Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import htsjdk.samtools.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch;
import org.broad.igv.bbfile.*;
import org.opencb.biodata.models.alignment.RegionCoverage;
import org.opencb.biodata.models.core.Region;
import org.opencb.commons.utils.CollectionUtils;
import org.opencb.commons.utils.FileUtils;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
* Created by pfurio on 25/10/16.
public class BamUtils {
* Adjusts the quality value for optimized 8-level mapping quality scores.
* Quality range -> Mapped quality
* 1 -> 1
* 2-9 -> 6
* 10-19 -> 15
* 20-24 -> 22
* 25-29 -> 27
* 30-34 -> 33
* 35-39 -> 27
* >=40 -> 40
* Read more:
* @param quality original quality
* @return Adjusted quality
public static int adjustQuality(int quality) {
final int adjustedQuality;
if (quality <= 1) {
adjustedQuality = quality;
} else {
int qualRange = quality / 5;
switch (qualRange) {
case 0:
case 1:
adjustedQuality = 6;
case 2:
case 3:
adjustedQuality = 15;
case 4:
adjustedQuality = 22;
case 5:
adjustedQuality = 27;
case 6:
adjustedQuality = 33;
case 7:
adjustedQuality = 37;
case 8:
adjustedQuality = 40;
return adjustedQuality;
public static List adjustQuality(List qualities) {
List adjustedQualities = new ArrayList<>(qualities.size());
for (Integer quality : qualities) {
return adjustedQualities;
public static SAMFileHeader getFileHeader(Path input) throws IOException {
SamReaderFactory srf = SamReaderFactory.make();
SamReader reader =;
SAMFileHeader fileHeader = reader.getFileHeader();
return fileHeader;
* Check if the file is a sorted binary bam file.
* @param is Bam InputStream
* @param bamFileName Bam FileName
* @throws IOException
public static void checkBamOrCramFile(InputStream is, String bamFileName) throws IOException {
checkBamOrCramFile(is, bamFileName, true);
* Check if the file is a sorted binary bam file.
* @param is Bam InputStream
* @param bamFileName Bam FileName
* @param checkSort
* @throws IOException
public static void checkBamOrCramFile(InputStream is, String bamFileName, boolean checkSort) throws IOException {
SamReaderFactory srf = SamReaderFactory.make();
SamReader reader =;
SAMFileHeader fileHeader = reader.getFileHeader();
SAMFileHeader.SortOrder sortOrder = fileHeader.getSortOrder();
if (reader.type().equals(SamReader.Type.SAM_TYPE)) {
throw new IOException("Expected binary SAM file. File " + bamFileName + " is not binary.");
if (checkSort) {
switch (sortOrder) {
case coordinate:
case queryname:
case unsorted:
throw new IOException("Expected sorted file. File '" + bamFileName + "' is not sorted by coordinates("
+ + ")");
* Return the coverage average given a window size from the BigWig file passed.
* @param region Region from which return the coverage
* @param windowSize Window size to average
* @param bigwigPath BigWig path with coverage
* @return One average score per window size spanning the region
* @throws IOException If any error happens reading BigWig file
public static RegionCoverage getCoverageFromBigWig(Region region, int windowSize, Path bigwigPath) throws IOException {
BigWigManager bigWigManager = new BigWigManager(bigwigPath);
double[] avgCoverage = bigWigManager.groupBy(region, windowSize);
return new RegionCoverage(region, windowSize, avgCoverage);
* Write in wig file format the coverage for the region given. It uses fixedStep with step equals to 1.
* @param regionCoverage Region containing the coverage values
* @param span Span (to group coverage contiguous values in a mean coverage)
* @param header Flag, to write a header line (assuming fixedStep, and start=1 and step=1)
* @param writer File writer
public static void printWigFormatCoverage(RegionCoverage regionCoverage, int span, boolean header, PrintWriter writer) {
// sanity check
if (span < 1) {
span = 1;
if (header) {
writer.println("fixedStep chrom=" + regionCoverage.getChromosome() + " start=1 step=1 span=" + span);
double[] values = regionCoverage.getValues();
if (span == 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
} else {
int counter = 0;
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
sum += values[i];
if (counter == span) {
writer.println(sum / counter);
counter = 0;
sum = 0;
if (counter > 0) {
writer.println(sum / counter);
* Utility to compute the coverage from a BAM file, and create a wig format file with the coverage values according
* to a window size (i.e., span in wig format specification).
