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 * Copyright (C) 2015 Guillaume Chérel
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see .


import math._
import scala.annotation.tailrec

 * @tparam N the type of data stored on each neurons
 * @tparam S the neurons output type (state)
 * @tparam W the weights type
trait NeuralNetwork[N, S, W] {
  def network: Network[N, W] with DirectedEdges[W]
  def inputNeurons: Vector[Int]
  def outputNeurons: Vector[Int]
  def inputsAndWeights(neuron: Int, state: IndexedSeq[S]): Vector[(S, W)] = { case (innode, weight) => (state(innode), weight) }

  def updateState(state: Traversable[S], neuronsValues: Traversable[(Int, S)]): Vector[S] = {
    val mutableState = state.toBuffer
    neuronsValues foreach {
      case (i, v) => mutableState(i) = v

  def outNeighbours(neuron: Int): Vector[Int] = network.outneighbours(neuron)

  def outputState(state: IndexedSeq[S]): Vector[S] = outputNeurons map { state(_) }

  def state: IndexedSeq[S]

trait Feedforward[S, W] {
  def query(inputValues: Seq[S]): Vector[S] =
    queryRec(updateState(state, inputNeurons zip inputValues), inputNeurons)

  @tailrec private def queryRec(state: Vector[S], currentNeurons: Vector[Int]): Vector[S] = {
    val nextNeurons = currentNeurons.toSet.flatMap { n => outNeighbours(n) }.toVector

    //println(currentNeurons, nextNeurons)
    //if (currentNeurons == nextNeurons) throw new RuntimeException( { outNeighbours(_) }.toString)
    if (nextNeurons.isEmpty) state
    else {
      val nextValues = { n =>
        val iaw = inputsAndWeights(n, state)
        if (iaw.isEmpty) state(n)
        else activate(n, iaw)
      val nextState = updateState(state, nextNeurons zip nextValues)
      queryRec(nextState, nextNeurons)


  def activate(neuron: Int, inputs: Traversable[(S, W)]): S // activate a single neuron
  def state: Vector[S]
  def inputNeurons: Vector[Int]
  def inputsAndWeights(neuron: Int, state: IndexedSeq[S]): Vector[(S, W)]
  def updateState(state: Traversable[S], neuronsValues: Traversable[(Int, S)]): Vector[S]
  def outNeighbours(neuron: Int): Vector[Int]


trait Recurrent[S, W] {
   * Activating the network means computing the output values for all neurons simultaneously.
   * There is no order effect. The activation is done steps times. For the first activation, the
   * input neurones are initialised to the inputValues, and the other neurones to initialNeuronState
  def activate(steps: Int, inputValues: Seq[S]): Vector[S] = {
    activateRec(steps, updateState(state, inputNeurons zip inputValues))

  @tailrec private def activateRec(steps: Int, state: Vector[S]): Vector[S] =
    if (steps <= 0) state
    else activateRec(steps - 1, activateOnce(state))

  /** @return the number of steps, the average change over all node states during the last step, and the final state of the output neurons */
  def activateUntilStable(maxsteps: Int, stabilityThreshold: Double, inputValues: Seq[S]): (Int, Double, Vector[S]) = {
    activateUntilStableRec(maxsteps, stabilityThreshold, updateState(state, inputNeurons zip inputValues))

  @tailrec private def activateUntilStableRec(maxsteps: Int, stabilityThreshold: Double, state: Vector[S], steps: Int = 0, avgchange: Double = 0.0): (Int, Double, Vector[S]) =
    if (steps >= maxsteps) (steps, avgchange, state)
    else {
      val nextstate = activateOnce(state)
      val newavgchange =[Double](0.0) { (sum, twostates) => sum + change(twostates._1, twostates._2) } / state.length
      if (newavgchange < stabilityThreshold) (steps, newavgchange, nextstate)
      else activateUntilStableRec(maxsteps, stabilityThreshold, nextstate, steps + 1, newavgchange)

  def activateOnce(state: Vector[S]): Vector[S] = {
      case (stateval, neuron) =>
        val iaw = inputsAndWeights(neuron, state)
        if (iaw.isEmpty) stateval
        else activate(neuron, iaw)

   * To propagate the inputValues means initialising the input neurons to the input values,
   * then activating the neurons connected to the input, and successively activating the rest of the network. Steps determines
   * the number of successive steps taken before returning the values of the output neurons.
  def propagate(steps: Int, inputValues: Seq[S]): Vector[S] = {
    propagateRec(steps, updateState(state, inputNeurons zip inputValues), inputNeurons)

