R.OpencgaR-methods.R Maven / Gradle / Ivy
#' OpencgaR init function
#' @aliases initOpencgaR
#' @title initOpencgaR
#' @description This function inicializes the OpencgaR object with the
#' necessary details to generate a connection.
#' @details
#' This class initializes the OpencgaR object. It holds the default configuration
#' required by OpencgaR methods to connect to OpenCGA web services.
#' @importFrom methods new slot
#' @param host a character specifying the host url, e.g.
#' "http://bioinfo.hpc.cam.ac.uk/opencga-prod/"
#' @param version a character specifying the API version, e.g. "v2"
#' @return An object of class OpencgaR
#' @seealso \url{https://github.com/opencb/opencga/wiki}
#' and the RESTful API documentation
#' \url{http://bioinfo.hpc.cam.ac.uk/opencga-prod/webservices/}
#' \dontrun{
#' con <- initOpencgaR(host = "http://bioinfo.hpc.cam.ac.uk/opencga-prod/", version = "v2")
#' con <- opencgaLogin(opencga = con, userid = "demouser", passwd = "demouser", showToken = TRUE)
#' # Configuration in list format
#' conf <- list(version="v2", rest=list(host="http://bioinfo.hpc.cam.ac.uk/opencga-prod/"))
#' con <- initOpencgaR(opencgaConfig=conf)
#' con <- opencgaLogin(opencga = con, userid = "demouser", passwd = demouser")
#' # Configuration in file format ("YAML" or "JSON")
#' conf <- "/path/to/conf/client-configuration.yml"
#' con <- initOpencgaR(opencgaConfig=conf)
#' con <- opencgaLogin(opencga = con, userid = "demouser", passwd = "demouser")
#' }
#' @export
initOpencgaR <- function(host=NULL, version="v2", user=NULL, opencgaConfig=NULL){
if (is.null(opencgaConfig)){
# Check values provided
if (!is.null(host) & !is.null(user)){
ocga <- new("OpencgaR", host=host, version=version, user=user, sessionFile="")
}else if(!is.null(host)){
ocga <- new("OpencgaR", host=host, version=version, user="", sessionFile="")
cat("No connection parameters given. Using HGVA setup.")
ocga <- new("OpencgaR")
ocga <- opencgaReadConfig(opencgaConfig)
# Download swagger
if(!endsWith(x = ocga@host, suffix = "/")){
ocga@host <- paste0(ocga@host, "/")
if (!grepl("webservices/rest", ocga@host)){
ocga@host <- paste0(ocga@host, "webservices/rest/")
baseurl <- paste0(ocga@host, "swagger.json")
# ----------
# TODO: Make help available by retrieving the WSs information from the new
# Help temporarily unavailable while swagger has been decommissioned
# swagger <- jsonlite::fromJSON(baseurl)
# ocga@swagger <- swagger
ocga@swagger <- list()
# -------------
#' Read OpenCGA configuration
#' @param conf a list or the path to a file (in "JSON" or "YAML" format)
#' containing the host and version configurations to set OpenCGA connection
#' @return a OpencgaR object
#' \dontrun{
#' con <- initOpencgaR(host = "http://bioinfo.hpc.cam.ac.uk/opencga-prod/", version = "v2")
#' con <- opencgaLogin(opencga = con, userid = "demouser", passwd = "demouser", showToken = TRUE)
#' # Configuration in list format
#' conf <- list(version="v2", rest=list(host="http://bioinfo.hpc.cam.ac.uk/opencga-prod/"))
#' con <- initOpencgaR(opencgaConfig=conf)
#' con <- opencgaLogin(opencga = con, userid = "demouser", passwd = demouser")
#' # Configuration in file format ("YAML" or "JSON")
#' conf <- "/path/to/conf/client-configuration.yml"
#' con <- initOpencgaR(opencgaConfig=conf)
#' con <- opencgaLogin(opencga = con, userid = "demouser", passwd = "demouser")
#' }
opencgaReadConfig <- function(conf){
