org.opencastproject.util.UrlSupport Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to The Apereo Foundation under one or more contributor license
* agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional
* information regarding copyright ownership.
* The Apereo Foundation licenses this file to you under the Educational
* Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License
* at:
* http://opensource.org/licenses/ecl2.txt
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* the License.
package org.opencastproject.util;
import static org.opencastproject.util.data.Monadics.mlist;
import static org.opencastproject.util.data.functions.Misc.chuck;
import static org.opencastproject.util.data.functions.Strings.asStringNull;
import org.opencastproject.util.data.Function2;
import java.io.File;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeSet;
* UrlSupport
is a helper class to deal with urls.
public final class UrlSupport {
public static final String DEFAULT_BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8080";
* This class should not be instanciated, since it only provides static utility methods.
private UrlSupport() {
/** URI constructor function without checked exceptions. */
public static URI uri(String uri) {
try {
return new URI(uri);
} catch (Exception e) {
return chuck(e);
/** URL constructor function without checked exceptions. */
public static URL url(String url) {
try {
return new URL(url);
} catch (Exception e) {
return chuck(e);
/** URL constructor function without checked exceptions. */
public static URL url(String protocol, String host, int port) {
try {
return new URL(protocol, host, port, "/");
} catch (Exception e) {
return chuck(e);
* URL constructor function without checked exceptions.
* @see URL
public static URL url(URL context, String spec) {
try {
return new URL(context, spec);
} catch (Exception e) {
return chuck(e);
* Sorts the given urls by path.
* @param urls
* the urls to sort
* @return the sorted urls
public static String[] sort(String[] urls) {
TreeSet set = new TreeSet();
for (int i = 0; i < urls.length; i++)
String[] result = new String[urls.length];
Iterator i = set.iterator();
int index = 0;
while (i.hasNext()) {
result[index++] = i.toString();
return result;
* Concatenates the two urls with respect to leading and trailing slashes.
* Note that returned path will only end with a slash if suffix
does. If you need a trailing slash, see
* {@link #concat(String, String, boolean)}.
* @return the concatenated url of the two arguments
public static String concat(String prefix, String suffix) {
return concat(prefix, suffix, false);
* Concatenates the two urls with respect to leading and trailing slashes. The path will always end with a trailing
* slash.
* @return the concatenated url of the two arguments
public static String concat(String prefix, String suffix, boolean close) {
if (prefix == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument prefix is null");
if (suffix == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument suffix is null");
prefix = checkSeparator(prefix);
suffix = checkSeparator(suffix);
prefix = removeDoubleSeparator(prefix);
suffix = removeDoubleSeparator(suffix);
if (!prefix.endsWith("/") && !suffix.startsWith("/"))
prefix += "/";
if (prefix.endsWith("/") && suffix.startsWith("/"))
suffix = suffix.substring(1);
prefix += suffix;
// Close?
if (close && !prefix.endsWith("/")) {
prefix += "/";
return prefix;
* Concatenates the urls with respect to leading and trailing slashes.
* @param parts
* the parts to concat
* @return the concatenated url
public static String concat(String... parts) {
if (parts == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument parts is null");
if (parts.length == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Array parts is empty");
String path = parts[0];
for (int i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) {
if (parts[i] != null) {
path = concat(path, parts[i]);
return path;
* Concatenates the urls with respect to leading and trailing slashes.
* @param parts
* the parts to concat
* @return the concatenated url
public static String concat(List parts) {
if (parts == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument parts is null");
if (parts.size() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Array parts is empty");
return mlist(parts).reducel(new Function2() {
public String apply(String s, String s1) {
return concat(s, s1);
/** Create a URI from the given parts. */
public static URI uri(Object... parts) {
return URI.create(concat(mlist(parts).map(asStringNull()).value()));
* Returns the trimmed url. Trimmed means that the url is free from leading or trailing whitespace characters, and
* that a directory url like /news/
is closed by a slash (/
* @param url
* the url to trim
* @return the trimmed url
public static String trim(String url) {
if (url == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument url is null");
url = url.trim();
url = checkSeparator(url);
if (url.endsWith("/") || (url.length() == 1))
return url;
int index = url.lastIndexOf("/");
index = url.indexOf(".", index);
if (index == -1)
url += "/";
return url;
* Checks that the path only contains the web path separator "/". If not, wrong ones are replaced.
private static String checkSeparator(String path) {
String sp = File.separator;
if ("\\".equals(sp))
sp = "\\\\";
return path.replaceAll(sp, "/");
* Removes any occurrence of double separators ("//") and replaces it with "/".
