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org.opencadc.fits.slice.NDimensionalSlicer Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 *  (c) 2020.                            (c) 2020.
 *  Government of Canada                 Gouvernement du Canada
 *  National Research Council            Conseil national de recherches
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package org.opencadc.fits.slice;

import ca.nrc.cadc.util.StringUtil;
import ca.nrc.cadc.wcs.exceptions.NoSuchKeywordException;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import nom.tam.fits.BasicHDU;
import nom.tam.fits.Fits;
import nom.tam.fits.FitsException;
import nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory;
import nom.tam.fits.Header;
import nom.tam.fits.HeaderCard;
import nom.tam.fits.HeaderCardException;
import nom.tam.fits.ImageData;
import nom.tam.fits.ImageHDU;
import nom.tam.fits.header.DataDescription;
import nom.tam.fits.header.IFitsHeader;
import nom.tam.fits.header.Standard;
import nom.tam.image.StreamingTileImageData;
import nom.tam.image.compression.CompressedImageTiler;
import nom.tam.image.compression.hdu.CompressedImageHDU;
import nom.tam.util.FitsOutputStream;
import nom.tam.util.RandomAccessFileIO;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.opencadc.fits.HDUIterator;
import org.opencadc.fits.NoOverlapException;
import org.opencadc.fits.RandomAccessStorageObject;
import org.opencadc.soda.ExtensionSlice;
import org.opencadc.soda.PixelRange;
import org.opencadc.soda.server.Cutout;

 * Slice out a portion of an image.  This class will support the SODA Shapes and will delegate each cutout to its
 * appropriate handler (e.g. CircleCutout, EnergyCutout, etc.).
public class NDimensionalSlicer {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(NDimensionalSlicer.class);

    public NDimensionalSlicer() {

     * Perform a slice operation from the input File.  Implementors will walk through the File, skipping unwanted bytes.

This implementation relies on the NOM TAM FITS API to be able to look up an HDU by its Extension Name * (EXTNAME) and, optionally, it's Extension Version (EXTVER). This may affect an * underlying Fits(InputStream) unless the InputStream can handle resetting and marking. * *

It is NOT the responsibility of this method to manage the given OutputStream. The caller will * need to close it and ensure it's open outside the bounds of this method. * * @param fitsFile The File to read bytes from. This method will not close this file. * @param cutout The cutout specification. * @param outputStream Where to write bytes to. This method will not close this stream. * @throws FitsException Any FITS related errors from the NOM TAM Fits library. * @throws IOException Reading Writing errors. * @throws NoOverlapException Client error to inform that the supplied cutout is valid but yields no results. * @throws NoSuchKeywordException Reading the FITS file failed. */ public void slice(final File fitsFile, final Cutout cutout, final OutputStream outputStream) throws FitsException, IOException, NoSuchKeywordException, NoOverlapException { slice(new RandomAccessStorageObject(fitsFile, "r"), cutout, outputStream); } /** * Perform a slice operation from the input RandomAccess. Implementors will walk through the RandomAccess, skipping * unwanted bytes. * *

This implementation relies on the NOM TAM FITS API to be able to look up an HDU by its Extension Name * (EXTNAME) and, optionally, it's Extension Version (EXTVER). This may affect an * underlying Fits(InputStream) unless the InputStream can handle resetting and marking. * *