if (class(conf) == "list"){
# read from R object
conf <- readConfList(conf)
}else if(class(conf) == "character"){
# read from file
conf <- readConfFile(conf)
ocga <- new(Class = "OpencgaR", host=conf$host, version=conf$version,
user="", token="", refreshToken="")
readConfList <- function(conf){
if ("rest" %in% names(conf)){
if ("host" %in% names(conf$rest)){
host <- conf$rest$host
stop("Please, specify the 'host' in the 'rest' section")
if ("version" %in% names(conf)){
version <- conf$version
version <- "v2"
#stop("Please, specify the OpenCGA version")
return(list(host=host, version=version))
readConfFile <- function(conf){
if(requireNamespace("configr", quietly = TRUE)){
type <- configr::get.config.type(conf)
print(paste("Reading configuration file in", type, "format", sep = " "))
conf.obj <- configr::read.config(conf, warn = F)
#' @title Login to OpenCGA Web Services
#' @description
#' A function to login Opencga web services
#' @aliases OpencgaLogin
#' @param ocga an object of type OpencgaR generated using initOpencgaR
#' @param userid a charatcer with the username
#' @param passwd a charcter with the user password
#' #@param version a character with the OpenCGA version to use
#' @param interactive whether to launch a graphical interface, FALSE by default
#' #@param ... Any other arguments
#' @return an Opencga class object
#' \dontrun{
#' con <- initOpencgaR(host = "http://bioinfo.hpc.cam.ac.uk/opencga-prod/", version = "v2")
#' con <- opencgaLogin(opencga = con, userid = "demouser", passwd = "demouser", showToken = TRUE)
#' # Configuration in list format
#' conf <- list(version="v2", rest=list(host="http://bioinfo.hpc.cam.ac.uk/opencga-prod/"))
#' con <- initOpencgaR(opencgaConfig=conf)
#' con <- opencgaLogin(opencga = con, userid = "demouser", passwd = demouser")
#' # Configuration in file format ("YAML" or "JSON")
#' conf <- "/path/to/conf/client-configuration.yml"
#' con <- initOpencgaR(opencgaConfig=conf)
#' con <- opencgaLogin(opencga = con, userid = "demouser", passwd = "demouser")
#' }
#' @export
opencgaLogin <- function(opencga, userid=NULL, passwd=NULL, interactive=FALSE,
autoRenew=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, showToken=FALSE){
if (class(opencga) == "OpencgaR"){
host <- slot(object = opencga, name = "host")
version <- slot(object = opencga, name = "version")
stop("Please, provide a valid config object. See initOpencgaR")
if(!endsWith(x = host, suffix = "/")){
host <- paste0(host, "/")
if (!grepl("webservices/rest", host)){
host <- paste0(host, "webservices/rest/")
baseurl <- paste0(host, version,"/users/login")
# Interactive login
if(requireNamespace("miniUI", quietly = TRUE) & requireNamespace("shiny", quietly = TRUE)){
user_login <- function() {
ui <- miniUI::miniPage(
miniUI::gadgetTitleBar("Please enter your username and password"),
shiny::textInput("username", "Username"),
shiny::passwordInput("password", "Password")))
server <- function(input, output) {
shiny::observeEvent(input$done, {
user <- input$username
pass <- input$password
res <- list(user=user, pass=pass)
shiny::observeEvent(input$cancel, {
shiny::stopApp(stop("No password.", call. = FALSE))
shiny::runGadget(ui, server, viewer=shiny::dialogViewer("user_login"))
cred <- user_login()
userid <- cred$user
passwd <- cred$pass
print("The 'miniUI' and 'shiny' packages are required to run the
interactive login, please install it and try again.
