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org.opengis.cite.gpkg12.features.FeaturesTests Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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This test suite checks GeoPackage 1.2 files for standards conformance.
package org.opengis.cite.gpkg12.features;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.opengis.cite.gpkg12.ColumnDefinition;
import org.opengis.cite.gpkg12.ErrorMessage;
import org.opengis.cite.gpkg12.ErrorMessageKeys;
import org.opengis.cite.gpkg12.FeaturesFixture;
import org.opengis.cite.gpkg12.TableVerifier;
import org.opengis.cite.gpkg12.util.GeoPackageVersion;
import org.opengis.cite.gpkg12.util.DatabaseUtility;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.SkipException;
import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
* Defines test methods that apply to descriptive information about a GeoPackage's content
* as it pertains to features.
* Sources
* @author Jeff Yutzler
public class FeaturesTests extends FeaturesFixture {
// --------------------- Private Class Variables -----------------
private final Boolean NativeOrderIsBE = ByteOrder.nativeOrder().equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN);
private static final Map FeatureTableExpectedColumns;
private static final Map> GeometrySubtypesAllowed;
// These flags can be set once and then used to quickly skip tests that depend on
// these two things
private boolean hasGeometryColumnsTable;
private boolean hasGPKGExtensionsTable;
private final Collection possibleFeatureTableNames = new ArrayList<>();
private final Collection featureTableNames = new ArrayList<>();
// For tests 19, 20, 32, 33, 19b, 67, 78 - they will all be run based on an iterator
// and we need the error reporting to be capped,
// hence these counters and limits are defined to cap those error reports.
int errorDetected19 = 0;
int errorDetected32 = 0;
int errorDetected33 = 0;
int errorDetectedNSG19b = 0;
int errorDetected66 = 0;
int errorDetected67 = 0;
int errorDetected78 = 0;
int errorDetected20 = 0;
// Since a feature typically will have all instances reporting the same errors, this
// maximum count reduces the reporting per feature.
private static final int maxErrorsToReport19 = 15; // This is a per feature maximum
// report. This test has several
// different things going on.
// and it should be split into sub
// items to better report these
// issues.
private static final int maxErrorsToReport32 = 5; // Per feature maximum, this test
// reports one issue - but it'll
// list all instances found
private static final int maxErrorsToReport33 = 5; // Per feature maximum, this test
// reports one issue - but it'll
// list all instances found
// private static final int maxErrorsToReportNSG19b = 5;
private static final int maxErrorsToReport66 = 5;
private static final int maxErrorsToReport67 = 5;
private static final int maxErrorsToReport78 = 5;
private static final int maxErrorsToReport20 = 5;
// Masks and starting byte index for Geometry BLOB Contents
// private static final byte magicB0 = 0x47;
// private static final byte magicB1 = 0x50;
private static final byte maskFlagBinaryType = 0x20;
private static final int shiftFlagBinaryType = 5;
private static final byte maskFlagEmptyGeometry = 0x10;
private static final int shiftFlagEmptyGeometry = 4;
private static final byte maskFlagEnvelope = 0x0E;
private static final int shiftFlagEnvelope = 1;
private static final byte maskFlagHeaderEndian = 0x01;
private static final int startOfVersion = 2;
private static final int startOfFlags = 3;
private static final int startOfSRIDIndex = 4;
private static final int startOfEnvelopeIndex = 8;
private static final int startOfGeometryType = 1;
// private static final int startOfEnvelopeCodeIndex = 3;
private static final int maximumEnvelopeSize = 8 * Double.BYTES; // As per the OGC
// spec, no more
// than 8 doubles
// should be in
// the envelope
private static final String myminx = "minx";
private static final String myminy = "miny";
private static final String mymaxx = "maxx";
private static final String mymaxy = "maxy";
private static final String myminz = "minz";
private static final String mymaxz = "maxz";
private static final String myminm = "minm";
private static final String mymaxm = "maxm";
private static final String geomCIRCULARSTRING = "CIRCULARSTRING";
private static final String geomCOMPOUNDCURVE = "COMPOUNDCURVE";
private static final String geomCURVEPOLYGON = "CURVEPOLYGON";
private static final String geomMULTICURVE = "MULTICURVE";
private static final String geomMULTISURFACE = "MULTISURFACE";
private static final String geomCURVE = "CURVE";
private static final String geomSURFACE = "SURFACE";
private static final String geomUNSUPPORTED = "UNSUPPORTED";
// From Annex G: These are in a "Note" under table 28
// GEOMETRY subtypes are POINT, CURVE, SURFACE and GEOMCOLLECTION <-- assume they must
// mean GEOMETRYCOLLECTION because GEOMCOLLECTION is not a geometry type
// MULTICURVE subtype is MULTILINESTRING <- contradicted in 2.1.1
// MULTISURFACE subtype is MULTIPOLYGON <- contradicted in 2.1.1
// Assumption that subtypes of subtypes are also allowed
// This static hasmap defines for each supertype, all of the allowed subtype
// geometries.
// TODO this section needs work. There are inconsistencies in the spec and the test
// requirement isn't very specific
static {
GeometrySubtypesAllowed = new HashMap<>();
GeometrySubtypesAllowed.put(geomCURVE, Arrays.asList(geomLINESTRING, geomCIRCULARSTRING, geomCOMPOUNDCURVE // Subtypes
GeometrySubtypesAllowed.put(geomSURFACE, Arrays.asList(geomCURVEPOLYGON, // Subtypes
geomPOLYGON)); // Polygon is a subtype of a subtype
GeometrySubtypesAllowed.put(geomCURVEPOLYGON, Arrays.asList(geomPOLYGON, // Subtypes
// 2.1.1 Polygon: A restricted form of CurvePolygon where each ring is defined as
// a simple, closed LineString.
GeometrySubtypesAllowed.put(geomPOLYGON, Arrays.asList(geomLINESTRING));
Arrays.asList(geomMULTIPOINT, geomMULTICURVE, geomMULTISURFACE, // Subtypes
geomMULTIPOLYGON, geomMULTILINESTRING)); // Multipolygon is a
// subtype of a
// subtype and
// Multilinestring is
// subtype of a
// subtype
// 2.1.1 MultiSurface: A restricted form of GeometryCollection where each Geometry
// in the collection must be of type Surface.
GeometrySubtypesAllowed.put(geomMULTISURFACE, Arrays.asList(geomSURFACE));
// 2.1.1 MultiPolygon: A restricted form of MultiSurface where each Surface in the
// collection must be of type Polygon.
GeometrySubtypesAllowed.put(geomMULTIPOLYGON, Arrays.asList(geomPOLYGON));
// 2.1.1 MultiCurve: A restricted form of GeometryCollection where each Geometry
// in the collection must be of type Curve
GeometrySubtypesAllowed.put(geomMULTICURVE, Arrays.asList(geomCURVE));
// 2.1.1 MultiLineString: A restricted form of MultiCurve where each Curve in the
// collection must be of type LineString.
GeometrySubtypesAllowed.put(geomMULTILINESTRING, Arrays.asList(geomLINESTRING));
// 2.1.1 ???
GeometrySubtypesAllowed.put(geomMULTIPOINT, Arrays.asList(geomPOINT));
Arrays.asList(geomPOINT, geomCURVE, geomSURFACE, geomGEOMETRYCOLLECTION, // Subtypes
// Define the required columns of the feature table
static {
FeatureTableExpectedColumns = new HashMap<>();
FeatureTableExpectedColumns.put("id", new ColumnDefinition("INTEGER", false, true, true, null));
FeatureTableExpectedColumns.put("geometry", new ColumnDefinition("GEOMETRY", true, false, false, null));
// End Private Class Information
* Sets up variables used across methods
* @throws SQLException if there is a database error
public void setUp() throws SQLException {
// Set internal flag denoting whether the geopackage has geometry columns table or
// not. If it does not, then many tests will be skipped.
this.hasGeometryColumnsTable = DatabaseUtility.doesTableOrViewExist(this.databaseConnection,
this.hasGPKGExtensionsTable = DatabaseUtility.doesTableOrViewExist(this.databaseConnection, "gpkg_extensions");
// Capture any **potential** feature table names that are **NOT** listed within
// the gpkg_contents
// Save these names as we will compare them later on to the names specified in the
// gpkg_contents.
try (Statement statement = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(
"SELECT tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE tbl_name NOT LIKE \'gpkg_%\' AND (type = \'tile\' OR type = \'view\');")) {
while ( {
// Examine each of the potential feature tables in the geopackage to see
// if they are missing from the
// contents specification. This test is not specifically identified in the
// standard.
try {
final String tableName = resultSet.getString("tbl_name");
// If we think we have a feature table, make sure it has the expected
// columns.
