mgo.evolution.neat.NEATSpeciesFitnessSharing.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
//package mgo.evolution.breed
//import mgo.evolution._
//import scala.collection.immutable.Map
//import scala.math._
// * Created by guillaume on 01/07/2015.
// */
//trait NEATSpeciesFitnessSharing extends NEATGenome with DoubleFitness with P {
// def speciesOffsprings(
// indivsBySpecies: Map[Int, Seq[Individual[G, P, F]]],
// totalOffsprings: Int): Vector[(Int, Int)] = {
// val speciesFitnesses: Vector[(Int, Double)] = indivsBySpecies.map {
// case (sp, indivs) => (sp, indivs.map {
// _.fitness
// }.sum / indivs.size)
// }.toVector
// val sumOfSpeciesFitnesses: Double = speciesFitnesses.map {
// _._2
// }.sum
// /** If the sum of species fitnesses is 0, take an equal number of offsprings for each (fitnesses should never be negative */
// val result: Vector[(Int, Double)] = if (sumOfSpeciesFitnesses <= 0.0) {
// val numberOfSpecies = indivsBySpecies.size.toDouble
// indivsBySpecies.keysIterator.map { sp => (sp, totalOffsprings / numberOfSpecies) }.toVector
// } else
// speciesFitnesses.map { case (sp, f) => (sp, (f / sumOfSpeciesFitnesses) * totalOffsprings) }
// val resultFloored: Vector[(Int, Double, Int)] = result.map { case (sp, nb) => (sp, nb, nb.toInt) }
// /* Rounding errors can result in fewer offsprings than totalOffsprings. To correct the number of offsprings, sort
// the species by the number of missed offsprings (double value - floored value) and give one to the one that misses the most. */
// val missingOffsprings = totalOffsprings - result.foldLeft(0) { case (acc, (sp, nb)) => acc + nb.toInt }
// val corrected = (0 until missingOffsprings).foldLeft(resultFloored) {
// case (acc, _) =>
// val sortedByNeed: Vector[(Int, Double, Int)] = acc.sortBy { case (sp, nb, nbf) => -(nb - nbf) }
// val (sp, nb, nbf): (Int, Double, Int) = sortedByNeed(0)
// sortedByNeed.updated(0, (sp, nb, nbf + 1))
// }.map { case (sp, nb, nbf) => (sp, nbf) }
// corrected
// }
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