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org.opencds.cqf.igtools.IGProcessor Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.opencds.cqf.igtools;
//import org.hl7.fhir.MeasureReport;
//import org.hl7.fhir.MeasureReportStatus;
//import org.hl7.fhir.instance.model.api.IAnyResource;
//import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Library;
//import org.opencds.cqf.library.R4LibraryProcessor;
//import org.opencds.cqf.library.STU3LibraryProcessor;
//import org.opencds.cqf.measure.MeasureProcessor;
//import org.opencds.cqf.measure.r4.RefreshR4Measure;
//import org.opencds.cqf.measure.stu3.RefreshStu3Measure;
//import org.opencds.cqf.plandefinition.PlanDefinitionProcessor;
//import org.opencds.cqf.terminology.ValueSetsProcessor;
//import org.opencds.cqf.testcase.TestCaseProcessor;
//import org.opencds.cqf.utilities.*;
//import org.opencds.cqf.utilities.IOUtils.Encoding;
//import ca.uhn.fhir.context.FhirContext;
//import ca.uhn.fhir.context.RuntimeResourceDefinition;
public class IGProcessor {
// public enum IGVersion {
// FHIR3("fhir3"), FHIR4("fhir4");
// private String string;
// public String toString() {
// return this.string;
// }
// private IGVersion(String string) {
// this.string = string;
// }
// public static IGVersion parse(String value) {
// switch (value) {
// case "fhir3":
// return FHIR3;
// case "fhir4":
// return FHIR4;
// default:
// throw new RuntimeException("Unable to parse IG version value:" + value);
// }
// }
// }
// public static void refreshIG(RefreshIGParameters params) {
// String igResourcePath = params.igResourcePath;
// String igPath = params.igPath;
// IGVersion igVersion = params.igVersion;
// Encoding encoding = params.outputEncoding;
// Boolean includeELM = params.includeELM;
// Boolean includeDependencies = params.includeDependencies;
// Boolean includeTerminology = params.includeTerminology;
// Boolean includePatientScenarios = params.includePatientScenarios;
// Boolean versioned = params.versioned;
// String fhirUri = params.fhirUri;
// ArrayList resourceDirs = params.resourceDirs;
// IOUtils.resourceDirectories.addAll(resourceDirs);
// FhirContext fhirContext = getIgFhirContext(igVersion);
// Boolean igResourcePathIsSpecified = igResourcePath != null && !igResourcePath.isEmpty() && !igResourcePath.isBlank();
// Object implementationGuide = null;
// String igCanonicalBase = null;
// igPath = Paths.get(igPath).toAbsolutePath().toString();
// ensure(igPath, includePatientScenarios, includeTerminology, IOUtils.resourceDirectories);
// ArrayList refreshedLibraryNames = null;
// switch (fhirContext.getVersion().getVersion()) {
// case DSTU3:
// if (igResourcePathIsSpecified) {
// implementationGuide = IOUtils.readResource(igResourcePath, fhirContext, true);
// if (implementationGuide != null) {
// igCanonicalBase = IGUtils.getStu3ImplementationGuideCanonicalBase((org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.ImplementationGuide) implementationGuide);
// }
// }
// refreshedLibraryNames = refreshStu3IG(igCanonicalBase, igPath, encoding, includeELM, includeDependencies, includeTerminology,
// includePatientScenarios, versioned, fhirContext);
// break;
// case R4:
// if (igResourcePathIsSpecified) {
// implementationGuide = IOUtils.readResource(igResourcePath, fhirContext, true);
// if (implementationGuide != null) {
// igCanonicalBase = IGUtils.getR4ImplementationGuideCanonicalBase((org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.ImplementationGuide) implementationGuide);
// }
// }
// refreshedLibraryNames = refreshR4IG(igCanonicalBase, igPath, encoding, includeELM, includeDependencies, includeTerminology,
// includePatientScenarios, versioned, fhirContext);
// break;
// default:
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown fhir version: " + fhirContext.getVersion().getVersion().getFhirVersionString());
// }
// if (refreshedLibraryNames.isEmpty()) {
//"No libraries successfully refreshed.");
// return;
// }
// if (includePatientScenarios) {
// TestCaseProcessor.refreshTestCases(FilenameUtils.concat(igPath, testCasePathElement), encoding, fhirContext);
// }
// bundleIg(refreshedLibraryNames, igPath, encoding, includeELM, includeDependencies, includeTerminology, includePatientScenarios,
// versioned, fhirContext, fhirUri);
// }
// private static ArrayList refreshStu3IG(String igCanonicalBase, String igPath, Encoding outputEncodingEnum, Boolean includeELM, Boolean includeDependencies,