// This throws if the table definition doesn't match, and won't be
// added to the collection
TableVerifier.verifyTable(this.databaseConnection, tableName, FeatureTableExpectedColumns, null,
// Save the feature table on a list so that we may use it later on.
catch (final Throwable ignore) {
// If verification fails- it's not a features table and we don't care
// about it so ignore
try (final Statement statement = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet = statement
.executeQuery("SELECT table_name FROM gpkg_contents WHERE data_type = \'features\';");) {
while ( {
ErrorMessage.format(ErrorMessageKeys.CONFORMANCE_CLASS_DISABLED, getTestName()));
* A DataProvider that supplies feature instance test methods with content from
* gpkg_geometry_columns such that feature instance test methods may verify feature
* internal content is consistent with gpkg_geometry_columns information.
* @return An Iterator over an array containing a set of objects representing the
* information needed to process tests against geometry BLOB information
@DataProvider(name = "feature-geometry-information")
public Iterator getFeaturesWithGeometryInfo() {
List data = new ArrayList();
* 1. SELECT table_name AS tn, column_name AS cn FROM gpkg_geometry_columns WHERE
* table_name IN (SELECT table_name FROM gpkg_contents WHERE data_type =
* ‘features’) added srs_id, geometry_type_name, z, m in order to capture the
* remaining testable values in gpkg_geometry_columns for which we will visit
* every feature instance.
try (final Statement statement = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(
"SELECT table_name AS tn, column_name AS cn, srs_id, geometry_type_name AS gt_name, z as z_flag, m as m_flag FROM gpkg_geometry_columns WHERE table_name IN (SELECT table_name FROM gpkg_contents WHERE data_type = \'features\');")) {
while ( {
* Package the parameters: String TableName String GeometryColumnName
* gpkg_geometry_columns String GeometryType from gpkg_geometry_columns
* Integer SRS id from gpkg_geometry_columns byte Z flag from
* gpkg_geometry_columns byte M flag from gpkg_geometry_columns
Object[] tuple = { resultSet.getString("tn"), resultSet.getString("cn"),
resultSet.getString("gt_name").toUpperCase(), resultSet.getInt("srs_id"),
(byte) resultSet.getInt("z_flag"), (byte) resultSet.getInt("m_flag") };
catch (SQLException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return data.iterator();
* Verify that the gpkg_contents table_name value table exists, and is apparently a
* feature table for every row with a data_type column value of 'features'
* Test Case {@code /opt/features/contents/data/features_row}
* @see Vector
* Features - Requirement 18
* @throws SQLException If an SQL query causes an error
@Test(description = "See OGC 12-128r14: Requirement 18")
public void features_contents_data_features_row() throws SQLException {
* TEST METHOD 1. Execute
* test /opt/features/vector_features/data/feature_table_integer_primary_key
final Collection missingFeatureTableNames =
.filter(tableName -> !this.featureTableNames.contains(tableName))
final String reportOut = String.join(", ", missingFeatureTableNames);
Assert.assertTrue((missingFeatureTableNames == null || missingFeatureTableNames.isEmpty()),
ErrorMessage.format(ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURE_TABLE_NAMES_MISSING, reportOut));
* A GeoPackage MAY contain tables or updateable views containing vector features.
* Every such feature table or view in a GeoPackage SHALL have a column with column
* type INTEGER and PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT column constraints per EXAMPLE : Sample
* Feature Table or View Definition and sample_feature_table Table Definition SQL
* (Informative).
* Test case
* {@code /opt/features/vector_features/data/feature_table_integer_primary_key}
* @see Vector Features User
* Data Tables - Requirement 29
* @throws SQLException If an SQL query causes an error
@Test(description = "See OGC 12-128r13: Requirement 29")
public void featureTableIntegerPrimaryKey() throws SQLException {
// 1
for (final String tableName : this.featureTableNames) {
try (final Statement statement = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
// 3a
final ResultSet resultSet = statement
.executeQuery(String.format("PRAGMA table_info(\'%s\');", tableName));) {
// 3b
assertTrue(, ErrorMessage.format(ErrorMessageKeys.MISSING_TABLE, tableName));
// 3c/3d
checkPrimaryKey(tableName, getPrimaryKeyColumn(tableName, false), false);
* Verify that geometries stored in feature table geometry columns are encoded in the
* StandardGeoPackageBinary format. and are consistent with the information specified
* in the gpkg_geometry_columns table for the feature type. Also verify that the
* geometry information is consistent with other elements of the geopackage as per
* specified test requirements. In order to optimize processing as much as possible,
* all tests involving the feature instance geometry element are performed within this
* block. The entry to this test is via an iterator operating on each feature table -
* hence the test reports will be specific to each feature table processed.
* Test Case for tests 19, 20, 32, 33, 66 (partial) 67, 78
* {@code /opt/features/geometry_encoding/data/blob
* /opt/features/geometry_encoding/data/core_types_existing_sparse_data
* /opt/features/vector_features/data/data_values_geometry_type
* /opt/features/vector_features/data/data_value_geometry_srs_id
* /extensions/geometry_types/extension_name
* /reg_ext/features/spatial_indexes/implementation/sql_functions}
* @see Geometry Encoding - Requirements 19, 20, 32, 33, 66 (partial), 67, 78 and
* Geometry Extents check (NSG 19B)
* @param thisTableName The feature table name being processed
* @param thisColumnName The feature column name (the geometry column) being
* processed; as specified in the gpkg_geometry_columns entry table associated with
* this feature
* @param geomType The geometry type as specified in the gpkg_geometry_columns entry
* table associated with this feature
* @param srs_id The srs identifier as specified in the gpkg_geometry_columns entry
* table associated with this feature
* @param z_flag The z flag as specified in the gpkg_geometry_columns entry table
* associated with this feature
* @param m_flag The m flag as specified in the gpkg_geometry_columns entry table
* associated with this feature
* @throws SQLException If an SQL query causes an error
@Test(description = "See OGC 12-128r14: Requirements 19, 20, 32, 33, 66 (partial), 67, 78; and NSG Requirement 19B",
dataProvider = "feature-geometry-information")
public void featureGeometryEncodingTesting(String thisTableName, String thisColumnName, String geomType,
Integer srs_id, byte z_flag, byte m_flag) throws SQLException {
try {
* 1. SELECT table_name AS tn, column_name AS cn FROM gpkg_geometry_columns
* WHERE table_name IN (SELECT table_name FROM gpkg_contents WHERE data_type =
* ‘features’) 2. Not testable if returns an empty result set 3. For each row
* from step 1
try (final Statement statementInternal = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSetInternal = statementInternal.executeQuery(
String.format("SELECT rowid, %s as geom FROM \'%s\';", thisColumnName, thisTableName))) {
* a. SELECT cn FROM tn b. Not testable if none found
// quick fix for
// We may wish to replace this with something externally configurable
final int MAX_COUNT = 100;
int counter = 0;
while ( && (counter < MAX_COUNT)) {
// The SQL should give us a numeric identifier and a geometry blob.