* @param bamPath BAM file
* @param coveragePath Wig file name where to save coverage values
* @param span Span (to group coverage contiguous values in a mean coverage)
* @throws IOException
public static void createCoverageWigFile(Path bamPath, Path coveragePath, int span) throws IOException, AlignmentCoverageException {
SAMFileHeader fileHeader = BamUtils.getFileHeader(bamPath);
AlignmentOptions options = new AlignmentOptions();
BamManager alignmentManager = new BamManager(bamPath);
Iterator iterator = fileHeader.getSequenceDictionary().getSequences().iterator();
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(coveragePath.toFile());
// chunkSize = 100000 (too small, it takes loooooong...)
int chunkSize = Math.max(span, 200000 / span * span);
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
SAMSequenceRecord next =;
for (int i = 0; i < next.getSequenceLength(); i += chunkSize) {
Region region = new Region(next.getSequenceName(), i + 1, Math.min(i + chunkSize, next.getSequenceLength()));
RegionCoverage regionCoverage = alignmentManager.coverage(region, null, options);
printWigFormatCoverage(regionCoverage, span, (i == 0), writer);
public static void validateRegion(Region region, SamReader samReader) {
String chrom = region.getChromosome();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(chrom)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing chromosome for region: " + region.toString());
SAMSequenceDictionary sequenceDictionary = samReader.getFileHeader().getSequenceDictionary();
if (sequenceDictionary.getSequenceIndex(chrom) == -1) {
if (chrom.startsWith("chr")) {
chrom = chrom.replace("chr", "");
if (sequenceDictionary.getSequenceIndex(chrom) == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown chromosome: " + region.getChromosome());
} else {
} else {
if (sequenceDictionary.getSequenceIndex("chr" + chrom) == -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown chromosome: " + region.getChromosome());
} else {
region.setChromosome("chr" + chrom);
* Return a list of RegionCoverage with a coverage less than or equal to the input maximum coverage.
* @param coverageRegion
* @param maxCoverage
* @return
* @throws IOException
public static List filterByCoverage(RegionCoverage coverageRegion, int minCoverage, int maxCoverage) {
List selectedRegions = new ArrayList<>();
double[] coverages = new double[coverageRegion.size()];
int i = 0;
int pos = coverageRegion.getStart();
boolean isProcessing = false;
RegionCoverage uncoveredRegion = null;
for (double coverage: coverageRegion.getValues()) {
if (coverage >= minCoverage && coverage <= maxCoverage) {
if (!isProcessing) {
uncoveredRegion = new RegionCoverage(coverageRegion.getChromosome(), pos, 0);
isProcessing = true;
i = 0;
coverages[i] = coverage;
} else {
if (isProcessing) {
uncoveredRegion.setEnd(pos - 1);
uncoveredRegion.setValues(Arrays.copyOf(coverages, i));
isProcessing = false;
// Check if a uncovered region is still processing
if (isProcessing) {
uncoveredRegion.setEnd(pos - 1);
uncoveredRegion.setValues(Arrays.copyOf(coverages, i));
return selectedRegions;
import math
import csv
CANONIC_CHROMOSOMES = ['chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3', 'chr4', 'chr5',
'chr6', 'chr7', 'chr8', 'chr9', 'chr10',
'chr11', 'chr12', 'chr13', 'chr14',
'chr15', 'chr16', 'chr17', 'chr18',
'chr19', 'chr20', 'chr21', 'chr22',
'chrX', 'chrY']
def process_coverage(cov_bw_tumour_fpath, cov_bw_normal_fpath, output_dir):
Calculate coverage to be used posteriorly for some tracks in circos plot
:type cov_bw_tumour_fpath: str
:param cov_bw_tumour_fpath: bigWig file path for tumour sample
:type cov_bw_normal_fpath: str
:param cov_bw_normal_fpath: bigWig file path for normal sample
:type output_dir: str
:param output_dir: output folder path
# Calculating ratio of normalised coverage
produce_normalised_coverage(cov_bw_tumour_fpath, cov_bw_normal_fpath,
def get_region_norm_cov(region_counts_tumour, region_counts_normal,
total_counts_tumour, total_counts_normal):
Calculate ratio of normalised depth of coverage in log2 scale for a region
:type region_counts_tumour: int
:param region_counts_tumour: counts for region in tumour
:type region_counts_normal: int
:param region_counts_normal: counts for region in normal
:type total_counts_tumour: int
:param total_counts_tumour: total counts for tumour
:type total_counts_normal: int
:param total_counts_normal: total counts for normal
# Rescaling both coverages
rescaled_tumour_cov = (region_counts_tumour/float(total_counts_tumour))*1000
rescaled_normal_cov = (region_counts_normal/float(total_counts_normal))*1000
