org.openl.rules.messages.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
ws.common.error.404 = Sorry! Page Not Found!
ws.common.error.500 = Oops! Something went wrong. Try refreshing the page.
ws.common.error.save = Failed to save the changes. Close the module Excel file and try again.
ws.common.icon.close = Close
ws.common.icon.remove = Remove
ws.header.user.details = User details
ws.header.user.settings = User settings
ws.header.signout = Sign out
ws.header.signout.confirm = Are you sure you want to sign out?
ws.header.help = Help
ws.header.editor = EDITOR
ws.header.editor.title = Manage rules
ws.header.repo = REPOSITORY
ws.header.repo.title = Manage projects and deployments
ws.header.admin = ADMIN
ws.header.admin.title = Manage system settings and users
ws.login.username = Username
ws.login.password = Password
ws.login.remember = Remember me
ws.login.signin = Sign in
ws.login.wrong = Wrong username or/and password
ws.login.error = An authentication request could not be processed due to a system problem
ws.problems = Problems
ws.home.total_projects = Total projects
ws.home.doc = OpenL Tablets Documentation
ws.home.doc.install_guide = Installation Guide
ws.home.doc.ref_guide = Reference Guide
ws.home.doc.dev_guide = Developer Guide
ws.home.doc.ws_guide = OpenL Studio User Guide
ws.home.doc.service_guide = Rule Services Usage and Customization Guide
ws.home.net = OpenL Tablets on the Internet
ws.home.net.site = Official Website
ws.home.net.news = OpenL Tablets News
ws.home.net.twitter = OpenL Tablets on Twitter
ws.home.net.github = OpenL Tablets Discussions
ws.home.dev = Additional Information
ws.home.dev.properties = application.properties example
ws.home.dev.api-docs = Internal REST API documentation based on the OpenAPI schema
ws.module.tables = Number of Tables
ws.module.tables.failed = failed
ws.module.dependencies = Dependencies
ws.module.includes = Included modules
ws.module.imports = Imports
ws.projects.filter = Filter by Name
ws.projects.no = No Projects in the Workspace
ws.projects.no.goto1 = Please go to the
ws.projects.no.goto2 = Repository
ws.projects.no.goto3 = to create a new project
ws.project.warning.version.old = You are trying to edit old revision of the project. Do you want to overwrite newer revision?
ws.project.warning.other.branch = Are you sure you want to change the branch? Your current changes will be lost if you continue.
ws.tables.visited.return = Return to the module tree
ws.tables.visited.no = There are no tables in the list
ws.copy.header = Copy
ws.copy.as = Copy as
ws.copy.table = New Table
ws.copy.version = New Version
ws.copy.dimension = New Business Dimension Version
ws.copy.props = Name and Properties
ws.copy.name = Name
ws.copy.name.invalid = Name is not found in this table. Please, fix errors or select other type of copy.
ws.copy.version.current = Current
ws.copy.props.remove = Remove property
ws.copy.to = Save To
ws.copy.to.module = Module
ws.copy.to.category = Category
ws.copy.to.category.existing = Existing
ws.copy.to.category.new = New
ws.copy.copy = Copy
ws.table.error.edit = Edit cell containing error
ws.table.warning.edit = Edit cell containing warning
ws.table.info.edit = Edit cell containing info
ws.table.details = Table Details
ws.compare.header = Compare Excel files
ws.compare.select = Select 2 Excel Files
ws.compare.equals = Show equal elements
ws.compare.equal.rows = Show equal rows
ws.compare.compare = Compare
ws.compare.panel.show = Show Panel
ws.compare.panel.hide = Hide Panel
ws.compare.file1 = File 1 fragment
ws.compare.file2 = File 2 fragment
ws.search.indexing = Simplified search results are available now. For the complete search experience, please retry in {0} minute. Indexing of {1} tables is in progress.
ws.search.found = tables found
ws.search.no = No results found
ws.search.advanced = Advanced Search
ws.search.input = Search...
ws.search.table.type = Table Type
ws.search.scope.type = Scope
ws.search.table.header = Header contains
ws.search.table.properties = Table Properties
ws.search.table.properties.add = Add
ws.search.search = Search
ws.search.results.view = View Table
ws.deploy.publisher.WEBSERVICE = SOAP service
ws.deploy.publisher.RESTFUL = RESTful service
ws.deploy.publisher.RMI = RMI
ws.deploy.publisher.KAFKA = Kafka service
ws.module.exists = Warning! The following module already exists and all of its content is going to be overwritten.
ws.module.not.exists = The following module doesn't exist and is going to be created:
ws.project.openapi.mode.reconciliation = Reconciliation
ws.project.openapi.mode.generation = Tables generation
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