It is NOT the responsibility of this method to manage the given OutputStream. The caller will * need to close it and ensure it's open outside the bounds of this method. * * @param randomAccessDataObject The RandomAccess object to read bytes from. This method will not close * this file. * @param cutout The cutout specification. * @param outputStream Where to write bytes to. This method will not close this stream. * @throws FitsException Any FITS related errors from the NOM TAM Fits library. * @throws IOException Reading Writing errors. * @throws NoOverlapException Client error to inform that the supplied cutout is valid but yields no results. * @throws NoSuchKeywordException Reading the FITS file failed. */ public void slice(final RandomAccessFileIO randomAccessDataObject, final Cutout cutout, final OutputStream outputStream) throws FitsException, IOException, NoOverlapException, NoSuchKeywordException { final FitsOutputStream output = new FitsOutputStream(outputStream); slice(randomAccessDataObject, cutout, output); } private void slice(final RandomAccessFileIO randomAccessDataObject, final Cutout cutout, final FitsOutputStream output) throws FitsException, IOException, NoOverlapException, NoSuchKeywordException { if (isEmpty(cutout)) { throw new IllegalStateException("No cutout specified."); } // Single Fits object for the slice. It maintains state about itself such as the current read offset. final Fits fitsInput = new Fits(randomAccessDataObject); // Reduce the requested extensions to only those that overlap. final Map> overlapHDUs = getOverlap(fitsInput, cutout); if (overlapHDUs.isEmpty()) { throw new NoOverlapException(); } else { LOGGER.debug("Found " + overlapHDUs.size() + " overlapping slices."); } // This count is available because the getOverlap call above will read through and cache the HDUs. final int hduCount = fitsInput.getNumberOfHDUs(); // The count will indicate the number of reads into the file that were needed to get to the farthest requested // HDU. This DEBUG is here to help optimize the I/O. All other getHDU() calls will use the cached list of HDUs // in the Fits object and will not need a read. LOGGER.debug("Number of reads: " + hduCount); // Read the primary header first. final BasicHDU firstHDU = fitsInput.getHDU(0); if (firstHDU == null) { throw new FitsException("Invalid FITS file (No primary HDU)."); } // MEF output is expected if the number of requested HDUs, or the number of requested values is greater than // one. final boolean mefOutput = overlapHDUs.size() > 1 || overlapHDUs.values().stream().mapToInt(List::size).sum() > 1; final boolean mefInput = hduCount > 1; // Will write out to an ArrayDataOutput stream at the end. final Fits fitsOutput = new Fits(); LOGGER.debug("\nMEF Output: " + mefOutput + "\nMEF Input: " + mefInput); // The caller is expecting more than one extension. boolean firstHDUAlreadyWritten = false; if (mefInput && mefOutput) { final boolean hasData = (firstHDU.getData() != null && firstHDU.getData().getSize() > 0); // If this primary HDU has no data, then simply add it with some minor verification. if (!hasData) { final Header primaryHeader = firstHDU.getHeader(); final Header headerCopy = copyHeader(primaryHeader); setupPrimaryHeader(headerCopy, overlapHDUs.size()); fitsOutput.addHDU(FitsFactory.hduFactory(headerCopy, new ImageData())); firstHDUAlreadyWritten = true; } // Otherwise, the primary HDU has data so treat it like any other HDU in the loop below. } // Output a simple FITS file otherwise. // Iterate the requested cutouts. Lookup the HDU for each one and use the NOM TAM Tiler to pull out an // array of primitives. for (final Map.Entry> overlap : overlapHDUs.entrySet()) { final Integer nextHDUIndex = overlap.getKey(); LOGGER.debug("Next extension slice value at extension " + nextHDUIndex); try { final BasicHDU hdu = fitsInput.getHDU(nextHDUIndex); writeSlices(hdu, overlap.getValue(), fitsOutput, mefOutput, firstHDUAlreadyWritten, overlapHDUs.size() - 1); // If it wasn't true before, it is now. firstHDUAlreadyWritten = true; } finally { try { // Flush out any buffers. output.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.warn("Tried to flush output.", e); } } } fitsOutput.write(output); } private void setupPrimaryHeader(final Header header, final int nextEndSize) throws HeaderCardException { final HeaderCard nextEndCard = header.findCard(DataDescription.NEXTEND); // Adjust the NEXTEND appropriately. if (nextEndCard == null) { header.addValue(DataDescription.NEXTEND, nextEndSize); } else { nextEndCard.setValue(nextEndSize); } final HeaderCard extendFlagCard = header.findCard(Standard.EXTEND); // Adjust the EXTEND appropriately. if (extendFlagCard == null) { header.addValue(Standard.EXTEND, true); } else { extendFlagCard.setValue(true); } } private