mgo.evolution.neat.NEATCrossover.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// * Copyright (C) 17/09/2015 Guillaume Chérel
// *
// * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// * (at your option) any later version.
// *
// * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// * GNU General Public License for more details.
// *
// * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// * along with this program. If not, see .
// */
//package mgo.evolution.crossover
//import mgo.fitness.DoubleFitness
//import mgo.{ Individual, Population }
//import mgo.evolution.genome.NEATGenomesAlign
//import mgo.evolution.genome.NEATGenome
//import mgo.evolution.genome.NEATGenome.Genome
//import scalaz._
//import Scalaz._
//import scala.collection.immutable.IntMap
//import scala.util.Random
//trait NEATCrossover <: Crossover with NEATGenomesAlign with NEATGenome with DoubleFitness {
// def crossoverInheritDisabledProb: Double
// override def crossover(indivs: Seq[Individual[G, P, F]], population: Population[G, P, F], archive: A)(implicit rng: Random): BreedingContext[Vector[G]] = {
// val Vector(i1, i2) = indivs
// // - genes that match no other gene in the other genome are disjoint if they occur within the range of the the other genome innovation numbers
// // - they are excess if they occur outside this range.
// val aligned = alignGenomes(i1.genome.connectionGenes, i2.genome.connectionGenes)
// // - a new offspring is composed by chosing each matching genes randomly from either parent.
// // - excess or disjoint genes from the fittest parent are included.
// // - if the parents fitnesses are the same, inherit from the smallest genome or randomly
// val fittest = if (i1.fitness == i2.fitness) 0 else if (i1.fitness > i2.fitness) 1 else 2
// val newconnectiongenes =
// aligned.foldLeft(Seq[ConnectionGene]()) { (acc, pair) =>
// pair match {
// case (None, Some(cg2), _) =>
// if (fittest == 1) acc
// else if (fittest == 2) acc :+ cg2
// else if (rng.nextBoolean()) acc else acc :+ cg2
// case (Some(cg1), None, _) =>
// if (fittest == 1) acc :+ cg1
// else if (fittest == 2) acc
// else if (rng.nextBoolean()) acc :+ cg1 else acc
// case (Some(cg1), Some(cg2), _) =>
// val inherit =
// if (fittest == 1) cg1
// else if (fittest == 2) cg2
// else if (rng.nextBoolean()) cg1 else cg2
// // If one gene is disabled, the offspring gene is more likely to be disabled
// val disable =
// if (!(cg1.enabled && cg2.enabled)) rng.nextDouble() < crossoverInheritDisabledProb
// else false
// if (disable) acc :+ inherit.copy(enabled = false)
// else acc :+ inherit
// case (None, None, _) => acc
// }
// }.toVector
// // Include at least one node from each parent. Also include one for each input, output, and bias node that are not connected.
// val newnodesidx =
// (newconnectiongenes.flatMap { cg => Seq(cg.inNode, cg.outNode) } ++
// (inputNodesIndices ++ biasNodesIndices ++ outputNodesIndices)
// ).toSet
// val newnodes = IntMap(newnodesidx.toSeq.map { i =>
// i -> {
// if (!i1.genome.nodes.contains(i)) i2.genome.nodes(i)
// else if (!i2.genome.nodes.contains(i)) i1.genome.nodes(i)
// else if (rng.nextBoolean()) i1.genome.nodes(i) else i2.genome.nodes(i)
// }
// }: _*)
// if (newconnectiongenes.exists(cg1 => {
// if (newnodes(cg1.inNode).level >= newnodes(cg1.outNode).level) {
// println(cg1)
// true
// } else false
// })) throw new RuntimeException(s"Backwards!! $newconnectiongenes $newnodes\n$i1\n$i2")
// val result = Genome(
// connectionGenes = newconnectiongenes,
// nodes = newnodes,
// // Give the offspring its parents species. Species will be reattributed at the postBreeding
// // stage anyway. This will just be used as a hint to speed up species attribution
// species = i1.genome.species,
// lastNodeId = newnodes.lastKey)
// Vector(result).point[BreedingContext]
// }
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