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org.opencms.acacia.client.widgets.serialdate.CmsSerialDateView Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * This library is part of OpenCms -
 * the Open Source Content Management System
 * Copyright (c) Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG (
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * For further information about Alkacon Software, please see the
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 * For further information about OpenCms, please see the
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 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

package org.opencms.acacia.client.widgets.serialdate;

import org.opencms.acacia.client.css.I_CmsWidgetsLayoutBundle;
import org.opencms.acacia.shared.I_CmsSerialDateValue.EndType;
import org.opencms.acacia.shared.I_CmsSerialDateValue.PatternType;
import org.opencms.ade.contenteditor.client.Messages;
import org.opencms.gwt.client.ui.CmsFieldSet;
import org.opencms.gwt.client.ui.CmsPopup;
import org.opencms.gwt.client.ui.CmsPushButton;
import org.opencms.gwt.client.ui.CmsScrollPanel;
import org.opencms.gwt.client.ui.css.I_CmsInputLayoutBundle;
import org.opencms.gwt.client.ui.input.CmsCheckBox;
import org.opencms.gwt.client.ui.input.CmsLabel;
import org.opencms.gwt.client.ui.input.CmsRadioButton;
import org.opencms.gwt.client.ui.input.CmsRadioButtonGroup;
import org.opencms.gwt.client.ui.input.datebox.CmsDateBox;
import org.opencms.gwt.client.ui.input.datebox.CmsDateBoxEvent;
import org.opencms.util.CmsPair;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;


/** The serial date widgets UI. */
public class CmsSerialDateView extends Composite
implements I_CmsSerialDateValueChangeObserver, CloseHandler {

    /** The UI binder interface. */
    interface I_CmsSerialDateUiBinder extends UiBinder {
        // nothing to do

    /** The UI binder instance. */
    private static I_CmsSerialDateUiBinder uiBinder = GWT.create(I_CmsSerialDateUiBinder.class);

    /* The status field */

    /** Panel containing the field set for the exceptions. */
    protected FlowPanel m_exceptionsPanelContainer;

    /** Controller. */
    CmsSerialDateController m_controller;

    /* 1. The dates panel. */

    /** The check box, indicating if the event should be displayed as "current" till it ends (checked state), or only till it starts (unchecked). */
    CmsCheckBox m_currentTillEndCheckBox;

    /** The daily pattern. */
    CmsPatternPanelDailyView m_dailyPattern;

    /** The panel with the basic dates. */
    FlowPanel m_datesPanel;

    /** Panel only shown when the widget is deactivated. */
    FlowPanel m_deactivationPanel;

    /** Information on the widget in deactivated state. */
    Label m_deactivationText;

    /** The panel with the serial date duration options. */
    FlowPanel m_durationPanel;

    /** The end time label. */
    Label m_endLabel;

    /* 2. The serial options panel */

    /** The ends after radio button. */
    @UiField(provided = true)
    CmsRadioButton m_endsAfterRadioButton;

    /* 2.1 The pattern options */

    /** The ends at radio button. */
    @UiField(provided = true)
    CmsRadioButton m_endsAtRadioButton;

    /** The end date box. */
    CmsDateBox m_endTime;

    /** The UI element for the list with exceptions. */
    @UiField(provided = true)
    CmsCheckableDatePanel m_exceptionsList;

    /** The panel with the serial date exceptions. */
    CmsFieldSet m_exceptionsPanel;

    /** The individual pattern. */
    CmsPatternPanelIndividualView m_individualPattern;

    /* 3. The manage exceptions and preview button that triggers the preview pop-up. */
    /** The button to manage exceptions. */
    CmsPushButton m_manageExceptionsButton;

    /** Model. */
    I_CmsObservableSerialDateValue m_model;

    /* 2.2. The duration panel */

    /** The monthly pattern. */
    CmsPatternPanelMonthlyView m_monthlyPattern;

    /** The times text box. */
    CmsFocusAwareTextBox m_occurrences;

