R.commons.R Maven / Gradle / Ivy
#' OpencgaR Common functions
#' @include AllClasses.R
#' @description This is an S4 class which defines the OpencgaR object
#' @details This S4 class holds the default configuration required by OpencgaR
#' methods to stablish the connection with the web services. By default it is
#' configured to query HGVA (http://hgva.opencb.org/).
#' @slot host a character specifying the host url. Default
#' "http://bioinfo.hpc.cam.ac.uk/hgva"
#' @slot version a character specifying the API version. Default "v1"
#' @seealso \url{https://github.com/opencb/opencga/wiki}
#' and the RESTful API documentation
#' \url{http://bioinfo.hpc.cam.ac.uk/opencga/webservices/}
#' @export
fetchOpenCGA <- function(object=object, category=NULL, categoryId=NULL,
subcategory=NULL, subcategoryId=NULL, action=NULL,
params=NULL, httpMethod="GET", skip=0,
num_threads=NULL, as.queryParam=NULL, batch_size=1000){
# Need to disable scientific notation to avoid errors in the URL
# Get connection info
host <- object@host
version <- object@version
# real_batch_size <- real_batch_size
if(!endsWith(x = host, suffix = "/")){
host <- paste0(host, "/")
if (!grepl("webservices/rest", host)){
host <- paste0(host, "webservices/rest/")
if(!endsWith(x = version, suffix = "/")){
version <- paste0(version, "/")
# Format category and subcategory
category <- ""
category <- paste0(category, "/", sep="")
subcategory <- ""
subcategory <- paste0(subcategory, "/")
# Format IDs
categoryId <- ""
categoryId <- paste0(categoryId, collapse = ",")
categoryId <- paste0(categoryId, "/")
subcategoryId <- ""
subcategoryId <- paste0(subcategoryId, collapse = ",")
subcategoryId <- paste0(subcategoryId, "/")
# Extract limit from params
limit <- 400000
limit <- 400000
limit <- params$limit
# Call server
i <- 1
real_batch_size <- min(c(batch_size, limit))
skip <- 0
num_results <- real_batch_size
container <- list()
count <- 0
# Initialise array of RestResponse objects
restResponseList = list()
if (is.null(params)){
params <- list()
while((unlist(num_results) == real_batch_size) && count <= limit){
pathUrl <- paste0(host, version, category, categoryId, subcategory,
subcategoryId, action)
## send batch size as limit to callrest
real_batch_size <- min(c(real_batch_size, limit-count))
# if(real_batch_size == 0){
# break()
# }
params$limit <- real_batch_size
# check expiration time
sessionTable <- jsonlite::fromJSON(object@sessionFile)
sessionTableMatch <- which(sessionTable$host==object@host &
sessionTable$version == object@version &
sessionTable$user == object@user)
if (length(sessionTableMatch) == 0){
stop("You are not logged into openCGA. Please, log in before launching a query.")
}else if (length(sessionTableMatch) == 1){
token <- sessionTable[sessionTableMatch, "token"]
expirationTime <- sessionTable[sessionTableMatch, "expirationTime"]
stop(paste("There is more than one connection to this host in your rsession file. Please, remove any duplicated entries in",
timeNow <- Sys.time()
timeLeft <- as.numeric(difftime(as.POSIXct(expirationTime, format="%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), timeNow, units="mins"))
if (timeLeft > 0 & timeLeft <= 5){
print("INFO: Your session will expire in less than 5 minutes.")
urlNewToken <- paste0(host, version, "users/login")
resp <- httr::POST(url=urlNewToken,
"Authorisation"="Bearer ")),
encode = "json")
content <- httr::content(resp, as="text", encoding = "utf-8")
if (length(jsonlite::fromJSON(content)$responses$results[[1]]$token) > 0){
token <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content)$responses$results[[1]]$token
loginInfo <- unlist(strsplit(x=token, split="\\."))[2]
loginInfojson <- jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(base64enc::base64decode(what=loginInfo)))
expirationTime <- as.POSIXct(loginInfojson$exp, origin="1970-01-01")
expirationTime <- as.character(expirationTime, format="%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
sessionTable[sessionTableMatch, "token"] <- token
sessionTable[sessionTableMatch, "expirationTime"] <- expirationTime
write(x = jsonlite::toJSON(sessionTable), file = object@sessionFile)
print("Your session has been renewed!")
