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 * Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved
 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms
 * of the Common Development and Distribution License
 * (the License). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License.
 * You can obtain a copy of the License at
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 * opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt
 * See the License for the specific language governing
 * permission and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
 * Header Notice in each file and include the License file
 * at opensso/legal/CDDLv1.0.txt.
 * If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
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 * $Id:,v 1.6 2009/08/03 18:18:36 bigfatrat Exp $
 * Portions Copyrighted 2016 ForgeRock AS.


import static org.forgerock.openam.utils.Time.*;

import com.sun.identity.shared.stats.Stats;
import com.sun.identity.shared.Constants;
import com.sun.identity.common.SystemConfigurationUtil;
import com.sun.identity.common.SystemTimerPool;
import com.sun.identity.common.TimerPool;
import com.sun.identity.federation.common.FSUtils;
import com.sun.identity.federation.message.FSAuthnRequest;
import com.sun.identity.federation.meta.IDFFMetaManager;
import com.sun.identity.federation.meta.IDFFMetaUtils;
import com.sun.identity.plugin.monitoring.FedMonAgent;
import com.sun.identity.plugin.monitoring.FedMonIDFFSvc;
import com.sun.identity.plugin.monitoring.MonitorManager;
import com.sun.identity.plugin.session.SessionManager;
import com.sun.identity.plugin.session.SessionProvider;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * The class FSSessionManager is a final class
 * that provides interfaces to manage FSSessions.

* It is a singleton class; an instance of this class can be obtained by * calling FSSessionManager.getInstance(). */ public final class FSSessionManager { // property name for request cleanup internal private static final String REQUEST_CLEANUP_INTERVAL = "com.sun.identity.federation.request.cleanup_interval"; // default value for request cleanup internal private static final long DEFAULT_REQUEST_CLEANUP_INTERVAL = 300000; // property name for request time out private static final String REQUEST_TIMEOUT = "com.sun.identity.federation.request.timeout"; // default value for request time out private static final long DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 300000; // Singleton instance of FSSessionManager private static Map instanceMap = new HashMap (); // used to store list of FSSession for a user // key : user DN, value List of FSSession object private Map userIDSessionListMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap ()); private Map idAuthnRequestMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap ()); private Map idLocalSessionTokenMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap ()); private Map idDestnMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap ()); private String hostEntityId = null; private String realm = null; private Map relayStateMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); private Map proxySPDescMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap ()); private Map proxySPAuthnReqMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap ()); private static long cleanupInterval = 0; private static long requestTimeout = 0; private FSRequestCleanUpRunnable cRunnable = null; private FSSessionMapStats dnStats; private FSSessionMapStats reqStats; private FSSessionMapStats tokenStats; private FSSessionMapStats idStats; private FSSessionMapStats relayStats; /** * For managing session statistics. */ public static Stats sessStats = Stats.getInstance("libIDFFSessionMaps"); private static FedMonAgent agent; private static FedMonIDFFSvc idffSvc; static { try { String temp = SystemConfigurationUtil.getProperty( REQUEST_CLEANUP_INTERVAL); if (temp == null || temp.trim().length() == 0) { cleanupInterval = DEFAULT_REQUEST_CLEANUP_INTERVAL; } else { cleanupInterval = Integer.parseInt(temp) * 1000; } } catch (Exception e) { if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) { FSUtils.debug.message( "Unable to get fed request cleanup prop.", e); } cleanupInterval = DEFAULT_REQUEST_CLEANUP_INTERVAL; } try { String temp = SystemConfigurationUtil.getProperty(REQUEST_TIMEOUT); if (temp == null || temp.trim().length() == 0) { requestTimeout = DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT; } else { requestTimeout = Integer.parseInt(temp) * 1000; } } catch (Exception e) { if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) { FSUtils.debug.message( "Unable to get fed request timeout prop.", e); } requestTimeout = DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT; } agent = MonitorManager.getAgent(); idffSvc = MonitorManager.getIDFFSvc(); if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) { FSUtils.debug.message("FSSessionManager, cleanup interval=" + cleanupInterval + " ms, timeout=" + requestTimeout + " ms"); } } /** * Gets the RelayState value which maps * to the request ID. * * @param requestID request ID * @return the RelayState value */ public String getRelayState(String requestID) { return (String) relayStateMap.get(requestID); } /** * Sets the RelayState value with the specified * request ID in the relayStateMap. * * @param requestID request ID * @param relayState the RelayState value */ public void setRelayState(String requestID, String relayState) { relayStateMap.put(requestID, relayState); } /** * Removes the mapping for this request ID from the * relayStateMap. * * @param requestID request ID */ public void removeRelayState(String requestID) { relayStateMap.remove(requestID); } /** * Returns authentication request associated with requestID. * @param requestID authentication request ID * @return authentication request associated with the request ID */ public FSAuthnRequest getAuthnRequest (String requestID){ FSUtils.debug.message ("FSSessionManager.getAuthnRequest: Called"); return (FSAuthnRequest)idAuthnRequestMap.get (requestID); } /** * Sets authentication request. * @param requestID authentication request ID * @param authnRequest authentication request */ public void setAuthnRequest (String requestID, FSAuthnRequest authnRequest){ if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) { FSUtils.debug.message( "FSSessionManager.setAuthnRequest: Called, ID=" + requestID ); } removeAuthnRequest (requestID); idAuthnRequestMap.put (requestID, authnRequest); if (cRunnable != null) { cRunnable.addElement(requestID); } } /** * Removes an authentication request. * @param requestID ID of the request to be removed */ public void removeAuthnRequest (String requestID){ if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) { FSUtils.debug.message ( "FSSessionManager.removeAuthnRequest: Called, ID=" + requestID); } idAuthnRequestMap.remove(requestID); idDestnMap.remove(requestID); if ((agent != null) && agent.isRunning() && (idffSvc != null)) { idffSvc.setIdDestn((long)idDestnMap.size()); } if (cRunnable != null) { cRunnable.removeElement(requestID); } } /** * Returns local token associated with the request ID. * @param requestID request ID * @return session object associated with the request ID */ public Object getLocalSessionToken(String requestID) { FSUtils.debug.message ("FSSessionManager.getLocalSessionToken: Called"); return idLocalSessionTokenMap.get(requestID); } /** * Sets local token. * @param requestID request ID * @param localSession token to be set */ public void setLocalSessionToken (String requestID, Object localSession){ FSUtils.debug.message ("FSSessionManager.setLocalSessionToken: Called"); idLocalSessionTokenMap.put (requestID, localSession); if ((agent != null) && agent.isRunning() && (idffSvc != null)) { idffSvc.setIdLocalSessToken((long)idLocalSessionTokenMap.size()); } } /** * Removes a local token associated with requestID. * @param requestID request ID */ public void removeLocalSessionToken (String requestID){ FSUtils.debug.message( "FSSessionManager.removeLocalSessionToken: Called"); idLocalSessionTokenMap.remove(requestID); if ((agent != null) && agent.isRunning() && (idffSvc != null)) { idffSvc.setIdLocalSessToken((long)idLocalSessionTokenMap.size()); } } /** * Returns IDP's entity ID associated with requestID. * @param requestID request ID * @return identity provider's entity ID */ public String getIDPEntityID(String requestID){ FSUtils.debug.message("FSSessionManager.getIDPEntityID: Called"); return (String) idDestnMap.get (requestID); } /** * Sets IDP's entity ID. * @param requestID authentication request ID * @param idpEntityId identity provider's entity ID to be set */ public void setIDPEntityID( String requestID, String idpEntityId) { FSUtils.debug.message ("FSSessionManager.setIDPEntityID"); idDestnMap.put (requestID, idpEntityId); if ((agent != null) && agent.isRunning() && (idffSvc != null)) { idffSvc.setIdDestn((long)idDestnMap.size()); } } /** * Sets proxy service provider