Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2015-2020 OpenCB
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.opencb.biodata.models.core.GenomicScoreRegion;
import org.opencb.cellbase.core.exception.CellBaseException;
import org.opencb.cellbase.core.serializer.CellBaseFileSerializer;
import org.opencb.cellbase.lib.EtlCommons;
import org.opencb.cellbase.lib.MongoDBCollectionConfiguration;
import org.opencb.commons.utils.FileUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.*;
public class ConservationBuilder extends CellBaseBuilder {
private Logger logger;
private Path conservedRegionPath;
private int chunkSize;
private CellBaseFileSerializer fileSerializer;
private Map outputFileNames;
public ConservationBuilder(Path conservedRegionPath, CellBaseFileSerializer serializer) {
this(conservedRegionPath, MongoDBCollectionConfiguration.CONSERVATION_CHUNK_SIZE, serializer);
public ConservationBuilder(Path conservedRegionPath, int chunkSize, CellBaseFileSerializer serializer) {
fileSerializer = serializer;
this.conservedRegionPath = conservedRegionPath;
this.chunkSize = chunkSize;
logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConservationBuilder.class);
outputFileNames = new HashMap<>();
public void parse() throws IOException, CellBaseException {
System.out.println("conservedRegionPath = " + conservedRegionPath.toString());
if (conservedRegionPath == null || !Files.exists(conservedRegionPath) || !Files.isDirectory(conservedRegionPath)) {
throw new IOException("Conservation directory does not exist, is not a directory or cannot be read");
* GERP is downloaded from Ensembl as a bigwig file. The library we have doesn't seem to parse
* this file correctly, so we transform the file into a bedGraph format which is human readable.
Path gerpFolderPath = conservedRegionPath.resolve(EtlCommons.GERP_SUBDIRECTORY);
if (gerpFolderPath.toFile().exists()) {
logger.debug("Parsing GERP data ...");
} else {
logger.debug("GERP data not found: " + gerpFolderPath.toString());
* UCSC phastCons and phylop are stored in the same format. They are processed together.
Map files = new HashMap<>();
String chromosome;
Set chromosomes = new HashSet<>();
// Reading all files in phastCons folder
DirectoryStream directoryStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(conservedRegionPath.resolve("phastCons"), "*.wigFix.gz");
for (Path path : directoryStream) {
chromosome = path.getFileName().toString().split("\\.")[0].replace("chr", "");
files.put(chromosome + "phastCons", path);
// Reading all files in phylop folder
directoryStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(conservedRegionPath.resolve("phylop"), "*.wigFix.gz");
for (Path path : directoryStream) {
chromosome = path.getFileName().toString().split("\\.")[0].replace("chr", "");
files.put(chromosome + "phylop", path);
* Now we can iterate over all the chromosomes found and process the files
logger.debug("Chromosomes found '{}'", chromosomes.toString());
for (String chr : chromosomes) {
logger.debug("Processing chromosome '{}', file '{}'", chr, files.get(chr + "phastCons"));
processWigFixFile(files.get(chr + "phastCons"), "phastCons");
logger.debug("Processing chromosome '{}', file '{}'", chr, files.get(chr + "phylop"));
processWigFixFile(files.get(chr + "phylop"), "phylop");
private void gerpParser(Path gerpFolderPath) throws IOException, CellBaseException {
Path gerpProcessFilePath = gerpFolderPath.resolve(EtlCommons.GERP_PROCESSED_FILE);"parsing {}", gerpProcessFilePath);
BufferedReader bufferedReader = FileUtils.newBufferedReader(gerpProcessFilePath);
String line;
int startOfBatch = 0;
int previousEndValue = 0;
String chromosome = null;
String previousChromosomeValue = null;
List conservationScores = new ArrayList<>(chunkSize);
while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
String[] fields = line.split("\t");
// file is wrong. throw an exception instead?
