Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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GUI_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_0 =Users having this role may manage users and groups.
GUI_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_ADMINISTRATOR_0 =Users having this role have all permissions in the given organizational unit.
GUI_ROLENAME_ROOT_ADMIN_0 =Root administrator
GUI_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_ROOT_ADMIN_0 =Users having this role have all permissions in the entire system.
GUI_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_PROJECT_MANAGER_0 =Users having this role may manage projects.
GUI_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_WORKPLACE_USER_0 =Users having this role may login in the workplace.
GUI_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_DATABASE_MANAGER_0 =Users having this role may manage modules and import/export data.
GUI_ROLENAME_DEVELOPER_0 =Template developer
GUI_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_DEVELOPER_0 =Users having this role may manage content templates.
GUI_ROLENAME_VFS_MANAGER_0 =VFS resource manager
GUI_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_VFS_MANAGER_0 =Users having this role may manage all resources in the given organizational unit, any permission check is ignored.
GUI_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_WORKPLACE_MANAGER_0=Users having this role may manage scheduled job, search indexes, property definitions, resource history, and the workplace tools.
GUI_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_LIST_EDITOR_0 =Users having this role may be able to create, edit or delete resource lists.
GUI_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_GALLERY_EDITOR_0 =Users having this role may be able to create or delete resource galleries.
GUI_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_CATEGORY_EDITOR_0 =Users having this role may be able to create, edit and delete categories.
GUI_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_EDITOR_0 =Users having this role may be able to create and delete content pages and edit the sitemap.
GUI_ROLE_DESCRIPTION_ELEMENT_AUTHOR_0 =Users having this role may be able to edit content browsing the offline project.
ERR_INVALID_PRINCIPAL_1 =Invalid principal name "{0}" used.
ERR_INVALID_PRINCIPAL_TYPE_2 =Invalid principal type "{0}" used for reading principal named "{1}".
ERR_LOGIN_FAILED_2 =Failed login of user "{0}" from IP {1}. The given password was incorrect.
ERR_LOGIN_FAILED_DISABLED_2 =Failed login of user "{0}" from IP {1}. The user has been disabled.
ERR_LOGIN_FAILED_TEMP_DISABLED_4 =Failed login of user "{0}" from IP {1}. The user has been disabled until {2,date,medium} {2,time,medium} because of {3} invalid login attempts.
ERR_LOGIN_FAILED_WITH_MESSAGE_1 =Login to the system is currently not allowed.\n{0}
ERR_LOGIN_FAILED_NO_USER_2 =Failed login of user "{0}" from IP {1}. The user does not exist.
ERR_NO_PERMISSION_RESOURCE_1 =No permissions to perform this operation on resource "{0}".
ERR_CANT_DELETE_DEFAULT_USER_1 =User "{0}" is a system default user that cannot be deleted.
ERR_NOT_MANAGER_OF_PROJECT_2 =The user "{0}" does not have management role permissions for project "{1}".
ERR_ORGUNIT_ROOT_EDITION_0 =The root organizational unit can not be edited.
ERR_USER_NOT_IN_ROLE_2 =The user "{0}" does not have access to the required "{1}" role.
ERR_USER_NOT_IN_ROLE_FOR_ORGUNIT_3 =The user "{0}" does not have access to the required "{1}" role for organizational unit "{2}".
ERR_USER_NOT_IN_ROLE_FOR_RESOURCE_3 =The user "{0}" does not have access to the required "{1}" role for resource "{2}".
ERR_ROLE_VIOLATION_1 =The user "{0}" does not have the required role permissions to perform this operation.
ERR_RESOURCE_LOCKED_1 =The action could not be performed as the resource "{0}" is locked.
ERR_STARTUP_FINISHED_0 =This method can only be called once during the OpenCms startup phase.
ERR_UNSUPPORTED_ALGORITHM_1 =The digest algorithm "{0}" is not supported.
ERR_UNSUPPORTED_AUTHENTICATION_MECHANISM_1=Authentication mechanism "{0}" is not supported.
ERR_UNSUPPORTED_PASSWORD_ENCODING_1 =The password encoding "{0}" is not supported.
ERR_PASSWORD_TOO_SHORT_1 =The provided password is shorter than the minimum required length of {0} characters.
ERR_INVALID_NEWPWD_0 =The given new password is not valid.
ERR_INVALID_USER_PWD_1 =The given password for user "{0}" is incorrect.
ERR_NEWPWD_EMPTY_0 =The new password has to be set.
ERR_NEWPWD_MISMATCH_0 =The password does not match its confirmation.
ERR_INVALID_USER_CONTEXT_0 =To validate the current logged in user, you have to set the OpenCms context first.
ERR_PWD_NULL_0 =The password is null.
ERR_PWD_INVALID_SIZE_0 =The password size is not between 8 and 64 characters.
ERR_PWD_NO_CAPITAL_LETTER_0 =The password does not contain at least one capital letter.
ERR_PWD_NO_LETTERS_0 =The password does not contain at least 2 letters.
ERR_PWD_UMLAUTS_0 =The password contains german special characters.
ERR_PWD_NO_SPECIAL_CHARS_0 =The password does not contain 2 special characters.
ERR_PWD_CHARS_IN_A_ROW_5 =More than 2 characters in a row ({0} {1}): {2} {3} {4}.
LOG_AUTHENTICATE_PROPERTY_2 =Property based authentication form redirect URL {0} created for request {1}.
LOG_INIT_CONFIG_CALLED_1 =initConfiguration() called on {0}
LOG_NO_PERMISSION_RESOURCE_USER_4 =Access denied to resource "{0}" for user "{1}", required permissions "{2}" not satisfied by "{3}".
LOG_SCRYPT_PARAMETERS_1 =Bad parameters "{0}" provided for SCrypt password algorithms - using default values.
ERR_BAD_USERNAME_4 =The provided user name "{0}" is illegal, is contains the invalid character "{1}" at position {2}.\nValid characters are only letters, digits and "{3}".
ERR_BAD_USERNAME_EMPTY_0 =The provided user name is illegal, it must not be empty or white space only.
ERR_EMAIL_VALIDATION_1 =Invalid email address "{0}". An email address must have only letters and numbers and exact one "@" symbol, followed by at least one dot.
ERR_ZIPCODE_VALIDATION_1 =Invalid ZIP code "{0}". A ZIP code must have only letters and numbers.
ERR_BAD_GROUPNAME_EMPTY_0 =The provided group name is illegal, it must not be empty or white space only.
ERR_FIRSTNAME_EMPTY_0 =The first name must not be empty.
ERR_LASTNAME_EMPTY_0 =The last name must not be empty.
ERR_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN_0 =The user can not be logged in because there already is an active session for him.
GUI_PASSWORD_SECURITY_HINT_1 =Use a password of at least {0} characters to increase security.
GUI_PWD_HINT_0 =Please choose a password size between 8 and 16 characters. It must contain at least two special characters and one capital letter.