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*******************  CANADIAN ASTRONOMY DATA CENTRE  *******************
**************  CENTRE CANADIEN DE DONNÉES ASTRONOMIQUES  **************
*  (c) 2021.                            (c) 2021.
*  Government of Canada                 Gouvernement du Canada
*  National Research Council            Conseil national de recherches
*  Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6              Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6
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*  .      pas le cas, consultez :
*                                       .
*  $Revision: 5 $


import ca.nrc.cadc.log.WebServiceLogInfo;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

 * Base REST action class.
 * @author pdowler
public abstract class RestAction implements PrivilegedExceptionAction {

    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RestAction.class);

    public static final String STATE_MODE_KEY = "-" + RestAction.class.getName() + ".state";
    public static final String STATE_OFFLINE = "Offline";
    public static final String STATE_OFFLINE_MSG = "System is offline for maintainence";
    public static final String STATE_READ_ONLY = "ReadOnly";
    public static final String STATE_READ_ONLY_MSG = "System is in read-only mode for maintainence";
    public static final String STATE_READ_WRITE = "ReadWrite";

    public static final String URLENCODED = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
    public static final String MULTIPART = "multipart/form-data";
     * Current readable state. A service is readable in READ_WRITE or READ_ONLY mode.
     * Subclasses that implement application logic must check the readable flag and
     * respond with an appropriate message when necessary.
    protected boolean readable = true;

     * Current writable state. A service is writable in READ_WRITE mode. Subclasses that
     * implement application logic must check the readable flag and respond with an
     * appropriate message when necessary.
    protected boolean writable = true;

     * The application name is a string unique to the application. It
     * can be used to prefix log messages, JNDI key names, etc. that are common
     * to components of the application.
    protected String appName;

     * The componentID is a string unique to a single instance of RestServlet. It
     * can be used to prefix log messages, JNDI key names, System properties, etc.
     * It is not a path like one might get from SyncInput.getContextPath() and should
     * never be parsed or interpreted.
    protected String componentID;

     * Map of init params from the web deployment descriptor. This map does not include
     * the init params that configure the http method action classes.
    protected Map initParams;

     * Wrapper around the HTTP request.
    protected SyncInput syncInput;

     * Wrapper around the HTTP response.
    protected SyncOutput syncOutput;

    protected WebServiceLogInfo logInfo;

    private ServletContext servletContext;

    protected RestAction() {

     * Initialise readable and writable state. This method will only downgrade
     * the state to !readable and !writable and will never restore them to true.
     * In this implementation, the state is stored in system property named
     * with the appName + STATE_MODE_KEY so the state is shared by all endpoints in an
     * application.

The design philosophy is that an application will set the state via a WebService * implementation (see cadc-vosi library), which has access to the same appName. * The VOSI AvailabilityServlet supports POST requests to change the state. So, * a service operator can POST to the /appName/availability resource, the AvailabilityServlet * will call setState(String) on the WebService implementation, and the WebService impl is * responsible for setting the appName + STATE_MODE_KEY system property to one of * STATE_READ_WRITE, STATE_READ_ONLY, or STATE_OFFLINE, and then this method will check the * system property and set readable and writable flags. Finally, RestAction subclasses must check * the flags and allow or disallow the request. */ protected void initState() { String key = appName + STATE_MODE_KEY; String val = System.getProperty(key); log.debug("initState: " + key + "=" + val); if (STATE_OFFLINE.equals(val)) { readable = false; writable = false; } else if (STATE_READ_ONLY.equals(val)) { writable = false; } } /** * Check the service state to determine if a read should go ahead. * * @throws TransientException if service is in Offline state */ protected void checkReadable() throws TransientException { if (!readable) { throw new TransientException(STATE_OFFLINE_MSG, 180); } } /** * Check the service state to determine if a write should go ahead. * * @throws TransientException if service is in ReadOnly or in Offline state */ protected void checkWritable() throws TransientException { if (!writable) { if (readable) { throw new TransientException(STATE_READ_ONLY_MSG, 180); } throw new TransientException(STATE_OFFLINE_MSG, 180); } } // package for RestServlet use void setServletContext(ServletContext servletContext) { this.servletContext = servletContext; } /** * Get URL to a resource in the application context. * * @param resource named resource inside application * @return URL to the resource * @throws MalformedURLException if resource name cannot be part of URL */ protected URL getResource(String resource) throws MalformedURLException { return servletContext.getResource(resource); } /** * Create inline content handler to process non-form data. Non-form data could * be a document or part of a multi-part request). Null return value is allowed * if the service never expects non-form data or wants to ignore non-form data. * * @return configured InlineContentHandler */ protected abstract InlineContentHandler getInlineContentHandler(); /** * Action implemented by subclass. The following exceptions, when thrown by this * function, are automatically mapped into HTTP errors by RestAction class: * *

