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container.Registry.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2017 Jonathan Passerat-Palmbach
* Copyright (C) 2017 Romain Reuillon
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package container
import better.files.{ File => BFile, _ }
import java.io.{ File, _ }
import java.util.concurrent.{ Callable, ThreadPoolExecutor, TimeUnit, TimeoutException }
import java.util.zip.{ GZIPInputStream, GZIPOutputStream }
import java.net.URI
import container.OCI.{ ConfigurationData, ManifestData }
import org.apache.http.{ Header, HttpHost, HttpRequest, HttpResponse }
import org.apache.http.client.config.RequestConfig
import org.apache.http.client.methods.{ HttpGet, HttpHead, HttpUriRequest, RequestBuilder }
import org.apache.http.impl.client.{ DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler, HttpClients, LaxRedirectStrategy }
import org.apache.http.impl.conn.BasicHttpClientConnectionManager
import DockerMetadata._
import io.circe.syntax._
//import io.circe.generic.extras.auto._
import io.circe.generic.auto._
import io.circe.jawn.decode
import io.circe.parser._
import squants.time._
import cats.implicits._
import io.circe.Json
import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext
import container.Status._
// A remplacer ...
class UserBadDataError(exception: Throwable, val message: String) extends Exception(message, exception) {
def this(message: String) = {
this(null, message)
def this(e: Throwable) = {
this(e, null)
// ...
// ---------
object NetworkService {
case class HttpHost(hostURI: String)
object HttpHost {
def toString(host: HttpHost) = host.hostURI
class NetworkService(val httpProxy: Option[HttpHost])
case class Err(msg: String) {
def +(o: Err) = Err(msg + o.msg)
case class RegistryImage(
name: String,
tag: String = "latest",
registry: String = "https://registry-1.docker.io",
command: Seq[String] = Seq())
object Stream {
def copy(inputStream: InputStream, outputStream: OutputStream) = {
val DefaultBufferSize = 16 * 1024
val buffer = new Array[Byte](DefaultBufferSize)
Iterator.continually(inputStream.read(buffer)).takeWhile(_ != -1).foreach { outputStream.write(buffer, 0, _) }
object Registry {
// ...
// type FileInfo = (External.DeployedFile, File)
// type VolumeInfo = (File, String)
type MountPoint = (String, String)
type ContainerId = String
// ...
def content(response: HttpResponse) =
object HTTP {
def redirectStrategy(preventGetHeaderForward: Boolean) = new LaxRedirectStrategy() {
override def getRedirect(request: HttpRequest, response: HttpResponse, context: HttpContext): HttpUriRequest = {
val uri = this.getLocationURI(request, response, context)
val method = request.getRequestLine.getMethod
val redirected = if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("HEAD")) new HttpHead(uri)
else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("GET")) {
if (preventGetHeaderForward)
new HttpGet(uri) {
override def addHeader(header: Header): Unit = {}
override def addHeader(name: ContainerId, value: ContainerId): Unit = {}
override def setHeader(header: Header): Unit = {}
override def setHeader(name: ContainerId, value: ContainerId): Unit = {}
override def setHeaders(headers: Array[Header]): Unit = {}
else new HttpGet(uri)
} else {
val status = response.getStatusLine.getStatusCode
(if (status == 307) RequestBuilder.copy(request).setUri(uri).build
else new HttpGet(uri)).asInstanceOf[HttpUriRequest]
def builder(preventGetHeaderForward: Boolean = false) =
HttpClients.custom().setConnectionManager(new BasicHttpClientConnectionManager()).setRedirectStrategy(redirectStrategy(preventGetHeaderForward))
def httpProxyAsHost(implicit networkService: NetworkService): Option[HttpHost] =
networkService.httpProxy.map { host ⇒ HttpHost.create(NetworkService.HttpHost.toString(host)) }
def client(proxy: Option[HttpHost], preventGetHeaderForward: Boolean = false) =
proxy match {
case Some(httpHost: HttpHost) ⇒ builder(preventGetHeaderForward = preventGetHeaderForward).setProxy(httpHost).build()
case _ ⇒ builder(preventGetHeaderForward = preventGetHeaderForward).build()
def execute[T](get: HttpGet, proxy: Option[HttpHost], checkError: Boolean = true, preventGetHeaderForward: Boolean = false)(f: HttpResponse ⇒ T) = {
val response = client(proxy = proxy, preventGetHeaderForward = preventGetHeaderForward).execute(get)
if (checkError && response.getStatusLine.getStatusCode >= 300)
throw new UserBadDataError(s"Docker registry responded with $response to the query $get, content is ${response.getEntity.getContent.toString}")
try f(response)
finally response.close()
import HTTP._
// FIXME should integrate File?