void setupImageHeader(final Header header, final boolean mefOutput, final boolean firstHDUAlreadyWritten, final int nextEndSize, final int[] dimensions) throws FitsException { header.deleteKey(Standard.SIMPLE); header.deleteKey(Standard.XTENSION); header.deleteKey(Standard.EXTEND); header.deleteKey(Standard.TFIELDS); if (mefOutput) { if (firstHDUAlreadyWritten) { header.addValue(Standard.XTENSION, Standard.XTENSION_IMAGE); } else { header.addValue(Standard.SIMPLE, Boolean.TRUE); setupPrimaryHeader(header, nextEndSize); } } else { // MEF input to simple output. header.addValue(Standard.SIMPLE, Boolean.TRUE); } // Values set as per FITS standard for IMAGE and SIMPLE extensions. header.addValue(Standard.PCOUNT, 0); header.addValue(Standard.GCOUNT, 1); } private void writeSlices(final BasicHDU hdu, List extensionSliceList, final Fits fitsOutput, final boolean mefOutput, final boolean firstHDUAlreadyWritten, final int nextEndSize) throws FitsException, NoOverlapException { final int[] dimensions; final Header header; if (hdu instanceof CompressedImageHDU) { final CompressedImageHDU compressedImageHDU = (CompressedImageHDU) hdu; // Follow the ZNAXISn values, if present. dimensions = compressedImageHDU.getImageAxes(); header = compressedImageHDU.getImageHeader(); final Header originalHeader = compressedImageHDU.getHeader(); // EXTNAME and EXTVER aren't copied for some reason. if (originalHeader.containsKey(Standard.EXTNAME) && !originalHeader.getStringValue(Standard.EXTNAME).equals("COMPRESSED_IMAGE")) { header.addValue(Standard.EXTNAME, originalHeader.getStringValue(Standard.EXTNAME)); } if (originalHeader.containsKey(Standard.EXTVER)) { header.addValue(Standard.EXTVER, originalHeader.getIntValue(Standard.EXTNAME)); } } else { dimensions = hdu.getAxes(); header = hdu.getHeader(); } LOGGER.debug("Writing slices with dimensions of " + Arrays.toString(dimensions)); for (final ExtensionSlice extensionSliceValue : extensionSliceList) { if (extensionSliceValue.getPixelRanges().isEmpty()) { fitsOutput.addHDU(hdu); } else if (dimensions == null) { throw new NoOverlapException(); } else { final int dimensionLength = dimensions.length; final int[] corners = new int[dimensionLength]; final int[] lengths = new int[dimensionLength]; final int[] steps = new int[dimensionLength]; // We copy the header to preserve as much as we can, then we'll remove whatever is inappropriate. final Header headerCopy = copyHeader(header); fillCornersAndLengths(dimensions, headerCopy, extensionSliceValue, corners, lengths, steps); // The data contained in this HDU cannot be used to slice from. if (corners.length == 0) { throw new NoOverlapException(); } LOGGER.debug("Tiling out " + Arrays.toString(lengths) + " at corner " + Arrays.toString(corners) + " from extension " + hdu.getTrimmedString(Standard.EXTNAME) + "," + header.getIntValue(Standard.EXTVER, 1)); // Adjust WCS headers as needed. WCSCutoutUtil.adjustHeaders(headerCopy, dimensionLength, corners, steps); setupImageHeader(headerCopy, mefOutput, firstHDUAlreadyWritten, nextEndSize, dimensions); final StreamingTileImageData streamingTileImageData; if (hdu instanceof CompressedImageHDU) { final CompressedImageHDU compressedImageHDU = (CompressedImageHDU) hdu; final CompressedImageTiler compressedImageTiler = new CompressedImageTiler(compressedImageHDU); streamingTileImageData = new StreamingTileImageData(headerCopy, compressedImageTiler, corners, lengths, steps); } else { // Assume ImageHDU streamingTileImageData = new StreamingTileImageData(headerCopy, ((ImageHDU) hdu).getTiler(), corners, lengths, steps); } fitsOutput.addHDU(new ImageHDU(headerCopy, streamingTileImageData)); } } } private boolean isEmpty(final Cutout cutout) { return cutout.pos == null && == null && cutout.time == null && (cutout.pol == null || cutout.pol.isEmpty()) && cutout.custom == null && cutout.customAxis == null && (cutout.pixelCutouts == null || cutout.pixelCutouts.isEmpty()); } /** * Populate the corners and lengths of the tile to pull. This method will fill the corners, * lengths, and steps arrays to be used by the FITS Tiler. * * @param dimensions The dimension values to pad with. * @param header The Header to set NAXIS values for as they