// All of the tests in this series operate off
// of these two values and the parameters passed in by the iterator.
final long rowID = (long) resultSetInternal.getLong(1);
final byte[] bytes = resultSetInternal.getBytes("geom");
// We must allow for null geometries.
if (bytes == null) {
// From the geometry blob, populate a few of the values that we can
// easily extract from the geometry
final byte envelopeCode = (byte) ((bytes[startOfFlags] & maskFlagEnvelope) >> shiftFlagEnvelope);
final byte binaryTypeFlag = (byte) ((bytes[startOfFlags]
& maskFlagBinaryType) >> shiftFlagBinaryType);
final byte emptyGeometryFlag = (byte) ((bytes[startOfFlags]
& maskFlagEmptyGeometry) >> shiftFlagEmptyGeometry);
final byte headerLE = (byte) (bytes[startOfFlags] & maskFlagHeaderEndian);
// variables needed by this series of tests that will be used by more
// than one test
Map envelopeVals = new HashMap<>(); // We will put the
// envelope in
// here in a bit
final int envelopeSize = mygetEnvelopeByteSize(envelopeCode);
final boolean swapHeaderBytes = (this.NativeOrderIsBE && headerLE == 1)
|| (!this.NativeOrderIsBE && headerLE == 0);
boolean nanDetected = false;
// Tests begin now
// ** START ************** 19 ************************ 19
// ************************** 19 **************************
* Requirement 19: c. For each cn value from step a [ cn is
* essentially a BLOB - layout partly shown below ] i. Fail if the
* first two bytes of each gc are not 'GP' ii. Fail if
* gc.version_number is not 0 iii. Fail if gc.flags.GeopackageBinary
* type != 0 iv. (Fail if cn.flags.E is 5-7) Previously in 128r12 was:
* Fail if ST_IsEmpty(cn value) = 1 v. *Fail if the geometry is empty
* but the envelope is not empty (gc.flags.envelope != 0 and envelope
* values are not NaN) 4. Pass if no fails
// GeoPackageBinaryHeader {
// byte[2] magic = 0x4750; // "GP" in ASCII
// byte version; // 0 = version 1
// byte flags; // bit layout for flags below, note flags includes
// endianness for the rest of this header
// int32 srs_id;
// double[] envelope; // size of this is implied by the envelope
// indicator code in the flags
// }
// flags bit layout:
// 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
// R R X Y E E E B
// 7: R: Reserved set to 0
// 6: R: Reserved set to 0
// 5: X: GeoPackage Binary Type 0=Standard, 1=Extended
// 4: Y: Empty Geometry Flag 0= non-empty geometry, 1=Empty Geometry
// (so envelope should be empty or NaN too, test v.)
// 3-1: E: Envelope Indicator Code (3-bit unsigned)
// 0 = no envelope 0 byte envelope
// 1 = envelope is [minx, maxx, miny, maxy] 32 bytes envelope
// 2 = envelope is [minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz] 48 bytes
// envelope
// 3 = envelope is [minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz, minm, maxm] 64
// bytes envelope
// 5-7 = invalid value for envelope (test iv.)
// 0: B: Byte order for header values 0 = Big Endian, 1 = Little
// Endian
// The GeoPackageBinaryHeader is followed by WKB
try {
// i. Fail if the first two bytes of each gc are not "GP"
final byte[] GP_HEADER = new String("GP").getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);
if ((bytes[0] != GP_HEADER[0]) || (bytes[1] != GP_HEADER[1])) {
if (errorDetected19 < maxErrorsToReport19)
thisTableName, rowID, thisColumnName,
String.format("0x%02x%02x", bytes[0], bytes[1])));
// ii. Fail if gc.version_number is not 0
final byte version = (byte) bytes[startOfVersion];
if (version != 0) {
if (errorDetected19 < maxErrorsToReport19)
thisTableName, rowID, thisColumnName, version));
// iii. Fail if gc.flags.GeopackageBinary type != 0
if (binaryTypeFlag != 0) {
if (errorDetected19 < maxErrorsToReport19)
thisTableName, rowID, thisColumnName, binaryTypeFlag));
// iv. (Fail if cn.flags.E is 5-7)
if (envelopeCode > 4 || envelopeCode < 0) {
if (errorDetected19 < maxErrorsToReport19)
thisTableName, rowID, thisColumnName, envelopeCode));
catch (final Exception th) {
String.format("Failure testing requirement 19i-iv on feature {0}", thisTableName),
// ** END ************** 19 i-iv ************************ 19
// ************************** 19 **************************
// ** START ************** 33 ************************ ************
// {@code
// /opt/features/vector_features/data/data_value_geometry_srs_id}
// description = "See OGC 12-128r14: Requirement 33", dataProvider =
// "feature-geometry-information"
* REQUIREMENT 33 a. SELECT DISTINCT st_srid(cn) FROM tn Note in this
* code, we process each row and we already performed the SELECT above
* to get each row b. For each row from step a i. Fail if returnvalue
* not equal to gc_srs_id 4. Pass if no fails
// Note: dependency on the value of currentSRID that we used for a
// different test is within this one.
// the SRSID extracted from the geometry BLOB will be compared to the
// srsContents (srs_id) retrieved from gpkg_contents
// Get a byte array at the correct offset for the srs_id and set up
// the byte array size to be the size of an integer
byte[] srspartID = byteArraySubset(bytes, startOfSRIDIndex, Integer.BYTES); // 4
// bytes
// Using our helper function, get the integer from the byte array, and
// signify whether there is byte swapping needed
// We will SAVE this SRID as it is needed for a couple of tests
int currentSRID = getIntegerFromBytesWithPossibleSwap(srspartID, swapHeaderBytes); // this
// value
// is
// needed
// for
// this
// test
// and
// a
// test
// in
// #19
// Check for possible byte swap error on this SRS ID content vs the
// gpkg_geometry_columns value (which was a parameter to this test).
// This will tell us if there is a problem with the detection
// of the endianness either within the geometry blob, or of the
// machine hardware upon which the test is being run.
// Since this is the ONLY place we are going to try to test the
// endianness, it needs to be done prior to messing
// with the envelope values. Hence, this is why this test is put prior
// to 19v.
try {
if (currentSRID != srs_id) {
// So far, the test failed. Perform an extra test - swap the
// bytes and see if we get the SRID now -
// to see if the issue can be identified as a byte swap issue.
// Note, this may not work with large or negative values
// due to sign extension on the integer, but we will try it
// anyway.
int tempSRID = Integer.reverseBytes(currentSRID);
if (tempSRID == srs_id) {
// It appears this may then be a byte swap issue, so
// report the SR ID problem and the fact it may be a byte
// swap issue
// meaning the header endianness may be incorrect or this
// code base is incorrect.
if (errorDetected33 < maxErrorsToReport33)
Assert.assertTrue(false, ErrorMessage.format(
thisColumnName, currentSRID, srs_id, thisTableName));
else {
// Not able to determine if the issue is a byte swap
// issue, so report it as an SRS ID issue
if (errorDetected33 < maxErrorsToReport33)
ErrorMessage.format(ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURE_GEOMETRY_SRS_MISMATCH, rowID,
thisColumnName, currentSRID, srs_id, thisTableName));
catch (final Exception th) {
String.format("Failure testing requirement 33 part b on feature {0}", thisTableName),
// ** END *** 33 ************************ 33 *************************
// ** START ************** 19v ************************ 19
// ************************** 19 **************************
try {
// v. *Fail if the geometry is empty but the envelope is not empty
// (gc.flags.envelope != 0 and envelope values are not NaN)
if (envelopeSize > 0 && envelopeSize < maximumEnvelopeSize) {
final byte bytesEnvelope[] = byteArraySubset(bytes, startOfEnvelopeIndex, envelopeSize);
try {
// Ignoring the return value; we are just looking for the
// exception processing at this time
mygetEnvelope(envelopeSize, swapHeaderBytes, bytesEnvelope, envelopeVals);
catch (IllegalArgumentException ee) // this should catch the
// indication that we a
// nan values in the
// envelope
// final String errMsg = ee.getMessage();
nanDetected = true;
if (!nanDetected && emptyGeometryFlag != 0) {
if (errorDetected19 < maxErrorsToReport19)
Assert.assertTrue(false, ErrorMessage.format(
rowID, thisColumnName, thisTableName));
} // end if envelopeSize > 0 ... Currently it is valid to have an
// envelope that is 0 size. In the future, that may change if
// there is geometry.