// Boolean includeTerminology, Boolean includePatientScenarios, Boolean versioned, FhirContext fhirContext) {
// ArrayList refreshedResourcesNames = refreshStu3IgLibraryContent(igCanonicalBase, igPath, outputEncodingEnum, includeELM, versioned, fhirContext);
// List refreshedMeasureNames = refreshStu3IgMeasureContent(igPath, outputEncodingEnum, versioned, fhirContext);
// refreshedResourcesNames.addAll(refreshedMeasureNames);
// return refreshedResourcesNames;
// }
// private static ArrayList refreshR4IG(String igCanonicalBase, String igPath, Encoding outputEncodingEnum, Boolean includeELM, Boolean includeDependencies,
// Boolean includeTerminology, Boolean includePatientScenarios, Boolean versioned, FhirContext fhirContext) {
// ArrayList refreshedResourcesNames = refreshR4LibraryContent(igCanonicalBase, igPath, outputEncodingEnum, includeELM, versioned, fhirContext);
// List refreshedMeasureNames = refreshR4IgMeasureContent(igPath, outputEncodingEnum, versioned, fhirContext);
// refreshedResourcesNames.addAll(refreshedMeasureNames);
// return refreshedResourcesNames;
// }
// public static ArrayList refreshStu3IgLibraryContent(String igCanonicalBase, String igPath, Encoding outputEncoding, Boolean includeELM,
// Boolean versioned, FhirContext fhirContext) {
// System.out.println("Refreshing libraries...");
// ArrayList refreshedLibraryNames = new ArrayList();
// HashSet cqlContentPaths = IOUtils.getCqlLibraryPaths();
// for (String path : cqlContentPaths) {
// try {
// String libraryPath = IOUtils.getLibraryPathAssociatedWithCqlFileName(path, fhirContext);
// STU3LibraryProcessor.refreshLibraryContent(igCanonicalBase, path, libraryPath, fhirContext, outputEncoding, versioned);
// refreshedLibraryNames.add(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(path));
// } catch (Exception e) {
// LogUtils.putException(path, e);
// }
// finally {
// LogUtils.warn(path);
// }
// }
// return refreshedLibraryNames;
// }
// public static ArrayList refreshR4LibraryContent(String igCanonicalBase, String igPath, Encoding outputEncoding, Boolean includeELM,
// Boolean versioned, FhirContext fhirContext) {
// System.out.println("Refreshing libraries...");
// ArrayList refreshedLibraryNames = new ArrayList();
// HashSet cqlContentPaths = IOUtils.getCqlLibraryPaths();
// for (String path : cqlContentPaths) {
// try {
// String libraryPath = IOUtils.getLibraryPathAssociatedWithCqlFileName(path, fhirContext);
// R4LibraryProcessor.refreshLibraryContent(igCanonicalBase, path, libraryPath, fhirContext, outputEncoding, versioned);
// refreshedLibraryNames.add(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(path));
// } catch (Exception e) {
// LogUtils.putException(path, e);
// }
// finally {
// LogUtils.warn(path);
// }
// }
// return refreshedLibraryNames;
// }
// public static ArrayList refreshStu3IgMeasureContent(String igPath, Encoding outputEncoding, Boolean versioned, FhirContext fhirContext) {
// System.out.println("Refreshing measures...");
// ArrayList refreshedMeasureNames = new ArrayList();
// HashSet measurePaths = IOUtils.getMeasurePaths(fhirContext);
// for (String path : measurePaths) {
// try {
// RefreshStu3Measure refresher = new RefreshStu3Measure(path);
// refresher.refreshGeneratedContent();
// refreshedMeasureNames.add(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(path));
// } catch (Exception e) {
// LogUtils.putException(path, e);
// }
// finally {
// LogUtils.warn(path);
// }
// }
// return refreshedMeasureNames;
// }
// public static ArrayList refreshR4IgMeasureContent(String igPath, Encoding outputEncoding, Boolean versioned, FhirContext fhirContext) {
// System.out.println("Refreshing measures...");
// ArrayList refreshedMeasureNames = new ArrayList();
// HashSet measurePaths = IOUtils.getMeasurePaths(fhirContext);
// for (String path : measurePaths) {
// try {
// RefreshR4Measure refresher = new RefreshR4Measure(path);
// refresher.refreshGeneratedContent();
// refreshedMeasureNames.add(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(path));
// } catch (Exception e) {
// LogUtils.putException(path, e);
// }
// finally {
// LogUtils.warn(path);
// }
// }
// return refreshedMeasureNames;
// }
// // TODO: most of the work of the sub methods of this should probably be moved to
// // their respective resource Processors.
// // No time for a refactor atm though. So stinky it is!
