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* Copyright 2015-2024 OpenCB
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.


import org.opencb.biodata.models.clinical.qc.Signature;
import org.opencb.biodata.models.variant.Variant;
import org.opencb.biodata.models.variant.avro.VariantAnnotation;
import org.opencb.biodata.models.variant.metadata.SampleVariantStats;
import org.opencb.biodata.models.variant.metadata.VariantMetadata;
import org.opencb.biodata.models.variant.metadata.VariantSetStats;
import org.opencb.commons.datastore.core.FacetField;
import org.opencb.commons.datastore.core.ObjectMap;
import org.opencb.commons.datastore.core.QueryResponse;
import org.opencb.opencga.client.config.ClientConfiguration;
import org.opencb.opencga.client.exceptions.ClientException;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.analysis.knockout.KnockoutByGene;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.analysis.knockout.KnockoutByIndividual;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.clinical.ExomiserWrapperParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.job.Job;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.operations.variant.VariantIndexParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.operations.variant.VariantStatsExportParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.CircosAnalysisParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.CohortVariantStatsAnalysisParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.FamilyQcAnalysisParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.GatkWrapperParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.GenomePlotAnalysisParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.GwasAnalysisParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.HRDetectAnalysisParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.IndividualQcAnalysisParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.InferredSexAnalysisParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.KnockoutAnalysisParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.MendelianErrorAnalysisParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.MutationalSignatureAnalysisParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.PlinkWrapperParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.RelatednessAnalysisParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.RvtestsWrapperParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.SampleEligibilityAnalysisParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.SampleQcAnalysisParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.SampleVariantFilterParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.SampleVariantStatsAnalysisParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.VariantExportParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.models.variant.VariantStatsAnalysisParams;
import org.opencb.opencga.core.response.RestResponse;

* This code was generated by a tool.
* Manual changes to this file may cause unexpected behavior in your application.
* Manual changes to this file will be overwritten if the code is regenerated.

 * This class contains methods for the Variant webservices.
 *    PATH: analysis/variant
public class VariantClient extends AbstractParentClient {

    public VariantClient(String token, ClientConfiguration configuration) {
        super(token, configuration);

     * Calculate and fetch aggregation stats.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       savedFilter: Use a saved filter at User level.
     *       region: List of regions, these can be just a single chromosome name or regions in the format chr:start-end, e.g.:
     *            2,3:100000-200000.
     *       type: List of types, accepted values are SNV, MNV, INDEL, SV, COPY_NUMBER, COPY_NUMBER_LOSS, COPY_NUMBER_GAIN, INSERTION,
     *       project: Project [organization@]project where project can be either the ID or the alias.
     *       study: Filter variants from the given studies, these can be either the numeric ID or the alias with the format
     *            organization@project:study.
     *       cohort: Select variants with calculated stats for the selected cohorts.
     *       cohortStatsRef: Reference Allele Frequency: [{study:}]{cohort}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}. e.g. ALL<=0.4.
     *       cohortStatsAlt: Alternate Allele Frequency: [{study:}]{cohort}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}. e.g. ALL<=0.4.
     *       cohortStatsMaf: Minor Allele Frequency: [{study:}]{cohort}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}. e.g. ALL<=0.4.
     *       cohortStatsMgf: Minor Genotype Frequency: [{study:}]{cohort}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}. e.g. ALL<=0.4.
     *       cohortStatsPass: Filter PASS frequency: [{study:}]{cohort}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}. e.g. ALL>0.8.
     *       missingAlleles: Number of missing alleles: [{study:}]{cohort}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}.
     *       missingGenotypes: Number of missing genotypes: [{study:}]{cohort}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}.
     *       score: Filter by variant score: [{study:}]{score}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}.
     *       annotationExists: Return only annotated variants.
     *       gene: List of genes, most gene IDs are accepted (HGNC, Ensembl gene, ...). This is an alias to 'xref' parameter.
     *       ct: List of SO consequence types, e.g. missense_variant,stop_lost or SO:0001583,SO:0001578. Accepts aliases 'loss_of_function'
     *            and 'protein_altering'.
     *       xref: List of any external reference, these can be genes, proteins or variants. Accepted IDs include HGNC, Ensembl genes,
     *            dbSNP, ClinVar, HPO, Cosmic, HGVS ...
     *       biotype: List of biotypes, e.g. protein_coding.
     *       proteinSubstitution: Protein substitution scores include SIFT and PolyPhen. You can query using the score
     *            {protein_score}[<|>|<=|>=]{number} or the description {protein_score}[~=|=]{description} e.g. polyphen>0.1,sift=tolerant.
     *       conservation: Filter by conservation score: {conservation_score}[<|>|<=|>=]{number} e.g. phastCons>0.5,phylop<0.1,gerp>0.1.
     *       populationFrequencyAlt: Alternate Population Frequency: {study}:{population}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}. e.g. 1000G:ALL<0.01.
     *       populationFrequencyRef: Reference Population Frequency: {study}:{population}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}. e.g. 1000G:ALL<0.01.
     *       populationFrequencyMaf: Population minor allele frequency: {study}:{population}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}. e.g. 1000G:ALL<0.01.
     *       transcriptFlag: List of transcript flags. e.g. canonical, CCDS, basic, LRG, MANE Select, MANE Plus Clinical, EGLH_HaemOnc,
     *            TSO500.
     *       geneTraitId: List of gene trait association id. e.g. "umls:C0007222" , "OMIM:269600".
     *       go: List of GO (Gene Ontology) terms. e.g. "GO:0002020".
     *       expression: List of tissues of interest. e.g. "lung".
     *       proteinKeyword: List of Uniprot protein variant annotation keywords.
     *       drug: List of drug names.
     *       functionalScore: Functional score: {functional_score}[<|>|<=|>=]{number} e.g. cadd_scaled>5.2 , cadd_raw<=0.3.
     *       clinical: Clinical source: clinvar, cosmic.
     *       clinicalSignificance: Clinical significance: benign, likely_benign, likely_pathogenic, pathogenic.
     *       clinicalConfirmedStatus: Clinical confirmed status.
     *       customAnnotation: Custom annotation: {key}[<|>|<=|>=]{number} or {key}[~=|=]{text}.
     *       trait: List of traits, based on ClinVar, HPO, COSMIC, i.e.: IDs, histologies, descriptions,...
     *       field: List of facet fields separated by semicolons, e.g.: studies;type. For nested faceted fields use >>, e.g.:
     *            chromosome>>type;percentile(gerp).
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse aggregationStats(ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant", null, "aggregationStats", params, GET, QueryResponse.class);