* Any double separators right after the protocol part are left untouched so that, e.g. http://localhost
* stays http://localhost
* @param path
* the path to check
* @return the corrected path
public static String removeDoubleSeparator(String path) {
String protocol = "";
int index = path.indexOf("://");
// Strip off the protocol
if (index != -1) {
protocol = path.substring(0, index + 3);
path = path.substring(index + 3);
// Search rest of path for double separators
index = path.indexOf("//", index);
while (index != -1) {
path = path.substring(0, index) + path.substring(index + 1);
index = path.indexOf("//", index);
return protocol + path;
* Returns true
if url a
is a direct prefix of url b
. For example,
* /news
is the parent of /news/today
* Note that a
is also an extended prefix of b
if a
and b
* equal.
* @param a
* the first url
* @param b
* the second url
* @return true
if a
is the direct prefix of b
public static boolean isPrefix(String a, String b) {
if (isExtendedPrefix(a, b)) {
if (a.length() < b.length()) {
String bRest = b.substring(a.length() + 1);
if (bRest.endsWith("/"))
bRest = bRest.substring(0, bRest.length() - 2);
return bRest.indexOf("/", 1) < 0;
} else {
return true;
return false;
* Returns true
if url a
is a prefix of url b
. For example, /news
* is an ancestor of /news/today/morning
* Note that a
is also an extended prefix of b
if a
and b
* equal.
* @param a
* the first url
* @param b
* the second url
* @return true
if a
is a prefix of b
public static boolean isExtendedPrefix(String a, String b) {
if (b.startsWith(a)) {
if (b.length() > a.length())
return a.endsWith("/") || b.substring(a.length()).startsWith("/");
return true;
return false;
* Returns the url extension that url
defines over prefix
. For example, the extension of url
* /news/today
and prefix /news
is today
* If prefix
is not a prefix of url
, this method returns null
, if
* url
and prefix
match, the empty string is returned.
* @param prefix
* the url prefix
* @param url
* the url
* @return the url extension over the prefix
public static String getExtension(String prefix, String url) {
prefix = prefix.trim();
if (isExtendedPrefix(prefix, url)) {
if (url.length() > prefix.length()) {
String extension = url.substring(prefix.length() + 1);
if (extension.endsWith("/")) {
extension = extension.substring(0, extension.length() - 1);
return extension;
} else
return "";
return null;
* Returns the extension that is encoded into the url. Possible extensions are:
* - /*
* - /**
* null
* @param url
* the url with extension
* @return the url extension or null
if no extension can be found
public static String getExtension(String url) {
if (url.endsWith("/**"))
return "/**";
else if (url.endsWith("/*"))
return "/*";
return null;
* Strips off the extension and returns the pure url.
* @param url
* the url with extension
* @return the url
public static String stripExtension(String url) {
String extension = getExtension(url);
if (extension == null)
return url;
return url.substring(0, url.length() - extension.length());
* Returns true
if the url is valid, that is, if it contains only allowed characters.
* @return true
or the invalid character
public static boolean isValid(String url) {
return (checkUrl(url) == null);
* Returns null
if the url is valid, that is, if it contains only allowed characters. Otherwhise, the
* invalid character is returned.
* @return null
or the invalid character
public static Character getInvalidCharacter(String url) {
Character c = checkUrl(url);
return c;
* Returns null
if the url is valid, that is, if it contains only allowed characters. Otherwhise, the
* invalid character is returned.
* @return null
or the invalid character
private static Character checkUrl(String url) {
StringBuffer original = new StringBuffer(url);
for (int i = 0; i < original.length(); i++) {
int value = (new Character(original.charAt(i))).charValue();
// a-z
if (value >= new Character('a').charValue() && value <= new Character('z').charValue()) {
// A-Z
if (value >= new Character('A').charValue() && value <= new Character('Z').charValue()) {
// 0-9
if (value >= new Character('0').charValue() && value <= new Character('9').charValue()) {
// Special characters
if ((value == new Character('-').charValue()) || (value == '_') || (value == '.') || (value == ',')
|| (value == ';')) {
return Character.valueOf(original.charAt(i));
return null;