org.opencms.workplace.commons.CmsPreferences Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* This library is part of OpenCms -
* the Open Source Content Management System
* Copyright (c) Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG (http://www.alkacon.com)
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* For further information about Alkacon Software GmbH & Co. KG, please see the
* company website: http://www.alkacon.com
* For further information about OpenCms, please see the
* project website: http://www.opencms.org
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package org.opencms.workplace.commons;
import org.opencms.configuration.CmsDefaultUserSettings;
import org.opencms.configuration.preferences.CmsBuiltinPreference.SelectOptions;
import org.opencms.configuration.preferences.CmsStartViewPreference;
import org.opencms.db.CmsUserSettings;
import org.opencms.db.CmsUserSettings.CmsSearchResultStyle;
import org.opencms.db.CmsUserSettings.UploadVariant;
import org.opencms.file.CmsObject;
import org.opencms.file.CmsProject;
import org.opencms.file.CmsPropertyDefinition;
import org.opencms.file.CmsResource;
import org.opencms.file.CmsResource.CmsResourceCopyMode;
import org.opencms.file.CmsResource.CmsResourceDeleteMode;
import org.opencms.file.CmsResourceFilter;
import org.opencms.file.CmsUser;
import org.opencms.i18n.CmsEncoder;
import org.opencms.i18n.CmsLocaleManager;
import org.opencms.jsp.CmsJspActionElement;
import org.opencms.loader.CmsLoaderException;
import org.opencms.main.CmsContextInfo;
import org.opencms.main.CmsException;
import org.opencms.main.CmsLog;
import org.opencms.main.OpenCms;
import org.opencms.report.I_CmsReport;
import org.opencms.security.CmsPasswordInfo;
import org.opencms.site.CmsSite;
import org.opencms.synchronize.CmsSynchronizeSettings;
import org.opencms.util.CmsStringUtil;
import org.opencms.widgets.CmsCalendarWidget;
import org.opencms.workplace.CmsTabDialog;
import org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplace;
import org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplaceManager;
import org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplaceMessages;
import org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplaceSettings;
import org.opencms.workplace.editors.CmsWorkplaceEditorConfiguration;
import org.opencms.workplace.explorer.CmsExplorerTypeSettings;
import org.opencms.workplace.galleries.A_CmsAjaxGallery;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.servlet.jsp.JspException;
import javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
* Provides methods for the user preferences dialog.
* The following files use this class:
* - /commons/preferences.jsp
* @since 6.0.0
public class CmsPreferences extends CmsTabDialog {
/** Value for the action: change the password. */
public static final int ACTION_CHPWD = 202;
/** Value for the action: show error screen. */
public static final int ACTION_ERROR = 203;
/** Value for the action: reload the workplace. */
public static final int ACTION_RELOAD = 201;
/** Request parameter value for the action: change the password. */
public static final String DIALOG_CHPWD = "chpwd";
/** Request parameter value for the action: reload the workplace. */
public static final String DIALOG_RELOAD = "reload";
/** The dialog type. */
public static final String DIALOG_TYPE = "preferences";
/** Request parameter name for global gallery settings. */
public static final String INPUT_PRESELECT = "preselect";
/** Request parameter name for the dialog copy file siblings default setting. */
public static final String PARAM_DIALOGS_COPYFILEMODE = "tabdicopyfilemode";
/** Request parameter name for the dialog copy folder siblings default setting. */
public static final String PARAM_DIALOGS_COPYFOLDERMODE = "tabdicopyfoldermode";
/** Request parameter name for the dialog delete file siblings default setting. */
public static final String PARAM_DIALOGS_DELETEFILEMODE = "tabdideletefilemode";
/** Request parameter name for the dialog permissions show inherited permissions. */
public static final String PARAM_DIALOGS_PERMISSIONS_EXPANDINHERITED = "tabdipermissionsexpandinherited";
/** Request parameter name for the dialog permissions show current users permissions. */
public static final String PARAM_DIALOGS_PERMISSIONS_EXPANDUSER = "tabdipermissionsexpanduser";
/** Request parameter name for the dialog permissions default inheritance behavior on folders. */
public static final String PARAM_DIALOGS_PERMISSIONS_INHERITONFOLDER = "tabdipermissionsinheritonfolder";
/** Request parameter name for the dialog publish file siblings default setting. */
public static final String PARAM_DIALOGS_PUBLISHFILEMODE = "tabdipublishfilemode";
/** Request parameter name for the dialog show lock. */
public static final String PARAM_DIALOGS_SHOWLOCK = "tabdishowlock";
/** Request parameter name for the direct edit button style. */
public static final String PARAM_DIRECTEDIT_BUTTONSTYLE = "tabeddirecteditbuttonstyle";
/** Request parameter name for the editor button style. */
public static final String PARAM_EDITOR_BUTTONSTYLE = "tabedbuttonstyle";
/** Request parameter name for the explorer button style. */
public static final String PARAM_EXPLORER_BUTTONSTYLE = "tabexbuttonstyle";
/** Request parameter name for the explorer file date created. */
public static final String PARAM_EXPLORER_FILEDATECREATED = "tabexfiledatecreated";
/** Request parameter name for the explorer file date expired. */
public static final String PARAM_EXPLORER_FILEDATEEXPIRED = "tabexfiledateexpired";
/** Request parameter name for the explorer file date last modified. */
public static final String PARAM_EXPLORER_FILEDATELASTMODIFIED = "tabexfiledatelastmodified";
/** Request parameter name for the explorer file date released. */
public static final String PARAM_EXPLORER_FILEDATERELEASED = "tabexfiledatereleased";
/** Request parameter name for the explorer file entry number. */
public static final String PARAM_EXPLORER_FILEENTRIES = "tabexfileentries";
/** Request parameter name for the explorer file locked by. */
public static final String PARAM_EXPLORER_FILELOCKEDBY = "tabexfilelockedby";
/** Request parameter name for the explorer file navtext. */
public static final String PARAM_EXPLORER_FILENAVTEXT = "tabexfilenavtext";
/** Request parameter name for the explorer file permissions. */
public static final String PARAM_EXPLORER_FILEPERMISSIONS = "tabexfilepermissions";
/** Request parameter name for the explorer file size. */
public static final String PARAM_EXPLORER_FILESIZE = "tabexfilesize";
/** Request parameter name for the explorer file state. */
public static final String PARAM_EXPLORER_FILESTATE = "tabexfilestate";
/** Request parameter name for the explorer file title. */
