R.Meta-methods.R Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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#' MetaClient methods
#' @include AllClasses.R
#' @include AllGenerics.R
#' @include commons.R
#' @description This function implements the OpenCGA calls for managing Meta.
#' The following table summarises the available *actions* for this client:
#' | endpointName | Endpoint WS | parameters accepted |
#' | -- | :-- | --: |
#' | about | /{apiVersion}/meta/about | |
#' | api | /{apiVersion}/meta/api | category |
#' | fail | /{apiVersion}/meta/fail | |
#' | model | /{apiVersion}/meta/model | model |
#' | ping | /{apiVersion}/meta/ping | |
#' | status | /{apiVersion}/meta/status | |
#' @md
#' @seealso \url{http://docs.opencb.org/display/opencga/Using+OpenCGA} and the RESTful API documentation
#' \url{http://bioinfo.hpc.cam.ac.uk/opencga-prod/webservices/}
#' [*]: Required parameter
#' @export
setMethod("metaClient", "OpencgaR", function(OpencgaR, endpointName, params=NULL, ...) {
#' @section Endpoint /{apiVersion}/meta/about:
#' Returns info about current OpenCGA code.
about=fetchOpenCGA(object=OpencgaR, category="meta", categoryId=NULL, subcategory=NULL, subcategoryId=NULL,
action="about", params=params, httpMethod="GET", as.queryParam=NULL, ...),
#' @section Endpoint /{apiVersion}/meta/api:
#' API.
#' @param category List of categories to get API from.
api=fetchOpenCGA(object=OpencgaR, category="meta", categoryId=NULL, subcategory=NULL, subcategoryId=NULL,
action="api", params=params, httpMethod="GET", as.queryParam=NULL, ...),
#' @section Endpoint /{apiVersion}/meta/fail:
#' Ping Opencga webservices.
fail=fetchOpenCGA(object=OpencgaR, category="meta", categoryId=NULL, subcategory=NULL, subcategoryId=NULL,
action="fail", params=params, httpMethod="GET", as.queryParam=NULL, ...),
#' @section Endpoint /{apiVersion}/meta/model:
#' Opencga model webservices.
#' @param model Model description.
model=fetchOpenCGA(object=OpencgaR, category="meta", categoryId=NULL, subcategory=NULL, subcategoryId=NULL,
action="model", params=params, httpMethod="GET", as.queryParam=NULL, ...),
#' @section Endpoint /{apiVersion}/meta/ping:
#' Ping Opencga webservices.
ping=fetchOpenCGA(object=OpencgaR, category="meta", categoryId=NULL, subcategory=NULL, subcategoryId=NULL,
action="ping", params=params, httpMethod="GET", as.queryParam=NULL, ...),
#' @section Endpoint /{apiVersion}/meta/status:
#' Database status.
status=fetchOpenCGA(object=OpencgaR, category="meta", categoryId=NULL, subcategory=NULL, subcategoryId=NULL,
action="status", params=params, httpMethod="GET", as.queryParam=NULL, ...),
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