net.sf.saxon.expr.Calculator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.sf.saxon.expr;
import net.sf.saxon.sort.IntHashMap;
import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException;
import net.sf.saxon.type.AtomicType;
import net.sf.saxon.type.BuiltInAtomicType;
import net.sf.saxon.type.Type;
import net.sf.saxon.type.TypeHierarchy;
import net.sf.saxon.value.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
* This class evaluates arithmetic expressions; it acts as a helper class to the ArithmeticExpression
* class. There are many subclasses for the different kinds of arithmetic expression, and static methods
* that allow the right subclass to be selected, either at compile time or at run time.
public abstract class Calculator implements Serializable {
public static final int PLUS = 0;
public static final int MINUS = 1;
public static final int TIMES = 2;
public static final int DIV = 3;
public static final int MOD = 4;
public static final int IDIV = 5;
* Calculators used for the six operators when the static type information does not allow
* a more specific calculator to be chosen
public static Calculator[] ANY_ANY = {
new AnyPlusAny(),
new AnyMinusAny(),
new AnyTimesAny(),
new AnyDivAny(),
new AnyModAny(),
new AnyIdivAny()
* Calculators used when the first operand is a double
public static Calculator[] DOUBLE_DOUBLE = {
new DoublePlusDouble(),
new DoubleMinusDouble(),
new DoubleTimesDouble(),
new DoubleDivDouble(),
new DoubleModDouble(),
new DoubleIdivDouble()
public static Calculator[] DOUBLE_FLOAT = DOUBLE_DOUBLE;
public static Calculator[] DOUBLE_DECIMAL = DOUBLE_DOUBLE;
public static Calculator[] DOUBLE_INTEGER = DOUBLE_DOUBLE;
* Calculators used when the first operand is a float
public static Calculator[] FLOAT_DOUBLE = DOUBLE_DOUBLE;
public static Calculator[] FLOAT_FLOAT = {
new FloatPlusFloat(),
new FloatMinusFloat(),
new FloatTimesFloat(),
new FloatDivFloat(),
new FloatModFloat(),
new FloatIdivFloat()
public static Calculator[] FLOAT_DECIMAL = FLOAT_FLOAT;
public static Calculator[] FLOAT_INTEGER = FLOAT_FLOAT;
* Calculators used when the first operand is a decimal
public static Calculator[] DECIMAL_DOUBLE = DOUBLE_DOUBLE;
public static Calculator[] DECIMAL_FLOAT = FLOAT_FLOAT;
public static Calculator[] DECIMAL_DECIMAL = {
new DecimalPlusDecimal(),
new DecimalMinusDecimal(),
new DecimalTimesDecimal(),
new DecimalDivDecimal(),
new DecimalModDecimal(),
new DecimalIdivDecimal()
public static Calculator[] DECIMAL_INTEGER = DECIMAL_DECIMAL;
* Calculators used when the first operand is an integer
public static Calculator[] INTEGER_DOUBLE = DOUBLE_DOUBLE;
public static Calculator[] INTEGER_FLOAT = FLOAT_FLOAT;
public static Calculator[] INTEGER_DECIMAL = DECIMAL_DECIMAL;
public static Calculator[] INTEGER_INTEGER = {
new IntegerPlusInteger(),
new IntegerMinusInteger(),
new IntegerTimesInteger(),
new IntegerDivInteger(),
new IntegerModInteger(),
new IntegerIdivInteger()
* Calculators used when both operands are xs:dateTime, xs:date, or xs:time
public static Calculator[] DATETIME_DATETIME = {
new DateTimeMinusDateTime(),
null, null, null, null
* Calculators used when the first operand is xs:dateTime, xs:date, or xs:time,
* and the second is a duration
public static Calculator[] DATETIME_DURATION = {
new DateTimePlusDuration(),
new DateTimeMinusDuration(),
null, null, null, null
* Calculators used when the second operand is xs:dateTime, xs:date, or xs:time,
* and the first is a duration
public static Calculator[] DURATION_DATETIME = {
new DurationPlusDateTime(),
null, null, null, null, null
* Calculators used when the both operands are durations
public static Calculator[] DURATION_DURATION = {