public static final String PARAM_EXPLORER_FILETITLE = "tabexfiletitle";
/** Request parameter name for the explorer file type. */
public static final String PARAM_EXPLORER_FILETYPE = "tabexfiletype";
/** Request parameter name for the explorer file user created. */
public static final String PARAM_EXPLORER_FILEUSERCREATED = "tabexfileusercreated";
/** Request parameter name for the explorer file user last modified. */
public static final String PARAM_EXPLORER_FILEUSERLASTMODIFIED = "tabexfileuserlastmodified";
/** Request parameter name for the workplace search result list style. */
public static final String PARAM_EXPLORER_SEARCH_RESULT = "tabexworkplacesearchresult";
/** Request parameter name for the new password. */
public static final String PARAM_NEWPASSWORD = "newpassword";
/** Request parameter name for the old password. */
public static final String PARAM_OLDPASSWORD = "oldpassword";
/** Request parameter name prefix for the preferred editors. */
public static final String PARAM_PREFERREDEDITOR_PREFIX = "tabedprefed_";
/** Request parameter name prefix for the preferred editors. */
public static final String PARAM_STARTGALLERY_PREFIX = "tabgastartgallery_";
/** Request parameter name for the workplace button style. */
public static final String PARAM_WORKPLACE_BUTTONSTYLE = "tabwpbuttonstyle";
/** Request parameter name for the workplace start folder. */
public static final String PARAM_WORKPLACE_FOLDER = "tabwpfolder";
/** Request parameter name for the workplace language. */
public static final String PARAM_WORKPLACE_LANGUAGE = "tabwplanguage";
/** Request parameter name for the user language. */
public static final String PARAM_WORKPLACE_LISTALLPROJECTS = "tabwplistallprojects";
/** Request parameter name for the workplace project. */
public static final String PARAM_WORKPLACE_PROJECT = "tabwpproject";
/** Request parameter name for the workplace report type. */
public static final String PARAM_WORKPLACE_REPORTTYPE = "tabwpreporttype";
/** Request parameter name for the workplace explorer view restriction. */
public static final String PARAM_WORKPLACE_RESTRICTEXPLORERVIEW = "tabwprestrictexplorerview";
/** Request parameter name for the workplace show publish notification. */
public static final String PARAM_WORKPLACE_SHOWPUBLISHNOTIFICATION = "tabwpshowpublishnotification";
/** Request parameter name for the workplace start site. */
public static final String PARAM_WORKPLACE_SITE = "tabwpsite";
/** Request parameter name for the user language. */
public static final String PARAM_WORKPLACE_TIMEWARP = "tabwptimewarp";
/** Request parameter name for the workplace to choose the upload variant. */
public static final String PARAM_WORKPLACE_UPLOADVARIANT = "tabwpuploadvariant";
/** Request parameter name for the workplace view. */
public static final String PARAM_WORKPLACE_VIEW = "tabwpview";
/** The log object for this class. */
private static final Log LOG = CmsLog.getLog(CmsPreferences.class);
/** The old password. */
private String m_paramNewPassword;
/** The new password. */
private String m_paramOldPassword;
/** User settings object used to store the dialog field values. */
private CmsUserSettings m_userSettings;
* Public constructor with JSP action element.
* @param jsp an initialized JSP action element
public CmsPreferences(CmsJspActionElement jsp) {
* Public constructor with JSP variables.
* @param context the JSP page context
* @param req the JSP request
* @param res the JSP response
public CmsPreferences(PageContext context, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
this(new CmsJspActionElement(context, req, res));
* Gets the options for the language selector.
* @param setLocale the locale for the select options
* @param prevLocale the locale currently set
* @return the options for the language selector
public static SelectOptions getOptionsForLanguageStatic(Locale setLocale, Locale prevLocale) {
// get available locales from the workplace manager
List locales = OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager().getLocales();
List options = new ArrayList(locales.size());
List values = new ArrayList(locales.size());
int checkedIndex = 0;
int counter = 0;
Iterator i = locales.iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
Locale currentLocale = i.next();
// add all locales to the select box
String language = currentLocale.getDisplayLanguage(setLocale);
if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmpty(currentLocale.getCountry())) {
language = language + " (" + currentLocale.getDisplayCountry(setLocale) + ")";
if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmpty(currentLocale.getVariant())) {
language = language + " (" + currentLocale.getDisplayVariant(setLocale) + ")";
if (prevLocale.toString().equals(currentLocale.toString())) {
// mark the currently active locale
checkedIndex = counter;
SelectOptions selectOptions = new SelectOptions(options, values, checkedIndex);
return selectOptions;
* Gets the options for the project selector.
* @param cms the CMS context
* @param startProject the start project
* @param locale the locale
* @return the options for the project selector
public static SelectOptions getProjectSelectOptionsStatic(CmsObject cms, String startProject, Locale locale) {
List allProjects;
try {
String ouFqn = "";
CmsUserSettings settings = new CmsUserSettings(cms);
if (!settings.getListAllProjects()) {
ouFqn = cms.getRequestContext().getCurrentUser().getOuFqn();
allProjects = OpenCms.getOrgUnitManager().getAllAccessibleProjects(
} catch (CmsException e) {
// should usually never happen
if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) {
LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
allProjects = Collections.emptyList();
boolean singleOu = true;
String ouFqn = null;
Iterator itProjects = allProjects.iterator();
while (itProjects.hasNext()) {
CmsProject prj = itProjects.next();
if (prj.isOnlineProject()) {
// skip the online project
if (ouFqn == null) {
// set the first ou
ouFqn = prj.getOuFqn();
if (!ouFqn.equals(prj.getOuFqn())) {
// break if one different ou is found
singleOu = false;
List options = new ArrayList(allProjects.size());
List values = new ArrayList(allProjects.size());
int checkedIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0, n = allProjects.size(); i < n; i++) {
CmsProject project = allProjects.get(i);
String projectName = project.getSimpleName();
if (!singleOu && !project.isOnlineProject()) {
try {
projectName = projectName
+ " - "
+ OpenCms.getOrgUnitManager().readOrganizationalUnit(cms, project.getOuFqn()).getDisplayName(
} catch (CmsException e) {
projectName = projectName + " - " + project.getOuFqn();
if (startProject.equals(project.getName())) {
checkedIndex = i;
SelectOptions selectOptions = new SelectOptions(options, values, checkedIndex);
return selectOptions;
* Gets the options for the site selector.
