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* Copyright 2015-2020 OpenCB
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Created by imedina on 12/11/15.
public class GeneBuilderUtils {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeneBuilderUtils.class);
// @Deprecated
// public static Map> getTfbsMap(Path tfbsFile) throws IOException, NoSuchMethodException, FileFormatException {
// Map> tfbsMap = new HashMap<>();
// if (tfbsFile != null && Files.exists(tfbsFile) && !Files.isDirectory(tfbsFile) && Files.size(tfbsFile) > 0) {
// Gff2Reader motifsFeatureReader = new Gff2Reader(tfbsFile);
// Gff2 tfbsMotifFeature;
// while ((tfbsMotifFeature = != null) {
// // we only want high quality data. See issue 466
// if (!tfbsMotifFeature.getAttribute().contains("experimental_evidence")) {
// continue;
// }
// String chromosome = tfbsMotifFeature.getSequenceName().replaceFirst("chr", "");
// SortedSet chromosomeTfbsSet = tfbsMap.get(chromosome);
// if (chromosomeTfbsSet == null) {
// chromosomeTfbsSet = new TreeSet<>((Comparator) (feature1, feature2) -> {
// // TODO: maybe this should be in TranscriptTfbs class, and equals method should be overriden too
// if (feature1.getStart() != feature2.getStart()) {
// return feature1.getStart() - feature2.getStart();
// } else {
// return feature1.getAttribute().compareTo(feature2.getAttribute());
// }
// });
// tfbsMap.put(chromosome, chromosomeTfbsSet);
// }
// chromosomeTfbsSet.add(tfbsMotifFeature);
// }
// motifsFeatureReader.close();
// }
// return tfbsMap;
// }
// public static Map> getXrefMap(Path xrefsFile, Path uniprotIdMappingFile) throws IOException {
// Map> xrefMap = new HashMap<>();
//"Loading xref data...");
// String[] fields;
// if (xrefsFile != null && Files.exists(xrefsFile) && Files.size(xrefsFile) > 0) {
// List lines = Files.readAllLines(xrefsFile, Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1"));
// for (String line : lines) {
// fields = line.split("\t", -1);
// if (fields.length >= 4) {
// if (!xrefMap.containsKey(fields[0])) {
// xrefMap.put(fields[0], new ArrayList<>());
// }
// xrefMap.get(fields[0]).add(new Xref(fields[1], fields[2], fields[3]));
// }
// }
// } else {
// logger.warn("Xrefs file " + xrefsFile + " not found");
// logger.warn("Xref data not loaded");
// }
//"Loading protein mapping into xref data...");
// if (uniprotIdMappingFile != null && Files.exists(uniprotIdMappingFile) && Files.size(uniprotIdMappingFile) > 0) {
// BufferedReader br = FileUtils.newBufferedReader(uniprotIdMappingFile);
// String line;
// while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
// fields = line.split("\t", -1);
// if (fields.length >= 19 && fields[19].startsWith("ENST")) {
// String[] transcripts = fields[19].split("; ");
// for (String transcript : transcripts) {
// if (!xrefMap.containsKey(transcript)) {
// xrefMap.put(transcript, new ArrayList());
// }
// xrefMap.get(transcript).add(new Xref(fields[0], "uniprotkb_acc", "UniProtKB ACC"));
// xrefMap.get(transcript).add(new Xref(fields[1], "uniprotkb_id", "UniProtKB ID"));
// }
// }
// }
// br.close();
// } else {
// logger.warn("Uniprot if mapping file " + uniprotIdMappingFile + " not found");
// logger.warn("Protein mapping into xref data not loaded");
// }
// return xrefMap;
// }
// public static Map> getGeneDrugMap(Path geneDrugFile) throws IOException {
// Map> geneDrugMap = new HashMap<>();
// if (geneDrugFile != null && Files.exists(geneDrugFile) && Files.size(geneDrugFile) > 0) {
//"Loading gene-drug interaction data from '{}'", geneDrugFile);
// BufferedReader br = FileUtils.newBufferedReader(geneDrugFile);
// // Skip header
// br.readLine();
// int lineCounter = 1;
// String line;
// while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
// String[] parts = line.split("\t");
// String geneName = parts[0];
// String source = null;
// if (parts.length >= 4) {
// source = parts[3];
// }
// String interactionType = null;
// if (parts.length >= 5) {
// interactionType = parts[4];
// }
// String drugName = null;
// if (parts.length >= 8) {
// // if drug name column is empty, use drug claim name instead
// drugName = StringUtils.isEmpty(parts[7]) ? parts[6] : parts[7];
// }
// if (StringUtils.isEmpty(drugName)) {
// // no drug name
// continue;
// }
// String chemblId = null;
// if (parts.length >= 9) {
// chemblId = parts[8];
// }
// List publications = new ArrayList<>();
// if (parts.length >= 10 && parts[9] != null) {
// publications = Arrays.asList(parts[9].split(","));
// }
// //addValueToMapElement(geneDrugMap, geneName, new GeneDrugInteraction(geneName, drugName, source, null, interactionType));
// // TODO update model to add new attributes
// addValueToMapElement(geneDrugMap, geneName, new GeneDrugInteraction(geneName, drugName, source, null, null,
// interactionType, chemblId, publications));
// lineCounter++;
// }