new DurationPlusDuration(),
new DurationMinusDuration(),
new DurationDivDuration(),
null, null
* Calculators used when the first operand is a duration and the second is numeric
public static Calculator[] DURATION_NUMERIC = {
null, null,
new DurationTimesNumeric(),
new DurationDivNumeric(),
null, null
* Calculators used when the second operand is a duration and the first is numeric
public static Calculator[] NUMERIC_DURATION = {
null, null,
new NumericTimesDuration(),
null, null, null
* Table mapping argument types to the Calculator class used to implement them
private static IntHashMap table = new IntHashMap(100);
private static IntHashMap nameTable = new IntHashMap(100);
private static void def(int typeA, int typeB, Calculator[] calculatorSet, String setName) {
int key = (typeA & 0xffff)<<16 | (typeB & 0xffff);
table.put(key, calculatorSet);
nameTable.put(key, setName);
// As well as the entries added directly, we also add derived entries for other types
// considered primitive
if (typeA == StandardNames.XS_DURATION) {
def(StandardNames.XS_DAY_TIME_DURATION, typeB, calculatorSet, setName);
def(StandardNames.XS_YEAR_MONTH_DURATION, typeB, calculatorSet, setName);
if (typeB == StandardNames.XS_DURATION) {
def(typeA, StandardNames.XS_DAY_TIME_DURATION, calculatorSet, setName);
def(typeA, StandardNames.XS_YEAR_MONTH_DURATION, calculatorSet, setName);
if (typeA == StandardNames.XS_DATE_TIME) {
def(StandardNames.XS_DATE, typeB, calculatorSet, setName);
def(StandardNames.XS_TIME, typeB, calculatorSet, setName);
if (typeB == StandardNames.XS_DATE_TIME) {
def(typeA, StandardNames.XS_DATE, calculatorSet, setName);
def(typeA, StandardNames.XS_TIME, calculatorSet, setName);
if (typeA == StandardNames.XS_DOUBLE) {
def(StandardNames.XS_UNTYPED_ATOMIC, typeB, calculatorSet, setName);
if (typeB == StandardNames.XS_DOUBLE) {
def(typeA, StandardNames.XS_UNTYPED_ATOMIC, calculatorSet, setName);
* Factory method to get a calculator for a given combination of types
* @param typeA fingerprint of the primitive type of the first operand
* @param typeB fingerprint of the primitive type of the second operand
* @param operator the arithmetic operator in use
* @param mustResolve indicates that a concrete Calculator is required (rather than
* an ANY_ANY calculator which needs to be further resolved at run-time)
* @return null if no suitable Calculator can be found.
public static Calculator getCalculator(int typeA, int typeB, int operator, boolean mustResolve) {
int key = (typeA & 0xffff)<<16 | (typeB & 0xffff);
Calculator[] set = (Calculator[])table.get(key);
if (set == null) {
if (mustResolve) {
return null;
} else {
return ANY_ANY[operator];
} else {
return set[operator];
* Get the name of the calculator set for a given combination of types
* @param typeA the fingerprint of the primitive type of the first operand
* @param typeB the fingerprint of the primitive type of the second operand
* @return null if no suitable Calculator can be found.
public static String getCalculatorSetName(int typeA, int typeB) {
int key = (typeA & 0xffff)<<16 | (typeB & 0xffff);
return (String)nameTable.get(key);
static {
def(StandardNames.XS_DOUBLE, StandardNames.XS_FLOAT, DOUBLE_FLOAT, "DOUBLE_FLOAT");
def(StandardNames.XS_FLOAT, StandardNames.XS_DOUBLE, FLOAT_DOUBLE, "FLOAT_DOUBLE");
def(StandardNames.XS_FLOAT, StandardNames.XS_FLOAT, FLOAT_FLOAT, "FLOAT_FLOAT");
* Perform an arithmetic operation
* @param a the first operand. Must not be null, and must be an instance of the type implied by the
* class name.
* @param b the second operand. Must not be null, and must be an instance of the type implied by the
* class name.