// also we should never get an envelopeSize over the max size
// (as it comes from the code and a private method here) so we
// are not checking for that.
catch (final Exception th) {
String.format("Failure testing requirement 19v on feature {0}", thisTableName),
// ** END ************** 19v ************************ 19
// ************************** 19 **************************
// WKB Header
// byte byteOrder 0 = Big Endian; 1 = Little Endian
// uint32 wkbGeometryType
String actualGeometryType = geomUNSUPPORTED;
// These next tests require that there be geometry
if (emptyGeometryFlag == 0) {
final int geometryStart = startOfEnvelopeIndex + envelopeSize; // Find
// the
// start
// of
// the
// WKB
// Geometry
// Blob
// within
// the
// Blob
// The geometry WKB has yet another structure with yet another
// possible big / little endian setting
final byte geometryByteOrderLE = bytes[geometryStart]; // The
// Geometry
// Blob
// may
// have a
// different
// byte
// order
// than
// the
// header
// or the
// SQLite
final boolean swapGeometryBytes = (geometryByteOrderLE == 1 && this.NativeOrderIsBE)
|| (geometryByteOrderLE == 0 && !this.NativeOrderIsBE);
// Get the subset of bytes representing the geometry type,
// then get the geometry type integer from those bytes,
// then get the geometry type string from the integer
byte[] geomtypeBytes = byteArraySubset(bytes, geometryStart + startOfGeometryType,
final int currentGeomType = getIntegerFromBytesWithPossibleSwap(geomtypeBytes,
actualGeometryType = getGeomTypeFromNum(currentGeomType).toUpperCase();
// ** START ****** 20 ************************ 20
// ************************** 20 **************************
* REQUIREMENT 20 1. b. For each row from step a, if bytes 2-5 of
* cn.wkb as uint32 in endianness of gc.wkb
* ***** NOTE THIS TEST SHOULD NOT be performed if there is NO
* geometry
* byte 1 of cn from #1 are a geometry type value from Annex G
* Table 42, then i. Log cn.header values, wkb endianness and
* geometry type
* TEST IS NOT including full decomposition of WKB, only the
* geometry type ii. *If cn.wkb is not correctly encoded per ISO
* 13249-3 clause 5.1.46 then log fail iii. Otherwise log pass 6.
* Pass if log contains pass and no fails
try {
// Verify that the actual geometry type is something valid,
// our getGeomTypeFromNum will assign "UNSUPPORTED" if it is
// invalid
if (actualGeometryType.equals(geomUNSUPPORTED)) {
// So the geometry type is not recognized. Try a byte swap
// on the value and see if we get any
// supported value now. Report a different error if we get
// a value.
final int altGeomType = getIntegerFromBytesWithPossibleSwap(geomtypeBytes,
!swapGeometryBytes); // test if the byte swap flag
// might be wrong
final String testGeomType = getGeomTypeFromNum(altGeomType).toUpperCase();
if (testGeomType.equals(geomUNSUPPORTED)) {
if (errorDetected20 < maxErrorsToReport20)
rowID, thisColumnName, geomType, (int) currentGeomType,
else {
// Report a possible byte swap problem in the WKB
// portion of this BLOB
if (errorDetected20 < maxErrorsToReport20)
Assert.assertTrue(false, ErrorMessage.format(
rowID, thisColumnName, geomType, (int) currentGeomType, thisTableName,
(int) altGeomType, testGeomType));
catch (final Exception th) {
String.format("Failure testing requirement 20 on feature {0}", thisTableName),
// ** END ****** 20 ************************ 20
// ************************** 20 ***************************/
// ** START ****** 32 ************************ 32
// ************************** 32 ***************************/
// @ID
// (/opt/features/vector_features/data/data_value_geometry_srs_id)
// @Test( description = "See OGC 12-128r14: Requirement 32 all
// items", dataProvider = "feature-geometry-information")
* REQUIREMENT 32 Test Method 3. For each row from step 1 a.
* *Select the set of geometry types in use for the values in cn
* (geometry column) WAS: SELECT DISTINCT ST_GeometryType(cn) FROM
* tn b. For each row actual_type_name from step a i. Determine if
* each geometry type is assignable to the actual_type_name ii.
* Fail if any are not assignable 4. Pass if no fails
// Guess what - we have already retrieved both the current WKB
// geometry type and the geometry specified for this feature type
// so it is just a matter of determining whether the
// geom_type representing the geometry_column_table type vs. the
// GeometryType in the current WKB record are compatible.
try {
// Verify that the actual geometry type is 'assignable' i.e.
// equal to or a subset of the specified geometry from the
// geometry table
// The call to IsAssignable is expecting a return of 1 if
// assignable, 0 if not.
// the variable actualGeometryType is coming from the feature
// WKB while the geomType is from the gpkg_geometry_columns
// If the value actualGeometryType is equal to or is defined a
// s a subtype to the geomType, this will return the value of
// 1
if (this.IsAssignable(geomType, actualGeometryType) == 0) {
if (errorDetected32 < maxErrorsToReport32)
Assert.assertTrue(false, ErrorMessage.format(
thisColumnName, geomType, actualGeometryType, thisTableName));
catch (final Exception th) {
String.format("Failure testing requirement 32 on feature {0}", thisTableName),
// ** END ****** 32 ************************ 32
// ************************** 32 **************************
// ************** PARTIAL TEST for Requirement 66 here **********
// 66************************66 *********************66
// ***************
int geometryItemCount = 1;
if (actualGeometryType != geomPOINT) {
byte[] wkbGeometryCount = byteArraySubset(bytes,
geometryStart + startOfGeometryType + Integer.BYTES, Integer.BYTES);
geometryItemCount = getIntegerFromBytesWithPossibleSwap(wkbGeometryCount,
if (geometryItemCount < 0) {
if (errorDetected66 < maxErrorsToReport66)
thisTableName, rowID, thisColumnName, actualGeometryType,
// ** END ****** PARTIAL 66 ************************ 66
// ************************** 66 **************************
// ** START ****** 67 ************************ 67
// ************************** 67 **************************
* REQUIREMENT 67 C. SELECT ST_GeometryType(geometry column value)
* AS ; D. SELECT extension_name FROM gpkg_extensions WERE
* table_name = result_set_table_name AND column_name =
* result_set_column_name AND extension_name = \'gpkg_geom_' ||
* I. Fail if result set is empty II. Log pass otherwise
* 4. Pass if logged pass and no fails
if (this.hasGPKGExtensionsTable == true) {
try {
// Tests have shown it is possible to NOT have these in
// the extensions table at all. Since they are
// 'extensions' that would
// not be an error! Therefore, first check to be sure the
// gpkg_geom_* extensions are present at all in the
// gpkg_extensions
// table. If, at some time, it is determine that these are
// requirements and not just extensions, we can remove
// this
// first sub-test.
boolean testForGeomExtensions = false;
try (final Statement statementST = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSetST = statementST.executeQuery(String.format(
"SELECT extension_name FROM gpkg_extensions WHERE (extension_name LIKE \'gpkg_geom_\');"))) {
if ( == true) { // false if the
// result is empty
testForGeomExtensions = true;
// If we have verified the geometry extensions are present
// in the extensions table, proceed
if (testForGeomExtensions) {
try (final Statement statementST = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSetST = statementST.executeQuery(String.format(
"SELECT extension_name FROM gpkg_extensions WHERE (table_name = \'%s\' AND column_name = \'%s\' AND extension_name = \'gpkg_geom_%s\');",
thisTableName, thisColumnName, actualGeometryType))) {
if ( == false) { // returns
// false if
// the result
// set is
// empty
if (errorDetected67 < maxErrorsToReport67)
Assert.assertTrue(false, ErrorMessage.format(
rowID, thisColumnName, actualGeometryType, actualGeometryType,
catch (final Exception th) {
String.format("Failure testing requirement 67 on feature {0}", thisTableName),
// ** END ****** 67 ************************ 67
// ************************** 67 **************************
} // End tests of WKB Geometry requiring non empty geometry flag
// ** START ****** NSG 19B ************************ NSG 19B
// ************************** NSG 19B **************************
// @Test( description = "See NSG Requirement 19b: Requirement NSG 19b
// features portion", dataProvider = "feature-geometry-information")
// This next set looks at the gpkg_contents as compared to the values
// in the feature
// instance geometry BLOB. This is for NSG requirement 19 B
// NOTE: This test does not test profiles but we're going to keep it
// (commented out) for now
// because a requirement could be added as part of GPKG 1.3.0.
* try { if (!envelopeVals.isEmpty()) { try(final Statement
* statementST = this.databaseConnection.createStatement(); final
* ResultSet resultSetST = statementST.executeQuery( String.format(
* "SELECT srs_id as srsContents, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y FROM gpkg_contents WHERE (data_type = \'features\' and table_name = \'%s\' and srs_id IN (%s) );"
* , thisTableName, srs_id))) {
* while ( { // Get the srs extents and save for
* comparison final Map extentsforsrs = new
* HashMap<>(); extentsforsrs.put(myminx,
* resultSetST.getDouble("min_x")); extentsforsrs.put(mymaxx,
* resultSetST.getDouble("max_x")); extentsforsrs.put(myminy,
* resultSetST.getDouble("min_y")); extentsforsrs.put(mymaxy,
* resultSetST.getDouble("max_y"));
* // If they are null, all values will be 0 (getDouble) will put them
* to 0 if they are null. // Perform the test if any values are set
* and test only if we have anything of value here.