* @param cms the CMS context
* @param wpSite the selected site
* @param locale the locale for the select options
* @return the options for the site selector
public static SelectOptions getSiteSelectOptionsStatic(CmsObject cms, String wpSite, Locale locale) {
List options = new ArrayList();
List values = new ArrayList();
int selectedIndex = 0;
List sites = OpenCms.getSiteManager().getAvailableSites(
if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(wpSite) && !wpSite.endsWith("/")) {
wpSite += "/";
Iterator i = sites.iterator();
int pos = 0;
while (i.hasNext()) {
CmsSite site = i.next();
String siteRoot = site.getSiteRoot();
if (!siteRoot.endsWith("/")) {
siteRoot += "/";
options.add(CmsWorkplace.substituteSiteTitleStatic(site.getTitle(), locale));
if (siteRoot.equals(wpSite)) {
// this is the user's currently chosen site
selectedIndex = pos;
if (sites.size() < 1) {
// no site found, assure that at least the current site is shown in the selector
String siteRoot = cms.getRequestContext().getSiteRoot();
CmsSite site = OpenCms.getSiteManager().getSiteForSiteRoot(siteRoot);
if (!siteRoot.endsWith("/")) {
siteRoot += "/";
String title = "";
if (site != null) {
title = site.getTitle();
SelectOptions selectOptions = new SelectOptions(options, values, selectedIndex);
return selectOptions;
* Performs the change password action.
* @throws JspException if inclusion of error element fails
public void actionChangePassword() throws JspException {
// save initialized instance of this class in request attribute for included sub-elements
getJsp().getRequest().setAttribute(SESSION_WORKPLACE_CLASS, this);
String newPwd = getParamNewPassword();
String oldPwd = getParamOldPassword();
// set the action parameter, reset the password parameters
try {
CmsPasswordInfo pwdInfo = new CmsPasswordInfo(getCms());
} catch (Throwable e) {
// failed setting the new password, show error dialog
includeErrorpage(this, e);
* Performs the save operation of the modified user settings.
public void actionSave() {
HttpServletRequest request = getJsp().getRequest();
// save initialized instance of this class in request attribute for included sub-elements
request.setAttribute(SESSION_WORKPLACE_CLASS, this);
// special case: set the preferred editor settings in the user settings object
CmsUserSettings userSettings = new CmsUserSettings(getSettings().getUser());
// first set the old preferred editors
// also set the old start gallery settings
// then set the old synchronization settings
Enumeration en = request.getParameterNames();
while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
// search all request parameters for the presence of the preferred editor parameters
String paramName = en.nextElement();
if (paramName.startsWith(PARAM_PREFERREDEDITOR_PREFIX)) {
String paramValue = request.getParameter(paramName);
if ((paramValue != null) && !INPUT_DEFAULT.equals(paramValue.trim())) {
// set selected editor for this resource type
} else {
// reset preferred editor for this resource type
m_userSettings.setPreferredEditor(paramName.substring(PARAM_PREFERREDEDITOR_PREFIX.length()), null);
} else if (paramName.startsWith(PARAM_STARTGALLERY_PREFIX)) {
String paramValue = request.getParameter(paramName);
if (paramValue != null) {
// set the selected start gallery for the gallery type
// set the current user in the settings object
try {
// write the user settings to the db
} catch (CmsException e) {
// should usually never happen
if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
// update the preferences and project after saving
updatePreferences(getCms(), getJsp().getRequest());
try {
String projectName = m_userSettings.getStartProject();
CmsProject project = getCms().readProject(projectName);
} catch (Exception e) {
// should usually never happen
// now determine if the dialog has to be closed or not
try {
if (DIALOG_SET.equals(getParamAction())) {
// after "set" action, leave dialog open
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(PARAM_TAB, new String[] {String.valueOf(getActiveTab())});
params.put(PARAM_SETPRESSED, new String[] {Boolean.TRUE.toString()});
sendForward(getJsp().getRequestContext().getUri(), params);
} else {
// forward to dialog with action set to reload the workplace
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put(PARAM_ACTION, new String[] {DIALOG_RELOAD});
sendForward(getJsp().getRequestContext().getUri(), params);
} catch (IOException e) {
// error during forward, do nothing
if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
} catch (ServletException e) {
// error during forward, do nothing
if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
* Builds the html for the default copy file mode select box.
* @param htmlAttributes optional html attributes for the &lgt;select> tag
* @return the html for the default copy file mode select box
public String buildSelectCopyFileMode(String htmlAttributes) {
List options = new ArrayList(2);
List values = new ArrayList(2);
int selectedIndex = values.indexOf(getParamTabDiCopyFileMode());
return buildSelect(htmlAttributes, options, values, selectedIndex);
* Builds the html for the default copy folder mode select box.
* @param htmlAttributes optional html attributes for the &lgt;select> tag
* @return the html for the default copy folder mode select box
public String buildSelectCopyFolderMode(String htmlAttributes) {
List options = new ArrayList(3);
List values = new ArrayList(3);
int selectedIndex = values.indexOf(getParamTabDiCopyFolderMode());
return buildSelect(htmlAttributes, options, values, selectedIndex);
* Builds the html for the default delete file mode select box.
* @param htmlAttributes optional html attributes for the &lgt;select> tag
* @return the html for the default delete file mode select box
public String buildSelectDeleteFileMode(String htmlAttributes) {
List options = new ArrayList(2);
List values = new ArrayList(2);
int selectedIndex = values.indexOf(getParamTabDiDeleteFileMode());
return buildSelect(htmlAttributes, options, values, selectedIndex);
* Builds the html for the direct edit button style select box.
* @param htmlAttributes optional html attributes for the &lgt;select> tag
* @return the html for the direct edit button style select box
public String buildSelectDirectEditButtonStyle(String htmlAttributes) {
int selectedIndex = Integer.parseInt(getParamTabEdDirectEditButtonStyle());
return buildSelectButtonStyle(htmlAttributes, selectedIndex);
* Builds the html for the editor button style select box.
* @param htmlAttributes optional html attributes for the &lgt;select> tag
* @return the html for the editor button style select box
public String buildSelectEditorButtonStyle(String htmlAttributes) {
int selectedIndex = Integer.parseInt(getParamTabEdButtonStyle());
return buildSelectButtonStyle(htmlAttributes, selectedIndex);
* Builds the html for the explorer button style select box.
* @param htmlAttributes optional html attributes for the &lgt;select> tag
* @return the html for the explorer button style select box
public String buildSelectExplorerButtonStyle(String htmlAttributes) {
int selectedIndex = Integer.parseInt(getParamTabExButtonStyle());
return buildSelectButtonStyle(htmlAttributes, selectedIndex);
* Builds the html for the explorer number of entries per page select box.
* @param htmlAttributes optional html attributes for the &lgt;select> tag
* @return the html for the explorer number of entries per page select box
public String buildSelectExplorerFileEntries(String htmlAttributes) {
String emptyOption = OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager().getDefaultUserSettings().getExplorerFileEntryOptions();
if (CmsStringUtil.isEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(emptyOption)) {
emptyOption = "50,100,200,300,400,500";
// remove all non digits without ','
emptyOption = emptyOption.replaceAll("[^0-9|^,]", "");
// remove all empty entries
emptyOption = emptyOption.replaceAll(",,", ",");
List opts = CmsStringUtil.splitAsList(emptyOption, ",", true);
List vals = CmsStringUtil.splitAsList(emptyOption, ",", true);
vals.add("" + Integer.MAX_VALUE);
int selectedIndex = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < vals.size(); i++) {
if (vals.get(i).equals(getParamTabExFileEntries())) {
selectedIndex = i;
return buildSelect(htmlAttributes, opts, vals, selectedIndex);
* Builds the html for the language select box of the start settings.