// br.close();
// } else {
// logger.warn("Gene drug file " + geneDrugFile + " not found");
// logger.warn("Ignoring " + geneDrugFile);
// }
// return geneDrugMap;
// }
// public static Map> getGeneDiseaseAssociationMap(Path hpoFilePath, Path disgenetFilePath)
// throws IOException {
// Map> geneDiseaseAssociationMap = new HashMap<>(50000);
// String line;
// if (hpoFilePath != null && hpoFilePath.toFile().exists() && Files.size(hpoFilePath) > 0) {
// BufferedReader bufferedReader = FileUtils.newBufferedReader(hpoFilePath);
// // skip first header line
// bufferedReader.readLine();
// while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
// String[] fields = line.split("\t");
// String omimId = fields[6];
// String geneSymbol = fields[3];
// String hpoId = fields[0];
// String diseaseName = fields[1];
// GeneTraitAssociation disease =
// new GeneTraitAssociation(omimId, diseaseName, hpoId, 0f, 0, new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>(), "hpo");
// addValueToMapElement(geneDiseaseAssociationMap, geneSymbol, disease);
// }
// bufferedReader.close();
// }
// if (disgenetFilePath != null && disgenetFilePath.toFile().exists() && Files.size(disgenetFilePath) > 0) {
// BufferedReader bufferedReader = FileUtils.newBufferedReader(disgenetFilePath);
// // skip first header line
// bufferedReader.readLine();
// while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
// String[] fields = line.split("\t");
// String diseaseId = fields[4];
// String diseaseName = fields[5];
// String score = fields[9];
// String numberOfPubmeds = fields[13].trim();
// String numberOfSNPs = fields[14];
// String source = fields[15];
// GeneTraitAssociation disease = new GeneTraitAssociation(diseaseId, diseaseName, "", Float.parseFloat(score),
// Integer.parseInt(numberOfPubmeds), Arrays.asList(numberOfSNPs), Arrays.asList(source), "disgenet");
// addValueToMapElement(geneDiseaseAssociationMap, fields[1], disease);
// }
// bufferedReader.close();
// }
// return geneDiseaseAssociationMap;
// }
// /**
// * For a gnomad file, parse and return a map of transcript to constraints.
// *
// * @param gnomadFile gene annotation file path
// * @return map of transcript to constraints
// * @throws IOException if goa file can't be read
// */
// public static Map> getConstraints(Path gnomadFile) throws IOException {
// Map> transcriptConstraints = new HashMap<>();
// if (gnomadFile != null && Files.exists(gnomadFile) && Files.size(gnomadFile) > 0) {
//"Loading OE scores from '{}'", gnomadFile);
//// BufferedReader br = FileUtils.newBufferedReader(gnomadFile);
// InputStream inputStream = Files.newInputStream(gnomadFile);
// BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new GZIPInputStream(inputStream)));
// // Skip header.
// br.readLine();
// String line;
// while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
// String[] parts = line.split("\t");
// String transcriptIdentifier = parts[1];
// String canonical = parts[2];
// String oeMis = parts[5];
// String oeSyn = parts[14];
// String oeLof = parts[24];
// String exacPLI = parts[70];
// String exacLof = parts[73];
// String geneIdentifier = parts[64];
// List constraints = new ArrayList<>();
// addConstraint(constraints, "oe_mis", oeMis);
// addConstraint(constraints, "oe_syn", oeSyn);
// addConstraint(constraints, "oe_lof", oeLof);
// addConstraint(constraints, "exac_pLI", exacPLI);
// addConstraint(constraints, "exac_oe_lof", exacLof);
// transcriptConstraints.put(transcriptIdentifier, constraints);
// if ("TRUE".equalsIgnoreCase(canonical)) {
// transcriptConstraints.put(geneIdentifier, constraints);
// }
// }
// br.close();
// }
// return transcriptConstraints;
// }
// private static void addConstraint(List constraints, String name, String value) {
// Constraint constraint = new Constraint();
// constraint.setMethod("pLoF");
// constraint.setSource("gnomAD");
// constraint.setName(name);
// try {
// constraint.setValue(Double.parseDouble(value));
// } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// // invalid number (e.g. NA), discard.
// return;
// }
// constraints.add(constraint);
// }
// /**
// * For a gene annotation file, parse and return a map of proteins to ontology annotation objects.
// *
// * @param goaFile gene annotation file path
// * @return map of proteins to ontology annotation objects.
// * @throws IOException if goa file can't be read
// */
// public static Map> getOntologyAnnotations(Path goaFile) throws IOException {
// Map> annotations = new HashMap<>();
// if (goaFile != null && Files.exists(goaFile) && Files.size(goaFile) > 0) {
//"Loading GO annotation from '{}'", goaFile);
// BufferedReader br = FileUtils.newBufferedReader(goaFile);
// GafParser parser = new GafParser();
// annotations = parser.parseGaf(br);
// }
// return annotations;
// }
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