* if
* (!checkIfValueWithinToleranceOfTargetValue(extentsforsrs.get(myminx
* ),0.0D, 1.0e-10) ||
* !checkIfValueWithinToleranceOfTargetValue(extentsforsrs.get(myminy)
* ,0.0D, 1.0e-10) ||
* !checkIfValueWithinToleranceOfTargetValue(extentsforsrs.get(mymaxx)
* ,0.0D, 1.0e-10) ||
* !checkIfValueWithinToleranceOfTargetValue(extentsforsrs.get(mymaxy)
* ,0.0D, 1.0e-10)) { final String enveloperesult =
* geometryEnvelopeWithinExtents(envelopeVals, extentsforsrs); if
* (enveloperesult != "") { errorDetectedNSG19b ++; if
* (errorDetectedNSG19b < maxErrorsToReportNSG19b) {
* Assert.assertTrue(false, ErrorMessage.format(ErrorMessageKeys.
* thisColumnName, srs_id, thisTableName, envelopeVals.get(myminx),
* envelopeVals.get(mymaxx), envelopeVals.get(myminy),
* envelopeVals.get(mymaxy), enveloperesult )); }
* } // end if geometryEvelopeWithinExtents == false } // end if check
* of min max values show they are not 0 } } } } catch(final Exception
* th) {
* fail( ErrorMessage.format(
* String.format("Failure testing requirement NSG 19B on feature {0}",
* thisTableName), th.getMessage())); }
// ** END ****** NSG 19B ************************ NSG 19B
// ************************** NSG 19B **************************
// ** START ****** 78 ************************ 78
// ************************** 78 **************************
// @Test( description = "See OGC 12-128r14: Requirement 78",
// dataProvider = "feature-geometry-information")
// Tests on gpkg_extensions and rtree. We have to flip the stated test
// around because we are doing this per
// feature instance.
// Stated test #78 from Spec 128r14
// Using the rtree_FeatureTableName_GeometryColumnName
// 1. Open Geometry Test Data Set GeoPackage with GeoPackage SQLite
// Extension
// 2. For each Geometry Test Data Set data table row for
// each geometry type in Annex G, for an assortment of srs_ids,
// for an assortment of coordinate values including empty geometries,
// without and with z and / or m values, in both big and little endian
// encodings:
// a. SELECT 'Fail' FROM WHERE ST_IsEmpty(geom.) != empty
// <---- note we are not checking this. This test is not going to
// happen if the geometry is empty
// b. SELECT 'Fail' FROM WHERE ST_MinX(geom) != minx
// c. SELECT 'Fail' FROM WHERE ST_MaxX(geom) != maxx
// d. SELECT 'Fail' FROM WHERE ST_MinY(geom) != miny
// e. SELECT 'Fail' FROM WHERE ST_MaxY(geom) != maxy
// 3. Pass if no 'Fail' selected from step 2
// Dependent on the feature instance min and max geometry values and
// whether we have envelope values
try {
// If we have no envelope, we cannot perform this test
// Commented as deprecated in OGC 12-128r14 (Refer issue #99)
* if (!envelopeVals.isEmpty()) {
* final String rtreeTable =
* String.format("rtree_%s_%s",thisTableName, thisColumnName);
* try(final Statement statementST =
* this.databaseConnection.createStatement(); final ResultSet
* resultSetST = statementST.executeQuery(String.
* format("SELECT minx, maxx, miny, maxy FROM \'%s\' WHERE (rowid = %s);"
* , rtreeTable, rowID))) { final Double localtolerance = 1.0e-4;
* // 1.0e-5 is not good enough for most geopackages to pass!
* while( ) { final Map
* rtreeminmaxVals = new HashMap<>(); rtreeminmaxVals.put(myminx,
* resultSetST.getDouble(myminx)); rtreeminmaxVals.put(mymaxx,
* resultSetST.getDouble(mymaxx)); rtreeminmaxVals.put(myminy,
* resultSetST.getDouble(myminy)); rtreeminmaxVals.put(mymaxy,
* resultSetST.getDouble(mymaxy));
* // Verify the geometry envelope falls within the rtree extents
* for this instance // final String enveloperesult =
* geometryEnvelopeWithinExtents(envelopeVals, rtreeminmaxVals);
* // this test would test for the envelope within the rtree, not
* equal to if
* (!checkIfValueWithinToleranceOfTargetValue(rtreeminmaxVals.get(
* myminx), envelopeVals.get(myminx), localtolerance) ||
* !checkIfValueWithinToleranceOfTargetValue(rtreeminmaxVals.get(
* mymaxx), envelopeVals.get(mymaxx), localtolerance) ||
* !checkIfValueWithinToleranceOfTargetValue(rtreeminmaxVals.get(
* myminy), envelopeVals.get(myminy), localtolerance) ||
* !checkIfValueWithinToleranceOfTargetValue(rtreeminmaxVals.get(
* mymaxy), envelopeVals.get(mymaxy), localtolerance) ) {
* errorDetected78 ++; if (errorDetected78 < maxErrorsToReport78)
* { Assert.assertTrue(false,
* ErrorMessage.format(ErrorMessageKeys.
* rowID, thisColumnName, thisTableName, envelopeVals.get(myminx),
* envelopeVals.get(mymaxx), envelopeVals.get(myminy),
* envelopeVals.get(mymaxy))); }
* } } } }
catch (final Exception th) {
// At this time, do not report an error here. If there is no rtree
// table, I guess it is not worth reporting an error
// ets-gpkg12 tests including the features-0.gpkg sample will fail
// right here.
// errorDetected78 ++;
// if (errorDetected78 < maxErrorsToReport78) {
// Assert.assertTrue(false,
// thisTableName, thisColumnName));
// }
// ** END ****** 78 ************************ 78
// ************************** 78 **************************
} // End while result set
catch (final Exception th) {
fail(ErrorMessage.format(ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURE_GEOMETRY_BLOB_PROCESSING_TEST_FAILURE, "main loop",
* Test case {@code /opt/features/geometry_columns/data/table_def}
* @see Vector Features Geometry Columns
* Table - Requirement 21
* @throws SQLException If an SQL query causes an error
@Test(description = "See OGC 12-128r13: Requirement 21")
public void featureGeometryColumnsTableDef() throws SQLException {
try (
// 1
final Statement statement = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("PRAGMA table_info(\'gpkg_geometry_columns\');");) {
// 2
int passFlag = 0;
final int flagMask = 0b00111111;
while ( {
// 3
final String name = resultSet.getString("name");
if ("geometry_type_name".equals(name)) {
assertTrue(resultSet.getInt("notnull") == 1, ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS_INVALID);
assertTrue(resultSet.getInt("pk") == 0, ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS_INVALID);
passFlag |= 1;
else if ("table_name".equals(name)) {
assertTrue(resultSet.getInt("notnull") == 1, ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS_INVALID);
assertTrue(resultSet.getInt("pk") == 1, ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS_INVALID);
passFlag |= (1 << 1);
else if ("m".equals(name)) {
assertTrue(resultSet.getInt("notnull") == 1, ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS_INVALID);
assertTrue(resultSet.getInt("pk") == 0, ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS_INVALID);
passFlag |= (1 << 2);
else if ("z".equals(name)) {
assertTrue(resultSet.getInt("notnull") == 1, ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS_INVALID);
assertTrue(resultSet.getInt("pk") == 0, ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS_INVALID);
passFlag |= (1 << 3);
else if ("srs_id".equals(name)) {
assertTrue(resultSet.getInt("notnull") == 1, ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS_INVALID);
assertTrue(resultSet.getInt("pk") == 0, ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS_INVALID);
passFlag |= (1 << 4);
else if ("column_name".equals(name)) {
assertTrue(resultSet.getInt("notnull") == 1, ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS_INVALID);
assertTrue(resultSet.getInt("pk") == 2, ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS_INVALID);
passFlag |= (1 << 5);
assertTrue((passFlag & flagMask) == flagMask, ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS_INVALID);
* Test case {@code /opt/features/geometry_columns/data/data_values_geometry_columns}
* @see Vector Features Geometry Columns
* Table - Requirement 22
* @throws SQLException If an SQL query causes an error
@Test(description = "See OGC 12-128r13: Requirement 22")
public void featureGeometryColumnsDataValues() throws SQLException {
try (
// 1
final Statement statement = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet = statement
.executeQuery("SELECT table_name FROM gpkg_contents WHERE data_type = \'features\';");) {
// 2
if ( {
try (
// 3
final Statement statement2 = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet2 = statement2.executeQuery(
"SELECT table_name FROM gpkg_contents WHERE data_type = \'features\' AND table_name NOT IN (SELECT table_name FROM gpkg_geometry_columns);");) {
* Test case {@code /opt/features/geometry_columns/data/data_values_table_name} and
* {@code /opt/features/geometry_columns/data/data_values_srs_id}
* @see Vector Features Geometry Columns
* Table - Requirement 23 and Vector
* Features Geometry Columns SRS ID - Requirement 26
* @throws SQLException If an SQL query causes an error
@Test(description = "See OGC 12-128r13: Requirement 23, 26")
public void featureGeometryColumnsDataValuesTableName() throws SQLException {
try (
// 1
final Statement statement = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet = statement
.executeQuery("PRAGMA foreign_key_list(\'gpkg_geometry_columns\');");) {
boolean foundContents = false;
boolean foundSpatialRefSys = false;
// 2
while ( {
// 3
final String table = resultSet.getString("table");
if ("gpkg_spatial_ref_sys".equals(table)) {
if ("srs_id".equals(resultSet.getString("from")) && "srs_id".equals(resultSet.getString("to"))) {
foundSpatialRefSys = true;
else if ("gpkg_contents".equals(table)) {
if ("table_name".equals(resultSet.getString("from"))
&& "table_name".equals(resultSet.getString("to"))) {
foundContents = true;
assertTrue(foundContents && foundSpatialRefSys, ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS_NO_FK);
* Test case {@code /opt/features/geometry_columns/data/data_values_table_name}
* Verify that the table_name column values in the gpkg_geometry_columns table are
* valid.