* @param c the XPath dynamic evaluation context
* @throws XPathException in the event of an arithmetic error
* @return the result of the computation, as a value of the correct primitive type
public abstract AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException;
* Get the type of the result of the calculator, given arguments types typeA and typeB
* @param typeA the type of the first operand
* @param typeB the type of the second operand
* @return the type of the result
public abstract AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB);
* Arithmetic: anyAtomicType + AnyAtomicType
private static class AnyPlusAny extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
TypeHierarchy th = c.getConfiguration().getTypeHierarchy();
Calculator calc = getCalculator(
a.getItemType(th).getPrimitiveType(), b.getItemType(th).getPrimitiveType(), PLUS, true);
if (calc == null) {
throw new XPathException("Unsuitable types for + operation (" +
Type.displayTypeName(a) + ", " + Type.displayTypeName(b) + ")", "XPTY0004", c);
} else {
return calc.compute(a, b, c);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.ANY_ATOMIC;
* Arithmetic: anyAtomicType - AnyAtomicType
private static class AnyMinusAny extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
TypeHierarchy th = c.getConfiguration().getTypeHierarchy();
Calculator calc = getCalculator(
a.getItemType(th).getPrimitiveType(), b.getItemType(th).getPrimitiveType(), MINUS, true);
if (calc == null) {
throw new XPathException("Unsuitable types for - operation (" +
Type.displayTypeName(a) + ", " + Type.displayTypeName(b) + ")", "XPTY0004", c);
} else {
return calc.compute(a, b, c);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.ANY_ATOMIC;
* Arithmetic: anyAtomicType * AnyAtomicType
private static class AnyTimesAny extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
TypeHierarchy th = c.getConfiguration().getTypeHierarchy();
Calculator calc = getCalculator(
a.getItemType(th).getPrimitiveType(), b.getItemType(th).getPrimitiveType(), TIMES, true);
if (calc == null) {
throw new XPathException("Unsuitable types for * operation (" +
Type.displayTypeName(a) + ", " + Type.displayTypeName(b) + ")", "XPTY0004", c);
} else {
return calc.compute(a, b, c);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.ANY_ATOMIC;
* Arithmetic: anyAtomicType div AnyAtomicType
private static class AnyDivAny extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
TypeHierarchy th = c.getConfiguration().getTypeHierarchy();
Calculator calc = getCalculator(
a.getItemType(th).getPrimitiveType(), b.getItemType(th).getPrimitiveType(), DIV, true);
if (calc == null) {
throw new XPathException("Unsuitable types for div operation (" +
Type.displayTypeName(a) + ", " + Type.displayTypeName(b) + ")", "XPTY0004", c);
} else {
return calc.compute(a, b, c);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.ANY_ATOMIC;
* Arithmetic: anyAtomicType mod AnyAtomicType
private static class AnyModAny extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
TypeHierarchy th = c.getConfiguration().getTypeHierarchy();
Calculator calc = getCalculator(
a.getItemType(th).getPrimitiveType(), b.getItemType(th).getPrimitiveType(), MOD, true);
if (calc == null) {
throw new XPathException("Unsuitable types for mod operation (" +
Type.displayTypeName(a) + ", " + Type.displayTypeName(b) + ")", "XPTY0004", c);
} else {
return calc.compute(a, b, c);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.ANY_ATOMIC;
* Arithmetic: anyAtomicType idiv AnyAtomicType
private static class AnyIdivAny extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
TypeHierarchy th = c.getConfiguration().getTypeHierarchy();
Calculator calc = getCalculator(
a.getItemType(th).getPrimitiveType(), b.getItemType(th).getPrimitiveType(), IDIV, true);
if (calc == null) {
throw new XPathException("Unsuitable types for idiv operation (" +
Type.displayTypeName(a) + ", " + Type.displayTypeName(b) + ")", "XPTY0004", c);
} else {
return calc.compute(a, b, c);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.ANY_ATOMIC;
* Arithmetic: double + double (including types that promote to double)
private static class DoublePlusDouble extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return new DoubleValue(((NumericValue)a).getDoubleValue() + ((NumericValue)b).getDoubleValue());
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.DOUBLE;
* Arithmetic: double - double (including types that promote to double)
private static class DoubleMinusDouble extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return new DoubleValue(((NumericValue)a).getDoubleValue() - ((NumericValue)b).getDoubleValue());
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.DOUBLE;
* Arithmetic: double * double (including types that promote to double)
private static class DoubleTimesDouble extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return new DoubleValue(((NumericValue)a).getDoubleValue() * ((NumericValue)b).getDoubleValue());
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.DOUBLE;
* Arithmetic: double div double (including types that promote to double)
private static class DoubleDivDouble extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return new DoubleValue(((NumericValue)a).getDoubleValue() / ((NumericValue)b).getDoubleValue());
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.DOUBLE;
* Arithmetic: double mod double (including types that promote to double)