    /** The label that displays the dependency to another series. */
    CmsLabel m_origSeriesLabel;

    /** The list shown in the pop-up panel to manage exceptions. */
    CmsCheckableDatePanel m_overviewList;

    /** The pop-up where the preview list is shown in. */
    CmsPopup m_overviewPopup;

    /** The label at the start of the duration line (text is "Ends"). */
    Label m_durationPrefixLabel;

    /** The label after the occurrences text box (text is "times"). */
    Label m_durationAfterPostfixLabel;

    /* 2.3. The exceptions panel */

    /** The pattern options panel, where the pattern specific options are displayed. */
    SimplePanel m_patternOptions;

    /** The panel with the serial date pattern options. */
    FlowPanel m_patternPanel;

    /** The panel to place the radio buttons for pattern selection. */
    VerticalPanel m_patternRadioButtonsPanel;

    /** The panel with all serial date options. */
    CmsFieldSet m_serialOptionsPanel;

    /* 4. The preview & exceptions selection pop-up */

    /** The preview list (with checkboxes to manage exceptions. */

    /** The check box, indicating if the date is a serial date. */
    CmsCheckBox m_seriesCheckBox;

    /* 5. Panel for de-active state */

    /** The end datebox. */
    CmsDateBox m_seriesEndDate;

    /** The start time label. */
    Label m_startLabel;

    /* Member variables for managing the internal state. */

    /** The start date box. */
    CmsDateBox m_startTime;

    /** The label that displays the current status. */
    CmsLabel m_statusLabel;

    /** The weekly pattern. */
    CmsPatternPanelWeeklyView m_weeklyPattern;

    /** The check box, indicating if the event should last the whole day. */
    CmsCheckBox m_wholeDayCheckBox;

    /** The yearly pattern. */
    CmsPatternPanelYearlyView m_yearlyPattern;

    /** Format with date only. */
    private String m_dateFormat = Messages.get().keyDefault(Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_DATE_FORMAT_0, null);

    /* Date and time formats */

    /** Value of the radio group duration. */
    private CmsRadioButtonGroup m_groupDuration;

    /* Controller and model */

    /** Value of the radio group pattern. */
    private CmsRadioButtonGroup m_groupPattern;

    /** Map from the various patterns to the radio buttons for chosing the patterns. */
    private Map m_patternButtons;

    /** Flag, indicating if change actions should not be triggered. */
    private boolean m_triggerChangeActions = true;

    /** The pop-up panel's "update exceptions" button. */
    private CmsPushButton m_updateExceptionsButton;

     * Category field widgets for ADE forms.