// public static void bundleIg(ArrayList refreshedLibraryNames, String igPath, Encoding encoding, Boolean includeELM,
// Boolean includeDependencies, Boolean includeTerminology, Boolean includePatientScenarios, Boolean versioned,
// FhirContext fhirContext, String fhirUri) {
// bundleMeasures(refreshedLibraryNames, igPath, includeDependencies, includeTerminology, includePatientScenarios, versioned,
// fhirContext, fhirUri, encoding);
// bundlePlanDefinitions(refreshedLibraryNames, igPath, includeDependencies, includeTerminology, includePatientScenarios, versioned,
// fhirContext, fhirUri, encoding);
// }
// private static void bundleMeasures(ArrayList refreshedLibraryNames, String igPath, Boolean includeDependencies,
// Boolean includeTerminology, Boolean includePatientScenarios, Boolean includeVersion, FhirContext fhirContext, String fhirUri,
// Encoding encoding) {
// // The set to bundle should be the union of the successfully refreshed Measures and Libraries
// // Until we have the ability to refresh Measures, the set is the union of existing Measures and successfully refreshed Libraries
// System.out.println("Bundling measures...");
// HashSet measureSourcePaths = IOUtils.getMeasurePaths(fhirContext);
// List measurePathLibraryNames = new ArrayList();
// for (String measureSourcePath : measureSourcePaths) {
// measurePathLibraryNames
// .add(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(measureSourcePath).replace(MeasureProcessor.ResourcePrefix, ""));
// }
// List bundledMeasures = new ArrayList();
// for (String refreshedLibraryName : refreshedLibraryNames) {
// try {
// if (!measurePathLibraryNames.contains(refreshedLibraryName)) {
//"Skipped bundling - no Measure resource found for Library: " + refreshedLibraryName);
// continue;
// }
// Map resources = new HashMap();
// String refreshedLibraryFileName = IOUtils.formatFileName(refreshedLibraryName, encoding, fhirContext);
// String librarySourcePath = IOUtils.getLibraryPathAssociatedWithCqlFileName(refreshedLibraryFileName, fhirContext);
// if (librarySourcePath == null) {
// LogUtils.putException(refreshedLibraryName, new FileNotFoundException("Could not find a Library Resource Associated with: " + refreshedLibraryFileName));
// continue;
// }
// String measureSourcePath = "";
// for (String path : measureSourcePaths) {
// if (path.endsWith(refreshedLibraryFileName))
// {
// measureSourcePath = path;
// }
// }
// Boolean shouldPersist = ResourceUtils.safeAddResource(measureSourcePath, resources, fhirContext);
// shouldPersist = shouldPersist
// & ResourceUtils.safeAddResource(librarySourcePath, resources, fhirContext);
// String cqlFileName = IOUtils.formatFileName(refreshedLibraryName, Encoding.CQL, fhirContext);
// List cqlLibrarySourcePaths = IOUtils.getCqlLibraryPaths().stream()
// .filter(path -> path.endsWith(cqlFileName))
// .collect(Collectors.toList());
// String cqlLibrarySourcePath = (cqlLibrarySourcePaths.isEmpty()) ? null : cqlLibrarySourcePaths.get(0);
// if (includeTerminology) {
// shouldPersist = shouldPersist
// & bundleValueSets(cqlLibrarySourcePath, igPath, fhirContext, resources, encoding, includeDependencies, includeVersion);
// }
// if (includeDependencies) {
// shouldPersist = shouldPersist
// & bundleDependencies(librarySourcePath, fhirContext, resources, encoding);
// }
// if (includePatientScenarios) {
// shouldPersist = shouldPersist
// & bundleTestCases(igPath, refreshedLibraryName, fhirContext, resources);
// }
// if (shouldPersist) {
// String bundleDestPath = FilenameUtils.concat(getBundlesPath(igPath), refreshedLibraryName);
// persistBundle(igPath, bundleDestPath, refreshedLibraryName, encoding, fhirContext, new ArrayList(resources.values()), fhirUri);
// bundleFiles(igPath, bundleDestPath, refreshedLibraryName, measureSourcePath, librarySourcePath, fhirContext, encoding, includeTerminology, includeDependencies, includePatientScenarios, includeVersion);
// bundledMeasures.add(refreshedLibraryName);
// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// LogUtils.putException(refreshedLibraryName, e);
// } finally {
// LogUtils.warn(refreshedLibraryName);
// }
// }
// String message = "\r\n********************MEASURE RESULTS:********************\r\n" + bundledMeasures.size() + " Measures successfully bundled:";
// for (String bundledMeasure : bundledMeasures) {
// message += "\r\n " + bundledMeasure + " BUNDLED";
// }
// ArrayList failedMeasures = new ArrayList<>(measurePathLibraryNames);
// measurePathLibraryNames.removeAll(bundledMeasures);
// measurePathLibraryNames.retainAll(refreshedLibraryNames);