  @tailrec private def propagateRec(steps: Int, state: Vector[S], currentNeurons: IndexedSeq[Int]): Vector[S] = {
    if (steps <= 0) {
    } else {
      val (nextState, nextNeurons) = propagateOnce(state, currentNeurons)
      propagateRec(steps - 1, nextState, nextNeurons)

  // def propagateFullState(steps: Int, inputValues: Seq[N]): Vector[N] = {
  //   propagateFullStateRec(steps, updateState(inputNeurons zip inputValues), inputNeurons)
  //   (0 until steps).scanLeft[(Vector[N], Vector[Int]), List]((updateState(inputNeurons zip inputValues), inputNeurons))((lastState, step) =>
  //     propagateOnce())
  // }

  def propagateUntilStable(maxsteps: Int, stabilityThreshold: Double, inputValues: Seq[S]): (Int, Double, Vector[S]) = {
    propagateUntilStableRec(maxsteps, stabilityThreshold, updateState(state, inputNeurons zip inputValues), inputNeurons)

  def propagateUntilStableRec(
    maxsteps: Int,
    stabilityThreshold: Double,
    state: Vector[S],
    currentNeurons: IndexedSeq[Int],
    step: Int = 0,
    avgchange: Double = 0.0): (Int, Double, Vector[S]) = {
    if (step >= maxsteps) (step, avgchange, state)
    else {
      val (nextState, nextNeurons) = propagateOnce(state, currentNeurons)
      val newavgchange =
        if (nextNeurons.isEmpty) 0
        else nextNeurons.foldLeft[Double](0.0) { (sum, neuron) => sum + change(nextState(neuron), state(neuron)) } / nextNeurons.length
      if (newavgchange < stabilityThreshold) (step, newavgchange, nextState)
      else propagateUntilStableRec(
        step + 1,

  /** returns the nextstate resulting from activating the neurons leading out of those in currentNeurons, as those neurons */
  def propagateOnce(state: IndexedSeq[S], currentNeurons: IndexedSeq[Int]): (Vector[S], Vector[Int]) = {
    val nextNeurons = currentNeurons.toSet.flatMap { n => outNeighbours(n) }.toVector
    val nextValues = { n =>
      val iaw = inputsAndWeights(n, state)
      if (iaw.isEmpty) state(n)
      else activate(n, iaw)
    (updateState(state, nextNeurons zip nextValues), nextNeurons)

  def activate(neuron: Int, inputs: Traversable[(S, W)]): S // activate a single neuron
  def state: Vector[S]
  def inputNeurons: Vector[Int]
  def inputsAndWeights(neuron: Int, state: IndexedSeq[S]): Vector[(S, W)]
  def updateState(state: Traversable[S], neuronsValues: Traversable[(Int, S)]): Vector[S]
  def outNeighbours(neuron: Int): Vector[Int]
  def change(newstate: S, oldstate: S): Double

object ChangeFunction {
  def absoluteDifference(newstate: Double, oldstate: Double): Double = abs(newstate - oldstate)

trait HomogeneousActivationFunction[S, W] {
  def activate(neuron: Int, inputs: Traversable[(S, W)]): S = activationFunction(inputs)

  //def activationFunction(inputsAndWeights: Traversable[(N, W)]): N
  def activationFunction: Traversable[(S, W)] => S

trait HeterogeneousActivationFunction[S, W] {
  def activate(neuron: Int, inputs: Traversable[(S, W)]): S = activationFunction(neuron)(inputs)

  def activationFunction: IndexedSeq[Traversable[(S, W)] => S]

object NeuralNetwork {

  /**Create a neural network without cycles. This function makes no check on the topology of the graph (e.g. absence of cycles).*/
  def feedforwardSparse[N, S, W](
    _nodes: IndexedSeq[N],
    _inputnodes: IndexedSeq[Int],
    _outputnodes: IndexedSeq[Int],
    _edges: Seq[(Int, Int, W)],
    _activationfunction: Traversable[(S, W)] => S,
    _state: IndexedSeq[S]): NeuralNetwork[N, S, W] with Feedforward[S, W] with HomogeneousActivationFunction[S, W] = {
    require(_inputnodes.forall { _ < _nodes.length }, "_inputnodes refer to nodes whose indices are bigger than _nodes")
    require(_outputnodes.forall { _ < _nodes.length }, "_outputnodes refer to nodes whose indices are bigger than _nodes")
    require(_edges.forall { case (u, v, _) => (u < _nodes.length) && (v < _nodes.length) }, "_edges refer to nodes whose indices are bigger than _nodes")
    new NeuralNetwork[N, S, W] with Feedforward[S, W] with HomogeneousActivationFunction[S, W] {
      val network = Network.directedSparse(_nodes, _edges)
      val state: Vector[S] = _state.toVector
      val inputNeurons: Vector[Int] = _inputnodes.toVector
      val outputNeurons: Vector[Int] = _outputnodes.toVector
      val activationFunction = _activationfunction