* @param controller the controller to communicate with * @param model the model to get values from */ public CmsSerialDateView(CmsSerialDateController controller, I_CmsObservableSerialDateValue model) { m_controller = controller; m_model = model; m_model.registerValueChangeObserver(this); initDurationButtonGroup(); m_exceptionsList = new CmsCheckableDatePanel(m_dateFormat, CmsCheckableDatePanel.Style.THREE_COLUMNS, true); // bind the ui initWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this)); addStyleName(I_CmsInputLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.inputCss().highTextBoxes()); m_origSeriesLabel.setVisible(m_model.isFromOtherSeries()); m_origSeriesLabel.setText(Messages.get().key(Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_FROM_SERIES_INFORMATION_0)); initPatternButtonGroup(); initDeactivationPanel(); initDatesPanel(); initSerialOptionsPanel(); initOverviewPopup(); } /** * @see */ public void onClose(CloseEvent event) { m_controller.sizeChanged(); } /** * @see org.opencms.acacia.client.widgets.serialdate.I_CmsSerialDateValueChangeObserver#onValueChange() */ @Override public void onValueChange() { m_triggerChangeActions = false; m_origSeriesLabel.setVisible(m_model.isFromOtherSeries()); m_startTime.setValue(m_model.getStart()); m_endTime.setValue(m_model.getEnd()); m_wholeDayCheckBox.setChecked(m_model.isWholeDay()); m_currentTillEndCheckBox.setChecked(m_model.isCurrentTillEnd()); onPatternChange(); m_triggerChangeActions = true; } /** * Enable/disable the management button. * @param enabled flag, indicating if the management button should be enabled. */ public void setManagementButtonEnabled(boolean enabled) { m_manageExceptionsButton.setEnabled(enabled); } /** * Sets the current status. * @param status the status to set. */ public void setStatus(String status) { m_statusLabel.setText(status); } /** * Shows the provided list of dates as current dates. * @param dates the current dates to show, accompanied with the information if they are exceptions or not. */ public void showCurrentDates(Collection> dates) { m_overviewList.setDatesWithCheckState(dates);; } /** * Updates the exceptions panel. */ public void updateExceptions() { m_exceptionsList.setDates(m_model.getExceptions()); if (m_model.getExceptions().size() > 0) { m_exceptionsPanel.setVisible(true); } else { m_exceptionsPanel.setVisible(false); } } /** * Returns a flag, indicating if change actions should be triggered. * @return a flag, indicating if change actions should be triggered. */ boolean handleChange() { return m_triggerChangeActions; } /** * Handle a "current till end" change event. * @param event the change event. */ @UiHandler("m_currentTillEndCheckBox") void onCurrentTillEndChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { if (handleChange()) { m_controller.setCurrentTillEnd(event.getValue()); } } /** * Handle an end time change. * @param event the change event. */ @UiHandler("m_endTime") void onEndTimeChange(CmsDateBoxEvent event) { if (handleChange() && !event.isUserTyping()) { m_controller.setEndTime(event.getDate()); } } /** * Called when the end type is changed. */ void onEndTypeChange() { EndType endType = m_model.getEndType(); m_groupDuration.selectButton(getDurationButtonForType(endType)); switch (endType) { case DATE: case TIMES: m_durationPanel.setVisible(true); m_seriesEndDate.setValue(m_model.getSeriesEndDate()); int occurrences = m_model.getOccurrences(); if (!m_occurrences.isFocused()) { m_occurrences.setFormValueAsString(occurrences > 0 ? "" + occurrences : ""); } break; default: m_durationPanel.setVisible(false); break; } updateExceptions(); } /** * Handler for click events on the manage exceptions button. * @param e the click event. */ @UiHandler("m_manageExceptionsButton") void onManageExceptionClicked(ClickEvent e) { if (handleChange()) { m_controller.executeShowDatesAction(); } } /** * Handles the ends after change event.

* * @param event the change event */ @UiHandler("m_occurrences") void onOccurrencesChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { if (handleChange()) { m_controller.setOccurrences(m_occurrences.getFormValueAsString()); } } /** * Handles the ends after focus event.

* * @param event the focus event */ @UiHandler("m_occurrences") void onOccurrencesFocus(FocusEvent event) { if (handleChange()) { m_groupDuration.selectButton(m_endsAfterRadioButton); } } /** * Called when the pattern has changed. */ void onPatternChange() { PatternType patternType = m_model.getPatternType(); boolean isSeries = !patternType.equals(PatternType.NONE); setSerialOptionsVisible(isSeries); m_seriesCheckBox.setChecked(isSeries); if (isSeries) { m_groupPattern.selectButton(m_patternButtons.get(patternType)); m_controller.getPatternView().onValueChange(); m_patternOptions.setWidget(m_controller.getPatternView()); onEndTypeChange(); } m_controller.sizeChanged(); } /** * Handle changes of the series check box. * @param event the change event. */ @UiHandler("m_seriesCheckBox") void onSeriesChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { if (handleChange()) { m_controller.setIsSeries(event.getValue()); } } /** * Handles the end date change event.