private static class DoubleModDouble extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return new DoubleValue(((NumericValue)a).getDoubleValue() % ((NumericValue)b).getDoubleValue());
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.DOUBLE;
* Arithmetic: double idiv double (including types that promote to double)
private static class DoubleIdivDouble extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
double A = ((NumericValue)a).getDoubleValue();
double B = ((NumericValue)b).getDoubleValue();
if (B == 0.0) {
throw new XPathException("Integer division by zero", "FOAR0001", c);
if (Double.isNaN(A) || Double.isInfinite(A)) {
throw new XPathException("First operand of idiv is NaN or infinity", "FOAR0002", c);
if (Double.isNaN(B)) {
throw new XPathException("Second operand of idiv is NaN", "FOAR0002", c);
return new DoubleValue(A / B).convert(BuiltInAtomicType.INTEGER, true, c).asAtomic();
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.INTEGER;
* Arithmetic: float + float (including types that promote to float)
private static class FloatPlusFloat extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return new FloatValue(((NumericValue)a).getFloatValue() + ((NumericValue)b).getFloatValue());
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.FLOAT;
* Arithmetic: float - float (including types that promote to float)
private static class FloatMinusFloat extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return new FloatValue(((NumericValue)a).getFloatValue() - ((NumericValue)b).getFloatValue());
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.FLOAT;
* Arithmetic: float * float (including types that promote to float)
private static class FloatTimesFloat extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return new FloatValue(((NumericValue)a).getFloatValue() * ((NumericValue)b).getFloatValue());
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.FLOAT;
* Arithmetic: float div float (including types that promote to float)
private static class FloatDivFloat extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return new FloatValue(((NumericValue)a).getFloatValue() / ((NumericValue)b).getFloatValue());
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.FLOAT;
* Arithmetic: float mod float (including types that promote to float)
private static class FloatModFloat extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return new FloatValue(((NumericValue)a).getFloatValue() % ((NumericValue)b).getFloatValue());
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.FLOAT;
* Arithmetic: float idiv float (including types that promote to float)
private static class FloatIdivFloat extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
float A = ((NumericValue)a).getFloatValue();
float B = ((NumericValue)b).getFloatValue();
if (B == 0.0) {
throw new XPathException("Integer division by zero", "FOAR0001", c);
if (Double.isNaN(A) || Double.isInfinite(A)) {
throw new XPathException("First operand of idiv is NaN or infinity", "FOAR0002", c);
if (Double.isNaN(B)) {
throw new XPathException("Second operand of idiv is NaN", "FOAR0002", c);
return new FloatValue(A / B).convert(BuiltInAtomicType.INTEGER, true, c).asAtomic();
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.INTEGER;
* Arithmetic: decimal + decimal (including types that promote to decimal, that is, integer)
private static class DecimalPlusDecimal extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
if (a instanceof IntegerValue && b instanceof IntegerValue) {
return ((IntegerValue)a).plus((IntegerValue)b);
} else {
return new DecimalValue(
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.DECIMAL;
* Arithmetic: decimal - decimal (including types that promote to decimal, that is, integer)
private static class DecimalMinusDecimal extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
if (a instanceof IntegerValue && b instanceof IntegerValue) {
return ((IntegerValue)a).minus((IntegerValue)b);
} else {
return new DecimalValue(
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.DECIMAL;
* Arithmetic: decimal * decimal (including types that promote to decimal, that is, integer)
private static class DecimalTimesDecimal extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
if (a instanceof IntegerValue && b instanceof IntegerValue) {
return ((IntegerValue)a).times((IntegerValue)b);
} else {
return new DecimalValue(
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.DECIMAL;
* Arithmetic: decimal div decimal (including types that promote to decimal, that is, integer)
private static class DecimalDivDecimal extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
final BigDecimal A = ((NumericValue)a).getDecimalValue();
final BigDecimal B = ((NumericValue)b).getDecimalValue();
int scale = Math.max(DecimalValue.DIVIDE_PRECISION,
Math.max(A.scale(), B.scale()));
try {
BigDecimal result = A.divide(B, scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN);
return new DecimalValue(result);
} catch (ArithmeticException err) {
if (((NumericValue)b).compareTo(0) == 0) {
throw new XPathException("Decimal divide by zero", "FOAR0001", c);
} else {
throw err;
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.DECIMAL;
* Arithmetic: decimal mod decimal (including types that promote to decimal, that is, integer)
private static class DecimalModDecimal extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
if (a instanceof IntegerValue && b instanceof IntegerValue) {
return ((IntegerValue)a).mod((IntegerValue)b);