  def feedforwardSparse[N, S, W](
    _nodes: IndexedSeq[N],
    _inputnodes: IndexedSeq[Int],
    _outputnodes: IndexedSeq[Int],
    _edges: Seq[(Int, Int, W)],
    _activationfunction: IndexedSeq[Traversable[(S, W)] => S],
    _state: IndexedSeq[S]): NeuralNetwork[N, S, W] with Feedforward[S, W] with HeterogeneousActivationFunction[S, W] = {
    require(_inputnodes.forall { _ < _nodes.length }, "_inputnodes refer to nodes whose indices are bigger than _nodes.length")
    require(_outputnodes.forall { _ < _nodes.length }, "_outputnodes refer to nodes whose indices are bigger than _nodes.length")
    require(_edges.forall { case (u, v, _) => (u < _nodes.length) && (v < _nodes.length) }, "_edges refer to nodes whose indices are bigger than _nodes.length")
    new NeuralNetwork[N, S, W] with Feedforward[S, W] with HeterogeneousActivationFunction[S, W] {
      val network = Network.directedSparse(_nodes, _edges)
      val state: Vector[S] = _state.toVector
      val inputNeurons: Vector[Int] = _inputnodes.toVector
      val outputNeurons: Vector[Int] = _outputnodes.toVector
      val activationFunction = _activationfunction

  /**Create a neural network without cycles. This function makes no check on the topology of the graph (e.g. absence of cycles).*/
  def feedforwardDense[N, S, W](
    _nodes: IndexedSeq[N],
    _inputnodes: IndexedSeq[Int],
    _outputnodes: IndexedSeq[Int],
    _edges: Vector[Vector[W]],
    _activationfunction: Traversable[(S, W)] => S,
    _state: IndexedSeq[S]): NeuralNetwork[N, S, W] with Feedforward[S, W] with HomogeneousActivationFunction[S, W] = {
    require((_edges.length == _nodes.length) && _edges.forall(row => row.length == _nodes.length), "_edges matrix size doesn't conform to _nodes size")
    require(_inputnodes.forall { _ < _nodes.length }, "_inputnodes refer to nodes whose indices are bigger than _nodes")
    require(_outputnodes.forall { _ < _nodes.length }, "_outputnodes refer to nodes whose indices are bigger than _nodes")
    new NeuralNetwork[N, S, W] with Feedforward[S, W] with HomogeneousActivationFunction[S, W] {
      val network = Network.directedDense(_nodes, _edges)
      val state: Vector[S] = _state.toVector
      val inputNeurons: Vector[Int] = _inputnodes.toVector
      val outputNeurons: Vector[Int] = _outputnodes.toVector
      val activationFunction = _activationfunction

  def recurrentSparse[N, S, W](
    _nodes: IndexedSeq[N],
    _inputnodes: IndexedSeq[Int],
    _outputnodes: IndexedSeq[Int],
    _edges: Seq[(Int, Int, W)],
    _activationfunction: Traversable[(S, W)] => S,
    _change: (S, S) => Double,
    _state: IndexedSeq[S]): NeuralNetwork[N, S, W] with Recurrent[S, W] with HomogeneousActivationFunction[S, W] = {
    require(_inputnodes.forall { _ < _nodes.length }, "_inputnodes refer to nodes whose indices are bigger than _nodes.length")
    require(_outputnodes.forall { _ < _nodes.length }, "_outputnodes refer to nodes whose indices are bigger than _nodes.length")
    require(_edges.forall { case (u, v, _) => (u < _nodes.length) && (v < _nodes.length) }, "_edges refer to nodes whose indices are bigger than _nodes.length")
    new NeuralNetwork[N, S, W] with Recurrent[S, W] with HomogeneousActivationFunction[S, W] {
      val network = Network.directedSparse(_nodes, _edges)
      val state: Vector[S] = _state.toVector
      val inputNeurons: Vector[Int] = _inputnodes.toVector
      val outputNeurons: Vector[Int] = _outputnodes.toVector
      val activationFunction = _activationfunction
      def change(newstate: S, oldstate: S): Double = _change(newstate, oldstate)

