man.alignmentClient-OpencgaR-method.Rd Maven / Gradle / Ivy
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/Alignment-methods.R
\title{AlignmentClient methods}
\S4method{alignmentClient}{OpencgaR}(OpencgaR, endpointName, params = NULL, ...)
\item{range}{Range of coverage values to be reported. Minimum and maximum values are separated by '-', e.g.: 20-40 (for coverage values greater or equal to 20 and less or equal to 40). A single value means to report coverage values less or equal to that value.}
\item{file1}{Input file #1 (e.g. somatic file).}
\item{file2}{Input file #2 (e.g. germline file).}
\item{skipLog2}{Do not apply Log2 to normalise the coverage ratio.}
\item{windowSize}{Window size for the region coverage (if a coverage range is provided, window size must be 1).}
\item{threshold}{Only regions whose coverage depth is under this threshold will be reported.}
\item{limit}{Number of results to be returned.}
\item{skip}{Number of results to skip.}
\item{count}{Get the total number of results matching the query. Deactivated by default.}
\item{file}{File ID.}
\item{region}{Comma separated list of regions 'chr:start-end, e.g.: 2,3:63500-65000.}
\item{gene}{Comma separated list of genes, e.g.: BCRA2,TP53.}
\item{offset}{Offset to extend the region, gene or exon at up and downstream.}
\item{onlyExons}{Only exons are taking into account when genes are specified.}
\item{minMappingQuality}{Minimum mapping quality.}
\item{maxNumMismatches}{Maximum number of mismatches.}
\item{maxNumHits}{Maximum number of hits.}
\item{properlyPaired}{Return only properly paired alignments.}
\item{maxInsertSize}{Maximum insert size.}
\item{skipUnmapped}{Skip unmapped alignments.}
\item{skipDuplicated}{Skip duplicated alignments.}
\item{regionContained}{Return alignments contained within boundaries of region.}
\item{forceMDField}{Force SAM MD optional field to be set with the alignments.}
\item{binQualities}{Compress the nucleotide qualities by using 8 quality levels.}
\item{splitResults}{Split results into regions (or gene/exon regions).}
\item{jobId}{Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.}
\item{jobDependsOn}{Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.}
\item{jobDescription}{Job description.}
\item{jobTags}{Job tags.}
\item{data}{Samtools parameters. Supported Samtools commands: sort, index, view, stats, flagstat, dict, faidx, depth, plot-bamstats.}
This function implements the OpenCGA calls for managing Analysis - Alignment.
The following table summarises the available \emph{actions} for this client:\tabular{llr}{
endpointName \tab Endpoint WS \tab parameters accepted \cr
runBwa \tab /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/bwa/run \tab study, jobId, jobDependsOn, jobDescription, jobTags, body\link{*} \cr
runCoverageIndex \tab /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/coverage/index/run \tab study, jobId, jobDependsOn, jobDescription, jobTags, body\link{*} \cr
coverageQcGeneCoverageStatsRun \tab /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/coverage/qc/geneCoverageStats/run \tab study, jobId, jobDependsOn, jobDescription, jobTags, body\link{*} \cr
queryCoverage \tab /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/coverage/query \tab file\link{*}, study, region, gene, offset, onlyExons, range, windowSize, splitResults \cr
ratioCoverage \tab /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/coverage/ratio \tab file1\link{*}, file2\link{*}, study, skipLog2, region, gene, offset, onlyExons, windowSize, splitResults \cr
statsCoverage \tab /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/coverage/stats \tab file\link{*}, gene\link{*}, study, threshold \cr
runDeeptools \tab /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/deeptools/run \tab study, jobId, jobDependsOn, jobDescription, jobTags, body\link{*} \cr
runFastqc \tab /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/fastqc/run \tab study, jobId, jobDependsOn, jobDescription, jobTags, body\link{*} \cr
runIndex \tab /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/index/run \tab study, jobId, jobDependsOn, jobDescription, jobTags, body\link{*} \cr
runPicard \tab /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/picard/run \tab study, jobId, jobDependsOn, jobDescription, jobTags, body\link{*} \cr
runQc \tab /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/qc/run \tab study, jobId, jobDependsOn, jobDescription, jobTags, body\link{*} \cr
query \tab /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/query \tab limit, skip, count, file\link{*}, study, region, gene, offset, onlyExons, minMappingQuality, maxNumMismatches, maxNumHits, properlyPaired, maxInsertSize, skipUnmapped, skipDuplicated, regionContained, forceMDField, binQualities, splitResults \cr
runSamtools \tab /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/samtools/run \tab study, jobId, jobDependsOn, jobDescription, jobTags, body\link{*} \cr
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/bwa/run}{
BWA is a software package for mapping low-divergent sequences against a large reference genome.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/coverage/index/run}{
Compute coverage for a list of alignment files.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/coverage/qc/geneCoverageStats/run}{
Compute gene coverage stats for a given alignment file and a list of genes.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/coverage/query}{
Query the coverage of an alignment file for regions or genes.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/coverage/ratio}{
Compute coverage ratio from file #1 vs file #2, (e.g. somatic vs germline).
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/coverage/stats}{
Compute coverage stats per transcript for a list of genes.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/deeptools/run}{
Deeptools is a suite of python tools particularly developed for the efficient analysis of high-throughput sequencing data, such as ChIP-seq, RNA-seq or MNase-seq.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/fastqc/run}{
A high throughput sequence QC analysis tool.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/index/run}{
Index alignment file.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/picard/run}{
Picard is a set of command line tools (in Java) for manipulating high-throughput sequencing (HTS) data and formats such as SAM/BAM/CRAM and VCF. Supported Picard commands: CollectHsMetrics, CollectWgsMetrics, BedToIntervalList.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/qc/run}{
Compute quality control (QC) metrics for a given alignment file (including samtools stats, samtools flag stats, FastQC and HS metrics).
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/query}{
Search over indexed alignments.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/analysis/alignment/samtools/run}{
Samtools is a program for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data in SAM, BAM and CRAM formats. Supported Samtools commands: sort, index, view, stats, flagstat, dict, faidx, depth, plot-bamstats.
\url{http://docs.opencb.org/display/opencga/Using+OpenCGA} and the RESTful API documentation
\link{*}: Required parameter
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