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org.opencadc.vospace.server.auth.VOSpaceAuthorizer Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.opencadc.vospace.server.auth;

import ca.nrc.cadc.auth.AuthenticationUtil;
import ca.nrc.cadc.auth.SignedToken;
import ca.nrc.cadc.cred.client.CredUtil;
import ca.nrc.cadc.profiler.Profiler;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.opencadc.gms.GroupURI;
import org.opencadc.gms.IvoaGroupClient;
import org.opencadc.vospace.ContainerNode;
import org.opencadc.vospace.Node;
import org.opencadc.vospace.NodeProperty;
import org.opencadc.vospace.VOS;
import org.opencadc.vospace.VOSURI;
import org.opencadc.vospace.server.LocalServiceURI;
import org.opencadc.vospace.server.NodePersistence;
import org.opencadc.vospace.server.Utils;

 * Authorization implementation for VO Space.

Important: This class cannot be re-used between HTTP Requests--A new * instance must be created each time. * *

The nodePersistence object must be set for every instance. * * @author majorb * @author adriand */ public class VOSpaceAuthorizer { protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(VOSpaceAuthorizer.class); //public static final String MODE_KEY = VOSpaceAuthorizer.class.getName() + ".state"; //public static final String OFFLINE = "Offline"; //public static final String OFFLINE_MSG = "System is offline for maintainence"; //public static final String READ_ONLY = "ReadOnly"; //public static final String READ_ONLY_MSG = "System is in read-only mode for maintainence"; //public static final String READ_WRITE = "ReadWrite"; //private boolean readable = true; //private boolean writable = true; private final NodePersistence nodePersistence; private final IvoaGroupClient gmsClient = new IvoaGroupClient(); private final Set callerGroups = new HashSet<>(); //cache of caller groups used to minimize service calls private final Profiler profiler = new Profiler(VOSpaceAuthorizer.class); private boolean disregardLocks = false; public VOSpaceAuthorizer(NodePersistence nodePersistence) { if (nodePersistence == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("BUG: nodePersistence cannot be null"); } this.nodePersistence = nodePersistence; } // for unit tests VOSpaceAuthorizer() { this.nodePersistence = null; } public void setDisregardLocks(boolean disregardLocks) { this.disregardLocks = disregardLocks; } /* private void initState() { String key = VOSpaceAuthorizer.MODE_KEY; String val = System.getProperty(key); if (OFFLINE.equals(val)) { readable = false; writable = false; } else if (READ_ONLY.equals(val)) { writable = false; } } public void checkServiceStatus(boolean toWrite) { initState(); if (toWrite && !writable) { throw new IllegalStateException(READ_ONLY_MSG); } if (!readable) { throw new IllegalStateException(OFFLINE_MSG); } } */ /** * Check the read permission on a single node. * *

For full node authorization, use getReadPermission(Node). * * @param node The node to check. * @throws AccessControlException If permission is denied. */ public boolean hasSingleNodeReadPermission(Node node, Subject subject) { log.debug("hasSingleNodeReadPermission: " + Utils.getPath(node) + "\n" + node); if ((node.isPublic != null) && node.isPublic) { return true; // OK } // return true if this is the owner of the node or if a member // of the groupRead or groupWrite property if (subject != null) { if (isOwner(node, subject)) { log.debug("Node owner granted read permission."); return true; // OK } if (isAllocationOwner(node, subject)) { log.debug("Allocation owner granted read permission."); return true; // OK } checkDelegation(node, subject); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(String.format( "Checking group read permission on node \"%s\" (groupRead=\"%s\")", node.getName(), node.getReadOnlyGroup())); } if (hasMembership(node.getReadOnlyGroup(), subject)) { return true; // OK } // the GROUPWRITE property means the user has read+write permission // so check that too if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(String.format( "Checking group write permission on node \"%s\" (groupWrite=\"%s\")", node.getName(), node.getReadWriteGroup())); } return hasMembership(node.getReadWriteGroup(), subject); // OK } return false; } /** * Check the write permission on a single node. * *

