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title: Introduction to opencgaR
author: "Zetta Genomics"
date: "`r BiocStyle::doc_date()`"
package: "`r BiocStyle::pkg_ver('opencgaR')`"
vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to opencgaR}
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette

# Introduction

OpenCGA is an open-source project that aims to provide a **Big Data storage engine and analysis framework for genomic scale data analysis** of hundreds of terabytes or even petabytes. For users, its main features include uploading and downloading files to a repository, storing their information in a generic way (non-dependant of the original file-format) and retrieving this information efficiently. For developers, it will be a platform for supporting the most used bioinformatics file formats and accelerating the development of visualization and analysis applications.

The OpencgaR client provides a user-friendly interface to work with OpenCGA REST Web Services through R and has been implemented following the Bioconductor guidelines for package development which promote high-quality, well documented and inter-operable software. The source code of the R package can be found in [GitHub]( 

## Installation and configuration

The R client requires at least R version 3.4, although most of the code is fully compatible with earlier versions. The pre-build R package of the R client can be downloaded from the OpenCGA GitHub Release at and installed using the `install.packages` function in R. `install.packages` can also install a source package from a remote `.tar.gz` file by providing the URL to such file.

```{r install, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE}
## Install opencgaR
# install.packages("opencgaR_2.2.0.tar.gz", repos=NULL, type="source")

```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, include=FALSE}

# Connection and authentication into an OpenCGA instance

A set of methods have been implemented to deal with the connectivity and log into the REST host. Connection to the host is done in two steps using the functions ***initOpencgaR*** and ***opencgaLogin*** for defining the connection details and login, respectively.

The ***initOpencgaR*** function accepts either host and version information or a configuration file (as a `list()` or in [YAML or JSON format]( The ***opencgaLogin*** function establishes the connection with the host. It requires an opencgaR object (created using the `initOpencgaR` function) and the login details: user and password. User and password can be introduced interactively through a popup window using `interactive=TRUE`, to avoid typing user credentials within the R script or a config file.

The code below shows different ways to initialise the OpenCGA connection with the REST server.

```{r eval=TRUE, results='hide'}
## Initialise connection using a configuration in R list
conf <- list(version="v2", rest=list(host=""))
con <- initOpencgaR(opencgaConfig=conf)

```{r eval=FALSE, results='hide'}
## Initialise connection using a configuration file (in YAML or JSON format)
# conf <- "/path/to/conf/client-configuration.yml"
# con <- initOpencgaR(opencgaConfig=conf)

Once the connection has been initialised users can login specifying their OpenCGA user ID and password.

```{r, results='hide'}
# Log in
con <- opencgaLogin(opencga = con, userid = "demouser", passwd = "demouser", 
                    autoRenew = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, showToken = FALSE)

# Retrieving basic information about projects, users and studies

Retrieving the list of projects accessible to the user:

```{r, results='hide'}
projects <- projectClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "search")
getResponseResults(projects)[[1]][,c("id","name", "description")]

List the studies accessible in a project

```{r, results='hide'}
projects <- projectClient(OpencgaR=con, project="population", endpointName="studies")
getResponseResults(projects)[[1]][,c("id","name", "description")]

```{r, results='hide'}
study <- "population:1000g"

# Study name
study_result <- studyClient(OpencgaR = con, studies = study, endpointName = "info")
study_name <- getResponseResults(study_result)[[1]][,"name"]
# Number of samples in this study
count_samples <- sampleClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "search", 
                              params=list(study=study, count=TRUE, limit=0))
num_samples <- getResponseNumMatches(count_samples)
# Number of individuals
count_individuals <- individualClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "search", 
                                      params=list(study=study, count=TRUE, limit=0))
num_individuals <- getResponseNumMatches(count_individuals)
# Number of clinical cases
count_cases <- clinicalClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "search", 
                              params=list(study=study, count=TRUE, limit=0))
num_cases <- getResponseNumMatches(count_cases)
# Number of variants
count_variants <- variantClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "query", 
                                params=list(study=study, count=TRUE, limit=0))
num_variants <- getResponseNumMatches(count_variants)

to_print <- "Study name: {study_name}
            - Number of samples: {num_samples}
            - Number of individuals: {num_individuals}
            - Number of cases: {num_cases}
            - Number of variants: {num_variants}"