     * Read variant annotations metadata from any saved versions.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       annotationId: Annotation identifier.
     *       project: Project [organization@]project where project can be either the ID or the alias.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse metadataAnnotation(ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/annotation", null, "metadata", params, GET, ObjectMap.class);

     * Query variant annotations from any saved versions.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       id: List of variant IDs in the format chrom:start:ref:alt, e.g. 19:7177679:C:T.
     *       region: List of regions, these can be just a single chromosome name or regions in the format chr:start-end, e.g.:
     *            2,3:100000-200000.
     *       include: Fields included in the response, whole JSON path must be provided.
     *       exclude: Fields excluded in the response, whole JSON path must be provided.
     *       limit: Number of results to be returned.
     *       skip: Number of results to skip.
     *       annotationId: Annotation identifier.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse queryAnnotation(ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/annotation", null, "query", params, GET, VariantAnnotation.class);

     * Generate a Circos plot for a given sample.
     * @param data Circos analysis params to customize the plot. These parameters include the title,  the plot density (i.e., the number of
     *     points to display), the general query and the list of tracks. Currently, the supported track types are: COPY-NUMBER, INDEL,
     *     REARRANGEMENT and SNV. In addition, each track can contain a specific query.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: study.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runCircos(CircosAnalysisParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/circos", null, "run", params, POST, String.class);

     * Delete cohort variant stats from a cohort.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: study.
     *       cohort: Cohort ID or UUID.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse deleteCohortStats(ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/cohort/stats", null, "delete", params, DELETE, SampleVariantStats.class);

     * Read cohort variant stats from list of cohorts.
     * @param cohort Comma separated list of cohort IDs or UUIDs up to a maximum of 100.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: study.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse infoCohortStats(String cohort, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.putIfNotNull("cohort", cohort);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/cohort/stats", null, "info", params, GET, VariantSetStats.class);

     * Compute cohort variant stats for the selected list of samples.
     * @param data Cohort variant stats params.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runCohortStats(CohortVariantStatsAnalysisParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/cohort/stats", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * The Exomiser is a Java program that finds potential disease-causing variants from whole-exome or whole-genome sequencing data.
     * @param data Exomiser parameters.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: study.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runExomiser(ExomiserWrapperParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/exomiser", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * Filter and export variants from the variant storage to a file.
     * @param data Variant export params.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       include: Fields included in the response, whole JSON path must be provided.
     *       exclude: Fields excluded in the response, whole JSON path must be provided.
     *       project: Project [organization@]project where project can be either the ID or the alias.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runExport(VariantExportParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/export", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * Calculate the possible genotypes for the members of a family.
     * @param modeOfInheritance Mode of inheritance.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       family: Family id.
     *       clinicalAnalysis: Clinical analysis id.
     *       penetrance: Penetrance.
     *       disorder: Disorder id.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse genotypesFamily(String modeOfInheritance, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.putIfNotNull("modeOfInheritance", modeOfInheritance);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/family", null, "genotypes", params, GET, ObjectMap.class);