sealed trait LayerElement
final case class Layer(digest: String) extends LayerElement
final case class LayerConfig(digest: String) extends LayerElement
case class Manifest(value: ImageManifestV2Schema1, image: RegistryImage)
object Token {
case class AuthenticationRequest(scheme: String, realm: String, service: String, scope: String)
case class Token(scheme: String, token: String)
def withToken(url: String, timeout: Time, proxy: Option[HttpHost]) = {
val get = new HttpGet(url)
val authenticationRequest = authentication(get, proxy = proxy)
val t = token(authenticationRequest, proxy = proxy)
val request = new HttpGet(url)
request.addHeader("Authorization", s"${t.scheme} ${t.token}")
def authentication(get: HttpGet, proxy: Option[HttpHost]) =
execute(get, proxy = proxy, checkError = false) { response ⇒
Option(response.getFirstHeader("Www-Authenticate")).map(_.getValue).map {
a ⇒
val Array(scheme, rest) = a.split(" ")
val map =
rest.split(",").map {
l ⇒
val kv = l.trim.split("=")
kv(0) → kv(1).stripPrefix("\"").stripSuffix("\"")
AuthenticationRequest(scheme, map("realm"), map("service"), map("scope"))
}.getOrElse(throw new RuntimeException(s"Failed to authentication on the docker registry, response does not contain www-authenticate header: ${response}"))
def token(authenticationRequest: AuthenticationRequest, proxy: Option[HttpHost]): Token = {
val tokenRequest = s"${authenticationRequest.realm}?service=${authenticationRequest.service}&scope=${authenticationRequest.scope}"
val get = new HttpGet(tokenRequest)
execute(get, proxy = proxy) { response ⇒
val responseContent = content(response)
try {
val tokenRes = for {
parsed ← parse(responseContent)
token ← parsed.hcursor.get[String]("token")
} yield Token(authenticationRequest.scheme, token)
} catch {
case t: Throwable => throw new IOException(s"Failed to obtain authentication token from docker registry, response to query $get was $responseContent.", t)
def baseURL(image: RegistryImage): String = {
val path = if (image.name.contains("/")) image.name else s"library/${image.name}"
def downloadManifest(image: RegistryImage, timeout: Time, proxy: Option[HttpHost]): String = {
val url = s"${baseURL(image)}/manifests/${image.tag}"
val httpResponse = client(proxy = proxy, preventGetHeaderForward = true).execute(Token.withToken(url, timeout, proxy = proxy))
if (httpResponse.getStatusLine.getStatusCode >= 300)
throw new UserBadDataError(s"Docker registry responded with $httpResponse to query of image $image")
def decodeConfig(configContent: String) = decode[ImageJSON](configContent).toTry
def decodeTopLevelManifest(manifestContent: String) = decode[List[TopLevelImageManifest]](manifestContent).map(_.head).toTry
def decodeManifest(manifestContent: String) = decode[ImageManifestV2Schema1](manifestContent).toTry
object Config {
def workDirectory(config: ImageJSON) = config.config.flatMap(_.WorkingDir) orElse config.container_config.flatMap(_.WorkingDir)
def env(config: ImageJSON) = config.config.flatMap(_.Env) orElse config.container_config.flatMap(_.Env)
def layers(manifest: ImageManifestV2Schema1): Seq[Layer] =
for {
fsLayers ← manifest.fsLayers.toSeq
fsLayer ← fsLayers
} yield Layer(fsLayer.blobSum)
def downloadBlob(image: RegistryImage, layer: Layer, file: BFile, timeout: Time, proxy: Option[HttpHost]): Unit = {
val url = s"""${baseURL(image)}/blobs/${layer.digest}"""
execute(Token.withToken(url, timeout, proxy = proxy), preventGetHeaderForward = true, proxy = proxy) { response ⇒
val os = file.newOutputStream
try Stream.copy(new GZIPInputStream(response.getEntity.getContent), os)
finally os.close()
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