# Extracting information about variants and biomarkers of interest

## Fetch the samples containing a specific variant

As an example we are going to retrieve a random variant from the database

```{r, results='hide'}
# Retrieve the first variant
variant_example <- variantClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "query", 
                                 params=list(study=study, limit=1, type="SNV"))
variant_id <- getResponseResults(variant_example)[[1]][,"id"]
glue("Variant example: {variant_id}")

## Fetch the samples containing a specific variant

```{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, results='hide'}
# Retrieve the samples that have this variant
variant_result <- variantClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "querySample", 
                                params=list(study=study, variant=variant_id))

glue("Number of samples with this variant: 
data_keys <- unlist(getResponseResults(variant_result)[[1]][, "studies"][[1]][, "sampleDataKeys"])

df <- getResponseResults(variant_result)[[1]][, "studies"][[1]][, "samples"][[1]] %>% 
        select(-fileIndex) %>% unnest_wider(data)
colnames(df) <- c("samples", data_keys)

## Fetch samples by genotype

```{r, results='hide', message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, include=FALSE}
# Fetch the samples with a specific genotype
genotype <- "0/1,1/1"
variant_result <- variantClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "querySample", 
                                params=list(study=study, variant=variant_id, 
glue("Number of samples with genotype {genotype} in this variant: 

```{r, results='hide'}
# Search for homozygous alternate samples
genotype <- "1/1"
variant_result <- variantClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "querySample", 
                                params=list(study=study, variant=variant_id, 
glue("Number of samples with genotype {genotype} in this variant: 

## Retrieve variants by region

```{r, results='hide'}
# Search for homozygous alternate samples
region <- "1:62273600-62273700"
variant_result <- variantClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "query", 
                                params=list(study=study, region=region, limit=100))

glue("Number of variants in region {region}: {getResponseNumResults(variant_result)}")
getResponseResults(variant_result)[[1]] %>% select(-names, -studies, -annotation)

## Retrieve variants by feature

Variants can be filtered by gene using the parameters gene or xref:

- `gene`: only accepts gene IDs
- `xref`: accepts different IDs including gene, transcript, dbSNP, ...
Remember you can pass different IDs using comma as separator.

```{r, results='hide'}
## Filter by gene
genes <- "HCN3,MTOR"
variant_result <- variantClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "query", 
                                params=list(study=study, gene=genes, limit=10))
getResponseResults(variant_result)[[1]] %>% select(-names, -studies, -annotation)

```{r, results='hide'}
## Filter by xref
snp <- "rs147394986"
variant_result <- variantClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "query", 
                                params=list(study=study, xref=snp, limit=5))
getResponseResults(variant_result)[[1]] %>% select(-names, -studies, -annotation)

## Retrieve variants by consequence type

OpenCGA provides a rich variant annotation that includes Ensembl consequence types ( You can filter by consequence type by using parameter `ct`. You can provide a list of consequence type names separated by comma. Also, an alias called `lof` filter by a combination of loss-of-function terms.

```{r, results='hide'}
## Filter by missense variants and stop_gained
ct <- "missense_variant,stop_gained"
variant_result <- variantClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "query", 
                                params=list(study=study, ct=ct, limit=5))
glue("Number of missense and stop gained variants: {getResponseNumMatches(variant_result)}")
getResponseResults(variant_result)[[1]] %>% select(-names, -studies, -annotation)

```{r, results='hide'}
## Filter by LoF (alias created containing 9 different CTs)
variant_result <- variantClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "query", 
                                params=list(study=study, ct="lof", limit=5))
glue("Number of LoF variants: {getResponseNumMatches(variant_result)}")
getResponseResults(variant_result)[[1]] %>% select(-names, -studies, -annotation)

## Filter variants by population frequencies

OpenCGA allows to filter variants by population frequencies, including:

- Minor Allele frequency (MAF) with the parameter `populationFrequencyMaf`
- Alternate Allele frequency (ALT) with the parameter `populationFrequencyAlt`
- Reference Allele frequency with the parameter `populationFrequencyRef`

The population frequency studies indexed in OpenCGA include different sources such as **genomAD** or **1000 Genomes**.

The syntax for the query parameter is: `{study}:{population}:{cohort}[<|>|<=|>=]{proportion}`. Note that you can specify several populations separated by comma (OR) or by semi-colon (AND), e.g. for all variants less than 1% in the two studies we should use `1kG_phase3:ALL<0.01;GNOMAD_GENOMES:ALL<0.01`

