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gridscale.egi.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package gridscale
import java.math.BigInteger
import{ KeyPair, KeyPairGenerator, Security }
import java.util.{ Calendar, GregorianCalendar, TimeZone }
import gridscale.effectaside._
import scala.language.{ higherKinds, postfixOps }
package object egi {
import gridscale.http._
import squants._
import time.TimeConversions._
import information.InformationConversions._
import gridscale.authentication._
case class BDIIServer(host: String, port: Int, timeout: Time = 1 minutes)
case class CREAMCELocation(hostingCluster: String, port: Int, uniqueId: String, contact: String, memory: Int, maxWallTime: Int, maxCPUTime: Int, status: String)
object BDII {
def trimSlashes(path: String) =
path.reverse.dropWhile(_ == '/').reverse.dropWhile(_ == '/')
def location(host: String, port: Int, basePath: String) =
"https://" + trimSlashes(host) + ":" + port + "/" + trimSlashes(basePath) + "/"
def apply(): Effect[BDII] = Effect(new BDII())
class BDII() {
def webDAVs(server: BDIIServer, vo: String) = {
val creamCEServiceType = "org.glite.ce.CREAM"
BDIIQuery.withBDIIQuery(, server.port, server.timeout) { q ⇒
def searchPhrase = "(GLUE2EndpointInterfaceName=webdav)"
val services =
for {
webdavService ← q.query(searchPhrase, bindDN = "o=glue").toSeq
id = webdavService.getAttributes.get("GLUE2EndpointID").get.toString
url = webdavService.getAttributes.get("GLUE2EndpointURL").get.toString
} yield (id, url)
for {
(id, url) ← services.toVector
urlObject = new
host = urlObject.getHost
pathQuery ← q.query(s"(&(GlueChunkKey=GlueSEUniqueID=$host)(GlueVOInfoAccessControlBaseRule=VO:$vo))")
path = pathQuery.getAttributes.get("GlueVOInfoPath").get.toString
} yield BDII.location(urlObject.getHost, urlObject.getPort, path)
def creamCEs(server: BDIIServer, vo: String) = {
BDIIQuery.withBDIIQuery(, server.port, server.timeout) { q ⇒
val res = q.query(s"(&(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VO:$vo)(GlueCEImplementationName=CREAM))")
case class Machine(memory: Int)
def machineInfo(host: String) = {
val info = q.query(s"(GlueChunkKey=GlueClusterUniqueID=$host)")(0)
Machine(memory = info.getAttributes.get("GlueHostMainMemoryRAMSize").get().toString.toInt)
for {
info ← res.toVector
maxWallTime = info.getAttributes.get("GlueCEPolicyMaxWallClockTime").get.toString.toInt
maxCpuTime = info.getAttributes.get("GlueCEPolicyMaxCPUTime").get.toString.toInt
port = info.getAttributes.get("GlueCEInfoGatekeeperPort").get.toString.toInt
uniqueId = info.getAttributes.get("GlueCEUniqueID").get.toString
contact = info.getAttributes.get("GlueCEInfoContactString").get.toString
status = info.getAttributes.get("GlueCEStateStatus").get.toString
hostingCluster = info.getAttributes.get("GlueCEHostingCluster").get.toString
memory = machineInfo(hostingCluster).memory
} yield {
hostingCluster = hostingCluster,
port = port,
uniqueId = uniqueId,
contact = contact,
memory = memory,
maxCPUTime = maxCpuTime,
maxWallTime = maxWallTime,
status = status)
def webDAVs(server: BDIIServer, vo: String)(implicit bdii: Effect[BDII]) = bdii().webDAVs(server, vo)
def creamCEs(server: BDIIServer, vo: String)(implicit bdii: Effect[BDII]) = bdii().creamCEs(server, vo)
object VOMS {
case class VOMSCredential(
certificate: HTTPS.KeyStoreOperations.Credential,
p12: P12Authentication,
serverCertificates: Vector[HTTPS.KeyStoreOperations.Certificate],
ending: java.util.Date,
lifetime: Time,
factory: HTTPS.SSLSocketFactory)
object ProxyError {
def apply(reason: Reason, message: Option[String]) = new ProxyError(reason, message)
class ProxyError(val reason: Reason, val message: Option[String]) extends AuthenticationException(s"${reason}: ${message.getOrElse("No message")}")