// message += "\r\n" + measurePathLibraryNames.size() + " Measures refreshed, but not bundled (due to issues):";
// for (String notBundled : measurePathLibraryNames) {
// message += "\r\n " + notBundled + " REFRESHED";
// }
// failedMeasures.removeAll(bundledMeasures);
// failedMeasures.removeAll(measurePathLibraryNames);
// message += "\r\n" + failedMeasures.size() + " Measures failed refresh:";
// for (String failed : failedMeasures) {
// message += "\r\n " + failed + " FAILED";
// }
// message += "\r\n********************************************************";
// }
// private static void bundlePlanDefinitions(ArrayList refreshedLibraryNames, String igPath, Boolean includeDependencies,
// Boolean includeTerminology, Boolean includePatientScenarios, Boolean includeVersion, FhirContext fhirContext, String fhirUri,
// Encoding encoding) {
// System.out.println("Bundling plandefinitions...");
// HashSet planDefinitionSourcePaths = IOUtils.getPlanDefinitionPaths(fhirContext);
// List planDefinitionPathLibraryNames = new ArrayList();
// for (String planDefinitionSourcePath : planDefinitionSourcePaths) {
// String name = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(planDefinitionSourcePath).replace(PlanDefinitionProcessor.ResourcePrefix, "");
// planDefinitionPathLibraryNames.add(name);
// }
// List bundledPlanDefinitions = new ArrayList();
// for (String refreshedLibraryName : refreshedLibraryNames) {
// try {
// if (!planDefinitionPathLibraryNames.contains(refreshedLibraryName)) {
// continue;
// }
// Map resources = new HashMap();
// String refreshedLibraryFileName = IOUtils.formatFileName(refreshedLibraryName, encoding, fhirContext);
// String librarySourcePath = IOUtils.getLibraryPathAssociatedWithCqlFileName(refreshedLibraryFileName, fhirContext);
// if (librarySourcePath == null) {
// LogUtils.putException(refreshedLibraryName, new FileNotFoundException("Could not find a Library Resource Associated with: " + refreshedLibraryFileName));
// continue;
// }
// String planDefinitionSourcePath = "";
// for (String path : planDefinitionSourcePaths) {
// if (FilenameUtils.removeExtension(path).endsWith(refreshedLibraryName))
// {
// planDefinitionSourcePath = path;
// }
// }
// Boolean shouldPersist = ResourceUtils.safeAddResource(planDefinitionSourcePath, resources, fhirContext);
// shouldPersist = shouldPersist
// & ResourceUtils.safeAddResource(librarySourcePath, resources, fhirContext);
// String cqlFileName = IOUtils.formatFileName(refreshedLibraryName, Encoding.CQL, fhirContext);
// List cqlLibrarySourcePaths = IOUtils.getCqlLibraryPaths().stream()
// .filter(path -> path.endsWith(cqlFileName))
// .collect(Collectors.toList());
// String cqlLibrarySourcePath = (cqlLibrarySourcePaths.isEmpty()) ? null : cqlLibrarySourcePaths.get(0);
// if (includeTerminology) {
// shouldPersist = shouldPersist
// & bundleValueSets(cqlLibrarySourcePath, igPath, fhirContext, resources, encoding, includeDependencies, includeVersion);
// }
// if (includeDependencies) {
// shouldPersist = shouldPersist
// & bundleDependencies(librarySourcePath, fhirContext, resources, encoding);
// }
// if (includePatientScenarios) {
// shouldPersist = shouldPersist
// & bundleTestCases(igPath, refreshedLibraryName, fhirContext, resources);
// }
// List activityDefinitionPaths = bundleActivityDefinitions(planDefinitionSourcePath, fhirContext, resources, encoding, includeVersion, shouldPersist);
// if (shouldPersist) {
// String bundleDestPath = FilenameUtils.concat(getBundlesPath(igPath), refreshedLibraryName);
// persistBundle(igPath, bundleDestPath, refreshedLibraryName, encoding, fhirContext, new ArrayList(resources.values()), fhirUri);
// bundleFiles(igPath, bundleDestPath, refreshedLibraryName, planDefinitionSourcePath, librarySourcePath, fhirContext, encoding, includeTerminology, includeDependencies, includePatientScenarios, includeVersion);
// addActivityDefinitionFilesToBundle(igPath, bundleDestPath, refreshedLibraryName, activityDefinitionPaths, fhirContext, encoding);
// addRequestAndResponseFilesToBundle(igPath, bundleDestPath, refreshedLibraryName);
// bundledPlanDefinitions.add(refreshedLibraryName);
// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// LogUtils.putException(refreshedLibraryName, e);
// } finally {
// LogUtils.warn(refreshedLibraryName);
// }
// }
// String message = "\r\n***************PLANDEFINITION RESULTS:******************\r\n" + bundledPlanDefinitions.size() + " PlanDefinitions successfully bundled:";
// for (String bundledPlanDefinition : bundledPlanDefinitions) {
