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package container.tool
import org.apache.commons.compress.archivers.tar._
import{ BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream, File, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, IOException }
import java.nio.file.{ Files, LinkOption, Path, Paths, StandardCopyOption }
import java.util
import collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
object Tar {
private object Mode:
val EXEC_MODE = 1 + 8 + 64
val WRITE_MODE = 2 + 16 + 128
val READ_MODE = 4 + 32 + 256
import Mode._
def archive(directory: File, archive: File, includeDirectoryName: Boolean = false) = {
val tos = new TarArchiveOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(archive)))
try {
if (!Files.isDirectory(directory.toPath)) throw new IOException(directory.toString + " is not a directory.")
val toArchive = new util.Stack[(File, String)]
if (!includeDirectoryName) toArchive.push(directory → "") else toArchive.push(directory → directory.getName)
while (!toArchive.isEmpty) {
val (source, entryName) = toArchive.pop
val isSymbolicLink = Files.isSymbolicLink(source.toPath)
val isDirectory = Files.isDirectory(source.toPath)
// tar structure distinguishes symlinks
val e =
if (isDirectory && !isSymbolicLink) {
// walk the directory tree to add all its entries to stack
val stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(source.toPath)
try {
for (f ← stream.asScala) {
val newSource = source.toPath.resolve(f.getFileName)
val newEntryName = entryName + '/' + f.getFileName
toArchive.push((newSource.toFile, newEntryName))
} finally stream.close()
// create the actual tar entry for the directory
new TarArchiveEntry(entryName + '/')
} // tar distinguishes symlinks
else if (isSymbolicLink) {
val e = new TarArchiveEntry(entryName, TarConstants.LF_SYMLINK)
} // plain files
else {
val e = new TarArchiveEntry(entryName)
def mode(source: Path) = {
val f = source.toRealPath()
(if (Files.isReadable(f)) READ_MODE else 0) |
(if (Files.isWritable(f)) WRITE_MODE else 0) |
(if (Files.isExecutable(f)) EXEC_MODE else 0)
// complete current entry by fixing its modes and writing it to the archive
if (source != directory) {
if (!isSymbolicLink) e.setMode(mode(source.toPath))
if (Files.isRegularFile(source.toPath, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) try Files.copy(source.toPath, tos)
finally tos.closeArchiveEntry()
} finally tos.close()
def extract(archive: File, directory: File, overwrite: Boolean = true, compressed: Boolean = false, filter: Option[TarArchiveEntry => Boolean] = None) = {
/** set mode from an integer as retrieved from a Tar archive */
def setMode(file: Path, m: Int) =
val f = file.toRealPath().toFile
f.setReadable((m & READ_MODE) != 0)
f.setWritable((m & WRITE_MODE) != 0)
f.setExecutable((m & EXEC_MODE) != 0)
val tis =
if (!compressed) new TarArchiveInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(archive)))
else new TarArchiveInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(archive))))
try {
if (!directory.exists()) directory.mkdirs()
if (!Files.isDirectory(directory.toPath)) throw new IOException(directory.toString + " is not a directory.")
case class DirectoryMetaData(path: Path, mode: Int, time: Long)
val directoryRights = ListBuffer[DirectoryMetaData]()
def filterValue(e: TarArchiveEntry) =
Iterator.continually(tis.getNextTarEntry).takeWhile(_ != null).filter(filterValue).foreach: e ⇒
val dest = Paths.get(directory.toString, e.getName)
//if dest.toFile.getName.contains(".opq") then println("create " + dest)
if e.isDirectory
directoryRights += DirectoryMetaData(dest, e.getMode, e.getModTime.getTime)
// has the entry been marked as a symlink in the archive?
if e.getLinkName.nonEmpty
val link = Paths.get(e.getLinkName)
try Files.createSymbolicLink(dest, link)
case e: java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException if overwrite =>
Files.createSymbolicLink(dest, link)
// file copy from an InputStream does not support COPY_ATTRIBUTES, nor NOFOLLOW_LINKS
Files.copy(tis, dest, Seq(StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING).filter { _ ⇒ overwrite }: _*)
setMode(dest, e.getMode)
// Set directory right after extraction in case some directory are not writable
for r ← directoryRights
setMode(r.path, r.mode)
} finally tis.close()