(http_response = local_var_resp))
        if (is.null(local_var_resp$response) || local_var_resp$response == "") {
          local_var_resp$response <- "API server error"

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