For full node authorization, use getWritePermission(Node). * * @param node The node to check. * @throws AccessControlException If permission is denied. */ public boolean hasSingleNodeWritePermission(Node node, Subject subject) { log.debug("hasSingleNodeWritePermission: " + Utils.getPath(node)); if (!disregardLocks && (node.isLocked != null) && node.isLocked) { log.debug("Node locked"); return false; } if (subject != null) { if (isOwner(node, subject)) { log.debug("Node owner granted write permission."); return true; // OK } if (isAllocationOwner(node, subject)) { log.debug("Allocation owner granted write permission"); return true; // OK } checkDelegation(node, subject); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(String.format( "Checking group write permission on node \"%s\" (groupWrite=\"%s\")", node.getName(), node.getReadWriteGroup())); } return hasMembership(node.getReadWriteGroup(), subject); // OK } return false; } /** * Given the groupURI, determine if the user identified by the subject * has membership. * * @param groups The list of groups for a Node * @param subject The user's subject * @return True if the user is a member */ private boolean hasMembership(Set groups, Subject subject) { if (subject.getPrincipals().isEmpty()) { return false; } if (groups == null || groups.isEmpty()) { return false; } Exception firstFail = null; RuntimeException wrapException = null; try { // need credentials in the subject to call GMS if (CredUtil.checkCredentials(subject)) { // make gms calls to see if the user has group membership Set nodeGroups = new HashSet<>(groups); Set diff = new HashSet<>(nodeGroups); diff.removeAll(callerGroups); if (diff.size() < groups.size()) { // a subset is already verified as part of the caller groups log.debug("Found groups in cache"); return true; } try { Set newCallerGroups = gmsClient.getMemberships(nodeGroups); if (!newCallerGroups.isEmpty()) { log.debug("Found groups on the GMS service"); callerGroups.addAll(newCallerGroups); return true; } } catch (InterruptedException | IOException | ResourceNotFoundException ex) { log.debug("failed to call canfar gms service", ex); if (firstFail == null) { firstFail = ex; wrapException = new RuntimeException("failed to check membership with group service", ex); } } } } catch (AccessControlException | CertificateExpiredException | CertificateNotYetValidException ex) { wrapException = new RuntimeException("failed credentials check", ex); } if (wrapException != null) { throw wrapException; } log.debug("User not member of groups " + groups); return false; } // HACK: need to create a privaledged subject for use with CredClient calls // but this needs to be configurable somehow... // for now: compatibility with current system config // private Subject createOpsSubject() // { // File pemFile = new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.pub/proxy.pem"); // return SSLUtil.createSubject(pemFile); // } /** * Check if the specified subject is the owner of the node. * * @param subject subject * @param node node to check * @return true of the current subject is the owner, otherwise false */ boolean isOwner(Node node, Subject subject) { Subject owner = node.owner; if (owner == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("BUG: no owner found for node: " + node); } Set ownerPrincipals = owner.getPrincipals(); Set callerPrincipals = subject.getPrincipals(); for (Principal ownerPrin : ownerPrincipals) { for (Principal callerPrin : callerPrincipals) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(String.format( "Checking owner of node \"%s\" (owner=\"%s\") where user=\"%s\"", node.getName(), ownerPrin, callerPrin)); } if (AuthenticationUtil.equals(ownerPrin, callerPrin)) { return true; // caller===owner } } } return false; } /** * Check if the specified subject is the owner of the allocation a node belongsto. Allocation owner * is identified as the owner of the first node in the path that has an associated quota attribute set. * @param node * @param subject * @return */ boolean isAllocationOwner(Node node, Subject subject) { log.debug("isAllocationOwner: START"); ContainerNode parent = node.parent; while (parent != null) { if (nodePersistence.isAllocation(parent)) { log.debug("found allocation owner: " + parent.ownerID + " at " + parent.getName()); return isOwner(parent, subject); } parent = parent.parent; } log.debug("not found: allocation owner"); return false; } /** * check for delegation cookie and, if present, does an authorization * against it. * * @param node - node authorization is performed against * @param subject - user * @throws AccessControlException - unauthorized access */ private void checkDelegation(Node node, Subject subject) throws AccessControlException { Set tokens = subject.getPublicCredentials(SignedToken.class); for (SignedToken token : tokens) { VOSURI scope = new VOSURI(token.getScope()); LocalServiceURI lsURI = new LocalServiceURI(nodePersistence.getResourceID()); VOSURI tmp = lsURI.getURI(node); while (tmp != null) { if (scope.equals(tmp)) { return; } tmp = tmp.getParentURI(); } String msg = "Scoped search (" + scope + ") on node (" + Utils.getPath(node) + ")- accessed denied"; log.debug(msg); throw new AccessControlException(msg); } } }

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