* @param htmlAttributes optional html attributes for the &lgt;select> tag
* @return the html for the language select box
public String buildSelectLanguage(String htmlAttributes) {
SelectOptions selectOptions = getOptionsForLanguage();
return buildSelect(htmlAttributes, selectOptions);
* Builds the html for the preferred editors select boxes of the editor settings.
* @param htmlAttributes optional html attributes for the &lgt;select> tag
* @return the html for the preferred editors select boxes
public String buildSelectPreferredEditors(String htmlAttributes) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(1024);
HttpServletRequest request = getJsp().getRequest();
if (htmlAttributes != null) {
htmlAttributes += " name=\"" + PARAM_PREFERREDEDITOR_PREFIX;
Map> resourceEditors = OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager().getWorkplaceEditorManager().getConfigurableEditors();
if (resourceEditors != null) {
// first: iterate over the resource types and consider order from configuration
Iterator i = resourceEditors.keySet().iterator();
SortedMap rankResources = new TreeMap();
while (i.hasNext()) {
String currentResourceType = i.next();
CmsExplorerTypeSettings settings = OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager().getExplorerTypeSetting(
rankResources.put(Float.valueOf(settings.getNewResourceOrder()), currentResourceType);
while (rankResources.size() > 0) {
// get editor configuration with lowest order
Float keyVal = rankResources.firstKey();
String currentResourceType = rankResources.get(keyVal);
SortedMap availableEditors = resourceEditors.get(
if ((availableEditors != null) && (availableEditors.size() > 0)) {
String preSelection = computeEditorPreselection(request, currentResourceType);
List options = new ArrayList(availableEditors.size() + 1);
List values = new ArrayList(availableEditors.size() + 1);
// second: iteration over the available editors for the resource type
int selectedIndex = 0;
int counter = 1;
while (availableEditors.size() > 0) {
Float key = availableEditors.lastKey();
CmsWorkplaceEditorConfiguration conf = availableEditors.get(key);
options.add(keyDefault(conf.getEditorLabel(), conf.getEditorLabel()));
if (conf.getEditorUri().equals(preSelection)) {
selectedIndex = counter;
// create the table row for the current resource type
String localizedName = keyDefault("label.editor.preferred." + currentResourceType, "");
if (CmsStringUtil.isEmpty(localizedName)) {
localizedName = CmsWorkplaceMessages.getResourceTypeName(this, currentResourceType);
result.append(" \n\t");
buildSelect(htmlAttributes + currentResourceType + "\"", options, values, selectedIndex));
result.append(" \n \n");
return result.toString();
* Builds the html for the project select box of the start settings.
* @param htmlAttributes optional html attributes for the &lgt;select> tag
* @return the html for the project select box
public String buildSelectProject(String htmlAttributes) {
SelectOptions selectOptions = getProjectSelectOptions();
return buildSelect(htmlAttributes, selectOptions);
* Builds the html for the default publish siblings mode select box.
* @param htmlAttributes optional html attributes for the &lgt;select> tag
* @return the html for the default publish siblings mode select box
public String buildSelectPublishSiblings(String htmlAttributes) {
List options = new ArrayList(2);
List values = new ArrayList(2);
int selectedIndex = values.indexOf(getParamTabDiPublishFileMode());
return buildSelect(htmlAttributes, options, values, selectedIndex);
* Builds the html for the workplace report type select box.
* @param htmlAttributes optional html attributes for the &lgt;select> tag
* @return the html for the workplace report type select box
public String buildSelectReportType(String htmlAttributes) {
List options = new ArrayList(2);
String[] vals = new String[] {I_CmsReport.REPORT_TYPE_SIMPLE, I_CmsReport.REPORT_TYPE_EXTENDED};
List values = new ArrayList(java.util.Arrays.asList(vals));
int selectedIndex = 0;
if (I_CmsReport.REPORT_TYPE_EXTENDED.equals(getParamTabWpReportType())) {
selectedIndex = 1;
return buildSelect(htmlAttributes, options, values, selectedIndex);
* Builds the html for the workplace start site select box.
* @param htmlAttributes optional html attributes for the &lgt;select> tag
* @return the html for the workplace start site select box
public String buildSelectSite(String htmlAttributes) {
SelectOptions selectOptions = getSiteSelectOptions();
return buildSelect(htmlAttributes, selectOptions);
* Builds the HTML for the start galleries settings as select boxes.
* @param htmlAttributes optional HTML attributes for the &lgt;select> tag
* @return the HTML for start galleries select boxes
public String buildSelectStartGalleries(String htmlAttributes) {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(1024);
HttpServletRequest request = getJsp().getRequest();
// set the attributes for the select tag
if (htmlAttributes != null) {
htmlAttributes += " name=\"" + PARAM_STARTGALLERY_PREFIX;
Map galleriesTypes = OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager().getGalleries();
if (galleriesTypes != null) {
// sort the galleries by localized name
Map localizedGalleries = new TreeMap();
for (Iterator i = galleriesTypes.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
String currentGalleryType = i.next();
String localizedName = CmsWorkplaceMessages.getResourceTypeName(this, currentGalleryType);
localizedGalleries.put(localizedName, currentGalleryType);
for (Iterator> i = localizedGalleries.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry entry = i.next();
// first: retrieve the gallery type
String currentGalleryType = entry.getValue();
// second: retrieve the gallery type id
int currentGalleryTypeId = 0;
try {
currentGalleryTypeId = OpenCms.getResourceManager().getResourceType(currentGalleryType).getTypeId();
} catch (CmsLoaderException e) {
// resource type not found, log error
if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) {
LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
// third: get the available galleries for this gallery type id
List availableGalleries = A_CmsAjaxGallery.getGalleries(currentGalleryTypeId, getCms());
// forth: fill the select box
List options = new ArrayList(availableGalleries.size() + 2);
List values = new ArrayList(availableGalleries.size() + 2);
String savedValue = computeStartGalleryPreselection(request, currentGalleryType);
int counter = 2;
int selectedIndex = 0;
Iterator iGalleries = availableGalleries.iterator();
while (iGalleries.hasNext()) {
CmsResource res = iGalleries.next();
String rootPath = res.getRootPath();
String sitePath = getCms().getSitePath(res);
// select the value
if ((savedValue != null) && (savedValue.equals(rootPath))) {
selectedIndex = counter;
// gallery title
String title = "";
try {
// read the gallery title
title = getCms().readPropertyObject(
} catch (CmsException e) {
// error reading title property
if (LOG.isErrorEnabled()) {
LOG.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
options.add(title.concat(" (").concat(sitePath).concat(")"));
// select the value
if ((savedValue != null) && savedValue.equals(INPUT_NONE)) {
selectedIndex = 1;
// create the table row for the current resource type
result.append(" \n\t");
result.append(buildSelect(htmlAttributes + currentGalleryType + "\"", options, values, selectedIndex));
result.append(" \n \n");
return result.toString();
* Builds the html for the workplace start site select box.