// message += "\r\n " + bundledPlanDefinition + " BUNDLED";
// }
// ArrayList failedPlanDefinitions = new ArrayList<>(planDefinitionPathLibraryNames);
// planDefinitionPathLibraryNames.removeAll(bundledPlanDefinitions);
// planDefinitionPathLibraryNames.retainAll(refreshedLibraryNames);
// message += "\r\n" + planDefinitionPathLibraryNames.size() + " PlanDefinitions refreshed, but not bundled (due to issues):";
// for (String notBundled : planDefinitionPathLibraryNames) {
// message += "\r\n " + notBundled + " REFRESHED";
// }
// failedPlanDefinitions.removeAll(bundledPlanDefinitions);
// failedPlanDefinitions.removeAll(planDefinitionPathLibraryNames);
// message += "\r\n" + failedPlanDefinitions.size() + " PlanDefinitions failed refresh:";
// for (String failed : failedPlanDefinitions) {
// message += "\r\n " + failed + " FAILED";
// }
// message += "\r\n********************************************************";
// }
// public static final String requestsPathElement = "input/pagecontent/requests/";
// public static final String responsesPathElement = "input/pagecontent/responses/";
// public static final String requestFilesPathElement = "requests/";
// public static final String responseFilesPathElement = "responses/";
// private static void addRequestAndResponseFilesToBundle(String igPath, String bundleDestPath, String libraryName) {
// String bundleDestFilesPath = FilenameUtils.concat(bundleDestPath, libraryName + "-" + bundleFilesPathElement);
// String requestFilesPath = FilenameUtils.concat(igPath, requestsPathElement);
// String responseFilesPath = FilenameUtils.concat(igPath, responsesPathElement);
// String requestFilesDirectory = FilenameUtils.concat(bundleDestFilesPath, requestFilesPathElement);
// IOUtils.initializeDirectory(requestFilesDirectory);
// String responseFilesDirectory = FilenameUtils.concat(bundleDestFilesPath, responseFilesPathElement);
// IOUtils.initializeDirectory(responseFilesDirectory);
// List requestDirectories = IOUtils.getDirectoryPaths(requestFilesPath, false);
// for (String dir : requestDirectories) {
// if (dir.endsWith(libraryName)) {
// List requestPaths = IOUtils.getFilePaths(dir, true);
// for (String path : requestPaths) {
// IOUtils.copyFile(path, FilenameUtils.concat(requestFilesDirectory, FilenameUtils.getName(path)));
// }
// }
// }
// List responseDirectories = IOUtils.getDirectoryPaths(responseFilesPath, false);
// for (String dir : responseDirectories) {
// if (dir.endsWith(libraryName)) {
// List responsePaths = IOUtils.getFilePaths(dir, true);
// for (String path : responsePaths) {
// IOUtils.copyFile(path, FilenameUtils.concat(responseFilesDirectory, FilenameUtils.getName(path)));
// }
// }
// }
// }
// public static Boolean bundleValueSets(String cqlContentPath, String igPath, FhirContext fhirContext,
// Map resources, Encoding encoding, Boolean includeDependencies, Boolean includeVersion) {
// Boolean shouldPersist = true;
// try {
// Map dependencies = ResourceUtils.getDepValueSetResources(cqlContentPath, igPath, fhirContext, includeDependencies, includeVersion);
// for (IAnyResource resource : dependencies.values()) {
// resources.putIfAbsent(resource.getId(), resource);
// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// shouldPersist = false;
// LogUtils.putException(cqlContentPath, e);
// }
// return shouldPersist;
// }
// public static List bundleActivityDefinitions(String planDefinitionPath, FhirContext fhirContext, Map resources,
// Encoding encoding, Boolean includeVersion, Boolean shouldPersist) {
// List activityDefinitionPaths = new ArrayList();
// try {
// Map activityDefinitions = ResourceUtils.getActivityDefinitionResources(planDefinitionPath, fhirContext, includeVersion);
// for (Entry entry : activityDefinitions.entrySet()) {
// resources.putIfAbsent(entry.getValue().getId(), entry.getValue());
// activityDefinitionPaths.add(entry.getKey());
// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// shouldPersist = false;
// LogUtils.putException(planDefinitionPath, e);
// }
// return activityDefinitionPaths;
// }
// public static Boolean bundleDependencies(String path, FhirContext fhirContext, Map resources,
// Encoding encoding) {
// Boolean shouldPersist = true;
// try {
// Map dependencies = ResourceUtils.getDepLibraryResources(path, fhirContext, encoding);
// String currentResourceID = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(path);
// for (IAnyResource resource : dependencies.values()) {
// resources.putIfAbsent(resource.getId(), resource);
// // NOTE: Assuming dependency library will be in directory of dependent.