* * @param event the change event */ @UiHandler("m_seriesEndDate") void onSeriesEndDateChange(CmsDateBoxEvent event) { if (handleChange() && !event.isUserTyping()) { m_controller.setSeriesEndDate(event.getDate()); } } /** * Handles the focus event on the series end date date box. * @param event the focus event */ void onSeriesEndDateFocus(FocusEvent event) { m_groupDuration.selectButton(m_endsAtRadioButton); } /** * Handle a start time change. * * @param event the change event */ @UiHandler("m_startTime") void onStartTimeChange(CmsDateBoxEvent event) { if (handleChange() && !event.isUserTyping()) { m_controller.setStartTime(event.getDate()); } } /** * Handle a whole day change event. * @param event the change event. */ @UiHandler("m_wholeDayCheckBox") void onWholeDayChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { //TODO: Improve - adjust time selections? if (handleChange()) { m_controller.setWholeDay(event.getValue()); } } /** * Sets the radio buttons active or inactive.

* @param active true or false to activate or deactivate * */ void setActive(boolean active) { m_deactivationPanel.setVisible(!active); m_datesPanel.setVisible(active); if (m_seriesCheckBox.getFormValue().booleanValue()) { setSerialOptionsVisible(active); } m_controller.sizeChanged(); } /** * Creates a pattern choice radio button and adds it where necessary. * @param pattern the pattern that should be chosen by the button. * @param messageKey the message key for the button's label. */ private void createAndAddButton(PatternType pattern, String messageKey) { CmsRadioButton btn = new CmsRadioButton(pattern.toString(), Messages.get().key(messageKey)); btn.addStyleName(I_CmsWidgetsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.widgetCss().radioButtonlabel()); btn.setGroup(m_groupPattern); m_patternButtons.put(pattern, btn); m_patternRadioButtonsPanel.add(btn); } /** * Returns the duration button for type.