     * Run quality control (QC) for a given family. It computes the relatedness scores among the family members.
     * @param data Family QC analysis params. Family ID. Relatedness method, by default 'PLINK/IBD'. Minor  allele frequence (MAF) is used
     *     to filter variants before computing relatedness, e.g.: 1000G:CEU>0.35 or cohort:ALL>0.05.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runFamilyQc(FamilyQcAnalysisParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/family/qc", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     *  [DEPRECATED] Use operation/variant/delete.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       file: Files to remove.
     *       resume: Resume a previously failed indexation.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse deleteFile(ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/file", null, "delete", params, DELETE, Job.class);

     * GATK is a Genome Analysis Toolkit for variant discovery in high-throughput sequencing data. Supported Gatk commands: HaplotypeCaller.
     * @param data Gatk parameters. Supported Gatk commands: HaplotypeCaller.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: study.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runGatk(GatkWrapperParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/gatk", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * Generate a genome plot for a given sample.
     * @param data Genome plot analysis params to customize the plot. The configuration file includes the title,  the plot density (i.e.,
     *     the number of points to display), the general query and the list of tracks. Currently, the supported track types are:
     *     COPY-NUMBER, INDEL, REARRANGEMENT and SNV. In addition, each track can contain a specific query.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runGenomePlot(GenomePlotAnalysisParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/genomePlot", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * Run a Genome Wide Association Study between two cohorts.
     * @param data Gwas analysis params.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runGwas(GwasAnalysisParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/gwas", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * Run HRDetect analysis for a given somatic sample.
     * @param data HRDetect analysis parameters.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runHrDetect(HRDetectAnalysisParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/hrDetect", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     *  [DEPRECATED] Use operation/variant/index.
     * @param data Variant index params.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runIndex(VariantIndexParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/index", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * Run quality control (QC) for a given individual. It includes inferred sex and  mendelian errors (UDP).
     * @param data Individual QC analysis params.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runIndividualQc(IndividualQcAnalysisParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/individual/qc", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * Infer sex from chromosome mean coverages.
     * @param data Inferred sex analysis params.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runInferredSex(InferredSexAnalysisParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/inferredSex", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * Fetch values from KnockoutAnalysis result, by genes.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       limit: Number of results to be returned.
     *       skip: Number of results to skip.
     *       study: study.
     *       job: Job ID or UUID.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse queryKnockoutGene(ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/knockout/gene", null, "query", params, GET, KnockoutByGene.class);

     * Fetch values from KnockoutAnalysis result, by individuals.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       limit: Number of results to be returned.
     *       skip: Number of results to skip.
     *       study: study.
     *       job: Job ID or UUID.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse queryKnockoutIndividual(ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/knockout/individual", null, "query", params, GET, KnockoutByIndividual.class);

     * Obtains the list of knocked out genes for each sample.
     * @param data Gene knockout analysis params.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: study.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runKnockout(KnockoutAnalysisParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/knockout", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * Run mendelian error analysis to infer uniparental disomy regions.
     * @param data Mendelian error analysis params.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runMendelianError(MendelianErrorAnalysisParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/mendelianError", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * .
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       project: Project [organization@]project where project can be either the ID or the alias.
     *       study: Filter variants from the given studies, these can be either the numeric ID or the alias with the format
     *            organization@project:study.
     *       file: Filter variants from the files specified. This will set includeFile parameter when not provided.
     *       sample: Filter variants by sample genotype. This will automatically set 'includeSample' parameter when not provided. This
     *            filter accepts multiple 3 forms: 1) List of samples: Samples that contain the main variant. Accepts AND (;) and OR (,)
     *            operators.  e.g. HG0097,HG0098 . 2) List of samples with genotypes: {sample}:{gt1},{gt2}. Accepts AND (;) and OR (,)
     *            operators.  e.g. HG0097:0/0;HG0098:0/1,1/1 . Unphased genotypes (e.g. 0/1, 1/1) will also include phased genotypes (e.g.
     *            0|1, 1|0, 1|1), but not vice versa. When filtering by multi-allelic genotypes, any secondary allele will match,
     *            regardless of its position e.g. 1/2 will match with genotypes 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, .... Genotype aliases accepted: HOM_REF,
     *            HOM_ALT, HET, HET_REF, HET_ALT, HET_MISS and MISS  e.g. HG0097:HOM_REF;HG0098:HET_REF,HOM_ALT . 3) Sample with
     *            segregation mode: {sample}:{segregation}. Only one sample accepted.Accepted segregation modes: [ autosomalDominant,
     *            autosomalRecessive, XLinkedDominant, XLinkedRecessive, YLinked, mitochondrial, deNovo, deNovoStrict, mendelianError,
     *            compoundHeterozygous ]. Value is case insensitive. e.g. HG0097:DeNovo Sample must have parents defined and indexed. .
     *       includeStudy: List of studies to include in the result. Accepts 'all' and 'none'.
     *       includeFile: List of files to be returned. Accepts 'all' and 'none'. If undefined, automatically includes files used for
     *            filtering. If none, no file is included.
     *       includeSample: List of samples to be included in the result. Accepts 'all' and 'none'. If undefined, automatically includes
     *            samples used for filtering. If none, no sample is included.
     *       include: Fields included in the response, whole JSON path must be provided.
     *       exclude: Fields excluded in the response, whole JSON path must be provided.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse metadata(ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant", null, "metadata", params, GET, VariantMetadata.class);

