mgo.abc.APMC.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 29/01/2018 Guillaume Chérel
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package mgo.abc
import mgo.tools.LinearAlgebra._
import mgo.tools.execution._
import mgo.tools._
import mgo.tools.stats.weightedCovariance
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.{ EnumeratedIntegerDistribution, MultivariateNormalDistribution }
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.{ LUDecomposition, MatrixUtils, RealMatrix, RealVector }
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.SingularMatrixException
import scala.math._
* Adaptive Population Monte Carlo approximate Bayesian
* computation. M. Lenormand, F. Jabot, G. Deffuant; Adaptive approximate
* Bayesian computation for complex models. 2012.
object APMC {
case class Params(
n: Int,
nAlpha: Int,
pAccMin: Double,
priorSample: util.Random => Array[Double],
priorDensity: Array[Double] => Double,
observed: Array[Double])
case class State(
thetas: Matrix,
t: Int,
ts: Vector[Int],
weights: Array[Double],
rhos: Array[Double],
pAcc: Double,
epsilon: Double)
def sequential(p: Params, f: (Vector[Double], util.Random) => Vector[Double])(implicit rng: util.Random): Sequential[State] = Sequential[State](() => init(p.n, p.nAlpha, p.observed, p.priorSample, f), step(p, f, _), stop(p.pAccMin, _))
def run(p: Params, f: (Vector[Double], util.Random) => Vector[Double])(implicit rng: util.Random): State = sequential(p, f).run
def scan(p: Params, f: (Vector[Double], util.Random) => Vector[Double])(implicit rng: util.Random): Vector[State] = sequential(p, f).scan
def stop(pAccMin: Double, s: State): Boolean =
s.pAcc <= pAccMin
def init(n: Int, nAlpha: Int, observed: Array[Double], priorSample: util.Random => Array[Double], f: (Vector[Double], util.Random) => Vector[Double])(implicit rng: util.Random): State =
exposedInit(n, nAlpha, observed, priorSample).run(functorVectorVectorDoubleToMatrix(_.map { f(_, rng) }))(())
def exposedInit(n: Int, nAlpha: Int, observed: Array[Double], priorSample: util.Random => Array[Double])(implicit rng: util.Random): ExposedEval[Unit, Matrix, Matrix, Matrix, State] =
pre = (_: Unit) => {
val thetas = initPreEval(n, priorSample)
(thetas, thetas)
post = (thetas, xs) => { initPostEval(n, nAlpha, observed, thetas, xs) })
def initPreEval(n: Int, priorSample: util.Random => Array[Double])(implicit rng: util.Random): Matrix = Array.fill(n)(priorSample(rng))
def initPostEval(n: Int, nAlpha: Int, observed: Array[Double], thetas: Matrix, xs: Matrix)(implicit rng: util.Random): State = {
val thetasM = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(thetas)
val xsM = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(xs)
val dim = thetasM.getColumnDimension()
val obs = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(observed)
val rhos = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(Array.tabulate(n) { i => xsM.getRowVector(i).getDistance(obs) })
val (rhosSelected, select) =
.sortBy { _._1 }
val epsilon = rhosSelected.last
val thetasSelected = thetasM.getSubMatrix(select, (0 until dim).toArray)
val t = 1
val tsSelected = Vector.fill(rhosSelected.size)(t)
val weightsSelected = Array.fill(rhosSelected.size)(1.0)
thetas = thetasSelected.getData,
t = t,
ts = tsSelected,
weights = weightsSelected,
rhos = rhosSelected,
pAcc = 1,
epsilon = epsilon)
def step(p: Params, f: (Vector[Double], util.Random) => Vector[Double], s: State)(implicit rng: util.Random): State =
exposedStep(p).run(functorVectorVectorDoubleToMatrix(_.map { f(_, rng) }))(s)
def exposedStep(p: Params)(implicit rng: util.Random): ExposedEval[State, Matrix, (State, Matrix, Matrix), Matrix, State] =
pre = { s =>
val (sigmaSquared, newThetas) = stepPreEval(p.n, p.nAlpha, p.priorDensity, s)
((s, sigmaSquared, newThetas), newThetas)
post = { (sstep, newXs) =>
val (s, sigmaSquared, newThetas) = sstep
stepPostEval(p.n, p.nAlpha, p.priorDensity, p.observed, s, sigmaSquared, newThetas, newXs)
def stepPreEval(
n: Int,
nAlpha: Int,
priorDensity: Array[Double] => Double,
s: State)(implicit rng: util.Random): (Matrix, Matrix) = {
val thetasM = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(s.thetas)
val dim = thetasM.getColumnDimension()
val sigmaSquared = weightedCovariance(thetasM, s.weights).scalarMultiply(2)
val weightedDistributionTheta = new EnumeratedIntegerDistribution(apacheRandom(rng), Array.range(0, nAlpha), s.weights)
val newThetas =
Array.fill(n - nAlpha) {
Iterator.continually {
val resampledTheta = thetasM.getRow(weightedDistributionTheta.sample)
try {
new MultivariateNormalDistribution(apacheRandom(rng), resampledTheta, sigmaSquared.getData).sample
} catch {
case e: SingularMatrixException => throw new SingularCovarianceException
}.dropWhile { priorDensity(_) == 0 }.next
