Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The package {@code} defines read-only
properties and writable properties, plus a number of implementations.
Read-only Properties
Read-only properties have two getters, {@code get()} returns the
primitive value, {@code getValue()} returns the boxed value.
It is possible to observe read-only properties for changes. They
define methods to add and remove {@link
javafx.beans.InvalidationListener InvalidationListeners} and {@link
javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener ChangeListeners}.
To get the context of a read-only property, two methods {@code
getBean()} and {@code getName()} are defined. They return the
containing bean and the name of a property.
Writable Properties
In addition to the functionality defined for read-only
properties, writable properties contain the following methods.
A writable property defines two setters in addition to the
getters defined for read-only properties. The setter {@code set()}
takes a primitive value, the second setter {@code setValue()} takes
the boxed value.
All properties can be bound to {@link
javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue ObservableValues} of the same type,
which means that the property will always contain the same value as
the bound {@code ObservableValue}. It is also possible to define a
bidirectional binding between two properties, so that both properties
always contain the same value. If one of the properties changes, the
other one will be updated.