     * Run mutational signature analysis for a given sample. Use context index.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: Filter variants from the given studies, these can be either the numeric ID or the alias with the format
     *            organization@project:study.
     *       sample: Sample name.
     *       type: Variant type. Valid values: SNV, SV.
     *       ct: List of SO consequence types, e.g. missense_variant,stop_lost or SO:0001583,SO:0001578. Accepts aliases 'loss_of_function'
     *            and 'protein_altering'.
     *       biotype: List of biotypes, e.g. protein_coding.
     *       fileData: Filter by file data (i.e. FILTER, QUAL and INFO columns from VCF file). [{file}:]{key}{op}{value}[,;]* . If no file
     *            is specified, will use all files from "file" filter. e.g. AN>200 or file_1.vcf:AN>200;file_2.vcf:AN<10 . Many fields can
     *            be combined. e.g. file_1.vcf:AN>200;DB=true;file_2.vcf:AN<10,FILTER=PASS,LowDP.
     *       filter: Specify the FILTER for any of the files. If 'file' filter is provided, will match the file and the filter. e.g.:
     *            PASS,LowGQX.
     *       qual: Specify the QUAL for any of the files. If 'file' filter is provided, will match the file and the qual. e.g.: >123.4.
     *       region: List of regions, these can be just a single chromosome name or regions in the format chr:start-end, e.g.:
     *            2,3:100000-200000.
     *       gene: List of genes, most gene IDs are accepted (HGNC, Ensembl gene, ...). This is an alias to 'xref' parameter.
     *       panel: Filter by genes from the given disease panel.
     *       panelModeOfInheritance: Filter genes from specific panels that match certain mode of inheritance. Accepted values : [
     *            autosomalDominant, autosomalRecessive, XLinkedDominant, XLinkedRecessive, YLinked, mitochondrial, deNovo, mendelianError,
     *            compoundHeterozygous ].
     *       panelConfidence: Filter genes from specific panels that match certain confidence. Accepted values : [ high, medium, low,
     *            rejected ].
     *       panelFeatureType: Filter elements from specific panels by type. Accepted values : [ gene, region, str, variant ].
     *       panelRoleInCancer: Filter genes from specific panels that match certain role in cancer. Accepted values : [ both, oncogene,
     *            tumorSuppressorGene, fusion ].
     *       panelIntersection: Intersect panel genes and regions with given genes and regions from que input query. This will prevent
     *            returning variants from regions out of the panel.
     *       msId: Signature ID.
     *       msDescription: Signature description.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse queryMutationalSignature(ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/mutationalSignature", null, "query", params, GET, Signature.class);