descriptor. * @param requestID authentication request ID * @param spDescriptor provider descriptor to be set */ public void setProxySPDescriptor( String requestID, SPDescriptorType spDescriptor) { proxySPDescMap.put(requestID, spDescriptor); } /** * Returns proxy service provider descriptor. * @param requestID request ID * @return provider descriptor */ public SPDescriptorType getProxySPDescriptor(String requestID) { return (SPDescriptorType)proxySPDescMap.get(requestID); } /** * Returns proxy authentication request. * @param requestID authentication request ID */ public FSAuthnRequest getProxySPAuthnRequest(String requestID) { return (FSAuthnRequest)proxySPAuthnReqMap.get(requestID); } /** * Sets proxy authentication request. * @param requestID request ID * @param authnRequest proxy authentication request to be set. */ public void setProxySPAuthnRequest( String requestID, FSAuthnRequest authnRequest) { proxySPAuthnReqMap.put(requestID, authnRequest); } /** * Returns list of sessions associated with userID. * @param userID user ID * @return list of sessions */ public List getSessionList(String userID){ FSUtils.debug.message ("FSSessionManager.getSessionList: Called"); return (List)userIDSessionListMap.get(userID.toLowerCase()); } /** * Sets session list. * @param userID user ID * @param sessionList list of sessions to be set */ public void setSessionList (String userID, List sessionList){ FSUtils.debug.message ("FSSessionManager.setSessionList: Called"); userIDSessionListMap.put(userID.toLowerCase(), sessionList); if ((agent != null) && agent.isRunning() && (idffSvc != null)) { idffSvc.setUserIDSessionList((long)userIDSessionListMap.size()); } } /** * Removes session list associated with userID. * @param userID user ID */ public void removeSessionList (String userID){ FSUtils.debug.message ("FSSessionManager.removeSessionList: Called "); userIDSessionListMap.remove(userID.toLowerCase()); if ((agent != null) && agent.isRunning() && (idffSvc != null)) { idffSvc.setUserIDSessionList((long)userIDSessionListMap.size()); } } /** * Returns session with sessionID for userID. * @param userID user ID * @param sessionID session ID * @return FSSession object */ public FSSession getSession(String userID, String sessionID) { FSUtils.debug.message ("FSSessionManager.getSession: Called "); List sessions = getSessionList (userID); if (sessions != null){ synchronized (sessions) { Iterator i = sessions.iterator (); while (i.hasNext ()) { FSSession session = (FSSession) (); if (session.isEquals(sessionID)){ return session; } } } } return null; } /** * Returns the session in sessions whose session index is * sessionIndex. * @param sessions list of FSSessions. * @param sessionIndex session index * @return FSSession object whose session index is * sessionIndex */ public FSSession getSession(List sessions, String sessionIndex) { FSUtils.debug.message("FSSessionManager.getSession(sessionIndex):"); if (sessions == null || sessionIndex == null) { FSUtils.debug.error("FSSessionManager.getSession(sessionIndex):" + "sessions or sessionIndex is null"); return null; } synchronized (sessions) { Iterator i = sessions.iterator (); while (i.hasNext ()) { FSSession session = (FSSession) (); String tmpIndex = session.getSessionIndex(); if (tmpIndex != null && tmpIndex.equals(sessionIndex)) { return session; } } } if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) { FSUtils.debug.message("FSSessionManager.getSession(sessionIndex):" + "No session found for the given session index."); } return null; } /** * Returns session associated with token. * @param token session object * @return FSSession associated with the token */ public FSSession getSession(Object token){ FSUtils.debug.message ("FSSessionManager.getSession: Called"); if (token == null) { return null; } try { SessionProvider sessionProvider = SessionManager.getProvider(); String univId = sessionProvider.getPrincipalName(token); String sessionID = sessionProvider.getSessionID(token); return getSession(univId, sessionID); } catch (Exception e) { FSUtils.debug.error("FSSessionManager.getSession(token) : ", e); return null; } } /** * Removes entityID from userID's * session partner list. * @param userID user ID * @param entityID entity ID of the provider to be removed * @param localSession FSSession object */ public void removeProvider( String userID, String entityID, FSSession localSession) { FSUtils.debug.message ("FSSessionManager.removeProvider: Called "); if (localSession != null) { if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) { FSUtils.debug.message("FSSessionManager.removeProvider: " + "localSession is not null"); } localSession.removeSessionPartner(entityID); return; } List sessions = getSessionList(userID); if (sessions != null) { synchronized (sessions) { Iterator i = sessions.iterator(); while (i.hasNext ()) { FSSession session = (FSSession) (); if (session != null){ if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) { FSUtils.debug.message("removeSessionPartner" + entityID); } session.removeSessionPartner(entityID); } } } } } /** * Removes a federation session of an user. * @param userID user ID * @param session federation session to be removed */ public void removeSession (String userID, FSSession session){ FSUtils.debug.message ("FSSessionManager.removeSession: Called"); List sessions = getSessionList(userID); if (sessions != null){ synchronized (sessions) { Iterator i = sessions.iterator (); while (i.hasNext ()) { FSSession oldsession = (FSSession) (); if (oldsession.equals(session)) { sessions.remove(oldsession); break; } } } if (sessions.isEmpty()) { removeSessionList(userID); } } } /** * Adds a federation session to a user. * @param userID user ID * @param session federation session to be added */ public void addSession (String userID, FSSession session){ FSUtils.debug.message ("FSSessionManager.addSession: Called"); List sessions = getSessionList(userID); if (sessions != null) { synchronized (sessions) { Iterator i = sessions.iterator (); while (i.hasNext ()) { FSSession oldsession = (FSSession); if (oldsession.equals(session)){ sessions.remove(oldsession); break; } } sessions.add(session); return; } } List newSessionList = new ArrayList (); newSessionList.add(session); setSessionList(userID, newSessionList); } private FSSessionManager (String metaAlias){ if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) { FSUtils.debug.message ("FSSessionManager(): created " + metaAlias); } realm = IDFFMetaUtils.getRealmByMetaAlias(metaAlias); try { IDFFMetaManager metaManager = FSUtils.getIDFFMetaManager(); hostEntityId = metaManager.getEntityIDByMetaAlias(metaAlias); } catch (Exception ie) { if (FSUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) { FSUtils.debug.warning("FSSessionManager constructor: couldnot " + "obtain hosted entity ID:", ie); } } if (sessStats.isEnabled()) { dnStats = new FSSessionMapStats(userIDSessionListMap, "userIDSessionListMap", realm, hostEntityId); sessStats.addStatsListener(dnStats); reqStats = new FSSessionMapStats(idAuthnRequestMap, "idAuthnRequestMap", realm, hostEntityId); sessStats.addStatsListener(reqStats); tokenStats = new FSSessionMapStats(idLocalSessionTokenMap, "idLocalSessionTokenMap", realm, hostEntityId); sessStats.addStatsListener(tokenStats); idStats = new FSSessionMapStats(idDestnMap, "idDestnMap", realm, hostEntityId); sessStats.addStatsListener(idStats); relayStats = new FSSessionMapStats(relayStateMap, "relayStateMap", realm, hostEntityId); sessStats.addStatsListener(relayStats); } if (cleanupInterval != 0 && requestTimeout != 0 && SystemConfigurationUtil.isServerMode()) { if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) { FSUtils.debug.message("FSSessionManager.getInstance: " + "start cleanup thread for " + hostEntityId + " in realm " + realm); } cRunnable = new FSRequestCleanUpRunnable(idAuthnRequestMap, idDestnMap, cleanupInterval, requestTimeout); SystemTimerPool.getTimerPool().schedule(cRunnable, new Date( ((currentTimeMillis() + cleanupInterval) / 1000) * 1000)); } } /** * Gets the singleton instance of FSSessionManager. * @param metaAlias hosted provider's metaAlias * @return The singleton FSSessionManager instance * for this provider */ public static synchronized FSSessionManager getInstance (String metaAlias){ // not throwing any exception if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled () ) { FSUtils.debug.message ("FSSessionManager.getInstance: Called " + metaAlias); } if (metaAlias == null) { FSUtils.debug.error( "FSSessionManager.getInstance: null provider meta alias"); return null; } FSSessionManager instance = (FSSessionManager)instanceMap.get(metaAlias); if (instance == null) { if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled () ) { FSUtils.debug.message ("FSSessionManager.getInstance: " + "new instance of FSSessionManager: " + metaAlias); } instance = new FSSessionManager(metaAlias); synchronized (instanceMap) { instanceMap.put(metaAlias, instance); } } return (instance); } }// end class

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