* @param htmlAttributes optional html attributes for the &lgt;select> tag
* @return the html for the workplace start site select box
public String buildSelectUpload(String htmlAttributes) {
List options = new ArrayList();
List values = new ArrayList();
int selectedIndex = 0;
int pos = 0;
UploadVariant currentVariant = getParamTabWpUploadVariant();
for (UploadVariant variant : UploadVariant.values()) {
if (variant.equals(currentVariant)) {
selectedIndex = pos;
return buildSelect(htmlAttributes, options, values, selectedIndex);
* Returns a html select box filled with the views accessible by the current user.
* @param htmlAttributes attributes that will be inserted into the generated html
* @return a html select box filled with the views accessible by the current user
public String buildSelectView(String htmlAttributes) {
SelectOptions optionBean = CmsStartViewPreference.getViewSelectOptions(getCms(), getParamTabWpView());
return buildSelect(htmlAttributes, optionBean);
* Builds the html for the workplace button style select box.
* @param htmlAttributes optional html attributes for the &lgt;select> tag
* @return the html for the workplace button style select box
public String buildSelectWorkplaceButtonStyle(String htmlAttributes) {
int selectedIndex = Integer.parseInt(getParamTabWpButtonStyle());
return buildSelectButtonStyle(htmlAttributes, selectedIndex);
* Builds the html for the workplace search result list type select box.
* @param htmlAttributes optional html attributes for the &lgt;select> tag
* @return the html for the workplace search result list type select box
public String buildSelectWorkplaceSearchResult(String htmlAttributes) {
List options = new ArrayList(3);
List values = new ArrayList(3);
int checkedIndex = 0;
// add all styles to the select box
if (getParamTabExWorkplaceSearchResult().equals(CmsSearchResultStyle.STYLE_EXPLORER.toString())) {
// mark the currently active locale
checkedIndex = 0;
if (getParamTabExWorkplaceSearchResult().equals(CmsSearchResultStyle.STYLE_LIST_WITH_EXCERPTS.toString())) {
// mark the currently active locale
checkedIndex = 1;
if (getParamTabExWorkplaceSearchResult().equals(CmsSearchResultStyle.STYLE_LIST_WITHOUT_EXCERPTS.toString())) {
// mark the currently active locale
checkedIndex = 2;
return buildSelect(htmlAttributes, options, values, checkedIndex);
* Builds the html code for the static user information table (tab 4).
* @return the html code for the static user information table
public String buildUserInformation() {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(512);
CmsUser user = getSettings().getUser();
result.append(" \n");
result.append(" \n");
result.append(" \n");
result.append(" \n");
result.append(" \n");
result.append(" \n");
result.append(" \n");
result.append(" \n");
String address = user.getAddress();
result.append(" \n");
result.append(" \n");
result.append(" \n");
result.append(" \n");
result.append(" \n");
result.append(" \n");
result.append(" \n");
result.append(" \n");
return result.toString();
* Creates the HTML JavaScript and stylesheet includes required by the calendar for the head of the page.
* @return the necessary HTML code for the js and stylesheet includes
* @deprecated use {@link CmsCalendarWidget#calendarIncludes(java.util.Locale)}, this is just here so that old JSP still work
public String calendarIncludes() {
return CmsCalendarWidget.calendarIncludes(getLocale());
* Generates the HTML to initialize the JavaScript calendar element on the end of a page.
* @param inputFieldId the ID of the input field where the date is pasted to
* @param triggerButtonId the ID of the button which triggers the calendar
* @param align initial position of the calendar popup element
* @param singleClick if true, a single click selects a date and closes the calendar, otherwise calendar is closed by doubleclick
* @param weekNumbers show the week numbers in the calendar or not
* @param mondayFirst show monday as first day of week
* @param dateStatusFunc name of the function which determines if/how a date should be disabled
* @param showTime true if the time selector should be shown, otherwise false
* @return the HTML code to initialize a calendar poup element
* @deprecated use {@link CmsCalendarWidget#calendarInit(org.opencms.i18n.CmsMessages, String, String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, boolean)}, this is just here so that old JSP still work
public String calendarInit(
String inputFieldId,
String triggerButtonId,
String align,
boolean singleClick,
boolean weekNumbers,
boolean mondayFirst,
String dateStatusFunc,
boolean showTime) {
return CmsCalendarWidget.calendarInit(
* Gets the select options for the language selector.
* @return the select options
public SelectOptions getOptionsForLanguage() {
return getOptionsForLanguageStatic(getSettings().getUserSettings().getLocale(), m_userSettings.getLocale());
* Returns the new password value.
* @return the new password value
public String getParamNewPassword() {
return m_paramNewPassword;
* Returns the old password value.
* @return the old password value
public String getParamOldPassword() {
return m_paramOldPassword;
* Returns the "copy file default" setting.
* @return the "copy file default" setting
public String getParamTabDiCopyFileMode() {
return "" + m_userSettings.getDialogCopyFileMode();
* Returns the "copy folder default" setting.
* @return the "copy folder default" setting
public String getParamTabDiCopyFolderMode() {
return "" + m_userSettings.getDialogCopyFolderMode();
* Returns the "delete file default" setting.
* @return the "delete file default" setting
public String getParamTabDiDeleteFileMode() {
return "" + m_userSettings.getDialogDeleteFileMode();
* Returns the "expand inherited permissions" default setting.
* @return the "expand inherited permissions" default setting
public String getParamTabDiPermissionsExpandInherited() {
return isParamEnabled(m_userSettings.getDialogExpandInheritedPermissions());
* Returns the "expand current users permissions" default setting.
* @return the "expand current users permissions" default setting
public String getParamTabDiPermissionsExpandUser() {
return isParamEnabled(m_userSettings.getDialogExpandUserPermissions());
* Returns the "inherit permissions on folders" default setting.
* @return the "inherit permissions on folders" default setting
public String getParamTabDiPermissionsInheritOnFolder() {
return isParamEnabled(m_userSettings.getDialogPermissionsInheritOnFolder());
* Returns the "publish file siblings default" setting.
* @return the "publish file siblings default" setting
public String getParamTabDiPublishFileMode() {
return "" + m_userSettings.getDialogPublishSiblings();
* Returns the "display lock dialog" setting.