final BigDecimal A = ((NumericValue)a).getDecimalValue();
final BigDecimal B = ((NumericValue)b).getDecimalValue();
try {
BigDecimal quotient = A.divide(B, 0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);
BigDecimal remainder = A.subtract(quotient.multiply(B));
return new DecimalValue(remainder);
} catch (ArithmeticException err) {
if (((NumericValue)b).compareTo(0) == 0) {
throw new XPathException("Decimal modulo zero", "FOAR0001", c);
} else {
throw err;
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.DECIMAL;
* Arithmetic: decimal idiv decimal (including types that promote to decimal, that is, integer)
private static class DecimalIdivDecimal extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
if (a instanceof IntegerValue && b instanceof IntegerValue) {
return ((IntegerValue)a).idiv((IntegerValue)b);
final BigDecimal A = ((NumericValue)a).getDecimalValue();
final BigDecimal B = ((NumericValue)b).getDecimalValue();
if (B.signum() == 0) {
throw new XPathException("Integer division by zero", "FOAR0001", c);
BigInteger quot = A.divide(B, 0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN).toBigInteger();
return BigIntegerValue.makeIntegerValue(quot);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.INTEGER;
* Arithmetic: integer + integer
private static class IntegerPlusInteger extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return ((IntegerValue)a).plus((IntegerValue)b);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.INTEGER;
* Arithmetic: integer - integer
private static class IntegerMinusInteger extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return ((IntegerValue)a).minus((IntegerValue)b);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.INTEGER;
* Arithmetic: integer * integer
private static class IntegerTimesInteger extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return ((IntegerValue)a).times((IntegerValue)b);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.INTEGER;
* Arithmetic: integer div integer
private static class IntegerDivInteger extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return ((IntegerValue)a).div((IntegerValue)b);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.DECIMAL;
* Arithmetic: integer mod integer
private static class IntegerModInteger extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return ((IntegerValue)a).mod((IntegerValue)b);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.INTEGER;
* Arithmetic: integer idiv integer
private static class IntegerIdivInteger extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return ((IntegerValue)a).idiv((IntegerValue)b);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.INTEGER;
* Arithmetic: date/time/dateTime - date/time/dateTime
private static class DateTimeMinusDateTime extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return ((CalendarValue)a).subtract((CalendarValue)b, c);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.DAY_TIME_DURATION;
* Arithmetic: date/time/dateTime + duration
private static class DateTimePlusDuration extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return ((CalendarValue)a).add((DurationValue)b);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return typeA;
* Arithmetic: date/time/dateTime - duration
private static class DateTimeMinusDuration extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return ((CalendarValue)a).add(((DurationValue)b).multiply(-1.0));
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return typeA;
* Arithmetic: duration + date/time/dateTime
private static class DurationPlusDateTime extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return ((CalendarValue)b).add((DurationValue)a);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return typeB;
* Arithmetic: duration + duration
private static class DurationPlusDuration extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return ((DurationValue)a).add((DurationValue)b);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return typeA;
* Arithmetic: duration - duration
private static class DurationMinusDuration extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return ((DurationValue)a).subtract((DurationValue)b);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return typeA;
* Arithmetic: duration div duration
private static class DurationDivDuration extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return ((DurationValue)a).divide((DurationValue)b);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return BuiltInAtomicType.DECIMAL;
* Arithmetic: duration * number
private static class DurationTimesNumeric extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return ((DurationValue)a).multiply(((NumericValue)b).getDoubleValue());
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return typeA;
* Arithmetic: number * duration
private static class NumericTimesDuration extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
return ((DurationValue)b).multiply(((NumericValue)a).getDoubleValue());
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return typeB;
* Arithmetic: duration div number
private static class DurationDivNumeric extends Calculator {
public AtomicValue compute(AtomicValue a, AtomicValue b, XPathContext c) throws XPathException {
double d = 1.0 / ((NumericValue)b).getDoubleValue();
return ((DurationValue)a).multiply(d);
public AtomicType getResultType(AtomicType typeA, AtomicType typeB) {
return typeA;
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