man.studyClient-OpencgaR-method.Rd Maven / Gradle / Ivy
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/Study-methods.R
\title{StudyClient methods}
params = NULL,
\item{members}{Comma separated list of user or group ids.}
\item{study}{Study [\link{user@}project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.}
\item{variableSet}{VariableSet id of the VariableSet to be updated.}
\item{group}{Group name.}
\item{studies}{Comma separated list of Studies [\link{user@}project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID up to a maximum of 100.}
\item{templateId}{Template id.}
\item{project}{Project \link{user@}project where project can be either the ID or the alias.}
\item{name}{Study name.}
\item{alias}{Study alias.}
\item{fqn}{Study full qualified name.}
\item{creationDate}{Creation date. Format: yyyyMMddHHmmss. Examples: >2018, 2017-2018, <201805.}
\item{modificationDate}{Modification date. Format: yyyyMMddHHmmss. Examples: >2018, 2017-2018, <201805.}
\item{internalStatus}{Filter by internal status.}
\item{release}{Release value.}
\item{member}{User or group id.}
\item{default}{Calculate default stats.}
\item{fileFields}{List of file fields separated by semicolons, e.g.: studies;type. For nested fields use >>, e.g.: studies>>biotype;type.}
\item{individualFields}{List of individual fields separated by semicolons, e.g.: studies;type. For nested fields use >>, e.g.: studies>>biotype;type.}
\item{familyFields}{List of family fields separated by semicolons, e.g.: studies;type. For nested fields use >>, e.g.: studies>>biotype;type.}
\item{sampleFields}{List of sample fields separated by semicolons, e.g.: studies;type. For nested fields use >>, e.g.: studies>>biotype;type.}
\item{cohortFields}{List of cohort fields separated by semicolons, e.g.: studies;type. For nested fields use >>, e.g.: studies>>biotype;type.}
\item{jobFields}{List of job fields separated by semicolons, e.g.: studies;type. For nested fields use >>, e.g.: studies>>biotype;type.}
\item{limit}{Number of results to be returned.}
\item{skip}{Number of results to skip.}
\item{count}{Get the total number of results matching the query. Deactivated by default.}
\item{operationId}{Audit operation UUID.}
\item{userId}{User ID.}
\item{resource}{Resource involved.}
\item{resourceId}{Resource ID.}
\item{resourceUuid}{resource UUID.}
\item{status}{Filter by status.}
\item{date}{Date. Format: yyyyMMddHHmmss. Examples: >2018, 2017-2018, <201805.}
\item{silent}{Boolean to retrieve all possible entries that are queried for, false to raise an exception whenever one of the entries looked for cannot be shown for whichever reason.}
\item{entity}{Entity where the permission rules should be applied to.}
\item{jobId}{Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.}
\item{jobDependsOn}{Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.}
\item{jobDescription}{Job description.}
\item{jobTags}{Job tags.}
\item{file}{File to upload.}
\item{include}{Fields included in the response, whole JSON path must be provided.}
\item{exclude}{Fields excluded in the response, whole JSON path must be provided.}
\item{includeResult}{Flag indicating to include the created or updated document result in the response.}
\item{id}{Id of the variableSet to be retrieved. If no id is passed, it will show all the variableSets of the study.}
\item{action}{Action to be performed: ADD or REMOVE a variable. Allowed values: \link{'ADD', 'REMOVE'}}
\item{data}{JSON containing the variable to be added or removed. For removing, only the variable id will be needed.}
This function implements the OpenCGA calls for managing Studies.
The following table summarises the available \emph{actions} for this client:\tabular{llr}{
endpointName \tab Endpoint WS \tab parameters accepted \cr
updateAcl \tab /{apiVersion}/studies/acl/{members}/update \tab members\link{*}, action\link{*}, body\link{*} \cr
create \tab /{apiVersion}/studies/create \tab include, exclude, project, includeResult, body\link{*} \cr
search \tab /{apiVersion}/studies/search \tab include, exclude, limit, skip, count, project\link{*}, name, id, alias, fqn, creationDate, modificationDate, internalStatus, status, attributes, release \cr
acl \tab /{apiVersion}/studies/{studies}/acl \tab studies\link{*}, member, silent \cr
aggregationStats \tab /{apiVersion}/studies/{studies}/aggregationStats \tab studies\link{*}, default, fileFields, individualFields, familyFields, sampleFields, cohortFields, jobFields \cr
info \tab /{apiVersion}/studies/{studies}/info \tab include, exclude, studies\link{*} \cr
searchAudit \tab /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/audit/search \tab include, exclude, limit, skip, count, study\link{*}, operationId, userId, action, resource, resourceId, resourceUuid, status, date \cr
groups \tab /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/groups \tab study\link{*}, id, silent \cr
updateGroups \tab /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/groups/update \tab study\link{*}, action, body\link{*} \cr
updateGroupsUsers \tab /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/groups/{group}/users/update \tab study\link{*}, group\link{*}, action, body\link{*} \cr
permissionRules \tab /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/permissionRules \tab study\link{*}, entity\link{*} \cr
updatePermissionRules \tab /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/permissionRules/update \tab study\link{*}, entity\link{*}, action, body\link{*} \cr
runTemplates \tab /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/templates/run \tab study\link{*}, jobId, jobDependsOn, jobDescription, jobTags, body\link{*} \cr
uploadTemplates \tab /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/templates/upload \tab file, study\link{*} \cr
deleteTemplates \tab /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/templates/{templateId}/delete \tab study, templateId\link{*} \cr
update \tab /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/update \tab include, exclude, study\link{*}, includeResult, body\link{*} \cr
variableSets \tab /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/variableSets \tab study\link{*}, id \cr
updateVariableSets \tab /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/variableSets/update \tab study\link{*}, action, body\link{*} \cr
updateVariableSetsVariables \tab /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/variableSets/{variableSet}/variables/update \tab study\link{*}, variableSet\link{*}, action, body\link{*} \cr
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/studies/acl/{members}/update}{
Update the set of permissions granted for the member.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/studies/create}{
Create a new study.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/studies/search}{
Search studies.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/studies/{studies}/acl}{
Return the acl of the study. If member is provided, it will only return the acl for the member.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/studies/{studies}/aggregationStats}{
Fetch catalog study stats.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/studies/{studies}/info}{
Fetch study information.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/audit/search}{
Search audit collection.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/groups}{
Return the groups present in the study. For owners and administrators only.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/groups/update}{
Add or remove a group.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/groups/{group}/users/update}{
Add, set or remove users from an existing group.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/permissionRules}{
Fetch permission rules.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/permissionRules/update}{
Add or remove a permission rule.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/templates/run}{
Execute template.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/templates/upload}{
Resource to upload a zipped template.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/templates/{templateId}/delete}{
Delete template.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/update}{
Update some study attributes.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/variableSets}{
Fetch variableSets from a study.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/variableSets/update}{
Add or remove a variableSet.
\section{Endpoint /{apiVersion}/studies/{study}/variableSets/{variableSet}/variables/update}{
Add or remove variables to a VariableSet.
\url{http://docs.opencb.org/display/opencga/Using+OpenCGA} and the RESTful API documentation
\link{*}: Required parameter
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