* @return "true"
if the "display lock dialog" input field is checked, otherwise ""
public String getParamTabDiShowLock() {
return isParamEnabled(m_userSettings.getDialogShowLock());
* Returns the "editor button style" setting.
* @return the "editor button style" setting
public String getParamTabEdButtonStyle() {
return "" + m_userSettings.getEditorButtonStyle();
* Returns the "direct edit button style" setting.
* @return the "direct edit button style" setting
public String getParamTabEdDirectEditButtonStyle() {
return "" + m_userSettings.getDirectEditButtonStyle();
* Returns the "explorer button style" setting.
* @return the "explorer button style" setting
public String getParamTabExButtonStyle() {
return "" + m_userSettings.getExplorerButtonStyle();
* Returns the "display file creation date" setting.
* @return "true"
if the file creation date input field is checked, otherwise ""
public String getParamTabExFileDateCreated() {
return isParamEnabled(m_userSettings.showExplorerFileDateCreated());
* Returns the "display file date expired" setting.
* @return "true"
if the file date expired input field is checked, otherwise ""
public String getParamTabExFileDateExpired() {
return isParamEnabled(m_userSettings.showExplorerFileDateExpired());
* Returns the "display file last modification date" setting.
* @return "true"
if the file last modification date input field is checked, otherwise ""
public String getParamTabExFileDateLastModified() {
return isParamEnabled(m_userSettings.showExplorerFileDateLastModified());
* Returns the "display file date released" setting.
* @return "true"
if the file date released input field is checked, otherwise ""
public String getParamTabExFileDateReleased() {
return isParamEnabled(m_userSettings.showExplorerFileDateReleased());
* Returns the "explorer number of entries per page" setting.
* @return the "explorer number of entries per page" setting
public String getParamTabExFileEntries() {
return "" + m_userSettings.getExplorerFileEntries();
* Returns the "display file locked by" setting.
* @return "true"
if the file locked by input field is checked, otherwise ""
public String getParamTabExFileLockedBy() {
return isParamEnabled(m_userSettings.showExplorerFileLockedBy());
* Returns the "display navtext" setting.
* @return "true"
if the file navtext input field is checked, otherwise ""
public String getParamTabExFileNavText() {
return isParamEnabled(m_userSettings.showExplorerFileNavText());
* Returns the "display file permissions" setting.
* @return "true"
if the file permissions input field is checked, otherwise ""
public String getParamTabExFilePermissions() {
return isParamEnabled(m_userSettings.showExplorerFilePermissions());
* Returns the "display file size" setting.
* @return "true"
if the file size input field is checked, otherwise ""
public String getParamTabExFileSize() {
return isParamEnabled(m_userSettings.showExplorerFileSize());
* Returns the "display file state" setting.
* @return "true"
if the file state input field is checked, otherwise ""
public String getParamTabExFileState() {
return isParamEnabled(m_userSettings.showExplorerFileState());
* Returns the "display file title" setting.
* @return "true"
if the file title input field is checked, otherwise ""
public String getParamTabExFileTitle() {
return isParamEnabled(m_userSettings.showExplorerFileTitle());
* Returns the "display file type" setting.
* @return "true"
if the file type input field is checked, otherwise ""
public String getParamTabExFileType() {
return isParamEnabled(m_userSettings.showExplorerFileType());
* Returns the "display file created by" setting.
* @return "true"
if the file created by input field is checked, otherwise ""
public String getParamTabExFileUserCreated() {
return isParamEnabled(m_userSettings.showExplorerFileUserCreated());
* Returns the "display file last modified by" setting.
* @return "true"
if the file last modified by input field is checked, otherwise ""
public String getParamTabExFileUserLastModified() {
return isParamEnabled(m_userSettings.showExplorerFileUserLastModified());
* Returns the "workplace search result style" setting.
* @return the "workplace search result style" setting
public String getParamTabExWorkplaceSearchResult() {
return m_userSettings.getWorkplaceSearchViewStyle().toString();
* Returns the "workplace button style" setting.
* @return the "workplace button style" setting
public String getParamTabWpButtonStyle() {
return "" + m_userSettings.getWorkplaceButtonStyle();
* Returns the "start folder" setting.
* @return the "start folder" setting
public String getParamTabWpFolder() {
return m_userSettings.getStartFolder();
* Returns the start language setting.
* @return the start language setting
public String getParamTabWpLanguage() {
return m_userSettings.getLocale().toString();
* Returns the "list all projects" setting.
* @return "true"
if the "list all projects" input is checked, otherwise ""
public String getParamTabWpListAllProjects() {
return isParamEnabled(m_userSettings.getListAllProjects());
* Returns the start project setting.
* @return the start project setting
public String getParamTabWpProject() {
return m_userSettings.getStartProject();
* Returns the "workplace report type" setting.
* @return the "workplace report type" setting
public String getParamTabWpReportType() {
return m_userSettings.getWorkplaceReportType();
* Returns the "workplace restrict explorer view" setting.
* @return the "workplace restrict explorer view" setting
public String getParamTabWpRestrictExplorerView() {
return "" + m_userSettings.getRestrictExplorerView();
* Returns the "show publish notification" setting.
* @return "true"
if the "show publish notification" input is checked, otherwise ""
public String getParamTabWpShowPublishNotification() {
return isParamEnabled(m_userSettings.getShowPublishNotification());
* Returns the "start site" setting.
* @return the "start site" setting
public String getParamTabWpSite() {
return m_userSettings.getStartSite();
* Get the "user timewparp" setting in form of a formatted date string.
* If no timewarp has been chosen, a value "-" will be returned.
* @return the "user timewarp" setting in form of a formatted date string
public String getParamTabWpTimeWarp() {
String result;
if (m_userSettings.getTimeWarp() == CmsContextInfo.CURRENT_TIME) {
result = "-";
} else {
result = CmsCalendarWidget.getCalendarLocalizedTime(
return result;
* Returns the upload variant setting.
* @return "applet"
, "gwt"
or "basic"
public UploadVariant getParamTabWpUploadVariant() {
return m_userSettings.getUploadVariant();
* Returns the start view setting.
* @return the start view setting
public String getParamTabWpView() {
return m_userSettings.getStartView();
* Gets the project select options.
* @return the project select options
public SelectOptions getProjectSelectOptions() {
return getProjectSelectOptionsStatic(getCms(), m_userSettings.getStartProject(), getLocale());
* Gets the site select options.
* @return the site select options
public SelectOptions getSiteSelectOptions() {
return getSiteSelectOptionsStatic(
CmsWorkplace.getStartSiteRoot(getCms(), m_userSettings),
* @see org.opencms.workplace.CmsTabDialog#getTabParameterOrder()
public List getTabParameterOrder() {
ArrayList orderList = new ArrayList(5);
return orderList;
* @see org.opencms.workplace.CmsTabDialog#getTabs()
public List getTabs() {
ArrayList tabList = new ArrayList(6);
return tabList;
* Gets the timewarp parameter as a simple numeric string.