```{r, results='hide'}
## Filter by population alternate frequency
population_frequency_alt <- '1kG_phase3:ALL<0.001'
variant_result <- variantClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "query", 
glue("Number of variants matching the filter: {getResponseNumMatches(variant_result)}")
# getResponseResults(variant_result)[[1]] %>% select(-names, -studies, -annotation)

```{r, results='hide'}
## Filter by two population alternate frequency
## Remember to use commas for OR and semi-colon for AND
population_frequency_alt <- '1kG_phase3:ALL<0.001;GNOMAD_GENOMES:ALL<0.001'
variant_result <- variantClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "query", 
glue("Number of variants matching the filter: {getResponseNumMatches(variant_result)}")

# getResponseResults(variant_result)[[1]] %>% select(-names, -studies, -annotation)

```{r, results='hide'}
## Filter by population alternate frequency using a range of values
population_frequency_alt <- '1kG_phase3:ALL>0.001;1kG_phase3:ALL<0.005'
variant_result <- variantClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "query", 
glue("Number of variants matching the filter: {getResponseNumMatches(variant_result)}")

# getResponseResults(variant_result)[[1]] %>% select(-names, -studies, -annotation)

## Complex variant queries
OpenCGA implements a very advanced variant query engine that allows to combine many filters to build very complex and useful queries. In this section you will find some examples.

```{r, results='hide'}
## Filter by Consequence Type, Clinical Significance and population frequency
ct <- 'lof,missense_variant'
clinicalSignificance <- 'likely_pathogenic,pathogenic'
populationFrequencyAlt <- '1kG_phase3:ALL<0.01;GNOMAD_GENOMES:ALL<0.01'
variant_result <- variantClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "query", 
                                params=list(study=study, limit=5, ct=ct, 
glue("Number of variants matching the filter: {getResponseNumMatches(variant_result)}")

# getResponseResults(variant_result)[[1]] %>% select(-names, -studies, -annotation)

## Filter variants using cohort information
OpenCGA allows users to define cohorts of samples and calculate and index the allele and genotype frequencies among other stats. By default, a cohort called "ALL" containing all samples is defined and the variant stats are calculated. You can filter by the internal cohort stats using the parameter `cohortStatsAlt` and pass the study and the cohort you would like to filter by. Format: `cohortStatsAlt={study}:{cohort}[<|>|<=|>=]{proportion}`
Note that any cohorts created will be shared among the studies belonging to the same project.

```{r, results='hide'}
## Filter by cohort ALL frequency
cohort_stats <- paste0(study, ':ALL<0.001')
variant_result <- variantClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "query", 
                                params=list(study=study, cohortStatsAlt=cohort_stats, 
glue("Number of variants matching the filter: {getResponseNumMatches(variant_result)}")

# getResponseResults(variant_result)[[1]] %>% select(-names, -studies, -annotation)

The following examples are just examples of how queries should be made, they are not intended to be executed since the custom cohorts have not been created.
```{r, eval=FALSE}
## Filter by custom cohorts' frequency
cohort_stats = study + ':MY_COHORT_A<0.001'
variant_result <- variantClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "query", 
                                params=list(study=study, cohortStatsAlt=cohort_stats, 
glue("Number of variants matching the filter: {getResponseNumMatches(variant_result)}")

## Filter by more than one cohort frequency and consequence type
cohort_stats = study + ':MY_COHORT_A<0.001' + ';' + study + ':MY_COHORT_B<0.001'
variant_result <- variantClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "query", 
                                params=list(study=study, cohortStatsAlt=cohort_stats, 
glue("Number of variants matching the filter: {getResponseNumMatches(variant_result)}")

## Retrieve cohort frequencies for a specific variant
```{r, results='hide'}
variant_result <- variantClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "query", 
                                params=list(study=study, id=variant_id))
getResponseResults(variant_result)[[1]]$studies[[1]]$stats[[1]][,c('cohortId', 'alleleCount',
                                                              'altAlleleCount', 'altAlleleFreq')]
glue("Variant example: {variant_id}")

# Aggregated stats
## Number of LoF variants per gene

```{r, results='hide', fig.width=7}
## Aggregate by number of LoF variants per gene
variants_agg <- variantClient(OpencgaR = con, endpointName = "aggregationStats", 
                              params=list(study=study, ct='lof', fields="genes"))
df <- getResponseResults(variants_agg)[[1]]$buckets[[1]]
barplot(height = df$count, names.arg = df$value, las=2, cex.names = 0.6)

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