R.AllClasses.R Maven / Gradle / Ivy
#' OpencgaR Class
#' @description This is an S4 class which defines the OpencgaR object
#' @details This S4 class holds the default configuration required by OpencgaR
#' methods to establish the connection with the web services.
#' @slot host a character specifying the host URL. Example:
#' "http://bioinfo.hpc.cam.ac.uk/opencga-prod/"
#' @slot version a character specifying the API version. Example: "v2"
#' @slot user a character string with you OpenCGA username
#' @slot token string containing your token
#' @slot refreshToken string containing your token
#' @slot autoRenew Boolean specifying if the token should be renewed
#' automatically if the session is going to expire in less than 5 minutes
#' @slot verbose Boolean specifying if logs should be displayed. Logs include:
#' URL (with or without token - see param showToken), query status and number
#' of documents retrieved
#' @slot showToken Boolean specifying if the token should be displayed in the
#' verbose mode
#' @slot swagger list with the swagger information of the OpenCGA instance in the
#' specified host
#' @seealso \url{https://github.com/opencb/opencga/wiki}
#' and the RESTful API documentation
#' \url{http://bioinfo.hpc.cam.ac.uk/opencga-prod/webservices/}
#' @export
opencgaR <- setClass("OpencgaR", slots = c(host="character",
setMethod("show", signature = "OpencgaR", definition = function(object){
cat("An object of class ", class(object), "\n", sep = "")
cat(paste("| Host:", object@host))
cat(paste("\n| Version:", object@version))
if (.hasSlot(object, "token")) {
cat(paste("\n| Token:", object@token))
if (.hasSlot(object, "expirationTime")) {
cat(paste("\n| Expiration time:", object@expirationTime))
#' RestResponse Class
#' @description This is an internal S4 class which defines the RestResponse object
#' @details REST web services return the response wrapped in a RestResponse
#' object. This consists of some metadata and a list of _OpenCGAResult_ objects
#' called _responses_ containing the data results and metadata requested.
#' The *first response of the list* will always contain the response of the
#' OpenCGA federation being directly queried. Any additional response in the
#' list will belong to other federated servers that could be connected. Each
#' federated response will contain a list of results ( _OpenCGAResult_ )
#' containing the data that has been queried.
#' @slot apiVersion a character specifying the API version. Example: "v2"
#' @slot time integer specifying the time in milliseconds (ms) that took to
#' retrieve the information. If the query requires multiple calls, time is added.
#' @slot events list containing any warnings or errors
#' @slot params list containing the specified parameters
#' @slot responses list containing the results from the query. There is one list
#' per OpenCGA federated servers that could be connected. The first response of
#' the list will always contain the response of the OpenCGA federation being
#' directly queried.
#' @seealso \url{http://docs.opencb.org/display/opencga/RESTful+Web+Services#RESTfulWebServices-RESTResponse}
#' @export
restResponse <- setClass("RestResponse", slots = c(apiVersion = "character",
time = "integer",
events = "list",
params = "list",
responses = "list"))
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