  def recurrentSparse[N, S, W](
    _nodes: IndexedSeq[N],
    _inputnodes: IndexedSeq[Int],
    _outputnodes: IndexedSeq[Int],
    _edges: Seq[(Int, Int, W)],
    _activationfunction: IndexedSeq[Traversable[(S, W)] => S],
    _change: (S, S) => Double,
    _state: IndexedSeq[S]): NeuralNetwork[N, S, W] with Recurrent[S, W] with HeterogeneousActivationFunction[S, W] = {
    require(_inputnodes.forall { _ < _nodes.length }, "_inputnodes refer to nodes whose indices are bigger than _nodes.length")
    require(_outputnodes.forall { _ < _nodes.length }, "_outputnodes refer to nodes whose indices are bigger than _nodes.length")
    require(_edges.forall { case (u, v, _) => (u < _nodes.length) && (v < _nodes.length) }, "_edges refer to nodes whose indices are bigger than _nodes.length")
    new NeuralNetwork[N, S, W] with Recurrent[S, W] with HeterogeneousActivationFunction[S, W] {
      val network = Network.directedSparse(_nodes, _edges)
      val state: Vector[S] = _state.toVector
      val inputNeurons: Vector[Int] = _inputnodes.toVector
      val outputNeurons: Vector[Int] = _outputnodes.toVector
      val activationFunction = _activationfunction
      def change(newstate: S, oldstate: S): Double = _change(newstate, oldstate)

  def recurrentDense[N, S, W](
    _nodes: IndexedSeq[N],
    _inputnodes: IndexedSeq[Int],
    _outputnodes: IndexedSeq[Int],
    _edges: Vector[Vector[W]],
    _activationfunction: Traversable[(S, W)] => S,
    _change: (S, S) => Double,
    _state: IndexedSeq[S]): NeuralNetwork[N, S, W] with Recurrent[S, W] with HomogeneousActivationFunction[S, W] = {
    require((_edges.length == _nodes.length) && _edges.forall(row => row.length == _nodes.length), "_edges matrix size doesn't conform to _nodes size")
    require(_inputnodes.forall { _ < _nodes.length }, "_inputnodes refer to nodes whose indices are bigger than _nodes.length")
    require(_outputnodes.forall { _ < _nodes.length }, "_outputnodes refer to nodes whose indices are bigger than _nodes.length")
    new NeuralNetwork[N, S, W] with Recurrent[S, W] with HomogeneousActivationFunction[S, W] {
      val network = Network.directedDense(_nodes, _edges)
      val state: Vector[S] = _state.toVector
      val inputNeurons: Vector[Int] = _inputnodes.toVector
      val outputNeurons: Vector[Int] = _outputnodes.toVector
      val activationFunction = _activationfunction
      def change(newstate: S, oldstate: S): Double = _change(newstate, oldstate)

object ActivationFunction {
  def zero: Traversable[(Double, Double)] => Double = _ => 0.0
  def tanh: Traversable[(Double, Double)] => Double = inputsAndWeights => math.tanh(weightedSum(inputsAndWeights))
  def logistic: Traversable[(Double, Double)] => Double = inputsAndWeights => 1.0 / (1 + math.exp(-weightedSum(inputsAndWeights)))
  def heaviside(h0: Double): Traversable[(Double, Double)] => Double =
    inputsAndWeights => {
      val x = weightedSum(inputsAndWeights)
      if (x < 0) 0
      else if (x > 0) 1
      else h0
  def gaussian: Traversable[(Double, Double)] => Double = inputsAndWeights => math.exp(weightedSum(inputsAndWeights))
  def sin: Traversable[(Double, Double)] => Double = inputsAndWeights => math.sin(weightedSum(inputsAndWeights))
  def cos: Traversable[(Double, Double)] => Double = inputsAndWeights => math.cos(weightedSum(inputsAndWeights))
  def linear: Traversable[(Double, Double)] => Double = inputsAndWeights => weightedSum(inputsAndWeights)
  def abs: Traversable[(Double, Double)] => Double = inputsAndWeights => math.abs(weightedSum(inputsAndWeights))
  def absroot: Traversable[(Double, Double)] => Double = inputsAndWeights => {
    val x = weightedSum(inputsAndWeights)
    if (x < 0)
  def square: Traversable[(Double, Double)] => Double = inputsAndWeights => math.pow(weightedSum(inputsAndWeights), 2)

  def weightedSum(inputsAndWeights: Traversable[(Double, Double)]): Double =
    inputsAndWeights.foldLeft(0.0) { case (sum, (input, weight)) => sum + (input * weight) }


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