avro.gel_participant_6_2_0.RDParticipant.avdl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
This protocol defines the Participants and Pedigree
protocol Pedigrees {
import idl "CommonParticipant.avdl";
import idl "VersionControl.avdl";
This is quite GEL specific. This is the way is stored in ModelCatalogue and PanelApp.
Currently all specific disease titles are assigned to a disease subgroup so really only specificDisease needs to be
completed but we add the others for generality
record Disorder {
This is Level2 Title for this disorder
union {null,string} diseaseGroup;
This is Level3 Title for this disorder
union {null,string} diseaseSubGroup;
This is Level4 Title for this disorder.
In GMS, this is the clinicalIndicationFullName/clinicalIndicationCode.
union {null,string} specificDisease;
Age of onset in years
union {null, float} ageOfOnset;
HPO Modifiers
For GMS, hpoModifierCode and hpoModifierVersion will be used
record HpoTermModifiers{
union {null, Laterality} laterality;
union {null, Progression} progression;
union {null, Severity} severity;
union {null, SpatialPattern} spatialPattern;
union {null, string} hpoModifierCode;
union {null, string} hpoModifierVersion;
This defines an HPO term and its modifiers (possibly multiple)
If HPO term presence is unknown we don't have a entry on the list
record HpoTerm {
Identifier of the HPO term
string term;
This is whether the term is present in the participant (default is unknown) yes=term is present in participant,
no=term is not present
union {null, TernaryOption} termPresence;
union {null, string} hpoBuildNumber;
Modifier associated with the HPO term
union {null, array} modifiers;
Age of onset in months
union {null, AgeOfOnset} ageOfOnset;
Affection Status
QCState Status
enum ParticipantQCState {noState, passedMedicalReviewReadyForInterpretation, passedMedicalReviewNotReadyForInterpretation, queryToGel, queryToGMC, failed}
Life Status
enum FamilyQCState {noState, passedMedicalReviewReadyForInterpretation, passedMedicalReviewNotReadyForInterpretation, queryToGel, queryToGMC, failed}
enum Product {DNA, RNA}
adoptedin means adopted into the family
adoptedout means child belonged to the family and was adopted out
enum AdoptedStatus {notadopted, adoptedin, adoptedout}
record DiagnosticDetail{
Diagnosis coding system
string diagnosisCodingSystem;
Diagnosis Coding System Version
union{null, string} diagnosisCodingSystemVersion;
Diagnosis Code
string diagnosisCode;
Diagnosis description
union{null, string} diagnosisDescription;
Diagnosis Certainty
union{null, string} diagnosisCertainty;
Age at diagnosis
union{null, float} ageAtOnsetInYears;
This defines a RD Participant (demographics and pedigree information)
record PedigreeMember {
Numbering used to refer to each member of the pedigree
union {null, int} pedigreeId;
If this field is true, the member should be considered the proband of this family
union {null, boolean} isProband;
participantId. This is the human readable ID in GMS
union {null, string} participantId;
union {null, ParticipantQCState} participantQCState;
superFamily id, this id is built as a concatenation of all
families id in this superfamily i.e, fam10024_fam100457.
NOTE: Retired for GMS
union {null, string} gelSuperFamilyId;
Sex of the Participant
Sex sex;
Karyotypic sex of the participant as previously established or by looking at the GEL genome
union {null, PersonKaryotipicSex} personKaryotypicSex;
Year of Birth
union {null, int} yearOfBirth;
refers to the pedigreeId of the father
Id of the parent, if unknown then no parent is referenced. Parents may need to be entered even if no data is known
about them in order to unambiguously reconstruct the pedigree.
union {null, int} fatherId;
refers to the pedigreeId of the mother
Id of the parent, if unknown then no parent is referenced. Parents may need to be entered even if no data is known
about them in order to unambiguously reconstruct the pedigree.
union {null, int} motherId;
this id is built using the original familyId and the original pedigreeId of the father
NOTE: retired for GMS
union {null, int} superFatherId;
this id is built using the original familyId and the original pedigreeId of the mother
NOTE: Retired for GMS
union {null, int} superMotherId;
Each twin group is numbered, i.e. all members of a group of multiparous births receive the same number
union {null, int} twinGroup;
A property of the twinning group but should be entered for all members
union {null, TernaryOption} monozygotic;
Adopted Status
union {null, AdoptedStatus} adoptedStatus;
Life Status
union {null, LifeStatus} lifeStatus;
The parents of this participant has a consanguineous relationship
union {null, TernaryOption} consanguineousParents;
Affection Status
union {null, AffectionStatus} affectionStatus;
Clinical Data (disorders). If the family member is unaffected as per affectionStatus then this list is empty.
union {null, array} disorderList;
Clinical Data (HPO terms)
union {null, array} hpoTermList;
Participant's ancestries, defined as Mother's/Father's Ethnic Origin and Chi-square test for goodness of fit of this sample to 1000 Genomes Phase 3 populations.
NOTE: for GMS this field has been deprecated in favour of clinicalEthnicities
union {null, Ancestries} ancestries;
What has this participant consented to?
A participant that has been consented to the programme should also have sequence data associated with them; however
this needs to be programmatically checked
union {null, ConsentStatus} consentStatus;
What has this participant consented in the context of a Genomic Test?
union {null, GmsConsentStatus} testConsentStatus;
This is an array containing all the samples that belong to this individual, e.g ["LP00002255_GA4"]
union {null, array} samples;
Inbreeding Coefficient Estimation
union {null, InbreedingCoefficient} inbreedingCoefficient;
We could add a map here to store additional information for example URIs to images, ECGs, etc
Null by default
union {null, map} additionalInformation;
Last Menstrual Period
union {null, string} lastMenstrualPeriod;
Additional set of diagnostic ontology terms
union {null, array} diagnosticDetails;
ParticipantGUID in GMS
union {null, string} participantUid;
ClinicalEthnicity as defined for GMS
union {null, array} clinicalEthnicities;
For GMS cases, previous Treatment History
union {null, array} previousTreatment;
A disease penetrance definition
record DiseasePenetrance {
The disease to which the penetrance applies
string specificDisease;
The penetrance
Penetrance penetrance;
This is the concept of a family with associated phenotypes as present in the record RDParticipant
record Pedigree {
Model version number
union {null, VersionControl} versionControl;
LDP Code (Local Delivery Partner)
union {null, string} LDPCode;
Family identifier which internally translate to a sample set
string familyId;
List of members of a pedigree
array members;
List of panels
union {null, array} analysisPanels;
List of disease penetrances. Moved to referralTest for GMS
union {null, array} diseasePenetrances;
Flag indicating if a pedigree is ready for analysis
boolean readyForAnalysis;
The family quality control status
union {null, FamilyQCState} familyQCState;
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