To install 'miniUI': install.packages('miniUI')
To install 'shiny': install.packages('shiny')")
# end interactive login
# Send request
query <- httr::POST(baseurl, body = list(user=userid, password=passwd), encode = "json")
# check query status
res <- httr::content(query)
token <- res$responses[[1]]$results[[1]]$token
refreshToken <- res$responses[[1]]$results[[1]]$refreshToken
opencga@user <- userid
opencga@token <- token
opencga@refreshToken <- refreshToken
opencga@verbose <- verbose
opencga@showToken <- showToken
opencga@autoRenew <- autoRenew
# get expiration time
loginInfo <- unlist(strsplit(x=token, split="\\."))[2]
loginInfojson <- jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(base64enc::base64decode(what=loginInfo)))
loginTime <- as.character(as.POSIXct(loginInfojson$iat, origin="1970-01-01"), format="%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
expirationTime <- as.character(as.POSIXct(loginInfojson$exp, origin="1970-01-01"), format="%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# Create session JSON
sessionDf <- data.frame(host=opencga@host, version=opencga@version,
user=opencga@user, token=opencga@token,
login=loginTime, expirationTime=expirationTime)
sessionJson <- jsonlite::toJSON(sessionDf)
# Get system to define session directory
if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
sessionDir <- file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), ".opencga", "R", fsep = .Platform$file.sep)
} else {
sessionDir <- normalizePath(file.path(Sys.getenv("HOMEDRIVE"),
Sys.getenv("HOMEPATH"), "opencga", "R",
winslash = .Platform$file.sep))
# Create/update session file
dir.create(path=sessionDir, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive=TRUE)
sessionFile <- file.path(sessionDir, "rsession.json", fsep = .Platform$file.sep)
opencga@sessionFile <- sessionFile
sessionTable <- jsonlite::fromJSON(sessionFile)
sessionTableMatch <- which(sessionTable$host==opencga@host &
sessionTable$version == opencga@version &
sessionTable$user == opencga@user)
if (length(sessionTableMatch) == 0){
sessionTable <- rbind(sessionTable, sessionDf)
write(x = jsonlite::toJSON(sessionTable), file = sessionFile)
}else if (length(sessionTableMatch) == 1){
sessionTable[sessionTableMatch, "login"] <- loginTime
sessionTable[sessionTableMatch, "token"] <- token
sessionTable[sessionTableMatch, "refreshToken"] <- refreshToken
sessionTable[sessionTableMatch, "expirationTime"] <- expirationTime
write(x = jsonlite::toJSON(sessionTable), file = sessionFile)
stop(paste("There is more than one connection to this host in your rsession file. Please, remove any duplicated entries in",
write(x = sessionJson, file = sessionFile)
#' @title Logout from OpenCGA Web Services
#' @description
#' A function to logout from Opencga web services
#' @aliases OpencgaLogout
#' @param ocga an object of type OpencgaR generated using opencgaLogin
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' opencgaLogout(con)
#' }
#' @export
opencgaLogout <- function(opencga){
if (class(opencga) != "OpencgaR"){
stop("Please, provide a valid config object. See initOpencgaR")
eval.parent(substitute(opencga@token <- ""))
eval.parent(substitute(opencga@refreshToken <- ""))
#' @title Get help from OpenCGA Web Services
#' @description
#' A function extract all the available information from Opencga web services
#' at the defined host
#' @aliases OpencgaHelp
#' @param opencga an object of type OpencgaR generated using initOpencga or
#' opencgaLogin
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' con <- initOpencgaR(host = "http://bioinfo.hpc.cam.ac.uk/opencga-prod/", version = "v2")
#' con <- opencgaLogin(opencga = con, userid = "demouser", passwd = "demouser", showToken = TRUE)
#' opencgaHelp(con, client="userClient", action="info")
#' }
#' @export
opencgaHelp <- function(opencga, client=NULL, action=NULL){
if (class(opencga) != "OpencgaR"){
stop("Please, provide a valid config object. See initOpencgaR")
if(length(opencga@swagger) == 0) {
stop("ERROR: Help cannot be displayed. The swagger JSON could not be
downloaded from your host.\nPlease try initialising your session
again or have a look at the swagger located in your host.")