# Returning None if tumour or normal coverage are low
if (float(region_counts_normal)/100000) < 15: # Raw mean cov is < 15
return None
if rescaled_normal_cov == 0:
return None
# Getting coverage ratio
cov_ratio = float(rescaled_tumour_cov)/float(rescaled_normal_cov)
if cov_ratio == 0:
return None
# Getting normalised coverage (log2)
# log2(x) = log10(x) / log10(2)
coverage_log2 = math.log10(cov_ratio)/math.log10(2)
if coverage_log2 > 4: # cov_ratio > 16
return 4
return coverage_log2
def get_total_counts(coverage_bw_fpath):
Get bigWig total coverage
:type: coverage_bw_fpath: file
:param coverage_bw_fpath: bigWig file
cov_fhand = open(coverage_bw_fpath, 'r')
total_coverage = 0
for line in cov_fhand:
if line.startswith('#'): # Skip header
line = line.strip().split("\t")
total_coverage += (float(line[7]) * float(line[3])) # (size * mean)
return total_coverage
def sort_canonic_bigwig(bw_fpath, header=True):
Sort a bigWig file by canonic chromosome and start
:type bw_fpath: str
:param bw_fpath: bigwig file path
:type header: bool
:param header: indicates if file has header
bw_fhand = open(bw_fpath, 'r')
csv_file = csv.reader(bw_fhand, delimiter='\t')
# Returning header
if header:
yield '\t'.join(next(csv_file))
# Sorting file by chromosome and start
sort = sorted(csv_file, key=lambda x: (x[0], int(x[1])))
for line in sort:
# Removing non-canonic chromosomes
if line[0] not in CANONIC_CHROMOSOMES:
yield '\t'.join(line)
def produce_normalised_coverage(cov_bw_tumour_fpath, cov_bw_normal_fpath,
Given tumour and normal coverage bigWig files, calculate ratio of
normalised depth of coverage in log2 scale
:type cov_bw_tumour_fpath: str
:param cov_bw_tumour_fpath: bigWig file path for tumour sample
:type cov_bw_normal_fpath: str
:param cov_bw_normal_fpath: bigWig file path for normal sample
:type output_dir: str
:param output_dir: output folder path
# Output file
cov_norm = open(output_dir + '/coverage.txt', 'w')
# Getting total coverage for both coverage files
total_counts_tumour = get_total_counts(cov_bw_tumour_fpath)
total_counts_normal = get_total_counts(cov_bw_normal_fpath)
# Opening coverage input files
file_a = sort_canonic_bigwig(cov_bw_tumour_fpath)
file_b = sort_canonic_bigwig(cov_bw_normal_fpath)
# Skipping headers
# Iterating over the two files at the same time
for line_a in file_a:
a_data = bw_line_to_dict(line_a) # Current line in a
b_data = bw_line_to_dict(next(file_b)) # Current line in b
# Checking that we are in the same region in both files
assert a_data['chr'] == b_data['chr']
assert a_data['start'] == b_data['start']
# Get ratio of normalised coverage
normalised = get_region_norm_cov(a_data["counts"], b_data["counts"],
if normalised is not None:
cov_norm.write(str(a_data['chr']).replace("chr", "hs") + " " +
str(a_data['start']) + " " +
str(a_data['end']) + " " +
str(normalised) + "\n")
def bw_line_to_dict(bw_line):
Given a bigWig file, return a dictionary with some of its data
:type bw_line: str
:param bw_line: line from bigWig file
bw_line = bw_line.strip().split('\t')
bw_line_data = {
'chr': bw_line[0],
'start': int(bw_line[1]),
'end': int(bw_line[2]),
'size': int(bw_line[3]),
'mean': float(bw_line[7])
bw_line_data['counts'] = (float(bw_line_data['mean']) *
return bw_line_data
public static RegionCoverage coverageRatio(RegionCoverage coverage1, long totalCounts1, RegionCoverage coverage2, long totalCounts2,
boolean applyLog) throws AlignmentCoverageException {
if (coverage1 != null && coverage1.getValues() != null && coverage2 != null && coverage2.getValues() != null
&& coverage1.getWindowSize() == coverage2.getWindowSize() && coverage1.getValues().length == coverage2.getValues().length) {
double values[] = new double[coverage1.getValues().length];
double log10_2 = Math.log10(2);
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
// Checking if tumour or normal coverage are low, raw mean cov is >= 15
// Rescaling both coverages
double rescaledCoverage1 = coverage1.getValues()[i] / totalCounts1;
double rescaledCoverage2 = coverage2.getValues()[i] / totalCounts2;
if (rescaledCoverage1 > 0 && rescaledCoverage2 > 0) {
// Getting coverage ratio
double covRatio = rescaledCoverage1 / rescaledCoverage2;
if (applyLog) {
// Getting normalised coverage (log2)
// log2(x) = log10(x) / log10(2)
values[i] = Math.log10(covRatio) / log10_2;
} else {
values[i] = covRatio;
} else {
values[i] = Double.NaN;
Region region = new Region(coverage1.getChromosome(), coverage1.getStart(), coverage1.getEnd());
return new RegionCoverage(region, coverage1.getWindowSize(), values);
} else {
throw new AlignmentCoverageException("Something wrong computing coverage ratio");
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