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module jsonrpc {
yang-version 1;
namespace "urn:opendaylight:jsonrpc";
prefix jsonrpc;
import ietf-inet-types {
prefix "inet";
revision-date 2013-07-15;
import ietf-yang-types {
prefix "yt";
revision-date 2013-07-15;
"Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.";
"Anton Ivanov
David Spence
Richard Kosegi
Shaleen Saxena ";
reference "JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification
RFC 6020: YANG - A Data Modeling Language";
description "YANG model of the JSON-RPC 2.0 Extension.
JSON-RPC 2.0 provides a \"stateless light-weight remote procedure call
(RPC) protocol\" which is \"transport agnostic\". The controller's
implementation of JSON-RPC allows for outgoing calls (from the
controller to remote peers) and for incoming calls (from a remote peer
to the controller). Calls made by the controller to a remote peer may
use call-by-name or call-by-position method params. The controller
will only accept calls from a remote peer using call-by-position
method params.
This module has been specified independent of transport technology:
network endpoints are configured as a URI, which must be valid for a
technology supported by this feature in the running controller.
At the time of writing there is no public standard for documenting
the JSON-RPC calls which can be made to a server. As the controller
employs YANG as its modeling language, YANG has been used to document
both JSON-RPC requests (using rpc statements) and JSON-RPC notifications
(using notification statements) for both the calls that the controller
makes on remote peers and that a remote peer may make on the controller.
The YANG modules containing the documented rpcs and notifications
related to this module are stated in relevant descriptions below.
The use of rpc and notification statements will be described in detail
in a draft dedicated to YANG modeling of JSON-RPC.";
revision "2016-12-01" {
description "Initial revision.";
typedef response-error-code {
reference "";
type enumeration {
enum parse-error {
description "Invalid JSON was received by the server.
An error occurred on the server while parsing the JSON text.";
value -32700;
enum invalid-request {
description "The JSON sent is not a valid Request object.";
value -32600;
enum method-not-found {
description "The method does not exist / is not available.";
value -32601;
enum invalid-params {
description "Invalid method parameter(s).";
value -32602;
enum internal-error {
description "Internal JSON-RPC error.";
value -32603;
grouping entity {
leaf name {
type string;
mandatory true;
description "Entity unique name. An entity's data and RPC model (defined by 'modules') is
implemented remotely at one or more JSON-RPC peer endpoints. This name is a
binding value for identifying this set of endpoints.";
leaf-list modules {
type yt:yang-identifier;
min-elements 1;
description "A list of all YANG modules supported by this entity. The list must include all
modules and submodules that are dependencies (imported or included) of other
modules or submodules in the list. The order of modules and submodules in the
list is not important.";
grouping endpoint {
leaf path {
type string;
mandatory true;
reference "RFC 6020: YANG - A Data Modeling Language
Section 9.13. The instance-identifier Built-In Type.
JSON Encoding of Data Modeled with YANG.";
description "A YANG instance-identifier ('iid') encoded as a JSON object.
*** Note that the convention for encoding a YANG instance-identifier as a JSON
object described here may differ from that in draft-ietf-netmod-yang-json. ***
To address a whole data value (the value corresponding to a schema container,
leaf, leaf-list or list node) encode the iid as nested JSON objects with the
path terminating at an empty object. Each object that nests another must have
exactly one property and the property name must be set to the corresponding schema
node identifier. The outermost object must also prefix the node identifier with
the module name and a colon ':' (and no whitespace).
For example, the following path addresses this module's 'who-am-i' leaf node,
which is under the 'config' container:
To address a whole element in a list node the path is encoded as above except
that the path terminator is specified as a single JSON object in a JSON array.
The JSON object shall specify values at properties for each list key in the
For example, the following path addresses the element with (fictional) entity
name 'DEVICE-1A2B' in this module's 'configured-endpoints' list:
To address a single node within a list element the path is encoded using a
combination of the schemes above. The path terminator for a whole list element
is employed as a list element selector and its properties are complemented
with a single extra property which has the name of the list element node to
For example, the following path addresses the 'rpc-endpoints' of the element
with (fictional) entity name 'DEVICE-3C4D' in this module's 'configured-endpoints'
This notation will be described in detail in a draft dedicated to YANG modeling
of JSON-RPC.";
leaf endpoint-uri {
type inet:uri;
mandatory true;
description "The URI of the JSON-RPC peer endpoint remotely implementing 'path'.";
typedef mount-status {
type enumeration {
enum initial {
description "No action has been taken yet.";
enum processing {
description "Mount operation has started. This is temporary state that could transition
only to `completed` or `failed` state";
enum mounted {
description "Mount operation was successful and peer is ready to be used.";
enum failed {
description "Mount operation has failed. This state is permanent";
default "initial";
grouping operational-attributes {
description "Peer operational attributes";
leaf mount-status {
config false;
description "Status of mount operation";
type mount-status;
mandatory true;
leaf failure-reason {
config false;
description "";
type string;
when "../mount-status = 'failed'";
leaf managed-by {
config false;
description "Name of node maintaining connection to peer in clustered environment";
type string;
grouping peer {
uses entity;
list data-config-endpoints {
key "path";
uses endpoint;
description "The JSON-RPC peer endpoint remotely implementing each 'path' (module subtree)
for a named entity's config data store.