sealed trait Reason
object Reason {
case object NoSuchUser extends Reason
case object BadRequest extends Reason
case object SuspendedUser extends Reason
case object InternalError extends Reason
case object Unknown extends Reason
sealed trait ProxySize
object ProxySize {
case object PS1024 extends ProxySize
case object PS2048 extends ProxySize
def renewProxy(renewOperation: () ⇒ VOMSCredential)(credential: VOMSCredential, margin: Time = 1 hours)(implicit system: Effect[System]) = {
def renew(now: Long): VOMSCredential =
if (credential.ending.getTime - margin.millis > now) renewOperation() else credential
val now = system().currentTime()
def get(vo: String, apiKey: String) = {
import xml._
val idCard =
headers = Seq(("X-API-Key", apiKey))
if(idCard \ "Vo" isEmpty) None
else {
val vomses = (idCard \ "Vo" \ "Registries" \ "VoVomsServer")
val hosts =
for {
voms <- vomses
} yield {
val host = (voms \ "hostname").text
val port = voms.attribute("vomses_port").get.text
def proxy(
voms: String,
p12: P12Authentication,
lifetime: Time = 24 hours,
fqan: Option[String] = None,
proxySize: ProxySize = ProxySize.PS2048,
timeout: Time = 1 minutes)(implicit http: Effect[HTTP], fileSystem: Effect[FileSystem]) = {
case class VOMSProxy(ac: String, p12: P12Authentication, serverCertificates: Vector[HTTPS.KeyStoreOperations.Certificate])
def parseAC(s: String, p12: P12Authentication, serverCertificates: Vector[HTTPS.KeyStoreOperations.Certificate]) = {
val xml = scala.xml.XML.loadString(s)
def content = (xml \\ "voms" \\ "ac")
def error = (xml \\ "voms" \\ "error")
content match {
case Some(c) ⇒ VOMSProxy(c, p12, serverCertificates)
case None ⇒
def message = (error \\ "message")
(error \\ "code") match {
case Some("NoSuchUser") ⇒ throw ProxyError(Reason.NoSuchUser, message)
case Some("BadRequest") ⇒ throw ProxyError(Reason.BadRequest, message)
case Some("SuspendedUser") ⇒ throw ProxyError(Reason.SuspendedUser, message)
case Some(r) ⇒ throw ProxyError(Reason.InternalError, message)
case _ ⇒ throw ProxyError(Reason.Unknown, message)
def credential(proxy: VOMSProxy) = {
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.{ X500Name }
import org.bouncycastle.cert.jcajce.JcaX509CertificateConverter
import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
import org.bouncycastle.asn1._
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509._
val acBytes = new Base64().decode("\n", ""))
val asn1InputStream = new ASN1InputStream(acBytes)
val asn1Object = asn1InputStream.readObject()
val attributeCertificate = AttributeCertificate.getInstance(asn1Object)
val cred = P12Authentication.loadPKCS12Credentials(proxy.p12)
import org.bouncycastle.cert.X509v3CertificateBuilder
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider)
val keys = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA", "BC")
proxySize match {
case ProxySize.PS1024 ⇒ keys.initialize(1024)
case ProxySize.PS2048 ⇒ keys.initialize(2048)
val pair = keys.genKeyPair
val number = Math.abs(scala.util.Random.nextLong)
val serial: BigInteger = new BigInteger(String.valueOf(Math.abs(number)))
val issuer: X500Name = new X500Name(RFC4519Style.INSTANCE, cred.certificate.getSubjectDN.getName)
// TODO use system monad
val now = new java.util.Date()
val notBefore: Time = {
val notBeforeDate = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"))
notBeforeDate.add(Calendar.MINUTE, -5)
new Time(notBeforeDate.getTime)
val (notAfter, notAfterDate) = {
val notAfterDate = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"))
notAfterDate.add(Calendar.SECOND, lifetime.toSeconds.toInt)
(new Time(notAfterDate.getTime), notAfterDate.getTime)
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500NameBuilder
val subject = new X500Name(RFC4519Style.INSTANCE, cred.certificate.getSubjectDN.getName)
