mgo.evolution.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) 2012 reuillon, Guillaume Chérel
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package mgo
import cats.implicits._
import mgo.evolution.algorithm._
import mgo.evolution.stop._
import mgo.tools.execution._
import org.apache.commons.math3.random._
import monocle._
import monocle.syntax.all._
import scala.language.higherKinds
package object evolution {
/*------------- Running the EA ------------------*/
type Trace[S, I] = (S, Vector[I]) => Unit
case class RunAlgorithm[T, I, G, S](
t: T,
algo: Algorithm[T, I, G, S],
stopCondition: Option[StopCondition[S, I]] = None,
traceOperation: Option[Trace[S, I]] = None) {
def evolution(rng: scala.util.Random): (S, Vector[I]) = {
val initialPop = algo.initialPopulation(t, rng)
val initialState = algo.initialState(t, rng)
val step = algo.step(t)
def evolv(s: S, pop: Vector[I]): (S, Vector[I]) = {
traceOperation.foreach(_(s, pop))
if (stopCondition.getOrElse(never)(s, pop)) (s, pop)
else {
val (s2, p2) = step(s, pop, rng)
evolv(s2, p2)
evolv(initialState, initialPop)
def until(stopCondition: StopCondition[S, I]): RunAlgorithm[T, I, G, S] = copy(stopCondition = Some(stopCondition))
def trace(f: (S, Vector[I]) => Unit): RunAlgorithm[T, I, G, S] = copy(traceOperation = Some(f))
def eval(rng: scala.util.Random): (S, Vector[I]) = evolution(rng)
// def eval(rng: Random)(implicit monadM: cats.Monad[M]) = algo.run(evolution, algo.initialState(t, rng))
implicit def toAlgorithm[T, I, G, S](t: T)(implicit algo: Algorithm[T, I, G, S]): RunAlgorithm[T, I, G, S] = RunAlgorithm(t, algo)
/** ** Stop conditions ****/
def anyReaches[M[_]: cats.Monad, I](goalReached: I => Boolean)(population: Vector[I]): Vector[I] => M[Boolean] =
(population: Vector[I]) => population.exists(goalReached).pure[M]
def afterGeneration[I, S](g: Long): StopCondition[EvolutionState[S], I] = stop.afterGeneration[EvolutionState[S], I](g, Focus[EvolutionState[S]](_.generation))
def newRNG(seed: Long) = new util.Random(new RandomAdaptor(new SynchronizedRandomGenerator(new Well44497a(seed))))
def changeScale(v: Double, fromMin: Double, fromMax: Double, toMin: Double, toMax: Double): Double = {
val factor = (toMax - toMin) / (fromMax - fromMin)
(factor * (v - fromMin) + toMin)
implicit def double2Scalable(d: Double): double2Scalable = new double2Scalable(d)
class double2Scalable(d: Double) {
def scale(min: Double, max: Double): Double = changeScale(d, 0, 1, min, max)
def scale(s: C): Double = scale(s.low, s.high)
//def unscale(min: Double, max: Double) = changeScale(d, min, max, 0, 1)
def arrayToVectorIso[A: Manifest]: Iso[Array[A], Vector[A]] = monocle.Iso[Array[A], Vector[A]](_.toVector)(v => v.toArray)
def array2ToVectorLens[A: Manifest]: Iso[Array[Array[A]], Vector[Vector[A]]] = monocle.Iso[Array[Array[A]], Vector[Vector[A]]](_.toVector.map(_.toVector))(v => v.map(_.toArray).toArray)
def intToUnsignedIntOption: Iso[Int, Option[Int]] = monocle.Iso[Int, Option[Int]](i => if (i < 0) None else Some(i))(v => v.getOrElse(-1))
case class C(low: Double, high: Double)
case class D(low: Int, high: Int)
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