warning(paste0("WARNING: Your token could not be renewed, your session will expire in ",
round(x = timeLeft, digits = 2), " minutes"))
}else if(timeLeft <= 0){
stop("ERROR: Your session has expired, please renew your connection.")
response <- callREST(pathUrl=pathUrl, params=params,
httpMethod=httpMethod, skip=skip, token=token,
as.queryParam=as.queryParam, verbose=object@verbose,
skip <- skip+real_batch_size
res_list <- parseResponse(resp=response$resp, content=response$content,
num_results <- res_list$numResults
restResponseList <- append(x = restResponseList, values = res_list$restResponse)
count <- count + num_results
if (isTRUE(object@verbose)){
print(paste("Number of retrieved documents:", count))
if(num_results == limit){
# Merge RestResponses
finalRestResponse <- opencgaR::mergeResponses(restResponseList = restResponseList)
## all working functions
## Format query params
get_qparams <- function(params){
paramsVec <- c()
for(p in seq_along(params)){
paramsVec <- append(paramsVec, paste0(names(params)[p], "=", params[p]))
paramsStr <- paste(paramsVec, collapse = "&")
## Make call to server
callREST <- function(pathUrl, params, httpMethod, skip, token, as.queryParam,
verbose, sid=FALSE){
content <- list()
session <- paste("Bearer", token)
skip=paste0("?skip=", as.character(skip))
# Make GET call
if (httpMethod == "GET"){
if (!is.null(params)){
params <- get_qparams(params)
fullUrl <- paste0(pathUrl, skip, "&", params)
fullUrl <- paste0(pathUrl, skip)
if (sid){
fullUrl <- paste0(fullUrl, "&sid=", token)
# Encode the URL
fullUrl <- httr::build_url(httr::parse_url(fullUrl))
if (isTRUE(verbose)){
print(paste("URL:", fullUrl))
resp <- httr::GET(url=fullUrl,
}else if(httpMethod == "POST"){
# Make POST call
if (!is.null(as.queryParam)){
if(class(as.queryParam) == "character"){
as.queryParam <- unique(c(as.queryParam, "study", "skip", "limit", "include", "exclude"))
} else {
as.queryParam = c("skip", "limit", "include", "exclude")
if (!is.null(params)){
# extract study as query param
if (any(as.queryParam %in% names(params))){
queryParams <- get_qparams(params[which(names(params) %in% as.queryParam)])
bodyParams <- params[-which(names(params) %in% as.queryParam)]
bodyParams <- params
queryParams <- ""
if (is.null(params) | queryParams == ""){
fullUrl <- paste0(pathUrl, skip)
fullUrl <- paste0(pathUrl, skip, "&", queryParams)
if (sid){
fullUrl <- paste0(fullUrl, "&sid=", token)
# Encode the URL
fullUrl <- httr::build_url(httr::parse_url(fullUrl))
if (isTRUE(verbose)){
if (exists("bodyParams")){
resp <- httr::POST(url=fullUrl,
encode = "json")
resp <- httr::POST(url=fullUrl,
encode = "json")
content <- httr::content(resp, as="text", encoding = "utf-8")
return(list(resp=resp, content=content))
## A function to parse the json data into R dataframes
parseResponse <- function(resp, content, verbose){
js <- jsonlite::fromJSON(content)
if (resp$status_code == 200){
if (!("warning" %in% js[[1]]) || js[[1]]$warning == ""){
if (isTRUE(verbose)){
print("Query successful!")
print("Query successful with warnings.")
print(paste("WARNING:", js[[1]]$warning))
print("Query unsuccessful.")
print(paste("Category:", httr::http_status(resp)$category))
print(paste("Reason:", httr::http_status(resp)$reason))
if (js[[1]]$warning != ""){
print(paste("WARNING:", js[[1]]$warning))
if (js[[1]]$error != ""){
stop(paste("ERROR:", js[[1]]$error))
#responsesJSON <- jsonlite::toJSON(js$responses)
myRestResponse = new("RestResponse",
apiVersion = js$apiVersion,
time = js$time,
events = js$events,
params = js$params,
responses = list(
time = js$responses$time,
events = js$responses$events,
numResults = js$responses$numResults,
resultType = js$responses$resultType,
numTotalResults = js$responses$numTotalResults,
numMatches = js$responses$numMatches,
numInserted = js$responses$numInserted,
numUpdated = js$responses$numUpdated,
numDeleted = js$responses$numDeleted,
attributes = js$responses$attributes,
results = js$responses$results))
return(list(restResponse = myRestResponse,
numResults = js$responses$numResults))
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