Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 1997-2009 by Trent Jarvi and others
* Copyright 1998 Kevin Hester, [email protected]
* Copyright 2016 Fraunhofer ISE and others
* This file is part of jRxTx.
* jRxTx is a fork of RXTX originally maintained by Trent Jarvi.
* jRxTx is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* jRxTx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with jRxTx. If not, see .
import java.util.TooManyListenersException;
public abstract class SerialPort extends AbstractCommPort {
/* Data Bits Constants */
* @deprecated use {@link DataBits#DATABITS_5} instead.
public static int DATABITS_5 = 5;
* @deprecated use {@link DataBits#DATABITS_6} instead.
public static int DATABITS_6 = 6;
* @deprecated use {@link DataBits#DATABITS_7} instead.
public static int DATABITS_7 = 7;
* @deprecated use {@link DataBits#DATABITS_8} instead.
public static int DATABITS_8 = 8;
/* Parity Constants */
* @deprecated use {@link Parity#NONE} instead.
public static int PARITY_NONE = 0;
* @deprecated use {@link Parity#ODD} instead.
public static int PARITY_ODD = 1;
* @deprecated use {@link Parity#EVEN} instead.
public static int PARITY_EVEN = 2;
* @deprecated use {@link Parity#MARK} instead.
public static int PARITY_MARK = 3;
* MARK parity scheme.
public static int PARITY_SPACE = 4;
/* Stop Bits Constants */
* @deprecated use {@link StopBits#STOPBITS_1} instead.
public static int STOPBITS_1 = 1;
* @deprecated use {@link StopBits#STOPBITS_2} instead.
public static int STOPBITS_2 = 2;
* @deprecated use {@link StopBits#STOPBITS_1_5} instead.
public static int STOPBITS_1_5 = 3;
/* Flow Control Constants */
* @deprecated use {@link FlowControl#NONE} instead.
public static int FLOWCONTROL_NONE = 0;
* @deprecated use {@link FlowControl#RTSCTS_IN} instead.
public static int FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_IN = 1;
* @deprecated use {@link FlowControl#RTSCTS_OUT} instead.
public static int FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_OUT = 2;
* @deprecated use {@link FlowControl#XONXOFF_IN} instead.
public static int FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_IN = 4;
* @deprecated use {@link FlowControl#XONXOFF_OUT} instead.
public static int FLOWCONTROL_XONXOFF_OUT = 8;
* Sets serial port parameters.
* Note: default value are: 9600 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
* @param baudrate
* If the baudrate passed in by the application is unsupported by the driver, the driver will throw an
* {@linkplain UnsupportedCommOperationException}
* @param dataBits
* dataBits
* @param stopBits
* stopBits
* @param parity
* parity
* @throws UnsupportedCommOperationException
* if any of the above parameters are specified incorrectly. All four of the parameters will revert to
* the values before the call was made.
* @deprecated use {@link #setSerialPortParams(int, DataBits, StopBits, Parity)} instead
public abstract void setSerialPortParams(int baudrate, int dataBits, int stopBits, int parity)
throws UnsupportedCommOperationException;
* Sets serial port parameters.
* Note: default value are: {@code 9600} baud, {@link DataBits#DATABITS_8}, {@link StopBits#STOPBITS_1},
* {@link Parity#NONE}
* @param baudrate
* If the baudrate passed in by the application is unsupported by the driver, the driver will throw an
* {@linkplain UnsupportedCommOperationException}
* @param dataBits
* dataBits
* @param stopBits
* stopBits
* @param parity
* parity
* @throws UnsupportedCommOperationException
* if any of the above parameters are specified incorrectly. All four of the parameters will revert to
* the values before the call was made.
public abstract void setSerialPortParams(int baudrate, DataBits dataBits, StopBits stopBits, Parity parity)
throws UnsupportedCommOperationException;
* Gets the currently configured baud rate.
* @return integer value indicating the baud rate
public abstract int getBaudRate();
* Gets the currently configured number of data bits.
* @return integer that can be equal to {@link DATABITS_5}, {@link DATABITS_6}, {@link DATABITS_7}, or
* {@link DATABITS_8}
* @deprecated use {@link #dataBits()} instead.
public abstract int getDataBits();
* Gets the currently configured number of data bits.
* @return the DataBits
public abstract DataBits dataBits();
* Gets the currently defined stop bits.
* @return integer that can be equal to {@link STOPBITS_1}, {@link STOPBITS_2}, or {@link STOPBITS_1_5}
* @deprecated use {@link #stopBits()} instead
public abstract int getStopBits();
* Gets the currently defined stop bits.
* @return the StopBits
public abstract StopBits stopBits();
* Get the currently configured parity setting.
* @return integer that can be equal to PARITY_NONE, PARITY_ODD, PARITY_EVEN, PARITY_MARK or PARITY_SPACE.
* @deprecated use {@link #parity()} instead
public abstract int getParity();
* Get the currently configured parity setting.
* @return the parity.
public abstract Parity parity();
* Sets the flow control mode.