* @see Data Values Table Name - Requirement 23
* @throws SQLException If an SQL query causes an error
@Test(description = "See OGC 12-128r14: Requirement 23")
public void featureGeometryColumnsDataValuesTableNameNEW() throws SQLException {
* Test Method Test as per 12-128r14 1. PRAGMA
* foreign_key_list(gpkg_geometry_columns); 2. Fail if there is no row
* designating table_name as a foreign key to table_name in gpkg_contents
if (this.hasGeometryColumnsTable) {
final Collection reportFKIssues = new ArrayList<>();
int countResults = 0;
try (final Statement statement = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet = statement
.executeQuery("PRAGMA foreign_key_list(\'gpkg_geometry_columns\');")) {
while ( {
Boolean testFailedForFKItem = true;
final String thisTableName = resultSet.getString("table"); // maybe
// not the
// right
// column?
// final String thisColumnFrom = resultSet.getString("from");
final String thisColumnTo = resultSet.getString("to");
try (final Statement preparedStatement = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet pragmaTableInfo = preparedStatement
.executeQuery(String.format("PRAGMA table_info(\'%s\');", thisTableName))) {
while ( && testFailedForFKItem) {
final String columnName = pragmaTableInfo.getString("name");
if (thisColumnTo.equals(columnName)) {
testFailedForFKItem = false;
// failure if EITHER no table exists that matches the specified FK,
// the specified FK column in the table does not exist
if (testFailedForFKItem) {
} // end while
} // end try to get foreign key list
// Check for the possible initial failure indicating there were no foreign
// keys specified at all
if (countResults == 0) {
reportFKIssues.add("No foreign key specified in gpkg_geometry_columns");
final String reportOut = String.join(", ", reportFKIssues);
Assert.assertTrue((reportFKIssues == null || reportFKIssues.isEmpty()),
ErrorMessage.format(ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURE_FOREIGN_KEY_NOT_SPECIFIED_CORRECTLY, reportOut));
* Test case {@code /opt/features/geometry_columns/data/data_values_column_name}
* @see Vector Features Geometry Columns
* Column - Requirement 24
* @throws SQLException If an SQL query causes an error
@Test(description = "See OGC 12-128r13: Requirement 24")
public void featureGeometryColumnsDataValuesColumnName() throws SQLException {
try (
// 1
final Statement statement = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet = statement
.executeQuery("SELECT table_name, column_name FROM gpkg_geometry_columns;");) {
// 2
while ( {
final String tableName = resultSet.getString("table_name");
final String columnName = resultSet.getString("column_name");
try (final Statement statement2 = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet2 = statement2
.executeQuery(String.format("PRAGMA table_info(\'%s\');", tableName));) {
boolean foundMatch = false;
while ( {
if (resultSet2.getString("name").equals(columnName)) {
foundMatch = true;
assertTrue(foundMatch, ErrorMessage.format(ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS_INVALID_COL,
tableName, columnName));
* Test case {@code /opt/features/geometry_columns/data/data_values_srs_id_match}
* @see Vector Features Geometry Columns
* Column - Requirement 146
* @throws SQLException If an SQL query causes an error
@Test(description = "See OGC 12-128r13: Requirement 146")
public void featureGeometryColumnsDataValuesSrsId() throws SQLException {
try (
// 1
final Statement statement = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(
"SELECT a.srs_id srs_id, a.table_name tn FROM gpkg_geometry_columns a, gpkg_contents b WHERE a.table_name = b.table_name and a.srs_id != b.srs_id");) {
// 2
if ( {
fail(ErrorMessage.format(ErrorMessageKeys.SRS_MISMATCH, "gpkg_geometry_columns",
resultSet.getInt("srs_id"), resultSet.getString("tn")));
* Test case
* {@code /opt/features/geometry_columns/data/data_values_geometry_type_name}
* @see Vector Features Geometry Columns
* Geometry Type - Requirement 25
* @throws SQLException If an SQL query causes an error
@Test(description = "See OGC 12-128r13: Requirement 25")
public void featureGeometryColumnsDataValuesGeometryType() throws SQLException {
try (
// 1
final Statement statement = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet = statement
.executeQuery("SELECT table_name, column_name, geometry_type_name FROM gpkg_geometry_columns");) {
// 2
while ( {
// 3
final String geometryTypeName = resultSet.getString("geometry_type_name");
final String tableName = resultSet.getString("table_name");
final String columnName = resultSet.getString("column_name");
boolean pass = false;
if (geopackageVersion.equals(GeoPackageVersion.V120)) {
pass = ALLOWED_GEOMETRY_TYPES.contains(geometryTypeName);
else {
final Iterator iterator = ALLOWED_GEOMETRY_TYPES.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
if (geometryTypeName.equalsIgnoreCase( {
pass = true;
if (!pass) {
pass = isExtendedType(tableName, columnName);
assertTrue(pass, ErrorMessage.format(ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS_INVALID_GEOM,
geometryTypeName, tableName));
* Test case {@code /opt/features/geometry_columns/data/data_values_z}
* @see Vector Features Geometry Columns Z
* - Requirement 27
* @throws SQLException If an SQL query causes an error
@Test(description = "See OGC 12-128r13: Requirement 27")
public void featureGeometryColumnsDataValuesZ() throws SQLException {
try (
// 1
final Statement statement = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT z FROM gpkg_geometry_columns");) {
// 2
if ( {
try (
// 3
final Statement statement2 = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet2 = statement2
.executeQuery("SELECT z FROM gpkg_geometry_columns WHERE z NOT IN (0,1,2)");) {
if ( {
assertTrue(false, ErrorMessage.format(ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS_INVALID_Z,
* Test case {@code /opt/features/geometry_columns/data/data_values_m}
* @see Vector Features Geometry Columns M
* - Requirement 28
* @throws SQLException If an SQL query causes an error
@Test(description = "See OGC 12-128r13: Requirement 28")
public void featureGeometryColumnsDataValuesM() throws SQLException {
try (
// 1
final Statement statement = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("SELECT m FROM gpkg_geometry_columns");) {
// 2
if ( {
try (
// 3
final Statement statement2 = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet2 = statement2
.executeQuery("SELECT m FROM gpkg_geometry_columns WHERE m NOT IN (0,1,2)");) {
if ( {
assertTrue(false, ErrorMessage.format(ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS_INVALID_M,
* Test case
* {@code /opt/features/vector_features/data/feature_table_one_geometry_column}
* @see Vector Features One Geometry Column
* - Requirement 30
* @throws SQLException If an SQL query causes an error
@Test(description = "See OGC 12-128r13: Requirement 30")
public void featureTableOneGeometryColumn() throws SQLException {
try (
// 1
final Statement statement = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet = statement
.executeQuery("SELECT table_name FROM gpkg_contents WHERE data_type=\'features\'");) {
// 2
while ( {
// 3
final String tableName = resultSet.getString("table_name");
try (final Statement statement2 = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet2 = statement2.executeQuery(String.format(
"SELECT count(*) FROM gpkg_geometry_columns WHERE table_name = \'%s\'", tableName));) {;
assertTrue(resultSet2.getInt(1) == 1, ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_ONE_GEOMETRY_COLUMN);
* Test case
* {@code /opt/features/vector_features/data/feature_table_geometry_column_type}
* @see Vector Features Geometry Column
* Type - Requirement 31
* @throws SQLException If an SQL query causes an error
@Test(description = "See OGC 12-128r13: Requirement 31")
public void featureTableGeometryColumnType() throws SQLException {
// We're just going to skip this test on older GeoPackages and hope for the best.