(sigmaSquared.getData, newThetas)
def stepPostEval(
n: Int,
nAlpha: Int,
priorDensity: Array[Double] => Double,
observed: Array[Double],
s: State,
sigmaSquared: Matrix,
newThetas: Matrix,
newXs: Matrix): State = {
val thetasM = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(s.thetas)
val newThetasM = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(newThetas)
val newXsM = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(newXs)
val rhosV = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(s.rhos)
val sigmaSquaredM = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(sigmaSquared)
val obs = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(observed)
val newRhos = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(
Array.tabulate(n - nAlpha) { i => newXsM.getRowVector(i).getDistance(obs) })
val (resSelected, resNewSelected, resNewEpsilon) =
filterParticles(nAlpha, thetasM, rhosV, s.weights, s.ts, newThetasM, newRhos)
val (thetasSelected: Array[Array[Double]], rhosSelected, weightsSelected, tsSelected) =
resSelected match {
case None =>
(Array[Array[Double]](), Array[Double](), Array[Double](), Vector[Int]())
case Some((th, r, w, ts)) =>
(th.getData().map(_.toArray[Double]).toArray[Array[Double]], r.toArray.toArray[Double], w, ts)
val (newThetasSelected, newRhosSelected) =
resNewSelected match {
case None => (Array.empty[Array[Double]], Array.empty[Double])
case Some((th, r)) => (th.getData(), r.toArray())
val newWeightsSelected = compWeights(nAlpha, priorDensity, s, sigmaSquaredM, newThetasSelected)
val newEpsilon: Double = resNewEpsilon.getOrElse(0)
val newPAcc = newRhosSelected.size.toDouble / (n - nAlpha).toDouble
val newT = s.t + 1
val newTsSelected = Vector.fill(newThetasSelected.size)(newT)
t = newT,
thetas = thetasSelected ++ newThetasSelected,
rhos = rhosSelected ++ newRhosSelected,
weights = weightsSelected ++ newWeightsSelected,
ts = tsSelected ++ newTsSelected,
pAcc = newPAcc,
epsilon = newEpsilon)
def filterParticles(
keep: Int,
thetas: RealMatrix,
rhos: RealVector,
weights: Array[Double],
ts: Vector[Int],
newThetas: RealMatrix,
newRhos: RealVector): (Option[(RealMatrix, RealVector, Array[Double], Vector[Int])], Option[(RealMatrix, RealVector)], Option[Double]) = {
val dim = thetas.getColumnDimension()
val select_ =
(rhos.toArray().zipWithIndex.map { case (r, i) => (r, 1, i) } ++
newRhos.toArray().zipWithIndex.map { case (r, i) => (r, 2, i) })
.sortBy { _._1 }
.partition { _._2 == 1 }
val (rhosSelected, _, select) = select_._1.unzip3
val (newRhosSelected, _, newSelect) = select_._2.unzip3
val resSelected =
if (select.isEmpty) None
else {
val thetasSelected = thetas.getSubMatrix(select, (0 until dim).toArray)
val weightsSelected = select.map { weights(_) }
val tsSelected = select.map { ts(_) }.toVector
val resNewSelected =
if (newSelect.isEmpty) None
else {
val newThetasSelected =
newThetas.getSubMatrix(newSelect, (0 until dim).toArray)
val newEpsilon =
if (rhosSelected.isEmpty && newRhosSelected.isEmpty) None
else if (rhosSelected.isEmpty) Some(newRhosSelected.last)
else if (newRhosSelected.isEmpty) Some(rhosSelected.last)
else Some(max(rhosSelected.last, newRhosSelected.last))
(resSelected, resNewSelected, newEpsilon)
def compWeights(nAlpha: Int, priorDensity: Array[Double] => Double, s: State, sigmaSquared: RealMatrix, thetasSelected: Array[Array[Double]]): Array[Double] = {
val weightsSum = s.weights.sum
val sThetasM = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(s.thetas)
val sqrtDet2PiSigmaSquared = sqrt(abs(new LUDecomposition(
sigmaSquared.scalarMultiply(2.0 * Pi)).getDeterminant()))
val inverseSigmaSquared = try {
new LUDecomposition(sigmaSquared).getSolver().getInverse()
} catch {
case e: SingularMatrixException => throw new SingularCovarianceException
val weightsSelected =
(0 until thetasSelected.size).map { i =>
val thetaI = MatrixUtils.createRealVector(thetasSelected(i))
priorDensity(thetaI.toArray) /
(0 until nAlpha).map { j =>
val weightJ = s.weights(j)
val thetaJ = sThetasM.getRowVector(j)
val thetaDiff = MatrixUtils.createRowRealMatrix(
(weightJ / weightsSum) *
-0.5 * thetaDiff.multiply(inverseSigmaSquared)
.multiply(thetaDiff.transpose).getEntry(0, 0)) /
case class SingularCovarianceException()
extends RuntimeException("The weighted covariance matrix of the particles thetas is singular. Possible cause: the model is deterministic for all of some parameter values. For example, if your model is based on the stochastic dynamics of a population of agents and one of the parameter controls the population size, your model is likely to become deterministic when this parameter is set to 0. Be careful to exclude those values from the research space (by setting the prior to 0 for those values).")
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