// String dependencyPath = path.replace(currentResourceID, FilenameUtils.getBaseName(resource.getId()));
// bundleDependencies(dependencyPath, fhirContext, resources, encoding);
// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// shouldPersist = false;
// LogUtils.putException(path, e);
// }
// return shouldPersist;
// }
// private static Boolean bundleTestCases(String igPath, String libraryName, FhirContext fhirContext,
// Map resources) {
// Boolean shouldPersist = true;
// String igTestCasePath = FilenameUtils.concat(FilenameUtils.concat(igPath, testCasePathElement), libraryName);
// // this is breaking for bundle of a bundle. Replace with individual resources
// // until we can figure it out.
// // List testCaseSourcePaths = IOUtils.getFilePaths(igTestCasePath,
// // false);
// // for (String testCaseSourcePath : testCaseSourcePaths) {
// // shouldPersist = shouldPersist & safeAddResource(testCaseSourcePath,
// // resources, fhirContext);
// // }
// try {
// List testCaseResources = TestCaseProcessor.getTestCaseResources(igTestCasePath, fhirContext);
// for (IAnyResource resource : testCaseResources) {
// resources.putIfAbsent(resource.getId(), resource);
// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// shouldPersist = false;
// LogUtils.putException(igTestCasePath, e);
// }
// return shouldPersist;
// }
// private static void persistBundle(String igPath, String bundleDestPath, String libraryName, Encoding encoding, FhirContext fhirContext, List resources, String fhirUri) {
// IOUtils.initializeDirectory(bundleDestPath);
// Object bundle = BundleUtils.bundleArtifacts(libraryName, resources, fhirContext);
// IOUtils.writeBundle(bundle, bundleDestPath, encoding, fhirContext);
// if (fhirUri != null && !fhirUri.equals("")) {
// try {
//, (IAnyResource) bundle, encoding, fhirContext);
//"Resource successfully posted to FHIR server (" + fhirUri + "): " + ((IAnyResource)bundle).getId());
// } catch (Exception e) {
// LogUtils.putException(((IAnyResource)bundle).getId(), e);
// }
// }
// }
// public static final String bundleFilesPathElement = "files/";
// private static void addActivityDefinitionFilesToBundle(String igPath, String bundleDestPath, String libraryName, List activityDefinitionPaths, FhirContext fhirContext, Encoding encoding) {
// String bundleDestFilesPath = FilenameUtils.concat(bundleDestPath, libraryName + "-" + bundleFilesPathElement);
// for (String path : activityDefinitionPaths) {
// IOUtils.copyFile(path, FilenameUtils.concat(bundleDestFilesPath, FilenameUtils.getName(path)));
// }
// }
// private static void bundleFiles(String igPath, String bundleDestPath, String libraryName, String resourceFocusSourcePath, String librarySourcePath, FhirContext fhirContext, Encoding encoding, Boolean includeTerminology, Boolean includeDependencies, Boolean includePatientScenarios, Boolean includeVersion) {
// String bundleDestFilesPath = FilenameUtils.concat(bundleDestPath, libraryName + "-" + bundleFilesPathElement);
// IOUtils.initializeDirectory(bundleDestFilesPath);
// IOUtils.copyFile(resourceFocusSourcePath, FilenameUtils.concat(bundleDestFilesPath, FilenameUtils.getName(resourceFocusSourcePath)));
// IOUtils.copyFile(librarySourcePath, FilenameUtils.concat(bundleDestFilesPath, FilenameUtils.getName(librarySourcePath)));
// String cqlFileName = IOUtils.formatFileName(libraryName, Encoding.CQL, fhirContext);
// List cqlLibrarySourcePaths = IOUtils.getCqlLibraryPaths().stream()
// .filter(path -> path.endsWith(cqlFileName))
// .collect(Collectors.toList());
// String cqlLibrarySourcePath = (cqlLibrarySourcePaths.isEmpty()) ? null : cqlLibrarySourcePaths.get(0);
// String cqlDestPath = FilenameUtils.concat(bundleDestFilesPath, cqlFileName);
// IOUtils.copyFile(cqlLibrarySourcePath, cqlDestPath);
// if (includeTerminology) {
// try {
// Map valuesets = ResourceUtils.getDepValueSetResources(cqlLibrarySourcePath, igPath, fhirContext, includeDependencies, includeVersion);
// if (!valuesets.isEmpty()) {
// Object bundle = BundleUtils.bundleArtifacts(ValueSetsProcessor.getId(libraryName), new ArrayList(valuesets.values()), fhirContext);
// IOUtils.writeBundle(bundle, bundleDestFilesPath, encoding, fhirContext);
// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// LogUtils.putException(libraryName, e);
// }
// }
// if (includeDependencies) {
