mgo.test.TestNSGA3.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package mgo.test
import java.io.{ BufferedWriter, File, FileWriter }
import mgo.evolution._
import mgo.evolution.algorithm.CDGenome.DeterministicIndividual.Individual
import mgo.evolution.algorithm.CDGenome.{ Genome, NoisyIndividual }
import mgo.evolution.algorithm.NSGA3Operations
import mgo.tools.benchmark.ManyObjective
* For test manyobjective: coco-biobj http://numbbo.github.io/coco-doc/bbob-biobj/functions/ (check mgo-benchmark)
* Chek Cheng, R., Li, M., Tian, Y., Zhang, X., Yang, S., Jin, Y., & Yao, X. (2017). A benchmark test suite for evolutionary many-objective optimization. Complex & Intelligent Systems, 3(1), 67-81.
object ReferencePoints extends App {
val divisions = 4
val dimension = 3
println("Computing simplex reference points with " + divisions + " divisions in dimension " + dimension)
val start = System.currentTimeMillis()
val points = NSGA3Operations.simplexRefPoints(divisions, dimension)
println("n = " + dimension + " ; p = " + divisions + " ; t = " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start))
object ManyObjectiveFunctions extends App {
val xt = Vector.fill(10)(0.5)
def f(x: Double, y: Double): Vector[Double] = ManyObjective.maf1(12)(Vector(x, y) ++ xt)
println(f(0, 0))
println(f(1, 1))
println(f(1, 0))
val rng = util.Random
val pop1 = Vector(Vector(rng.nextDouble, rng.nextDouble))
def fitness(x: Vector[Double]): Vector[Double] = x
//println(NSGA3Operations.successiveFronts(pop1, fitness))
//println(NSGA3Operations.successiveFronts(pop1 ++ pop1, fitness))
//println(NSGA3Operations.successiveFronts(pop1 ++ pop1 ++ pop1, fitness))
def pop(n: Int) = Vector.fill(n, 2)(rng.nextDouble)
(0 until 10).foreach { i =>
println(i + ": " + NSGA3Operations.successiveFronts(pop(i), fitness))
object FunctionNSGA3 extends App {
import algorithm._
//def fitness(cont: Vector[Double], discr: Vector[Int]): Vector[Double] = Vector(rastrigin.compute(cont), rastrigin.compute(cont.map { _ + 0.5 }))
// ! dimension must be correct with reference points
def fitness(cont: Vector[Double], discr: Vector[Int]): Vector[Double] = ManyObjective.maf1(12)(cont)
//val ref = NSGA3Operations.ReferencePoints(40, 2)
val ref = NSGA3Operations.ReferencePoints(50, 3)
//val genome = rastrigin.continuous(4)
val genome = Vector.fill(13)(C(0.0, 1.0))
def export(gen: Long, pop: Vector[Individual[Vector[Double]]]): Unit = {
val w = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File("test/pop" + gen + ".csv")))
w.write(pop.map(i => fitness(i.genome.continuousValues.toVector, Vector.empty)).map(_.mkString(";")).mkString("\n"))
val nsga3 = NSGA3(
popSize = 1000,
referencePoints = ref,
fitness = fitness,
continuous = genome)
def evolution: RunAlgorithm[NSGA3, Individual[Vector[Double]], Genome, EvolutionState[Unit]] =
trace { (s, individuals) =>
println("\n====================\ngen: " + s.generation)
export(s.generation, individuals)
val (finalState, finalPopulation) = evolution.eval(new util.Random(42))
val res = NSGA3.result(nsga3, finalPopulation)
val fitnesses = res.map(_.fitness.toArray).toArray
val w = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File("test/functionNSGA3.csv")))
val wr = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(new File("test/reference.csv")))
object TestNoisyNSGA3 extends App {
import algorithm._
def fitness(rng: util.Random, cont: Vector[Double], discr: Vector[Int]): Vector[Double] = {
val res = ManyObjective.maf1(12)(cont).map(_ + 0.1 * rng.nextGaussian())
// ! for noisy, ref points must be dim + 1
val ref = NSGA3Operations.ReferencePoints(50, 4)
val genome = Vector.fill(13)(C(0.0, 1.0))
val nsga3 = NoisyNSGA3[Vector[Double]](
popSize = 100,
referencePoints = ref,
fitness = fitness,
// ! take average across repetitions and not within each ! => add assert that dim ref = dim extended obj?
aggregation = pop => pop.transpose.map(x => x.sum / x.length),
continuous = genome)
def evolution: RunAlgorithm[NoisyNSGA3[Vector[Double]], NoisyIndividual.Individual[Vector[Double]], Genome, NoisyNSGA3.NSGA3State] =
trace { (s, individuals) =>
println("\n====================\ngen: " + s.generation)
val (finalState, finalPopulation) = evolution.eval(new util.Random(42))
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