     * Run mutational signature analysis for a given sample.
     * @param data Mutational signature analysis parameters to index the genome context for that sample, and to compute both catalogue
     *     counts and signature fitting. In order to skip one of them, , use the following keywords: , catalogue, fitting.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runMutationalSignature(MutationalSignatureAnalysisParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/mutationalSignature", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * Plink is a whole genome association analysis toolset, designed to perform a range of basic, large-scale analyses.
     * @param data Plink params.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: study.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runPlink(PlinkWrapperParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/plink", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * Filter and fetch variants from indexed VCF files in the variant storage.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       include: Fields included in the response, whole JSON path must be provided.
     *       exclude: Fields excluded in the response, whole JSON path must be provided.
     *       limit: Number of results to be returned.
     *       skip: Number of results to skip.
     *       count: Get the total number of results matching the query. Deactivated by default.
     *       sort: Sort the results.
     *       summary: Fast fetch of main variant parameters.
     *       approximateCount: Get an approximate count, instead of an exact total count. Reduces execution time.
     *       approximateCountSamplingSize: Sampling size to get the approximate count. Larger values increase accuracy but also increase
     *            execution time.
     *       savedFilter: Use a saved filter at User level.
     *       id: List of variant IDs in the format chrom:start:ref:alt, e.g. 19:7177679:C:T.
     *       region: List of regions, these can be just a single chromosome name or regions in the format chr:start-end, e.g.:
     *            2,3:100000-200000.
     *       type: List of types, accepted values are SNV, MNV, INDEL, SV, COPY_NUMBER, COPY_NUMBER_LOSS, COPY_NUMBER_GAIN, INSERTION,
     *       reference: Reference allele.
     *       alternate: Main alternate allele.
     *       project: Project [organization@]project where project can be either the ID or the alias.
     *       study: Filter variants from the given studies, these can be either the numeric ID or the alias with the format
     *            organization@project:study.
     *       file: Filter variants from the files specified. This will set includeFile parameter when not provided.
     *       filter: Specify the FILTER for any of the files. If 'file' filter is provided, will match the file and the filter. e.g.:
     *            PASS,LowGQX.
     *       qual: Specify the QUAL for any of the files. If 'file' filter is provided, will match the file and the qual. e.g.: >123.4.
     *       fileData: Filter by file data (i.e. FILTER, QUAL and INFO columns from VCF file). [{file}:]{key}{op}{value}[,;]* . If no file
     *            is specified, will use all files from "file" filter. e.g. AN>200 or file_1.vcf:AN>200;file_2.vcf:AN<10 . Many fields can
     *            be combined. e.g. file_1.vcf:AN>200;DB=true;file_2.vcf:AN<10,FILTER=PASS,LowDP.
     *       sample: Filter variants by sample genotype. This will automatically set 'includeSample' parameter when not provided. This
     *            filter accepts multiple 3 forms: 1) List of samples: Samples that contain the main variant. Accepts AND (;) and OR (,)
     *            operators.  e.g. HG0097,HG0098 . 2) List of samples with genotypes: {sample}:{gt1},{gt2}. Accepts AND (;) and OR (,)
     *            operators.  e.g. HG0097:0/0;HG0098:0/1,1/1 . Unphased genotypes (e.g. 0/1, 1/1) will also include phased genotypes (e.g.
     *            0|1, 1|0, 1|1), but not vice versa. When filtering by multi-allelic genotypes, any secondary allele will match,
     *            regardless of its position e.g. 1/2 will match with genotypes 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, .... Genotype aliases accepted: HOM_REF,
     *            HOM_ALT, HET, HET_REF, HET_ALT, HET_MISS and MISS  e.g. HG0097:HOM_REF;HG0098:HET_REF,HOM_ALT . 3) Sample with
     *            segregation mode: {sample}:{segregation}. Only one sample accepted.Accepted segregation modes: [ autosomalDominant,
     *            autosomalRecessive, XLinkedDominant, XLinkedRecessive, YLinked, mitochondrial, deNovo, deNovoStrict, mendelianError,
     *            compoundHeterozygous ]. Value is case insensitive. e.g. HG0097:DeNovo Sample must have parents defined and indexed. .
     *       genotype: Samples with a specific genotype: {samp_1}:{gt_1}(,{gt_n})*(;{samp_n}:{gt_1}(,{gt_n})*)* e.g.
     *            HG0097:0/0;HG0098:0/1,1/1. Unphased genotypes (e.g. 0/1, 1/1) will also include phased genotypes (e.g. 0|1, 1|0, 1|1),
     *            but not vice versa. When filtering by multi-allelic genotypes, any secondary allele will match, regardless of its
     *            position e.g. 1/2 will match with genotypes 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, .... Genotype aliases accepted: HOM_REF, HOM_ALT, HET,
     *            HET_REF, HET_ALT, HET_MISS and MISS  e.g. HG0097:HOM_REF;HG0098:HET_REF,HOM_ALT. This will automatically set
     *            'includeSample' parameter when not provided.
     *       sampleData: Filter by any SampleData field from samples. [{sample}:]{key}{op}{value}[,;]* . If no sample is specified, will
     *            use all samples from "sample" or "genotype" filter. e.g. DP>200 or HG0097:DP>200,HG0098:DP<10 . Many FORMAT fields can be
     *            combined. e.g. HG0097:DP>200;GT=1/1,0/1,HG0098:DP<10.
     *       sampleAnnotation: Selects some samples using metadata information from Catalog. e.g.
     *            age>20;phenotype=hpo:123,hpo:456;name=smith.
     *       sampleMetadata: Return the samples metadata group by study. Sample names will appear in the same order as their corresponding
     *            genotypes.
     *       unknownGenotype: Returned genotype for unknown genotypes. Common values: [0/0, 0|0, ./.].
     *       sampleLimit: Limit the number of samples to be included in the result.
     *       sampleSkip: Skip some samples from the result. Useful for sample pagination.