// Map depLibraries = ResourceUtils.getDepLibraryResources(librarySourcePath, fhirContext, encoding);
// //TODO: Needs to be recursive
// if (!depLibraries.isEmpty()) {
// String depLibrariesID = "library-deps-" + libraryName;
// Object bundle = BundleUtils.bundleArtifacts(depLibrariesID, new ArrayList(depLibraries.values()), fhirContext);
// IOUtils.writeBundle(bundle, bundleDestFilesPath, encoding, fhirContext);
// }
// }
// if (includePatientScenarios) {
// bundleTestCaseFiles(igPath, libraryName, bundleDestFilesPath, fhirContext);
// }
// }
// //TODO: the bundle needs to have -expectedresults added too
// public static void bundleTestCaseFiles(String igPath, String libraryName, String destPath, FhirContext fhirContext) {
// String igTestCasePath = FilenameUtils.concat(FilenameUtils.concat(igPath, testCasePathElement), libraryName);
// List testCasePaths = IOUtils.getFilePaths(igTestCasePath, false);
// for (String testPath : testCasePaths) {
// String bundleTestDestPath = FilenameUtils.concat(destPath, FilenameUtils.getName(testPath));
// IOUtils.copyFile(testPath, bundleTestDestPath);
// List testCaseDirectories = IOUtils.getDirectoryPaths(igTestCasePath, false);
// for (String testCaseDirectory : testCaseDirectories) {
// List testContentPaths = IOUtils.getFilePaths(testCaseDirectory, false);
// for (String testContentPath : testContentPaths) {
// Optional matchingMeasureReportPath = IOUtils.getMeasureReportPaths(fhirContext).stream()
// .filter(path -> path.equals(testContentPath))
// .findFirst();
// if (matchingMeasureReportPath.isPresent()) {
// IAnyResource measureReport = IOUtils.readResource(testContentPath, fhirContext);
// if (!measureReport.getId().startsWith("measurereport") || !measureReport.getId().endsWith("-expectedresults")) {
// Object measureReportStatus = ResourceUtils.resolveProperty(measureReport, "status", fhirContext);
// String measureReportStatusValue = ResourceUtils.resolveProperty(measureReportStatus, "value", fhirContext).toString();
// if (measureReportStatusValue.equals("COMPLETE")) {
// String expectedResultsId = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(testContentPath) + (FilenameUtils.getBaseName(testContentPath).endsWith("-expectedresults") ? "" : "-expectedresults");
// measureReport.setId(expectedResultsId);
// }
// }
// IOUtils.writeResource(measureReport, destPath, IOUtils.Encoding.JSON, fhirContext);
// }
// else {
// String bundleTestContentDestPath = FilenameUtils.concat(destPath, FilenameUtils.getName(testContentPath));
// IOUtils.copyFile(testContentPath, bundleTestContentDestPath);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// public static FhirContext getIgFhirContext(IGVersion igVersion)
// {
// switch (igVersion) {
// case FHIR3:
// return FhirContext.forDstu3();
// case FHIR4:
// return FhirContext.forR4();
// default:
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown IG version: " + igVersion);
// }
// }
// public static IGVersion getIgVersion(String igPath){
// IGVersion igVersion = null;
// List igPathFiles = IOUtils.getFilePaths(igPath, false).stream()
// .map(path -> new File(path))
// .collect(Collectors.toList());
// for (File file : igPathFiles) {
// if (FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.getName()).equals("ini")) {
// igVersion = tryToReadIni(file);
// }
// }
// if (igVersion == null) {
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("IG version must be configured in ig.ini or provided as an argument.");
// }
// else return igVersion;
// }
// private static IGVersion tryToReadIni(File file) {
// try {
// InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
// String igIniContent = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream))
// .lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
// String[] contentLines = igIniContent.split("\n");
// inputStream.close();
// return parseVersion(contentLines);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// System.out.println(e.getMessage());
// return null;
// }
// }
// static final String STU3SPECIFIER = "stu3";
// static final String DSTU3SPECIFIER = "dstu3";
// static final String R4SPECIFIER = "r4";
// private static IGVersion parseVersion(String[] contentLines) {
// for (String line : contentLines) {
// if (line.toLowerCase().startsWith("fhirspec"))
// {