allApis <- names(opencga@swagger$paths)
# General help: Return all paths
if (is.null(client) & is.null(action)){
gsub(pattern="\\/\\{apiVersion\\}", replacement="", x=allApis)
# Client help: return all possible paths within a method (subcategory != NULL)
# Action help: return all possible params for the action in the client
"userClient"=getMethodInfo(opencga, categ="users", subcat=NULL, action=action),
"projectClient"=getMethodInfo(opencga, categ="projects", subcat=NULL, action=action),
"studyClient"=getMethodInfo(opencga, categ="studies", subcat=NULL, action=action),
"fileClient"=getMethodInfo(opencga, categ="files", subcat=NULL, action=action),
"jobClient"=getMethodInfo(opencga, categ="jobs", subcat=NULL, action=action),
"sampleClient"=getMethodInfo(opencga, categ="samples", subcat=NULL, action=action),
"individualClient"=getMethodInfo(opencga, categ="individuals", subcat=NULL, action=action),
"familyClient"=getMethodInfo(opencga, categ="families", subcat=NULL, action=action),
"cohortClient"=getMethodInfo(opencga, categ="cohorts", subcat=NULL, action=action),
"panelClient"=getMethodInfo(opencga, categ="panels", subcat=NULL, action=action),
"alignmentClient"=getMethodInfo(opencga, categ="alignment", subcat=NULL, action=action),
"variantClient"=getMethodInfo(opencga, categ="variant", subcat=NULL, action=action),
"clinicalClient"=getMethodInfo(opencga, categ="clinical", subcat=NULL, action=action),
"operationClient"=getMethodInfo(opencga, categ="operation", subcat=NULL, action=action),
"metaClient"=getMethodInfo(opencga, categ="meta", subcat=NULL, action=action),
"ga4ghClient"=getMethodInfo(opencga, categ="ga4gh", subcat=NULL, action=action),
"adminClient"=getMethodInfo(opencga, categ="admin", subcat=NULL, action=action)
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @importFrom rlang .data
getMethodInfo <- function(opencga, categ, subcat, action){
allApis <- names(opencga@swagger$paths)
methodsInCategoryLogic <- sapply(strsplit(x = allApis, split = "/"), "[", 3) == categ
methodsInCategory <- allApis[methodsInCategoryLogic]
lenParams <- unlist(lapply(X = strsplit(x = allApis, split = "/"), FUN = length))
filterParams <- function(x){
x <- subset(x, !.data$name %in% c("apiVersion", "version", "sid", "Authorization"))
x <- x[, c("name", "in", "required", "type", "description")]
if (is.null(subcat)){
simpleMethodsLogic <- lenParams < 6
simpleMethodsInCat <- allApis[methodsInCategoryLogic & simpleMethodsLogic]
helpResp <- gsub(pattern="\\/\\{apiVersion\\}", replacement="", x=simpleMethodsInCat)
availActions <- sapply(strsplit(x = simpleMethodsInCat, split = "/"), tail, 1)
if (action %in% availActions){
selMethodAction <- simpleMethodsInCat[sapply(strsplit(x = simpleMethodsInCat, split = "/"), tail, 1) == action]
if(grepl(pattern = "DEPRECATED", x = opencga@swagger$paths[selMethodAction][[names(opencga@swagger$paths[selMethodAction])]][[1]]$description)){
helpResp <- opencga@swagger$paths[selMethodAction][[names(opencga@swagger$paths[selMethodAction])]][[1]]$description
helpResp <- opencga@swagger$paths[selMethodAction][[names(opencga@swagger$paths[selMethodAction])]][[1]]$parameters
helpResp <- filterParams(helpResp)
helpResp <- paste0("The action '", action, "' could not be found in the specified client.")
complexMethodsLogic <- lenParams >= 6
subcatInMethodsLogic <- sapply(strsplit(x = allApis, split = "/"), "[", 5) == subcat
complexMethodsInCat <- allApis[methodsInCategoryLogic & complexMethodsLogic & subcatInMethodsLogic]
helpResp <- gsub(pattern="\\/\\{apiVersion\\}", replacement="", x=complexMethodsInCat)
availActions <- sapply(strsplit(x = complexMethodsInCat, split = "/"), tail, 1)
if (action %in% availActions){
selMethodAction <- complexMethodsInCat[sapply(strsplit(x = complexMethodsInCat, split = "/"), tail, 1) == action]
if(grepl(pattern = "DEPRECATED", x = opencga@swagger$paths[selMethodAction][[names(opencga@swagger$paths[selMethodAction])]][[1]]$description)){
helpResp <- opencga@swagger$paths[selMethodAction][[names(opencga@swagger$paths[selMethodAction])]][[1]]$description
helpResp <- opencga@swagger$paths[selMethodAction][[names(opencga@swagger$paths[selMethodAction])]][[1]]$parameters
helpResp <- filterParams(helpResp)
helpResp <- paste0("The action '", action, "' could not be found in the specified client.")
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