if (fields.length != 4) {
logger.error("skipping invalid line: " + line.length());
chromosome = fields[0];
// new chromosome, store batch
if (previousChromosomeValue != null && !previousChromosomeValue.equals(chromosome)) {
storeScores(startOfBatch, previousChromosomeValue, conservationScores);
// reset values for current batch
startOfBatch = 0;
// reset chromosome for next entry
previousChromosomeValue = chromosome;
// file is american! starts at zero, add one
int start = Integer.parseInt(fields[1]) + 1;
// inclusive
int end = Integer.parseInt(fields[2]) + 1;
// start coordinate for this batch of 2,000
if (startOfBatch == 0) {
startOfBatch = start;
previousEndValue = 0;
// if there is a gap between the last entry and this one.
if (previousEndValue != 0 && (start - previousEndValue) != 0) {
// gap is too big! store what we already have before processing more
if (start - previousEndValue >= chunkSize) {
// we have a full batch, store
storeScores(startOfBatch, chromosome, conservationScores);
// reset batch to start at this record
startOfBatch = start;
} else {
// fill in the gap with zeroes
// don't overfill the batch
while (previousEndValue < start && conservationScores.size() < chunkSize) {
conservationScores.add((float) 0);
// we have a full batch, store
if (conservationScores.size() == chunkSize) {
storeScores(startOfBatch, chromosome, conservationScores);
// reset. start a new batch
startOfBatch = start;
// reset value
previousEndValue = end;
// score for these coordinates
String score = fields[3];
// add the score for each coordinate included in the range start-end
while (start < end) {
// we have a full batch, store
if (conservationScores.size() == chunkSize) {
storeScores(startOfBatch, chromosome, conservationScores);
// reset. start a new batch
startOfBatch = start;
// add score to batch
// increment coordinate
// we have a full batch, store
if (conservationScores.size() == chunkSize) {
storeScores(startOfBatch, chromosome, conservationScores);
// reset, start a new batch
startOfBatch = 0;
// we need to serialize the last chunk that might be incomplete
if (!conservationScores.isEmpty()) {
storeScores(startOfBatch, chromosome, conservationScores);
private void storeScores(int startOfBatch, String chromosome, List conservationScores)
throws CellBaseException {
// if this is a small batch, fill in the missing coordinates with 0
while (conservationScores.size() < chunkSize) {
conservationScores.add((float) 0);
if (conservationScores.size() != chunkSize) {
throw new CellBaseException("invalid chunk size " + conservationScores.size() + " for " + chromosome + ":" + startOfBatch);
GenomicScoreRegion conservationScoreRegion = new GenomicScoreRegion(chromosome, startOfBatch,
startOfBatch + conservationScores.size() - 1, "gerp", conservationScores);
fileSerializer.serialize(conservationScoreRegion, getOutputFileName(chromosome));
// reset
// @Deprecated
// private void gerpParser(Path gerpFolderPath) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
//"Uncompressing {}", gerpFolderPath.resolve(EtlCommons.GERP_FILE));
// List tarArgs = Arrays.asList("-xvzf", gerpFolderPath.resolve(EtlCommons.GERP_FILE).toString(),
// "--overwrite", "-C", gerpFolderPath.toString());
// EtlCommons.runCommandLineProcess(null, "tar", tarArgs, null);
// DirectoryStream pathDirectoryStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(gerpFolderPath, "*.rates");
// boolean filesFound = false;
// for (Path path : pathDirectoryStream) {
// filesFound = true;
//"Processing file '{}'", path.getFileName().toString());
// String[] chromosome = path.getFileName().toString().replaceFirst("chr", "").split("\\.");
// BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(String.valueOf(path))));
// String line;
// int start = 1;
// int end = 1999;
// int counter = 1;
// String[] fields;
// List val = new ArrayList<>(chunkSize);
// while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
// fields = line.split("\t");
// val.add(Float.valueOf(fields[1]));
// counter++;
// if (counter == chunkSize) {
//// ConservationScoreRegion conservationScoreRegion = new ConservationScoreRegion(chromosome[0], start, end, "gerp",
// val);
// GenomicScoreRegion conservationScoreRegion =
// new GenomicScoreRegion<>(chromosome[0], start, end, "gerp", val);
// fileSerializer.serialize(conservationScoreRegion, getOutputFileName(chromosome[0]));
