mgo.tools.KDTree.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (C) Guillaume Chérel 2/05/14
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package mgo.tools
* KD-Tree algorithm from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kd-tree 5-5-2014
trait KDTree {
def node: Seq[Double]
def left: KDTree
def right: KDTree
def distance(p1: Seq[Double], p2: Seq[Double]): Double =
math.sqrt((p1 zip p2).map {
case (x, y) => math.pow(x - y, 2)
def nearest(query: Seq[Double], depth: Int = 0): Seq[Double] = {
val axis = depth % node.size
val (naturalDirection, unnaturalDirection) = if (query(axis) < node(axis)) (left, right) else (right, left)
val curBest =
naturalDirection match {
case EmptyTree => node
case child => {
val childBest = child.nearest(query, depth + 1)
if (distance(query, node) < distance(query, childBest)) node else childBest
val distCurBest = distance(query, curBest)
val best =
if (distCurBest <= (query(axis) - node(axis)).abs) curBest
else unnaturalDirection match {
case EmptyTree => curBest
case child => {
val childBest = child.nearest(query, depth + 1)
if (distance(query, curBest) <= distance(query, childBest)) curBest else childBest
def knearest(k: Int, query: Seq[Double], depth: Int = 0): Seq[Seq[Double]] = {
val axis = depth % node.size
val (naturalDirection, unnaturalDirection) = if (query(axis) < node(axis)) (left, right) else (right, left)
val curBest =
naturalDirection match {
case EmptyTree => Vector(node)
case child => {
val childBest = child.knearest(k, query, depth + 1)
insertInKNearest(childBest, node, query, k)
val couldBeNearer: Boolean = curBest exists (distance(_, query) > (query(axis) - node(axis)).abs)
val best =
if (!couldBeNearer && curBest.size >= k) curBest
else unnaturalDirection match {
case EmptyTree => curBest
case child => {
val childBest = child.knearest(k, query, depth + 1)
childBest.foldLeft(curBest)((kn, n) => insertInKNearest(kn, n, query, k))
def insertInKNearest(l: Seq[Seq[Double]], e: Seq[Double], query: Seq[Double], k: Int): Seq[Seq[Double]] =
(e +: l).sortWith(distance(_, query) < distance(_, query)).take(k)
// def insertSortedWith(l: Seq[Seq[Double]], e: Seq[Double], lt: (Seq[Double], Seq[Double]) => Boolean): Seq[Seq[Double]] = {
// if (l.size == 0) Vector(e)
// else if (lt(e, l(0))) e +: l
// else l(0) +: insertSortedWith(l.drop(1), e, lt)
// }
def toSeq: Seq[Seq[Double]] = (left.toSeq :+ node) ++ right.toSeq
override def toString: String = s"Node($node, $left, $right)"
object EmptyTree extends KDTree {
def node = Vector.empty
def left: EmptyTree.type = this
def right: EmptyTree.type = this
override def nearest(query: Seq[Double], depth: Int = 0): Seq[Double] = Vector[Double]()
override def knearest(k: Int, query: Seq[Double], depth: Int = 0): Seq[Seq[Double]] = Vector[Vector[Double]]()
override def toString: String = "EmptyTree"
override def toSeq: Seq[Seq[Double]] = Vector(node)
object KDTree {
* @param pointList A size N sequence of size K sequences, representing N points in K dimensions
* @return
def apply(pointList: Seq[Seq[Double]]): KDTree = {
if (pointList.size == 0) EmptyTree
else if (pointList(0).size == 0) EmptyTree
else {
val tPointList = transpose(pointList)
val sortedDims = tPointList map (argSort)
build(tPointList, sortedDims, 0)
def transpose(pointList: Seq[Seq[Double]]): Seq[Seq[Double]] = {
val k = pointList(0).size
(0 until k).map(ki => pointList.map(_(ki)))
def build(pointList: Seq[Seq[Double]], sortedDims: Seq[Vector[Int]], depth: Int): KDTree = {
val nDims = pointList.size
val axis = depth % nDims
val (medInt, medVal) = findLeftMostMedian(pointList(axis), sortedDims(axis))
//println(s"medInt: $medInt medVal: $medVal")
val split: Seq[(Vector[Int], Vector[Int])] = sortedDims.map(splitIdArrays(pointList(axis), _, medInt))
new KDTree {
val node: Seq[Double] = pointList.map(_(medInt))
val left: KDTree = if (split(0)._1.size > 0) build(pointList, split.map(_._1), depth + 1) else EmptyTree
val right: KDTree = if (split(0)._2.size > 0) build(pointList, split.map(_._2), depth + 1) else EmptyTree
* split the sorted indices according to threshold, such that elements in res._1 refer to points < threshold, and res._2
* to points >= threshold. The element splitPoint excluded from the result
def splitIdArrays(points: Seq[Double], sortedIndices: Vector[Int], splitPoint: Int): (Vector[Int], Vector[Int]) =
sortedIndices.foldLeft((Vector[Int](), Vector[Int]())) {
case (split, i) =>
if (points(i) < points(splitPoint)) (split._1 :+ i, split._2)
else if (i == splitPoint) split
else (split._1, split._2 :+ i)
def findLeftMostMedian(points: Seq[Double], sortedIndices: Vector[Int]): (Int, Double) = {
var medInd = sortedIndices.size / 2
while ((medInd > 0) && (points(sortedIndices(medInd - 1)) == points(sortedIndices(medInd)))) { medInd -= 1 }
(sortedIndices(medInd), points(sortedIndices(medInd)))
/* return the indices of the given array referencing the arrays elements in increasing order
def argSort(a: Seq[Double]): Vector[Int] = (a zip a.indices).sortBy(_._1).map(_._2).toVector
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