i18n.validation.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
# Validation Messages Overrides
javax.validation.constraints.NotBlank.message = Cannot be empty.
javax.validation.constraints.Size.message = The size must be between {min} and {max}.
#OpenL Custom Validation Messages
openl.constraints.size.max.message = Must be less than {max}.
openl.constraints.not-blank.project-name.message = The project name cannot be empty.
openl.constraints.path.message = The path is not valid.
openl.constraints.path.1.message = The path in the repository cannot start with '/'.
openl.constraints.path.2.message = The path in the repository cannot end with '/'.
openl.constraints.project-name.message = The project name is not valid.
openl.constraints.project-name.1.message = The specified name is not a valid project name.
openl.constraints.project-name.2.message = The specified project name is a reserved word.
openl.constraints.password.default = The password is not valid.
openl.constraints.password.empty.message = Enter your password.
openl.constraints.password.not-match.message = The new password and confirmed password do not match.
openl.constraints.password.wrong-current.message = Incorrect current password.
openl.constraints.username.1.message = The name cannot contain consecutive '.'.
openl.constraints.username.2.message = The name cannot start or end with '.'.
openl.constraints.username.3.message = The name cannot contain spaces and any of the following characters: / \\ : * ? " < > | { } ~ ^ ; %
openl.constraints.username.exists.message = A user with such username already exists.
openl.constraints.mail.config.not-empty.message = Email server configuration fields cannot be empty.
openl.constraints.mail.config.wrong.message = Wrong email server configuration. {error}
openl.constraints.user.email.format.message = The email address is invalid.
openl.error.zip-archive.unknown.charset.message = Cannot detect a charset for the zip file.
openl.error.zip-archive.unknown.project.structure.message = Unknown project structure.
openl.error.zip-archive.invalid.path.message = Invalid path inside archive: {0}.
openl.error.zip-archive.invalid.archive.message = The provided file is not an archive.
openl.error.zip-archive.empty.archive.message = Cannot create a project from this file: the zip file is empty.
openl.error.repo.not-supported.path.message = Design repository does not support folders. The path must be empty.
openl.error.repo.invalid.comment.message = {0}.
openl.error.branch.name.empty.message = The branch name cannot be empty.
openl.error.branch.name.invalid.message = Invalid branch name. Must not contain whitespaces or following characters: \\ : * ? " < > | { } ~ ^
openl.error.branch.name.invalid.1.message = Invalid branch name. Should not contain consecutive symbols '.' or '/'.
openl.error.branch.name.invalid.2.message = Invalid branch name. Cannot start with '.' or '/'.
openl.error.branch.name.invalid.3.message = Invalid branch name. Should not contain '.lock/' or end with '.lock'.
openl.error.branch.name.invalid.4.message = Branch name contains reserved words or symbols.
openl.error.branch.name.exists.message = Branch ''{0}'' already exists in repository.
openl.error.branch.name.exists.1.message = Cannot create the branch ''{0}'' because the branch ''{1}'' already exists.\n\
Explanation: for example a branch ''foo/bar'' exists. That branch can be considered as a file 'bar' located in the folder ''foo''.\n\
So you cannot create a branch ''foo/bar/baz'' because you cannot create the folder ''foo/bar'': the file with such name already exists.
openl.error.branch.name.invalid.pattern.message = Branch name must match the following pattern: {0}.
openl.error.branch.pattern.invalid.message = Invalid regex pattern for branch name.
openl.error.400.cannot.be.empty.message = Cannot be empty.
openl.error.400.invalid.name.message = The name cannot contain forbidden characters (\\, /, :, ;, <, >, ?, *, %, ', [, ], |, "), or start with a space, or end with a space or dot.
openl.error.400.mail.wrong.token = The verification link is not valid.
openl.error.400.invalid.pageable.query.message = Only one pageable query parameter can be used at the same time: either "page" or "offset".
openl.error.400.pageable.parse.query.message = Failed to parse the value of the ''{0}'' query parameter: {1}.
openl.error.400.pageable.min.query.message = The value of the ''{0}'' query parameter must be greater or equal to ''{1}''.
openl.error.400.repo.invalid.comment.message = {0}.
openl.error.409.duplicated.group.message = A group with such name already exists.
openl.error.409.duplicated.project.message = Cannot create a project because the project with such name already exists.
openl.error.409.duplicated.project.1.message = Cannot create a project because the project with such path already exists. Try importing that project from the repository or use another path or name for a new project.
openl.error.409.duplicated.project.2.message = Cannot create a project because the path conflicts with the existing project.
openl.error.409.project.archived.message = The project ''{0}'' is archived.
openl.error.409.duplicated.tag-type.message = The tag type with the ''{0}'' name already exists.
openl.error.409.duplicated.tag.message = The tag with the ''{0}'' name already exists.
openl.error.409.open.duplicated.project = Cannot open two projects with the same name. Close the currently opened project and try again.
openl.error.404.design.repo.message = Design repository ''{0}'' is not found.
openl.error.404.deploy-config.repo.message = Deploy Configuration Repository is not found.
openl.error.404.users.message = The user ''{0}'' is not found.
openl.error.404.project.message = The project ''{0}'' is not found.
openl.error.404.deploy-config.message = The deploy configuration ''{0}'' is not found.
openl.error.404.tag.message = The tag is not found.
openl.error.404.tag-type.message = The tag type is not found.
openl.error.404.repository.history.message = Overall history is not supported by the requested repository.
openl.error.404.repository.branch.message = The branch is not found in the target repository.
openl.error.403.default.message = You do not have the required privileges to do that.
openl.error.423.restore.xls-file.message = Restoring changes failed. Close the module Excel file and try again.
openl.error.423.restore.file.message = Restoring changes failed because some resources are in use.
openl.error.409.project.close.conflict.message = Cannot close a local or closed project.
openl.error.409.project.close.deleted.message = Cannot close a deleted project.
openl.error.409.project.open.conflict.message = Cannot open a local or already opened project.
openl.error.409.project.open.deleted.message = Cannot open a deleted project.
openl.error.409.project.deploy.conflict.message = Cannot deploy a project with unsaved changes.
openl.error.409.project.deploy.deleted.message = Cannot deploy a deleted project.
openl.error.409.project.delete.message = Cannot delete a project.
openl.error.409.project.erase.message = Cannot erase project.
openl.error.409.project.delete.locked.message = The project is locked by another user and cannot be archived.
openl.error.409.project.delete.branch.message = The project does not exist in the branch.
openl.error.409.owner.message = Failed to update owner.
openl.error.409.project.switch.branch.failed.message = Failed to switch to the ''{0}'' branch.
openl.error.409.project.branch.unsupported.message = The project does not support branches.
openl.error.409.project.status.update.failed.message = Failed to update project status.
openl.error.409.project.branch.create.failed.message = Failed to create a branch.
openl.error.409.project.locked.message = The project is locked by another user.
openl.error.409.project.not.opened.message = The project is not opened.
openl.error.404.repository.permission.message = Permission ''{0}'' is not found.
openl.error.404.repository.type.message = Repository type ''{0}'' is not found.
openl.error.404.group.message = Group is not found.
openl.error.404.repository.message = Repository ''{0}'' is not found.
openl.error.404.project.identifier.message = The project identifier is invalid or not found.
openl.error.404.table.message = The table is not found.
openl.error.400.unsupported.table.type.message = Table type is not supported.
openl.error.400.invalid.project.status.message = Invalid project status.