This extension selects the remote peer to handle a request using a longest
'path' first match (similar to route prefix matching in IP routing). As such
the shortest path, an empty JSON object, {}, may be used to specify a default
peer, which handles the request in the absence of a more specific 'path' match.
The shortest path for a specific module identifies the tree for one root node:
Each listed remote peer must implement the JSON-RPC methods documented in the
'opendaylight-jsonrpc-data' YANG module.";
list data-operational-endpoints {
key "path";
uses endpoint;
description "The JSON-RPC peer endpoint remotely implementing each 'path' (module subtree)
for a named entity's operational data store.
The endpoint selection algorithm and JSON-RPC methods specified for
'data-config-endpoints' also apply here.";
list rpc-endpoints {
key "path";
uses endpoint;
description "The JSON-RPC peer endpoint remotely implementing each 'path' (module rpc) for
a named entity. A YANG rpc statement with name 'method' in 'module' corresponds
to 'path':
The endpoint selection algorithm specified for 'data-config-endpoints' also
applies here.
The remote peer which implements the module rpc for 'path' must implement
that rpc as a named JSON-RPC method. The controller may make a JSON-RPC request
using either a method of \"module:method\" or \"method\".";
list notification-endpoints {
key "path";
uses endpoint;
description "The JSON-RPC peer endpoint remotely generating notifications for the 'path'
module notification. A YANG notification statement with name 'notification'
in 'module' corresponds to 'path'.
The remote peer which implements the notification for 'path' must implement
that as a JSON-RPC 2.0 notification
Transport specific options (f.e. pub/sub topic) are supplied in the query part
of the uri.";
container config {
leaf who-am-i {
type inet:uri;
description "The URI of this controller's JSON-RPC endpoint at which remote peers can access
the controller's data stores. The JSON-RPC methods supported at this endpoint
are documented in the 'opendaylight-jsonrpc-data' YANG module.
*** Note that this endpoint gives full read/write access to both the controller's
config data store and operational data store, without restriction. ***";
leaf governance-root {
type inet:uri;
description "The URI of a remote peer which implements the JSON-RPC methods documented in
the 'opendaylight-jsonrpc-service' and 'opendaylight-jsonrpc-module' YANG modules.
When configured, the YANG modules required to mount a named entity are fetched
from the remote peer by making a 'source' call to it. In this manner the remote
peer acts as a single source of YANG modules for both the controller and the
remote peer implementations. Otherwise, when this leaf is not configured, the
YANG modules required to mount a named entity must be available in the controller.
When configured and a data store access or RPC operation is made for a named
entity, if there is no corresponding peer endpoint in this module's
'actual-endpoints' for that operation, then a 'governance' call is made to
'governance-root' to identify the peer endpoint. Any relationships
identified are added to 'actual-endpoints'. Otherwise, when this leaf is not
configured, then the absence of a required peer endpoint in 'actual-endpoints'
for the operation is an error.";
list configured-endpoints {
key "name";
uses peer;
description "For each named entity, the JSON-RPC peer endpoints that comprise all, or part,
of its remote implementation. For parts of a named entity's remote
implementation that are not covered by an entry in this list, the peer endpoint
for that path (module subtree) will be learned from 'governance-root'.
Adding a new element to this list introduces a new named entity which this
extension will mount in the controller. Deleting a whole element will cause
this extension to unmount the named entity in the controller. Modifying an
existing named entity does not result in the named entity being remounted:
delete and add back to achieve this effect.";
list actual-endpoints {
key "name";
config false;
uses peer;
uses operational-attributes;
description "For each named entity, the JSON-RPC peer endpoints that comprise all, or part,
of its remote implementation. This list contains entries for each named entity
in 'configured-endpoints' that was successfully mounted, complemented by
entries learned from 'governance-root'.";
rpc force-refresh {
description "Perform any actions required to refresh the extension state from the
configuration. A new attempt will be made to mount any entity in
'configured-endpoints' that is not currently mounted (perhaps due to a
transient failure). All entries in 'actual-endpoints' that do not have
a corresponding entry in 'configured-endpoints' will be removed.";
output {
leaf result {
type boolean;
description "Refresh operation result - true if successful, false otherwise.";
rpc force-reload {
description "Perform any actions required to rebuild the extension state from the
configuration. The mount points for all entries in 'actual-endpoints'
will first be removed, followed by a new attempt to mount each entity in
output {
leaf result {
type boolean;
description "Reload operation result - true if successful, false otherwise.";