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--******************  CANADIAN ASTRONOMY DATA CENTRE  *******************
--*************  CENTRE CANADIEN DE DONNÉES ASTRONOMIQUES  **************
--  (c) 2019.                            (c) 2019.
--  Government of Canada                 Gouvernement du Canada
--  National Research Council            Conseil national de recherches
--  Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6              Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6
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--  .      pas le cas, consultez :
--                                       .
--  $Revision: 4 $

-- table names: these can be changed since the names of table used at runtime
-- are configured via the JobDAO.JobSchema class

create table .Job
    jobID                   varchar(16)     not null primary key,
    runID                   varchar,

    ownerID                 varchar(128),

    executionPhase          varchar(16)     not null,
    executionDuration       bigint          not null,
    creationTime            timestamp       not null,
    destructionTime         timestamp,
    quote                   timestamp,
    startTime               timestamp,
    endTime                 timestamp,
    error_summaryMessage    varchar,
    error_type              varchar(16),
    error_documentURL       varchar,
    requestPath             varchar,
    remoteIP                varchar,

    jobInfo_content         varchar,
    jobInfo_contentType     varchar,
    jobInfo_valid           smallint,

    deletedByUser           smallint        default 0,
    lastModified            timestamp       not null

create index job_ownerID on .Job(ownerID)
    where ownerID is not null;

create index job_creationTime on .Job(creationTime);

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