// start = end + 1;
// end += chunkSize;
// counter = 0;
// val.clear();
// }
// }
// // we need to serialize the last chunk that might be incomplete
//// ConservationScoreRegion conservationScoreRegion =
//// new ConservationScoreRegion(chromosome[0], start, start + val.size() - 1, "gerp", val);
// GenomicScoreRegion conservationScoreRegion =
// new GenomicScoreRegion<>(chromosome[0], start, start + val.size() - 1, "gerp", val);
// fileSerializer.serialize(conservationScoreRegion, getOutputFileName(chromosome[0]));
// bufferedReader.close();
// }
// if (!filesFound) {
// logger.warn("No GERP++ files were found. Please check that the original file {} is there, that it was"
// + " properly decompressed and that the *.rates files are present",
// gerpFolderPath.resolve(EtlCommons.GERP_FILE));
// }
// }
private void processWigFixFile(Path inGzPath, String conservationSource) throws IOException {
BufferedReader bufferedReader = FileUtils.newBufferedReader(inGzPath);
String line;
String chromosome = "";
// int start = 0, end = 0;
int start = 0;
float value;
Map attributes = new HashMap<>();
// ConservedRegion conservedRegion = null;
List values = new ArrayList<>();
// ConservationScoreRegion conservedRegion = null;
GenomicScoreRegion conservedRegion = null;
while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
if (line.startsWith("fixedStep")) {
//new group, save last
if (conservedRegion != null) {
// conservedRegion.setEnd(end);
// conservedRegion = new ConservationScoreRegion(chromosome, start, end, conservationSource, values);
conservedRegion = new GenomicScoreRegion<>(chromosome, start, start + values.size() - 1,
conservationSource, values);
fileSerializer.serialize(conservedRegion, getOutputFileName(chromosome));
// offset = 0;
String[] attrFields = line.split(" ");
String[] attrKeyValue;
for (String attrField : attrFields) {
if (!attrField.equalsIgnoreCase("fixedStep")) {
attrKeyValue = attrField.split("=");
attributes.put(attrKeyValue[0].toLowerCase(), attrKeyValue[1]);
chromosome = formatChromosome(attributes);
start = Integer.parseInt(attributes.get("start"));
// end = Integer.parseInt(attributes.get("start"));
values = new ArrayList<>(2000);
} else {
int startChunk = start / MongoDBCollectionConfiguration.CONSERVATION_CHUNK_SIZE;
// end++;
int endChunk = (start + values.size()) / MongoDBCollectionConfiguration.CONSERVATION_CHUNK_SIZE;
// This is the endChunk if current read score is
// appended to the array (otherwise it would be
// start + values.size() - 1). If this endChunk is
// different from the startChunk means that current
// conserved region must be dumped and current
// score must be associated to next chunk. Main
// difference to what there was before is that if
// the fixedStep starts on the last position of a
// chunk e.g. 1999, the chunk must be created with
// just that score - the chunk was left empty with
// the old code
if (startChunk != endChunk) {
// conservedRegion = new ConservationScoreRegion(chromosome, start, end - 1, conservationSource, values);
conservedRegion = new GenomicScoreRegion<>(chromosome, start, start + values.size() - 1,
conservationSource, values);
fileSerializer.serialize(conservedRegion, getOutputFileName(chromosome));
start = start + values.size();
value = Float.parseFloat(line.trim());
//write last
// conservedRegion = new ConservationScoreRegion(chromosome, start, end, conservationSource, values);
conservedRegion = new GenomicScoreRegion<>(chromosome, start, start + values.size() - 1, conservationSource,
fileSerializer.serialize(conservedRegion, getOutputFileName(chromosome));
private String getOutputFileName(String chromosome) {
// phylop and phastcons list the chromosome as M instead of the standard MT. replace.
if (chromosome.equals("M")) {
chromosome = "MT";
String outputFileName = outputFileNames.get(chromosome);
if (outputFileName == null) {
outputFileName = "conservation_" + chromosome;
outputFileNames.put(chromosome, outputFileName);
return outputFileName;
// phylop and phastcons list the chromosome as M instead of the standard MT. replace.
private String formatChromosome(Map attributes) {
String chromosome = attributes.get("chrom").replace("chr", "");
if (chromosome.equals("M")) {
chromosome = "MT";
return chromosome;
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