     *       cohort: Select variants with calculated stats for the selected cohorts.
     *       cohortStatsRef: Reference Allele Frequency: [{study:}]{cohort}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}. e.g. ALL<=0.4.
     *       cohortStatsAlt: Alternate Allele Frequency: [{study:}]{cohort}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}. e.g. ALL<=0.4.
     *       cohortStatsMaf: Minor Allele Frequency: [{study:}]{cohort}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}. e.g. ALL<=0.4.
     *       cohortStatsMgf: Minor Genotype Frequency: [{study:}]{cohort}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}. e.g. ALL<=0.4.
     *       cohortStatsPass: Filter PASS frequency: [{study:}]{cohort}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}. e.g. ALL>0.8.
     *       missingAlleles: Number of missing alleles: [{study:}]{cohort}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}.
     *       missingGenotypes: Number of missing genotypes: [{study:}]{cohort}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}.
     *       score: Filter by variant score: [{study:}]{score}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}.
     *       family: Filter variants where any of the samples from the given family contains the variant (HET or HOM_ALT).
     *       familyDisorder: Specify the disorder to use for the family segregation.
     *       familySegregation: Filter by segregation mode from a given family. Accepted values: [ autosomalDominant, autosomalRecessive,
     *            XLinkedDominant, XLinkedRecessive, YLinked, mitochondrial, deNovo, deNovoStrict, mendelianError, compoundHeterozygous ].
     *       familyMembers: Sub set of the members of a given family.
     *       familyProband: Specify the proband child to use for the family segregation.
     *       includeStudy: List of studies to include in the result. Accepts 'all' and 'none'.
     *       includeFile: List of files to be returned. Accepts 'all' and 'none'. If undefined, automatically includes files used for
     *            filtering. If none, no file is included.
     *       includeSample: List of samples to be included in the result. Accepts 'all' and 'none'. If undefined, automatically includes
     *            samples used for filtering. If none, no sample is included.
     *       includeSampleData: List of Sample Data keys (i.e. FORMAT column from VCF file) from Sample Data to include in the output. e.g:
     *            DP,AD. Accepts 'all' and 'none'.
     *       includeGenotype: Include genotypes, apart of other formats defined with includeFormat.
     *       includeSampleId: Include sampleId on each result.
     *       annotationExists: Return only annotated variants.
     *       gene: List of genes, most gene IDs are accepted (HGNC, Ensembl gene, ...). This is an alias to 'xref' parameter.
     *       ct: List of SO consequence types, e.g. missense_variant,stop_lost or SO:0001583,SO:0001578. Accepts aliases 'loss_of_function'
     *            and 'protein_altering'.
     *       xref: List of any external reference, these can be genes, proteins or variants. Accepted IDs include HGNC, Ensembl genes,
     *            dbSNP, ClinVar, HPO, Cosmic, HGVS ...
     *       biotype: List of biotypes, e.g. protein_coding.
     *       proteinSubstitution: Protein substitution scores include SIFT and PolyPhen. You can query using the score
     *            {protein_score}[<|>|<=|>=]{number} or the description {protein_score}[~=|=]{description} e.g. polyphen>0.1,sift=tolerant.
     *       conservation: Filter by conservation score: {conservation_score}[<|>|<=|>=]{number} e.g. phastCons>0.5,phylop<0.1,gerp>0.1.
     *       populationFrequencyAlt: Alternate Population Frequency: {study}:{population}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}. e.g. 1000G:ALL<0.01.
     *       populationFrequencyRef: Reference Population Frequency: {study}:{population}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}. e.g. 1000G:ALL<0.01.
     *       populationFrequencyMaf: Population minor allele frequency: {study}:{population}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}. e.g. 1000G:ALL<0.01.
     *       transcriptFlag: List of transcript flags. e.g. canonical, CCDS, basic, LRG, MANE Select, MANE Plus Clinical, EGLH_HaemOnc,
     *            TSO500.
     *       geneTraitId: List of gene trait association id. e.g. "umls:C0007222" , "OMIM:269600".
     *       go: List of GO (Gene Ontology) terms. e.g. "GO:0002020".
     *       expression: List of tissues of interest. e.g. "lung".
     *       proteinKeyword: List of Uniprot protein variant annotation keywords.
     *       drug: List of drug names.
     *       functionalScore: Functional score: {functional_score}[<|>|<=|>=]{number} e.g. cadd_scaled>5.2 , cadd_raw<=0.3.
     *       clinical: Clinical source: clinvar, cosmic.
     *       clinicalSignificance: Clinical significance: benign, likely_benign, likely_pathogenic, pathogenic.
     *       clinicalConfirmedStatus: Clinical confirmed status.
     *       customAnnotation: Custom annotation: {key}[<|>|<=|>=]{number} or {key}[~=|=]{text}.
     *       panel: Filter by genes from the given disease panel.
     *       panelModeOfInheritance: Filter genes from specific panels that match certain mode of inheritance. Accepted values : [
     *            autosomalDominant, autosomalRecessive, XLinkedDominant, XLinkedRecessive, YLinked, mitochondrial, deNovo, mendelianError,
     *            compoundHeterozygous ].
     *       panelConfidence: Filter genes from specific panels that match certain confidence. Accepted values : [ high, medium, low,
     *            rejected ].
     *       panelRoleInCancer: Filter genes from specific panels that match certain role in cancer. Accepted values : [ both, oncogene,
     *            tumorSuppressorGene, fusion ].
     *       panelFeatureType: Filter elements from specific panels by type. Accepted values : [ gene, region, str, variant ].
     *       panelIntersection: Intersect panel genes and regions with given genes and regions from que input query. This will prevent
     *            returning variants from regions out of the panel.
     *       trait: List of traits, based on ClinVar, HPO, COSMIC, i.e.: IDs, histologies, descriptions,...
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse query(ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant", null, "query", params, GET, Variant.class);