* @return the timewarp parameter as a simple numeric string
public String getTimeWarpInt() {
return "" + m_userSettings.getTimeWarp();
* Gets the internal user settings object.
* @return the user settings object
public CmsUserSettings getUserSettings() {
return m_userSettings;
* Helper method to add the "checked" attribute to an input field.
* @param paramValue the parameter value, if "true"
, the "checked" attribute will be returned
* @return the "checked" attribute or an empty String
public String isChecked(String paramValue) {
if (Boolean.valueOf(paramValue).booleanValue()) {
return " checked=\"checked\"";
return "";
* Sets the new password value.
* @param newPwd the new password value
public void setParamNewPassword(String newPwd) {
m_paramNewPassword = newPwd;
* Sets the old password value.
* @param oldPwd the old password value
public void setParamOldPassword(String oldPwd) {
m_paramOldPassword = oldPwd;
* Sets the "copy file default" setting.
* @param value the "copy file default" setting
public void setParamTabDiCopyFileMode(String value) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
// should usually never happen
* Sets the "copy folder default" setting.
* @param value the "copy folder default" setting
public void setParamTabDiCopyFolderMode(String value) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
// should usually never happen
* Sets the "delete file siblings default" setting.
* @param value the "delete file siblings default" setting
public void setParamTabDiDeleteFileMode(String value) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
// should usually never happen
* Sets the "expand inherited permissions" default setting.
* @param value the "expand inherited permissions" default setting
public void setParamTabDiPermissionsExpandInherited(String value) {
* Sets the "expand current users permissions" default setting.
* @param value the "expand current users permissions" default setting
public void setParamTabDiPermissionsExpandUser(String value) {
* Sets the "inherit permissions on folders" default setting.
* @param value the "inherit permissions on folders" default setting
public void setParamTabDiPermissionsInheritOnFolder(String value) {
* Sets the "publish file siblings default" setting.
* @param value the "publish file siblings default" setting
public void setParamTabDiPublishFileMode(String value) {
* Sets the "display lock dialog" setting.
* @param value "true"
to enable the "display lock dialog" setting, all others to disable
public void setParamTabDiShowLock(String value) {
* Sets the "editor button style" setting.
* @param value a String representation of an int value to set the "editor button style" setting
public void setParamTabEdButtonStyle(String value) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
// should usually never happen
* Sets the "direct edit button style" setting.
* @param value a String representation of an int value to set the "direct edit button style" setting
public void setParamTabEdDirectEditButtonStyle(String value) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
// should usually never happen
* Sets the "explorer button style" setting.
* @param value a String representation of an int value to set the "explorer button style" setting
public void setParamTabExButtonStyle(String value) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
// should usually never happen
* Sets the "display file creation date" setting.
* @param value "true"
to enable the "display file creation date" setting, all others to disable
public void setParamTabExFileDateCreated(String value) {
* Sets the "display file expired date" setting.
* @param value "true"
to enable the "display file expired date" setting, all others to disable
public void setParamTabExFileDateExpired(String value) {
* Sets the "display file last modification date" setting.
* @param value "true"
to enable the "display file last modification date" setting, all others to disable
public void setParamTabExFileDateLastModified(String value) {
* Sets the "display file released date" setting.
* @param value "true"
to enable the "display file released date" setting, all others to disable
public void setParamTabExFileDateReleased(String value) {
* Sets the "explorer number of entries per page" setting.
* @param value a String representation of an int value to set the "number of entries per page" setting
public void setParamTabExFileEntries(String value) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
// should usually never happen
* Sets the "display file locked by" setting.
* @param value "true"
to enable the "display file locked by" setting, all others to disable
public void setParamTabExFileLockedBy(String value) {
* Sets the "display file navtext" setting.
* @param value "true"
to enable the "display file navtext" setting, all others to disable
public void setParamTabExFileNavText(String value) {
* Sets the "display file permissions" setting.
* @param value "true"
to enable the "display file permissions" setting, all others to disable
public void setParamTabExFilePermissions(String value) {
* Sets the "display file size" setting.
* @param value "true"
to enable the "display file size" setting, all others to disable
public void setParamTabExFileSize(String value) {
* Sets the "display file state" setting.
* @param value "true"
to enable the "display file state" setting, all others to disable
public void setParamTabExFileState(String value) {
* Sets the "display file title" setting.
* @param value "true"
to enable the "display file title" setting, all others to disable
public void setParamTabExFileTitle(String value) {
* Sets the "display file type" setting.
* @param value "true"
to enable the "display file type" setting, all others to disable
public void setParamTabExFileType(String value) {
* Sets the "display file created by" setting.
* @param value "true"
to enable the "display file created by" setting, all others to disable
public void setParamTabExFileUserCreated(String value) {
* Sets the "display file last modified by" setting.
* @param value "true"
to enable the "display file last modified by" setting, all others to disable
public void setParamTabExFileUserLastModified(String value) {
* Sets the "workplace search result style".
* @param style the "workplace search result style" to set
public void setParamTabExWorkplaceSearchResult(String style) {
if (style == null) {
style = OpenCms.getWorkplaceManager().getDefaultUserSettings().getWorkplaceSearchViewStyle().getMode();
* Sets the "workplace button style" setting.
* @param value a String representation of an int value to set the "workplace button style" setting
public void setParamTabWpButtonStyle(String value) {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
// should usually never happen
* Sets the "start folder" setting.
* @param value the start folder to show in the explorer view
public void setParamTabWpFolder(String value) {
// perform self - healing
if (!getCms().existsResource(value, CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION)) {
value = "/";
* Sets the start language setting.
* @param value the start language setting
public void setParamTabWpLanguage(String value) {
* Sets the "list all projects" flag.
* @param value "true"
to enable the "list all project" feature, all others to
* disable
public void setParamTabWpListAllProjects(String value) {
* Sets the start project setting.
* @param value the start project setting
public void setParamTabWpProject(String value) {
* Sets the "workplace report type" setting.
* @param value the "workplace report type" setting
public void setParamTabWpReportType(String value) {
if (I_CmsReport.REPORT_TYPE_SIMPLE.equals(value) || I_CmsReport.REPORT_TYPE_EXTENDED.equals(value)) {
// set only if valid parameter value is found
* Sets the "workplace restrict explorer view" setting.
* @param value the "workplace restrict explorer view" setting
public void setParamTabWpRestrictExplorerView(String value) {
* Sets the "show publish notification" setting.
* @param value "true"
to enable the "show publish notification" setting, all others to
* disable
public void setParamTabWpShowPublishNotification(String value) {
* Sets the "start site" setting.
