protobuf.opencb.vcf_record.proto Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
syntax = "proto3";
package protobuf.opencb;
option java_package = "org.opencb.biodata.models.variant.protobuf";
option java_outer_classname = "VcfSliceProtos";
option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true;
//option java_multiple_files = true;
import "protobuf/opencb/variant.proto";
message VcfSample {
repeated string sample_values = 1;
// GT is mandatory. Saving it separately can create a map of genotypes in Fields
uint32 gt_index = 2;
message VcfRecord {
// 1 based
// May contain negative values but it's not likely
int32 relative_start = 1;
// May contain negative values but it's not likely
int32 relative_end = 2;
string reference = 3;
string alternate = 4;
float quality = 5;
VariantType type = 12;
string call = 13;
uint32 filter_index = 6;
repeated string id_non_default = 7;
repeated uint32 info_key_index = 8 [packed=true];
repeated string info_value = 9;
uint32 formatIndex = 10;
repeated VcfSample samples = 11;
repeated AlternateCoordinate secondaryAlternates = 14;
message Fields {
repeated string info_keys = 1;
repeated uint32 default_info_keys = 2;
// Possible filter compositions. Delimited by ';'
// Where the first filter is the default one
repeated string filters = 3;
// Possible formats compositions. Delimited by ':'
// Where the first format is the default one
repeated string formats = 5;
// Possible genotypes seen on the slice.
// Where the first GT is the default one
repeated string gts = 6;
message VcfSlice {
string chromosome = 1;
uint32 position = 2;
repeated VcfRecord records = 3; // List of records (lines)
// VcfMeta metadata = 4;
Fields fields = 4;
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