are calculated. * @param extensionSliceValue The requested cutout. * @param corners The corners array to indicate starting pixel points. * @param lengths The lengths of each dimension to cutout. * @param steps For striding, these values will be something other than 1. */ private void fillCornersAndLengths(final int[] dimensions, final Header header, final ExtensionSlice extensionSliceValue, final int[] corners, final int[] lengths, final int[] steps) throws FitsException { LOGGER.debug("Full dimensions are " + Arrays.toString(dimensions)); final int dimensionLength = dimensions.length; // Pad the bounds with the full dimensions as necessary. for (int i = 0; i < dimensionLength; i++) { // Need to pull values in reverse order as the dimensions (axes) are delivered in reverse order. final int maxRegionSize = dimensions[dimensionLength - i - 1]; final List pixelRanges = extensionSliceValue.getPixelRanges(); final int rangeSize = pixelRanges.size(); final PixelRange pixelRange; if (rangeSize > i) { pixelRange = pixelRanges.get(i); } else { pixelRange = new PixelRange(0, maxRegionSize); } final int rangeLowBound = pixelRange.lowerBound; final int rangeUpBound = pixelRange.upperBound; final int rangeStep = pixelRange.step; final int lowerBound = rangeLowBound > 0 ? rangeLowBound - 1 : rangeLowBound; LOGGER.debug("Set lowerBound to " + lowerBound + " from rangeLowBound " + rangeLowBound); final int upperBound; final int step; if (lowerBound > rangeUpBound) { upperBound = rangeUpBound - 2; step = rangeStep * -1; } else { upperBound = rangeUpBound; step = rangeStep; } final int nextLength = Math.min((upperBound - lowerBound), maxRegionSize); LOGGER.debug("Length is " + nextLength + " (" + upperBound + " - " + lowerBound + "):" + step); // Adjust the NAXISn header appropriately. If the step value does not divide perfectly into the length, // then there will be an extra write, so add 1 where necessary. header.addValue(Standard.NAXISn.n(i + 1), (nextLength / step) + ((nextLength % step) == 0 ? 0 : 1)); // Need to set the values backwards (reverse order) to match the dimensions. corners[corners.length - i - 1] = lowerBound; // Need to set the values backwards (reverse order) to match the dimensions. lengths[lengths.length - i - 1] = nextLength; // Need to set the values backwards (reverse order) to match the dimensions. steps[steps.length - i - 1] = step; } } /** * Make a copy of the header. Adjusting the source one directly with an underlying File will result in the source * file being modified. * * @param source The source Header. * @return Header object with reproduced cards. Never null. * @throws HeaderCardException Any I/O with Header Cards. */ private Header copyHeader(final Header source) throws HeaderCardException { final Header destination = new Header(); for (final Iterator headerCardIterator = source.iterator(); headerCardIterator.hasNext(); ) { final HeaderCard headerCard =; final String headerCardKey = headerCard.getKey(); final Class valueType = headerCard.valueType(); // Check for blank lines or just plain comments that are not standard FITS comments. if (!StringUtil.hasText(headerCardKey)) { destination.addValue(headerCardKey, (String) null, headerCard.getComment()); } else if (Standard.COMMENT.key().equals(headerCardKey)) { destination.insertComment(headerCard.getComment()); } else if (Standard.HISTORY.key().equals(headerCardKey)) { destination.insertHistory(headerCard.getComment()); } else { if (valueType == String.class || valueType == null) { destination.addValue(headerCardKey, headerCard.getValue(), headerCard.getComment()); } else if (valueType == Boolean.class) { destination.addValue(headerCardKey, Boolean.parseBoolean(headerCard.getValue()), headerCard.getComment()); } else if (valueType == Integer.class || valueType == BigInteger.class) { destination.addValue(headerCardKey, new BigInteger(headerCard.getValue()), headerCard.getComment()); } else if (valueType == Long.class) { destination.addValue(headerCardKey, Long.parseLong(headerCard.getValue()), headerCard.getComment()); } else if (valueType == Double.class) { destination.addValue(headerCardKey, Double.parseDouble(headerCard.getValue()), headerCard.getComment()); } else