     * Compute a score to quantify relatedness between samples.
     * @param data Relatedness analysis params.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runRelatedness(RelatednessAnalysisParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/relatedness", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * Rvtests is a flexible software package for genetic association studies. Supported RvTests commands: rvtest, vcf2kinship.
     * @param data RvTests parameters. Supported RvTests commands: rvtest, vcf2kinship.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: study.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runRvtests(RvtestsWrapperParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/rvtests", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * Calculate and fetch sample aggregation stats.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       savedFilter: Use a saved filter at User level.
     *       region: List of regions, these can be just a single chromosome name or regions in the format chr:start-end, e.g.:
     *            2,3:100000-200000.
     *       type: List of types, accepted values are SNV, MNV, INDEL, SV, COPY_NUMBER, COPY_NUMBER_LOSS, COPY_NUMBER_GAIN, INSERTION,
     *       project: Project [organization@]project where project can be either the ID or the alias.
     *       study: Filter variants from the given studies, these can be either the numeric ID or the alias with the format
     *            organization@project:study.
     *       file: Filter variants from the files specified. This will set includeFile parameter when not provided.
     *       filter: Specify the FILTER for any of the files. If 'file' filter is provided, will match the file and the filter. e.g.:
     *            PASS,LowGQX.
     *       sample: Filter variants by sample genotype. This will automatically set 'includeSample' parameter when not provided. This
     *            filter accepts multiple 3 forms: 1) List of samples: Samples that contain the main variant. Accepts AND (;) and OR (,)
     *            operators.  e.g. HG0097,HG0098 . 2) List of samples with genotypes: {sample}:{gt1},{gt2}. Accepts AND (;) and OR (,)
     *            operators.  e.g. HG0097:0/0;HG0098:0/1,1/1 . Unphased genotypes (e.g. 0/1, 1/1) will also include phased genotypes (e.g.
     *            0|1, 1|0, 1|1), but not vice versa. When filtering by multi-allelic genotypes, any secondary allele will match,
     *            regardless of its position e.g. 1/2 will match with genotypes 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, .... Genotype aliases accepted: HOM_REF,
     *            HOM_ALT, HET, HET_REF, HET_ALT, HET_MISS and MISS  e.g. HG0097:HOM_REF;HG0098:HET_REF,HOM_ALT . 3) Sample with
     *            segregation mode: {sample}:{segregation}. Only one sample accepted.Accepted segregation modes: [ autosomalDominant,
     *            autosomalRecessive, XLinkedDominant, XLinkedRecessive, YLinked, mitochondrial, deNovo, deNovoStrict, mendelianError,
     *            compoundHeterozygous ]. Value is case insensitive. e.g. HG0097:DeNovo Sample must have parents defined and indexed. .
     *       genotype: Samples with a specific genotype: {samp_1}:{gt_1}(,{gt_n})*(;{samp_n}:{gt_1}(,{gt_n})*)* e.g.
     *            HG0097:0/0;HG0098:0/1,1/1. Unphased genotypes (e.g. 0/1, 1/1) will also include phased genotypes (e.g. 0|1, 1|0, 1|1),
     *            but not vice versa. When filtering by multi-allelic genotypes, any secondary allele will match, regardless of its
     *            position e.g. 1/2 will match with genotypes 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, .... Genotype aliases accepted: HOM_REF, HOM_ALT, HET,
     *            HET_REF, HET_ALT, HET_MISS and MISS  e.g. HG0097:HOM_REF;HG0098:HET_REF,HOM_ALT. This will automatically set
     *            'includeSample' parameter when not provided.
     *       sampleAnnotation: Selects some samples using metadata information from Catalog. e.g.
     *            age>20;phenotype=hpo:123,hpo:456;name=smith.
     *       family: Filter variants where any of the samples from the given family contains the variant (HET or HOM_ALT).
     *       familyDisorder: Specify the disorder to use for the family segregation.
     *       familySegregation: Filter by segregation mode from a given family. Accepted values: [ autosomalDominant, autosomalRecessive,
     *            XLinkedDominant, XLinkedRecessive, YLinked, mitochondrial, deNovo, deNovoStrict, mendelianError, compoundHeterozygous ].
     *       familyMembers: Sub set of the members of a given family.
     *       familyProband: Specify the proband child to use for the family segregation.
     *       ct: List of SO consequence types, e.g. missense_variant,stop_lost or SO:0001583,SO:0001578. Accepts aliases 'loss_of_function'
     *            and 'protein_altering'.
     *       biotype: List of biotypes, e.g. protein_coding.
     *       populationFrequencyAlt: Alternate Population Frequency: {study}:{population}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}. e.g. 1000G:ALL<0.01.
     *       clinical: Clinical source: clinvar, cosmic.
     *       clinicalSignificance: Clinical significance: benign, likely_benign, likely_pathogenic, pathogenic.
     *       clinicalConfirmedStatus: Clinical confirmed status.
     *       field: List of facet fields separated by semicolons, e.g.: studies;type. For nested faceted fields use >>, e.g.:
     *            chromosome>>type . Accepted values: chromosome, type, genotype, consequenceType, biotype, clinicalSignificance, dp, qual,
     *            filter.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse aggregationStatsSample(ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/sample", null, "aggregationStats", params, GET, FacetField.class);