val builder = new X500NameBuilder(RFC4519Style.INSTANCE)
subject.getRDNs.foreach(rdn ⇒ builder.addMultiValuedRDN(rdn.getTypesAndValues))
builder.addRDN(, number.toString)
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.SubjectPublicKeyInfo
val subjectPublicKeyInfo = SubjectPublicKeyInfo.getInstance(ASN1Sequence.getInstance(pair.getPublic.getEncoded))
val certGen = new X509v3CertificateBuilder(
val acVector = new ASN1EncodableVector
val seqac = new DERSequence(acVector)
val seqacwrap = new DERSequence(seqac)
certGen.addExtension(new ASN1ObjectIdentifier("").intern(), false, seqacwrap)
val PROXY_CERT_INFO_V4_OID: String = ""
val IMPERSONATION = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier("")
val INDEPENDENT = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier("")
val LIMITED = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier("")
val proxyTypeVector = new ASN1EncodableVector
certGen.addExtension(new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(PROXY_CERT_INFO_V4_OID).intern(), true, new DERSequence(new DERSequence(proxyTypeVector)))
import org.bouncycastle.operator.jcajce.JcaContentSignerBuilder
val sigGen = new JcaContentSignerBuilder("SHA512WithRSAEncryption").setProvider("BC").build(cred.key)
val certificateHolder =
val generatedCertificate = new JcaX509CertificateConverter().setProvider("BC").getCertificate(certificateHolder)
(HTTPS.KeyStoreOperations.Credential(pair.getPrivate, Vector(generatedCertificate) ++ cred.chain.toVector, proxy.p12.password), notAfterDate)
def socketFactory(certificate: HTTPS.KeyStoreOperations.Credential, serverCertificates: Vector[HTTPS.KeyStoreOperations.Certificate], password: String)(implicit http: Effect[HTTP]) =
HTTPS.socketFactory(Vector(certificate) ++ serverCertificates, password)
val options =
Some("lifetime=" + lifetime.toSeconds.toLong),"fqans=" + _)).flatten.mkString("&")
val location = s"/generate-ac${if (!options.isEmpty) "?" + options else ""}"
val userCertificate = HTTPS.readP12(p12.certificate, p12.password)
val certificates = HTTPS.readPEMCertificates(certificateDirectory)
val vomsFactory = HTTPS.socketFactory(certificates ++ Vector(userCertificate), p12.password)
val server = HTTPSServer(s"https://$voms", vomsFactory, timeout)
val content = http().content(server, location)
val proxy = parseAC(content, p12, certificates)
val (cred, notAfter) = credential(proxy)
val factory = socketFactory(cred, certificates, p12.password)
VOMSCredential(cred, p12, certificates, notAfter, lifetime, factory)
import squants.time.TimeConversions._
// def keyStore(p12Authentication: P12Authentication, certificates: Vector[]) =
// P12Authentication.load(p12Authentication).map { ks ⇒ HTTPS.addToKeyStore(certificates, ks) }
// def query(
// host: String,
// port: Int,
// p12Authentication: P12Authentication,
// lifetime: Option[Int] = None,
// fquan: Option[String] = None,
// timeout: Time = 1 minutes)(authentication: A)(f: RESTVOMSResponse ⇒ T): T = {
// val _timeout = timeout
// val client = new HTTPSClient {
// override val timeout = _timeout
// override val factory = implicitly[HTTPSAuthentication[A]].factory(authentication)
// }
// client.withClient { c ⇒
// val options =
// List(
//"lifetime=" + _),
//"fquans=" + _)
// ).flatten.mkString("&")
// val uri = new URI(s"https://$host:$port/generate-ac${if (!options.isEmpty) "?" + options else ""}")
// val get = new HttpGet(uri)
// val r = c.execute(get)
// if (r.getStatusLine.getStatusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK)
// throw new AuthenticationException("VOMS server returned " + r.getStatusLine.toString)
// val parse = new RESTVOMSResponseParsingStrategy()
// val parsed = parse.parse(r.getEntity.getContent)
// f(parsed)
// }
// }