if (valueType == BigDecimal.class) { destination.addValue(headerCardKey, new BigDecimal(headerCard.getValue()), headerCard.getComment()); } else if (valueType == Float.class) { destination.addValue(headerCardKey, Float.parseFloat(headerCard.getValue()), headerCard.getComment()); } } } return destination; } private void addHeaderCard(final Header destination, final IFitsHeader headerCard, final Class valueType, final String value) throws FitsException { final String headerCardKey = headerCard.key(); // Check for blank lines or just plain comments that are not standard FITS comments. if (!StringUtil.hasText(headerCardKey)) { destination.addValue(headerCardKey, (String) null, headerCard.comment()); } else if (Standard.COMMENT.key().equals(headerCardKey)) { destination.insertComment(headerCard.comment()); } else if (Standard.HISTORY.key().equals(headerCardKey)) { destination.insertHistory(headerCard.comment()); } else { if (valueType == String.class || valueType == null) { destination.addValue(headerCardKey, value, headerCard.comment()); } else if (valueType == Boolean.class) { destination.addValue(headerCardKey, Boolean.parseBoolean(value), headerCard.comment()); } else if (valueType == Integer.class || valueType == BigInteger.class) { destination.addValue(headerCardKey, new BigInteger(value), headerCard.comment()); } else if (valueType == Long.class) { destination.addValue(headerCardKey, Long.parseLong(value), headerCard.comment()); } else if (valueType == Double.class) { destination.addValue(headerCardKey, Double.parseDouble(value), headerCard.comment()); } else if (valueType == BigDecimal.class) { destination.addValue(headerCardKey, new BigDecimal(value), headerCard.comment()); } else if (valueType == Float.class) { destination.addValue(headerCardKey, Float.parseFloat(value), headerCard.comment()); } } } private boolean matchHDU(final BasicHDU hdu, final String extensionName, final Integer extensionVersion) { final String extName = hdu.getTrimmedString(Standard.EXTNAME); // Only carry on if this HDU has an EXTNAME value. if (extName != null) { // FITS dictates the default EXTVER is 1 if not present. // // final int extVer = hdu.getHeader().getIntValue(Standard.EXTVER, 1); // Ensure the extension name matches as that's a requirement. By default the extVer value will be 1, // which will match if no extensionVersion was requested. Otherwise, ensure the extVer matches the // requested value. Boxing extVer into a new Integer() alleviates a NullPointerException from possibly // occurring. return extName.equalsIgnoreCase(extensionName) && (((extensionVersion == null) && (extVer == 1)) || (Integer.valueOf(extVer).equals(extensionVersion))); } return false; } private void mapOverlap(final Header header, final Cutout cutout, final int hduIndex, final Map> overlapHDUIndexesSlices) throws HeaderCardException, NoSuchKeywordException { final PixelRange[] pixelCutoutBounds = WCSCutoutUtil.getBounds(header, cutout); if (pixelCutoutBounds.length > 0) { final ExtensionSlice overlapSlice = new ExtensionSlice(hduIndex); overlapSlice.getPixelRanges().addAll(Arrays.asList(pixelCutoutBounds)); final List overlapSlices = overlapHDUIndexesSlices.containsKey(hduIndex) ? overlapHDUIndexesSlices.get(hduIndex) : new ArrayList<>(); overlapSlices.add(overlapSlice); overlapHDUIndexesSlices.put(hduIndex, overlapSlices); } } // find the subset of slices that overlap the specified HDU; there can be multiple // because the pixel cutout API allows for multiple cutouts (pixel ranges) to be extracted // from a single extension // TODO: if the requested slices contain a mix of extensionName- and extensionIndex-specified // slices, then two of the slices could specify/generate the exact same (duplicate) output (if the // pixelrange(s) are the same or absent private int mapOverlap(final BasicHDU hdu, final int hduIndex, final List extensionSlices, final Map> overlapHDUIndexesSlices) throws FitsException { final List overlappingSlices = new ArrayList<>(); if (hdu != null) { for (final ExtensionSlice slice : extensionSlices) { if (matchHDU(hdu, slice.extensionName, slice.extensionVersion) || ((slice.extensionIndex != null) && (hduIndex == slice.extensionIndex))) { // Entire extension requested, so it matters not that it may not be an Image HDU. if (slice.getPixelRanges().isEmpty()) { overlappingSlices.add(slice); } else if (!