// if (line.toLowerCase().contains(R4SPECIFIER)){
// return IGVersion.FHIR4;
// }
// else if (line.toLowerCase().contains(STU3SPECIFIER) || line.toLowerCase().contains(DSTU3SPECIFIER)) {
// return IGVersion.FHIR3;
// }
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
// public static final String bundlePathElement = "bundles/";
// public static String getBundlesPath(String igPath) {
// return FilenameUtils.concat(igPath, bundlePathElement);
// }
// public static final String cqlLibraryPathElement = "input/pagecontent/cql/";
// public static final String libraryPathElement = "input/resources/library/";
// public static final String measurePathElement = "input/resources/measure/";
// public static final String valuesetsPathElement = "input/vocabulary/valueset/";
// public static final String testCasePathElement = "input/tests/";
// private static void ensure(String igPath, Boolean includePatientScenarios, Boolean includeTerminology, ArrayList resourcePaths) {
// System.out.println("Enforcing conventions...");
// File directory = new File(getBundlesPath(igPath));
// if (!directory.exists()) {
// directory.mkdir();
// }
// if (resourcePaths.isEmpty()) {
// ensureDirectory(igPath, IGProcessor.cqlLibraryPathElement);
// ensureDirectory(igPath, IGProcessor.libraryPathElement);
// ensureDirectory(igPath, IGProcessor.measurePathElement);
// ensureDirectory(igPath, IGProcessor.valuesetsPathElement);
// ensureDirectory(igPath, IGProcessor.testCasePathElement);
// }
// else {
// checkForDirectory(igPath, IGProcessor.cqlLibraryPathElement);
// checkForDirectory(igPath, IGProcessor.libraryPathElement);
// checkForDirectory(igPath, IGProcessor.measurePathElement);
// checkForDirectory(igPath, IGProcessor.valuesetsPathElement);
// checkForDirectory(igPath, IGProcessor.testCasePathElement);
// }
// HashSet cqlContentPaths = IOUtils.getCqlLibraryPaths();
// for (String cqlContentPath : cqlContentPaths) {
// String cqlLibraryContent = IOUtils.getCqlString(cqlContentPath);
// if (!cqlLibraryContent.startsWith("library ")) {
// throw new RuntimeException("Unable to refresh IG. All Libraries must begin with \"library \": " + cqlContentPath);
// }
// String strippedLibraryName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(cqlContentPath);
// for (IGProcessor.IGVersion igVersion : IGVersion.values()) {
// String igVersionToken = "_" + igVersion.toString().toUpperCase();
// if (strippedLibraryName.contains(igVersionToken)) {
// strippedLibraryName = strippedLibraryName.replace(igVersionToken, "");
// if (strippedLibraryName.contains("_")) {
// throw new RuntimeException("Convention only allows a single \"_\" and it must be preceeding the IG Version: " + cqlContentPath);
// }
// }
// }
// if (strippedLibraryName.contains("_")) {
// throw new RuntimeException("Convention only allows a single \"_\" and it must be preceeding the IG Version: " + cqlContentPath);
// }
// }
// }
// private static void ensureDirectory(String igPath, String pathElement) {
// File directory = new File(FilenameUtils.concat(igPath, pathElement));
// if (!directory.exists()) {
// throw new RuntimeException("Convention requires the following directory:" + pathElement);
// }
// // TODO: This is a concept different from "resource directories". It is expected elsewhere (e.g., IOUtils.setupActivityDefinitionPaths)
// // that resourceDirectories contains a set of proper "resource" directories. Adding non-resource directories
// // leads to surprising results when bundling like picking up resources from the /tests directory.
// IOUtils.resourceDirectories.add(FilenameUtils.concat(igPath, pathElement));
// }
// private static void checkForDirectory(String igPath, String pathElement) {
// File directory = new File(FilenameUtils.concat(igPath, pathElement));
// if (!directory.exists()) {
// System.out.println("No directory found by convention for: " + directory.getName());
// }
// else {
// // TODO: This is a concept different from "resource directories". It is expected elsewhere (e.g., IOUtils.setupActivityDefinitionPaths)
// // that resourceDirectories contains a set of proper "resource" directories. Adding non-resource directories
// // leads to surprising results when bundling like picking up resources from the /tests directory.
// IOUtils.resourceDirectories.add(FilenameUtils.concat(igPath, pathElement));
// }
// }