     * java.lang.IllegalArgumentException : 400
     * : 403 -- should be 401 with a suitable challenge
     * : 403
     * : 404
     * : 409
     * (and subclasses) : 412
     * : 413
     * : 417
     * : 503
* * @throws Exception for standard application failure */ public abstract void doAction() throws Exception; public void setLogInfo(WebServiceLogInfo logInfo) { this.logInfo = logInfo; } public void setAppName(String appName) { this.appName = appName; initState(); } public void setComponentID(String componentID) { this.componentID = componentID; } public void setInitParams(Map initParams) { this.initParams = initParams; } public void setSyncInput(SyncInput syncInput) { this.syncInput = syncInput; } public void setSyncOutput(SyncOutput syncOutput) { this.syncOutput = syncOutput; } // return Object ignored; method signature from PrivilegedExceptionAction @Override public Object run() throws Exception { boolean ioExceptionOnInput = true; try { logInfo.setSuccess(false); if (syncInput != null) { syncInput.init(); ioExceptionOnInput = false; } doAction(); logInfo.setSuccess(true); } catch (AccessControlException ex) { logInfo.setSuccess(true); logInfo.setMessage(ex.getMessage()); handleException(ex, 403, ex.getMessage(), false, false); } catch (CertificateException ex) { handleException(ex, 403, "permission denied -- reason: invalid proxy certficate", false, true); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | UnsupportedOperationException | InlineContentException ex) { logInfo.setSuccess(true); handleException(ex, 400, ex.getMessage(), false, false); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException ex) { logInfo.setSuccess(true); handleException(ex, 404, ex.getMessage(), false, false); } catch (ResourceAlreadyExistsException ex) { logInfo.setSuccess(true); handleException(ex, 409, ex.getMessage(), false, false); } catch (PreconditionFailedException ex) { logInfo.setSuccess(true); handleException(ex, 412, ex.getMessage(), false, false); } catch (ByteLimitExceededException ex) { logInfo.setSuccess(true); handleException(ex, 413, ex.getMessage(), false, false); } catch (ExpectationFailedException ex) { logInfo.setSuccess(true); handleException(ex, 417, ex.getMessage(), false, false); } catch (TransientException ex) { logInfo.setSuccess(true); syncOutput.setHeader(HttpTransfer.SERVICE_RETRY, ex.getRetryDelay()); if (!readable || !writable) { // exception due to service state: keep logs tidy handleException(ex, 503, ex.getMessage(), false, false); } else { handleException(ex, 503, "temporarily unavailable: " + syncInput.getPath(), true, false); } } catch (IOException ex) { if (ioExceptionOnInput) { throw new IOException("failed to read input", ex); } throw ex; } return null; } /** * Add message to logInfo, print stack trace in debug level, and try to send a * response to output. If the output stream has not been opened already, set the * response code and write the message in text/plain. Optionally write a full * except5ion stack trace to output (showExceptions = true). * * @param ex exception to handle * @param code HTTP status code * @param message message body * @param showStackTrace log stack trace * @param showExceptions show exceptions in output * @throws IOException if write to output fails */ protected void handleException( Throwable ex, int code, String message, boolean showStackTrace, boolean showExceptions) throws IOException { logInfo.setMessage(message); if (showStackTrace) { log.error(message, ex); } else { log.debug(message, ex); } if (!syncOutput.isOpen()) { syncOutput.setCode(code); syncOutput.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(message).append("\n"); if (showExceptions) { sb.append(ex.toString()).append("\n"); Throwable cause = ex.getCause(); while (cause != null) { sb.append("cause: "); sb.append(cause.toString()).append("\n"); cause = cause.getCause(); } } byte[] out = sb.toString().getBytes(); syncOutput.setHeader("Content-Length", Integer.toString(out.length)); OutputStream os = syncOutput.getOutputStream(); os.write(out); } else { log.error("unexpected situation: SyncOutput is open", ex); } } }