(hdu instanceof ImageHDU) && !(hdu instanceof CompressedImageHDU)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Unable to slice from HDU of type: " + hdu.getClass().getSimpleName()); } else { final int[] dims; if (hdu instanceof CompressedImageHDU) { // Follow the ZNAXISn values, if present. dims = ((CompressedImageHDU) hdu).getImageAxes(); } else { dims = hdu.getAxes(); } // We need to reverse this as it comes back from nom-tam-fits final int[] dimensions = IntStream.range(0, dims.length).map(i -> dims[dims.length - i - 1]).toArray(); LOGGER.debug("Dimensions are " + Arrays.toString(dimensions)); final PixelCutout pixelCutout = new PixelCutout(dimensions); final ExtensionSlice overlapSlice = getOverlap(slice, pixelCutout); if (overlapSlice != null) { overlappingSlices.add(overlapSlice); } } } } } if (overlappingSlices.size() > 0) { overlapHDUIndexesSlices.put(hduIndex, overlappingSlices); } return overlappingSlices.size(); } /** * Obtain the overlapping indexes of matching HDUs. This will return a unique list of Integers in file order, * rather than the order that they were requested. * * @param fits The Fits object to scan. * @param cutout The requested cutout. * @return An Map of overlapping hduIndex->slice[], or empty Map. Never null. * @throws FitsException if the header could not be read */ private Map> getOverlap(final Fits fits, final Cutout cutout) throws FitsException, NoOverlapException, NoSuchKeywordException { if ((cutout.pixelCutouts != null) && !cutout.pixelCutouts.isEmpty()) { return getOverlap(fits, cutout.pixelCutouts); } else { // A Set is used to eliminate duplicates from the inner loop below. final Map> overlapHDUIndexesSlices = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // Walk through the cache first. int hduIndex = 0; for (final HDUIterator hduIterator = new HDUIterator(fits); hduIterator.hasNext(); ) { final BasicHDU hdu =; final Header header = hdu.getHeader(); mapOverlap(header, cutout, hduIndex, overlapHDUIndexesSlices); hduIndex++; } return overlapHDUIndexesSlices; } } private Map> getOverlap(final Fits fits, final List extensionSlices) throws FitsException, NoOverlapException { // A Set is used to eliminate duplicates from the inner loop below. final Map> overlapHDUIndexesSlices = new LinkedHashMap<>(); int matchCount = 0; int hduIndex = 0; for (final HDUIterator hduIterator = new HDUIterator(fits); hduIterator.hasNext() && matchCount < extensionSlices.size(); ) { final BasicHDU hdu =; matchCount += mapOverlap(hdu, hduIndex, extensionSlices, overlapHDUIndexesSlices); hduIndex++; } // Check for missing matches. final List matchedValues = overlapHDUIndexesSlices.values().stream().flatMap(Collection::stream).collect(Collectors.toList()); final List containsAll = -> { boolean contained = false; for (final ExtensionSlice extensionSlice : matchedValues) { final List matchedPixelRange = extensionSlice.getPixelRanges(); final List requestedPixelRange = e.getPixelRanges(); LOGGER.debug("\nMatched: " + matchedPixelRange + "\nRequested: " + requestedPixelRange); if ((matchedPixelRange.isEmpty() && requestedPixelRange.isEmpty()) || new HashSet<>(requestedPixelRange).containsAll(matchedPixelRange)) { contained = true; break; } } return !contained; }).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!containsAll.isEmpty()) { throw new NoOverlapException("One or more requested slices could not be found:\n" + containsAll); } return overlapHDUIndexesSlices; } private ExtensionSlice getOverlap(final ExtensionSlice extensionSlice, final PixelCutout pixelCutout) { final PixelRange[] pixelCutoutBounds = pixelCutout.getBounds(extensionSlice); if (pixelCutoutBounds == null) { return null; } else { final ExtensionSlice overlapSlice = extensionSlice.extensionIndex == null ? new ExtensionSlice(extensionSlice.extensionName, extensionSlice.extensionVersion) : new ExtensionSlice(extensionSlice.extensionIndex); overlapSlice.getPixelRanges().addAll(Arrays.asList(pixelCutoutBounds)); return overlapSlice; } } }

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