if (geopackageVersion.equals(GeoPackageVersion.V120)) {
try (
// 1
final Statement statement = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(
"SELECT table_name, column_name, geometry_type_name FROM gpkg_geometry_columns WHERE table_name IN (SELECT table_name FROM gpkg_contents WHERE data_type = \'features\')");) {
// 2
while ( {
// 2a
final String geometryTypeName = resultSet.getString("geometry_type_name");
// This assertion being removed as per
// assertTrue(allowedGeometryTypes.contains(geometryTypeName),
// ErrorMessage.format(ErrorMessageKeys.FEATURES_GEOMETRY_COLUMNS_INVALID_GEOM,
// geometryTypeName));
// 2b
final String tableName = resultSet.getString("table_name");
final String columnName = resultSet.getString("column_name");
try (final Statement statement2 = this.databaseConnection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet2 = statement2
.executeQuery(String.format("PRAGMA table_info(\'%s\')", tableName));) {
while ( {
if (columnName.equals(resultSet2.getString("name"))) {
// *************************SUPPORTING METHODS ***************** SUPPORTING METHODS
// ***********************
* Returns an integer from a byte array and provides for byte swap if necessary.
* @param bytesIn The integer bytes as an array; must be number of bytes in an integer
* @param swapFlag Boolean indicator for whether the bytes are to be swapped or not
* @return Integer value of the bytes
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the byte array length is not equivalent to the
* number of bytes in an integer
private int getIntegerFromBytesWithPossibleSwap(byte[] bytesIn, boolean swapFlag) {
int returnValue = 0;
// Verify length of byte array is correct, throw and error on failure
if (bytesIn.length == Integer.BYTES) {
// Based on endianness of this platform and the swapFlag, and our intends use
// of BigInteger, which assumes BigEndian data,
// determine whether the bytes will be swapped or not. Note: We could do this
// the old-fashioned way with shifts as an alternative.
if ((!swapFlag && this.NativeOrderIsBE) || (swapFlag && !this.NativeOrderIsBE)) {
returnValue = new BigInteger(bytesIn).intValue();
else {
returnValue = Integer.reverseBytes(new BigInteger(bytesIn).intValue());
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid byte array length");
return returnValue;
* Returns an long integer from a byte array and provides for byte swap if necessary.
* @param bytesIn The long bytes as an array of bytes; must be number of bytes in an
* long integer
* @param swapFlag Boolean indicator for whether the bytes are to be swapped or not
* @return Long value of the bytes
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the byte array length is not equivalent to the
* number of bytes in a Long integer
private long getLongFromBytesWithPossibleSwap(byte[] bytesIn, boolean swapFlag) {
long returnValue = 0;
// Verify length of byte array is correct, throw and error on failure
if (bytesIn.length == Long.BYTES) {
// Based on endianness of this platform and the swapFlag, and our intends use
// of BigInteger, which assumes BigEndian data,
// determine whether the bytes will be swapped or not. Note: We could do this
// the with bit shifts as an alternative; may be faster.
// alternative method: (long)(bytesIn[ii+0] << 56 | (bytesIn[ii+1] & 0xFF) <<
// 48 | (bytesIn[ii+2] & 0xFF) << 40 | (bytesIn[ii+3] & 0xFF) << 32 |
// (bytesIn[ii+4] & 0xFF) << 24 | (bytesIn[ii+5] & 0xFF) << 16 |
// (bytesIn[ii+6] & 0xFF) << 8 | (bytesIn[ii+7] & 0xFF));
// alternative method: (long)(bytesIn[ii+7] << 56 | (bytesIn[ii+6] & 0xFF) <<
// 48 | (bytesIn[ii+5] & 0xFF) << 40 | (bytesIn[ii+4] & 0xFF) << 32 |
// (bytesIn[ii+3] & 0xFF) << 24 | (bytesIn[ii+2] & 0xFF) << 16 |
// (bytesIn[ii+1] & 0xFF) << 8 | (bytesIn[ii+0] & 0xFF));
if ((!swapFlag && this.NativeOrderIsBE) || (swapFlag && !this.NativeOrderIsBE)) {
returnValue = new BigInteger(bytesIn).longValue();
else {
returnValue = Long.reverseBytes(new BigInteger(bytesIn).longValue());
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid byte array length");
return returnValue;
* Returns an double from a byte array and provides for byte swap if necessary. Upon
* detection of NaN
* @param bytesIn The integer bytes as an array; must be number of bytes in an integer
* @param swapFlag Boolean indicator for whether the bytes are to be swapped or not
* @return Double value of the bytes
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the byte array length is not equivalent to the
* number of bytes in a Double
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any value is NaN
private double getDoubleFromBytesWithPossibleSwap(byte[] bytesIn, boolean swapFlag) {
double returnValue = 0;
// Verify length of byte array is correct, throw and error on failure
if (bytesIn.length == Double.BYTES) {
// Cannot simply convert the bytes into a double as the floating point
// processor may change the
// bits on us during the conversion. First get the bytes into a Long and then
// use the LongBitsToDouble
// to move the bits into a double.
long tempLong = getLongFromBytesWithPossibleSwap(bytesIn, swapFlag);
// If the tempLong is NaN, throw an error that the double is not valid
// Need to test for NaN here as conversion to Double may change the bits. Java
// encodes NaN a infinity
if (isLongRepresentationNaN(tempLong)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("NaN");
returnValue = Double.longBitsToDouble(tempLong);
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid byte array length");
return returnValue;
* Detects a numeric representation as NaN if provided a long integer representation
* of a double. This tests for the NaN as specified in 12-128r14 Table 6. bit layout
* of GeoPackageBinary flags byte NaN
* @param inValue The long integer representation of the bits of a double
* @return Boolean true if NaN, false if not NaN
private boolean isLongRepresentationNaN(long inValue) {
return ((this.NativeOrderIsBE && (inValue == 0x7ff8000000000000L))
|| (!this.NativeOrderIsBE && (inValue == 0x000000000000f87fL))) ? true : false;
* Test for Java representation of Double NaN or Infinity which may be the Java
* representation of the NaN as specified in OGC 12-128r14 Table 6.
* @param inValue The double value that is to be tested
* @return Boolean true if NaN, false if not NaN
private boolean isDoubleRepresentationNaNorInfinity(Double inValue) {
return (Double.isNaN(inValue) || Double.isInfinite(inValue)) ? true : false;
* Get the geometry type string given the geometry type integer from WKB. of the NaN
* as specified in OGC 12-128r14 Table 28.