     * Filter samples by a complex query involving metadata and variants data.
     * @param data .
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runSampleEligibility(SampleEligibilityAnalysisParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/sample/eligibility", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * Run quality control (QC) for a given sample. It includes variant stats, and if the sample is somatic, mutational signature and
     *     genome plot are calculated.
     * @param data Sample QC analysis params. Mutational signature and genome plot are calculated for somatic samples only. In order to
     *     skip some metrics, use the following keywords (separated by commas): variant-stats, signature, signature-catalogue,
     *     signature-fitting, genome-plot.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runSampleQc(SampleQcAnalysisParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/sample/qc", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * Get sample data of a given variant.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       limit: Number of results to be returned.
     *       skip: Number of results to skip.
     *       variant: Variant.
     *       study: Study where all the samples belong to.
     *       genotype: Genotypes that the sample must have to be selected.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse querySample(ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/sample", null, "query", params, GET, Variant.class);

     * Get samples given a set of variants.
     * @param data Sample variant filter params.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runSample(SampleVariantFilterParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/sample", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * Obtain sample variant stats from a sample.
     * @param sample Sample ID.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       region: List of regions, these can be just a single chromosome name or regions in the format chr:start-end, e.g.:
     *            2,3:100000-200000.
     *       type: List of types, accepted values are SNV, MNV, INDEL, SV, COPY_NUMBER, COPY_NUMBER_LOSS, COPY_NUMBER_GAIN, INSERTION,
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       file: Filter variants from the files specified. This will set includeFile parameter when not provided.
     *       filter: Specify the FILTER for any of the files. If 'file' filter is provided, will match the file and the filter. e.g.:
     *            PASS,LowGQX.
     *       sampleData: Filter by any SampleData field from samples. [{sample}:]{key}{op}{value}[,;]* . If no sample is specified, will
     *            use all samples from "sample" or "genotype" filter. e.g. DP>200 or HG0097:DP>200,HG0098:DP<10 . Many FORMAT fields can be
     *            combined. e.g. HG0097:DP>200;GT=1/1,0/1,HG0098:DP<10.
     *       ct: List of SO consequence types, e.g. missense_variant,stop_lost or SO:0001583,SO:0001578. Accepts aliases 'loss_of_function'
     *            and 'protein_altering'.
     *       biotype: List of biotypes, e.g. protein_coding.
     *       transcriptFlag: List of transcript flags. e.g. canonical, CCDS, basic, LRG, MANE Select, MANE Plus Clinical, EGLH_HaemOnc,
     *            TSO500.
     *       populationFrequencyAlt: Alternate Population Frequency: {study}:{population}[<|>|<=|>=]{number}. e.g. 1000G:ALL<0.01.
     *       clinical: Clinical source: clinvar, cosmic.
     *       clinicalSignificance: Clinical significance: benign, likely_benign, likely_pathogenic, pathogenic.
     *       clinicalConfirmedStatus: Clinical confirmed status.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       filterTranscript: Do filter transcripts when obtaining transcript counts.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse querySampleStats(String sample, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.putIfNotNull("sample", sample);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/sample/stats", null, "query", params, GET, SampleVariantStats.class);

     * Compute sample variant stats for the selected list of samples.
     * @param data Sample variant stats params. Use index=true and indexId='' to store the result in catalog sample QC. indexId=ALL
     *     requires an empty query. Use sample=all to compute sample stats of all samples in the variant storage.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runSampleStats(SampleVariantStatsAnalysisParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/sample/stats", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * Export calculated variant stats and frequencies.
     * @param data Variant stats export params.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       project: Project [organization@]project where project can be either the ID or the alias.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runStatsExport(VariantStatsExportParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/stats/export", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

     * Compute variant stats for any cohort and any set of variants.
     * @param data Variant stats params.
     * @param params Map containing any of the following optional parameters.
     *       study: Study [[organization@]project:]study where study and project can be either the ID or UUID.
     *       jobId: Job ID. It must be a unique string within the study. An ID will be autogenerated automatically if not provided.
     *       jobDescription: Job description.
     *       jobDependsOn: Comma separated list of existing job IDs the job will depend on.
     *       jobTags: Job tags.
     *       jobScheduledStartTime: Time when the job is scheduled to start.
     *       jobPriority: Priority of the job.
     *       jobDryRun: Flag indicating that the job will be executed in dry-run mode. In this mode, OpenCGA will validate that all
     *            parameters and prerequisites are correctly set for successful execution, but the job will not actually run.
     * @return a RestResponse object.
     * @throws ClientException ClientException if there is any server error.
    public RestResponse runStats(VariantStatsAnalysisParams data, ObjectMap params) throws ClientException {
        params = params != null ? params : new ObjectMap();
        params.put("body", data);
        return execute("analysis", null, "variant/stats", null, "run", params, POST, Job.class);

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