* * @param type the type * * @return the button */ private CmsRadioButton getDurationButtonForType(EndType type) { switch (type) { case DATE: return m_endsAtRadioButton; default: return m_endsAfterRadioButton; } } /** Initialize dates panel elements. */ private void initDatesPanel() { m_startLabel.setText(Messages.get().key(Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_TIME_STARTTIME_0)); m_startTime.setAllowInvalidValue(true); m_startTime.setValue(m_model.getStart()); m_endLabel.setText(Messages.get().key(Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_TIME_ENDTIME_0)); m_endTime.setAllowInvalidValue(true); m_endTime.setValue(m_model.getEnd()); m_seriesCheckBox.setText(Messages.get().key(Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_SERIES_CHECKBOX_0)); m_wholeDayCheckBox.setText(Messages.get().key(Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_WHOLE_DAY_CHECKBOX_0)); m_currentTillEndCheckBox.setText(Messages.get().key(Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_CURRENT_TILL_END_CHECKBOX_0)); m_currentTillEndCheckBox.getButton().setTitle( Messages.get().key(Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_CURRENT_TILL_END_CHECKBOX_HELP_0)); } /** * Initialize elements of the panel displayed for the deactivated widget. */ private void initDeactivationPanel() { m_deactivationPanel.setVisible(false); m_deactivationText.setText(Messages.get().key(Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_DEACTIVE_TEXT_0)); } /** * Configure all UI elements in the "ending"-options panel. */ private void initDurationButtonGroup() { m_groupDuration = new CmsRadioButtonGroup(); m_endsAfterRadioButton = new CmsRadioButton( EndType.TIMES.toString(), Messages.get().key(Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_DURATION_ENDTYPE_OCC_0)); m_endsAfterRadioButton.setGroup(m_groupDuration); m_endsAtRadioButton = new CmsRadioButton( EndType.DATE.toString(), Messages.get().key(Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_DURATION_ENDTYPE_DATE_0)); m_endsAtRadioButton.setGroup(m_groupDuration); m_groupDuration.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { if (handleChange()) { String value = event.getValue(); if (null != value) { m_controller.setEndType(value); } } } }); } /** Initialize elements from the duration panel. */ private void initDurationPanel() { m_durationPrefixLabel.setText(Messages.get().key(Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_DURATION_PREFIX_0)); m_durationAfterPostfixLabel.setText(Messages.get().key(Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_DURATION_ENDTYPE_OCC_POSTFIX_0)); m_seriesEndDate.setDateOnly(true); m_seriesEndDate.setAllowInvalidValue(true); m_seriesEndDate.setValue(m_model.getSeriesEndDate()); m_seriesEndDate.getTextField().addFocusHandler(new FocusHandler() { public void onFocus(FocusEvent event) { if (handleChange()) { onSeriesEndDateFocus(event); } } }); } /** * Configure all UI elements in the exceptions panel. */ private void initExceptionsPanel() { m_exceptionsPanel.setLegend(Messages.get().key(Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_PANEL_EXCEPTIONS_0)); m_exceptionsPanel.addCloseHandler(this); m_exceptionsPanel.setVisible(false); } /** * Initialize the ui elements for the management part. */ private void initManagementPart() { m_manageExceptionsButton.setText(Messages.get().key(Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_BUTTON_MANAGE_EXCEPTIONS_0)); m_manageExceptionsButton.getElement().getStyle().setFloat(Style.Float.RIGHT); } /** * Initialize the overview/handle exceptions popup. */ private void initOverviewPopup() { m_updateExceptionsButton = new CmsPushButton(); m_updateExceptionsButton.setText(Messages.get().key(Messages.GUI_LOCALE_DIALOG_OK_0)); m_updateExceptionsButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (handleChange()) { m_controller.updateExceptions(m_overviewList.getUncheckedDates()); m_overviewPopup.hide(); } } }); m_overviewPopup = new CmsPopup(Messages.get().key(Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_OVERVIEW_POPUP_TITLE_0), 800);; m_overviewPopup.setAutoHideEnabled(true); m_overviewPopup.addDialogClose(null); m_overviewPopup.addButton(m_updateExceptionsButton); CmsScrollPanel panel = new CmsScrollPanel(); m_overviewList = new CmsCheckableDatePanel(m_dateFormat, CmsCheckableDatePanel.Style.TWO_COLUMNS); m_overviewList.addDate(new Date()); panel.getElement().getStyle().setPaddingLeft(10, Unit.PX); panel.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("maxHeight", m_overviewPopup.getAvailableHeight(0), Unit.PX); panel.add(m_overviewList); m_overviewPopup.add(panel); m_overviewPopup.hide(); } /** * Initialize the pattern choice button group. */ private void initPatternButtonGroup() { m_groupPattern = new CmsRadioButtonGroup(); m_patternButtons = new HashMap<>(); createAndAddButton(PatternType.DAILY, Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_TYPE_DAILY_0); m_patternButtons.put(PatternType.NONE, m_patternButtons.get(PatternType.DAILY)); createAndAddButton(PatternType.WEEKLY, Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_TYPE_WEEKLY_0); createAndAddButton(PatternType.MONTHLY, Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_TYPE_MONTHLY_0); createAndAddButton(PatternType.YEARLY, Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_TYPE_YEARLY_0); // createAndAddButton(PatternType.INDIVIDUAL, Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL_0); m_groupPattern.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { if (handleChange()) { String value = event.getValue(); if (value != null) { m_controller.setPattern(value); } } } }); } /** Initialize elements from the serial options panel (and all sub-panels). */ private void initSerialOptionsPanel() { m_serialOptionsPanel.setLegend(Messages.get().key(Messages.GUI_SERIALDATE_PANEL_SERIAL_OPTIONS_0)); m_serialOptionsPanel.addCloseHandler(this); setSerialOptionsVisible(false); initDurationPanel(); initExceptionsPanel(); initManagementPart(); } /** * Shows / hides serial options and exceptions.

* * @param visible true if the widgets should be shown, false if they should be hidden */ private void setSerialOptionsVisible(boolean visible) { m_serialOptionsPanel.setVisible(visible); m_exceptionsPanelContainer.setVisible(visible); } }

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