* @param value the start site to show in the explorer view
public void setParamTabWpSite(String value) {
* Sets the "user timewparp" setting.
* To delete a timewarp setting for the current user, provide "-"
as value.
* @param value a String representation of an date in the formate as required by
* {@link CmsCalendarWidget#getCalendarDate(org.opencms.i18n.CmsMessages, String, boolean)}
public void setParamTabWpTimeWarp(String value) {
long datetimestamp = CmsContextInfo.CURRENT_TIME;
// check for "delete value"
if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmpty(value) && !"-".equals(value)) {
try {
datetimestamp = CmsCalendarWidget.getCalendarDate(getMessages(), value, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
// reset timewarp setting in case of exception
* Sets the upload variant setting.
* @param value "applet"
, "basic"
* "gwt"
, "true"
or "false"
public void setParamTabWpUploadVariant(String value) {
* Sets the start view setting.
* @param value the start view setting
public void setParamTabWpView(String value) {
* Sets the timewarp setting from a numeric string
* @param timewarp a numeric string containing the number of milliseconds since the epoch
public void setTimewarpInt(String timewarp) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
* Sets the user settings.
* @param userSettings the user settings
public void setUserSettings(CmsDefaultUserSettings userSettings) {
m_userSettings = userSettings;
* Updates the user preferences after changes have been made.
* @param cms the current cms context
* @param req the current http request
public void updatePreferences(CmsObject cms, HttpServletRequest req) {
HttpSession session = req.getSession(false);
if (session == null) {
CmsWorkplaceSettings settings = (CmsWorkplaceSettings)session.getAttribute(
if (settings == null) {
// keep old synchronize settings
CmsSynchronizeSettings synchronizeSettings = settings.getUserSettings().getSynchronizeSettings();
settings = CmsWorkplace.initWorkplaceSettings(cms, settings, true);
* @see org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplace#checkRole()
protected void checkRole() {
// this class is used internally for the new preferences dialog, which can also be used by non-workplace users.
* @see org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplace#initWorkplaceRequestValues(org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplaceSettings, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)
protected void initWorkplaceRequestValues(CmsWorkplaceSettings settings, HttpServletRequest request) {
// create an empty user settings object
m_userSettings = new CmsUserSettings();
// fill the parameter values in the get/set methods
// get the active tab from request parameter or display first tab
// set the dialog type
// set the action for the JSP switch
if (DIALOG_SET.equals(getParamAction())) {
} else if (DIALOG_OK.equals(getParamAction())) {
} else if (DIALOG_RELOAD.equals(getParamAction())) {
} else if (DIALOG_CANCEL.equals(getParamAction())) {
} else if (DIALOG_CHPWD.equals(getParamAction())) {
} else {
if (!DIALOG_SWITCHTAB.equals(getParamAction())) {
// first call of preferences dialog, fill param values with current settings
// build title for preferences dialog
* Returns the values of all parameter methods of this workplace class instance.
* This overwrites the super method because of the possible dynamic editor selection entries.
* @return the values of all parameter methods of this workplace class instance
* @see org.opencms.workplace.CmsWorkplace#paramValues()
protected Map paramValues() {
Map map = super.paramValues();
HttpServletRequest request = getJsp().getRequest();
Enumeration> en = request.getParameterNames();
while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
String paramName = (String)en.nextElement();
if (paramName.startsWith(PARAM_PREFERREDEDITOR_PREFIX) || paramName.startsWith(PARAM_STARTGALLERY_PREFIX)) {
String paramValue = request.getParameter(paramName);
if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(paramValue)) {
map.put(paramName, CmsEncoder.decode(paramValue));
return map;
* Builds the HTML code for a select widget given a bean containing the select options
* @param htmlAttributes html attributes for the select widget
* @param options the bean containing the select options
* @return the HTML for the select box
String buildSelect(String htmlAttributes, SelectOptions options) {
return buildSelect(htmlAttributes, options.getOptions(), options.getValues(), options.getSelectedIndex());
* Builds the html for a common button style select box.
* @param htmlAttributes optional html attributes for the &lgt;select> tag
* @param selectedIndex the index of the selected option
* @return the html for the common button style select box
private String buildSelectButtonStyle(String htmlAttributes, int selectedIndex) {
List options = new ArrayList(3);
String[] vals = new String[] {"0", "1", "2"};
List values = new ArrayList(java.util.Arrays.asList(vals));
return buildSelect(htmlAttributes, options, values, selectedIndex);
* Returns the preferred editor preselection value either from the request, if not present, from the user settings.
* @param request the current http servlet request
* @param resourceType the preferred editors resource type
* @return the preferred editor preselection value or null, if none found
private String computeEditorPreselection(HttpServletRequest request, String resourceType) {
// first check presence of the setting in request parameter
String preSelection = request.getParameter(PARAM_PREFERREDEDITOR_PREFIX + resourceType);
if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(preSelection)) {
return CmsEncoder.decode(preSelection);
} else {
// no value found in request, check current user settings (not the member!)
CmsUserSettings userSettings = new CmsUserSettings(getSettings().getUser());
return userSettings.getPreferredEditor(resourceType);
* Returns the preferred editor preselection value either from the request, if not present, from the user settings.
* @param request the current http servlet request
* @param galleryType the preferred gallery type
* @return the preferred editor preselection value or null, if none found
private String computeStartGalleryPreselection(HttpServletRequest request, String galleryType) {
// first check presence of the setting in request parameter
String preSelection = request.getParameter(PARAM_STARTGALLERY_PREFIX + galleryType);
if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(preSelection)) {
return CmsEncoder.decode(preSelection);
} else {
// no value found in request, check current user settings (not the member!)
CmsUserSettings userSettings = new CmsUserSettings(getSettings().getUser());
return userSettings.getStartGallery(galleryType);
* Fills the parameter values according to the settings of the current user.
* This method is called once when first displaying the preferences dialog.
private void fillUserSettings() {
m_userSettings = new CmsUserSettings(getSettings().getUser());
* Returns the message for a given upload variant.
* @param variant the variant to get the message for
* @return the message
private String getUploadVariantMessage(UploadVariant variant) {
String message = null;
switch (variant) {
case basic:
message = key(Messages.GUI_PREF_USE_UPLOAD_BASIC_0);
case gwt:
message = key(Messages.GUI_PREF_USE_UPLOAD_GWT_0);
message = key(Messages.ERR_PREF_UPLOAD_VARIANT_NOT_FOUND_0);
return message;
* Helper method for the request parameter methods to return a String depending on the boolean parameter.
* @param isEnabled the boolean variable to check
* @return "true"
if isEnabled is true, otherwise ""
private String isParamEnabled(boolean isEnabled) {
if (isEnabled) {
return CmsStringUtil.TRUE;
return "";