* @param geomTypeIn The integer geometry type from WKB
* @return String geometry type. If the geometry type is not found, returns
private String getGeomTypeFromNum(int geomTypeIn) {
String result = "";
switch (geomTypeIn) {
// Table 28. Geometry Type Codes
case 0:
case 1000:
case 2000:
case 3000:
result = geomGEOMETRY;
case 1:
case 1001:
case 2001:
case 3001:
result = geomPOINT;
case 2:
case 1002:
case 2002:
case 3002:
result = geomLINESTRING;
case 3:
case 1003:
case 2003:
case 3003:
result = geomPOLYGON;
case 4:
case 1004:
case 2004:
case 3004:
result = geomMULTIPOINT;
case 5:
case 1005:
case 2005:
case 3005:
case 6:
case 1006:
case 2006:
case 3006:
result = geomMULTIPOLYGON;
case 7:
case 1007:
case 2007:
case 3007:
// Table 28. Geometry Type Codes (Extension)
case 8:
case 1008:
case 2008:
case 3008:
result = geomCIRCULARSTRING;
case 9:
case 1009:
case 2009:
case 3009:
result = geomCOMPOUNDCURVE;
case 10:
case 1010:
case 2010:
case 3010:
result = geomCURVEPOLYGON;
case 11:
case 1011:
case 2011:
case 3011:
result = geomMULTICURVE;
case 12:
case 1012:
case 2012:
case 3012:
result = geomMULTISURFACE;
case 13:
case 1013:
case 2013:
case 3013:
result = geomCURVE;
case 14:
case 1014:
case 2014:
case 3014:
result = geomSURFACE;
result = geomUNSUPPORTED; // Specific value is returned to enable tests
// that detect this rather than look for
// nothing
return result;
* Test if the geometry is assignable. A geometry may be more specific within a
* feature subtype than the superclass.
* @param supertypeGeometry The geometry type expected
* @param subtypeGeometry the actual geometry that has been specified
* @return Integer 1 if assignable, 0 if not assignable
private int IsAssignable(String supertypeGeometry, String subtypeGeometry) {
int returnValue = 0;
// Verify the string input contains values
if (!supertypeGeometry.isEmpty() && !subtypeGeometry.isEmpty()) {
// Return 1 if the stings are the same or if the supertype and subtype are
// valid together
if (supertypeGeometry.equals(subtypeGeometry) || (GeometrySubtypesAllowed.containsKey(supertypeGeometry)
&& (GeometrySubtypesAllowed.get(supertypeGeometry)).contains(subtypeGeometry))) {
returnValue = 1;
return returnValue;
* Return a subset byte array from a larger starting byte array
* @param bytesIn The source byte array
* @param startIndex The starting index from which the subset shall begin
* @param numberOfBytes The number of bytes the subset shall contain
* @return Byte[] subsetArray subset byte array
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the number of bytes is invalid or the start
* index + number of bytes desired exceeds the length of the source array
private byte[] byteArraySubset(byte[] bytesIn, int startIndex, int numberOfBytes) {
byte[] subsetArray = new byte[numberOfBytes];
if ((startIndex + numberOfBytes) <= bytesIn.length) {
System.arraycopy(bytesIn, startIndex, subsetArray, 0, numberOfBytes);
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
"Invalid numberOfBytes value: %d or startIndex %d. The startIndex + numberOfBytes exceed the length of the byte array.",
numberOfBytes, startIndex));
return subsetArray;
* Get the set of envelope double values from the byte array
* @param bytesExpected A count of the number of bytes expected. This value must be a
* multiple of 8 (the size of a double)
* @param swapFlag Boolean indicator for whether the bytes are to be swapped or not
* @param bytesIn The integer bytes as an array; must be number of bytes in an integer
* @param envelopeValues Hash map in which the envelope values will be placed
* @return boolean true if values are returned, false if all values are 0
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the byte array length is invalid
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any value is NaN
private boolean mygetEnvelope(int bytesExpected, boolean swapFlag, byte[] bytesIn,
Map envelopeValues) {
boolean allzerovalues = true;
int envelopeIndex = 0;
Assert.assertTrue(envelopeValues.isEmpty(), "Attempt to get envelope when there are already values");
if (bytesExpected > 0 && (bytesExpected % Double.BYTES == 0) && bytesIn.length == bytesExpected) {
for (int ii = 0; ii < bytesExpected; ii += Double.BYTES) {
final byte[] envibtem = byteArraySubset(bytesIn, ii, Double.BYTES); // 8
// bytes
try {
final Double tempDouble = this.getDoubleFromBytesWithPossibleSwap(envibtem, swapFlag);
if (this.isDoubleRepresentationNaNorInfinity(tempDouble)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("NaN value detected."));
// System.out.println(String.format("Envelope item %d with value %f",
// ii, tempDouble));
// 1 = envelope is [minx, maxx, miny, maxy] 32 bytes envelope
// 2 = envelope is [minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz] 48 bytes
// envelope
// 3 = envelope is [minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz, minm, maxm] 64
// bytes envelope
switch (envelopeIndex) {
case 0:
envelopeValues.put(myminx, tempDouble);
case 1:
envelopeValues.put(mymaxx, tempDouble);
case 2:
envelopeValues.put(myminy, tempDouble);
case 3:
envelopeValues.put(mymaxy, tempDouble);
case 4:
envelopeValues.put(myminz, tempDouble);
case 5:
envelopeValues.put(mymaxz, tempDouble);
case 6:
envelopeValues.put(myminm, tempDouble);
case 7:
envelopeValues.put(mymaxm, tempDouble);
// Extra check here because if the entire envelope is all zero values,
// we basically need to clear the envelope out
// to save from later excessive processing. This will set a flag if
// there
// are ANY non-zero envelope values seen that that we do not
// accidentally clear
// it.
if (!checkIfValueWithinToleranceOfTargetValue(tempDouble, 0.0D, 1.0e-10))
allzerovalues = false;
catch (IllegalArgumentException ee) // This is supposed to catch a NaN
throw new IllegalArgumentException(ee.getMessage());
else {
// we either got 0 bytes length or the size of the byte array is inconsistent
// for a set of doubles
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
"Invalid bytesExpected value: %d. Is 0 or is not divisible by the size of a double or not the size of the byte array parameter.",
// If we found the entire envelope to be all zero, clear all the elements out of
// it
if (allzerovalues == true)
return !allzerovalues;
* Compare a envelope A defined by minx, maxx, miny, maxy values against an envelope B
* to determine if A falls inside or is equal to envelope B
* @param envelopein A hash map of 4 (or more with z and m) values representing an
* envelope
* @param extentin A hash map of 4 values representing the min and max extents
* @return String Empty string, if no issue. Otherwise it reports the first issue
* found
* This test is only used as part of the NSG 19B test, but could be reinstated later.
* private String geometryEnvelopeWithinExtents(Map envelopein,
* Map extentin) { String fallswithin = ""; if (envelopein.get(myminx)
* < extentin.get(myminx)) fallswithin = "Envelope minx less than extent minx"; else
* if (envelopein.get(myminx) > extentin.get(mymaxx)) fallswithin =
* "Envelope minx greater than extent maxx"; else if (envelopein.get(mymaxx) <
* extentin.get(myminx)) fallswithin = "Envelope maxx less than extent minx"; else if
* (envelopein.get(mymaxx) > extentin.get(mymaxx)) fallswithin =
* "Envelope maxx greater than extent maxx";
* else if (envelopein.get(myminy) < extentin.get(myminy)) fallswithin =
* "Envelope miny less than extent miny"; else if (envelopein.get(myminy) >
* extentin.get(mymaxy)) fallswithin = "Envelope miny greater than extent maxy"; else
* if (envelopein.get(mymaxy) < extentin.get(myminy)) fallswithin =
* "Envelope maxy less than extent miny"; else if (envelopein.get(mymaxy) >
* extentin.get(mymaxy)) fallswithin = "Envelope maxy greater than extent maxy";
* return fallswithin; }
* Return the expected size of the envelope based on the envelope code
* @param envelopeCode The byte code for the envelope
* @return int bytesExpected Number of bytes expected to be present in this envelope
private int mygetEnvelopeByteSize(byte envelopeCode) {
int bytesExpected = 0;
// Note, Caution! Java sign extends each byte for this test,
// but these all should be okay because we are dealing with a small value
switch (envelopeCode) {
case 0:
bytesExpected = 0;
case 1: // 4 values 32 bytes
bytesExpected = 32;
case 2:
case 3: // 48 bytes total (another 16 bytes)
bytesExpected = 48;
case 4: // 64 bytes
bytesExpected = 64;
default: // invalid
bytesExpected = 0;
} // end switch
return bytesExpected;
* Compares two double values to determine if the are close enough to be called equal
* within a specified level of tolerance
* @param valueIn The input value (double)
* @param targetValue The target value (double)
* @param tolerance The tolerance value (double)
* @return true if the value is within tolerance of the target value, false if not
private boolean checkIfValueWithinToleranceOfTargetValue(double valueIn, double targetValue, double tolerance) {
if (Math.abs(valueIn - targetValue) > tolerance)
return false;
return true;