* @param flowcontrol
* the flowcontrol
* @throws UnsupportedCommOperationException
* if any of the flow control mode was not supported by the underline OS, or if input and output flow
* control are set to different values, i.e. one hardware and one software. The flow control mode will
* revert to the value before the call was made.
* @deprecated use {@link #setFlowControlMode(FlowControl)} instead.
public abstract void setFlowControlMode(int flowcontrol) throws UnsupportedCommOperationException;
* Sets the flow control mode.
* @param flowcontrol
* the new flow control mode
* @throws UnsupportedCommOperationException
* if any of the flow control mode was not supported by the underline OS, or if input and output flow
* control are set to different values, i.e. one hardware and one software. The flow control mode will
* revert to the value before the call was made.
public abstract void setFlowControlMode(FlowControl flowcontrol) throws UnsupportedCommOperationException;
* Gets the currently configured flow control mode.
public abstract int getFlowControlMode();
* Gets the currently configured flow control mode.
* @return the current flow control mode.
public abstract FlowControl flowControlMode();
* Gets the state of the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) bit in the UART, if supported by the underlying implementation.
* @return the DTR flag
public abstract boolean isDTR();
* Sets or clears the DTR (Data Terminal Ready) bit in the UART, if supported by the underlying implementation.
* @param state
* - {@code true}: set DTR
* - {@code false}: clear DTR
public abstract void setDTR(boolean state);
* Sets or clears the RTS (Request To Send) bit in the UART, if supported by the underlying implementation.
* @param state
* - {@code true}: set RTS
* - {@code false}: clear RTS
public abstract void setRTS(boolean state);
* Gets the state of the CTS (Clear To Send) bit in the UART, if supported by the underlying implementation.
* @return true if clear to send.
public abstract boolean isCTS();
* Gets the state of the DSR (Data Set Ready) bit in the UART, if supported by the underlying implementation.
* @return true if data set ready.
public abstract boolean isDSR();
* Gets the state of the CD (Carrier Detect) bit in the UART, if supported by the underlying implementation.
* @return true if carrier detected.
public abstract boolean isCD();
public abstract boolean isRI();
* Retrieving the DSR (Data Set Ready) flag.
* @return true if data set ready.
public abstract boolean isRTS();
public abstract void sendBreak(int duration);
* Registers a {@link SerialPortEventListener} object to listen for {@link SerialPortEvent}s. Interest in specific
* events may be expressed using the notifyOnXXX calls. The serialEvent method of {@link SerialPortEventListener}
* will be called with a SerialEvent object describing the event.
* The current implementation only allows one listener per SerialPort. Once a listener is registered, subsequent
* call attempts to {@link #addEventListener(SerialPortEventListener)} will throw a
* {@link TooManyListenersException} without effecting the listener already registered.
* All the events received by this listener are generated by one dedicated thread that belongs to the SerialPort
* object. After the port is closed, no more event will be generated. Another call to open() of the port's
* {@link CommPortIdentifier} object will return a new CommPort object, and the listener has to be added again to
* the new {@link CommPort} object to receive event from this port.
* @param listener
* the serial port event listener.
* @throws TooManyListenersException
* If an initial attempt to attach a listener succeeds, subsequent attempts will throw
* {@link TooManyListenersException} without effecting the first listener.
public abstract void addEventListener(SerialPortEventListener listener) throws TooManyListenersException;
* Unregisters event listener registered using addEventListener.
* This is done automatically at {@link #close()}.
public abstract void removeEventListener();
* Expresses interest in receiving notification when input data is available. This may be used to drive asynchronous
* input. When data is available in the input buffer, this event is propagated to the listener registered using
* {@link #addEventListener(SerialPortEventListener)}.
* The event will be generated once when new data arrive at the serial port. Even if the user doesn't read the data,
* it won't be generated again until next time new data arrive.
* @param enable
* - {@code true}: enable notification
* - {@code false}: enable notification
public abstract void notifyOnDataAvailable(boolean enable);
* Expresses interest in receiving notification when the output buffer is empty. This may be used to drive
* asynchronous output. When the output buffer becomes empty, this event is propagated to the listener registered
* using {@link #addEventListener(SerialPortEventListener)}. The event will be generated after a write is completed,
* when the system buffer becomes empty again.
* This notification is hardware dependent and may not be supported by all implementations.
* @param enable
* - {@code true}: enable notification
* - {@code false}: enable notification
public abstract void notifyOnOutputEmpty(boolean enable);
* Expresses interest in receiving notification when the CTS (Clear To Send) bit changes.
* This notification is hardware dependent and may not be supported by all implementations.
* @param enable
* - {@code true}: enable notification
* - {@code false}: enable notification
public abstract void notifyOnCTS(boolean enable);
* Expresses interest in receiving notification when the DSR (Data Set Ready) bit changes.
* This notification is hardware dependent and may not be supported by all implementations.
* @param enable
* - {@code true}: enable notification
* - {@code false}: enable notification
public abstract void notifyOnDSR(boolean enable);
* Expresses interest in receiving notification when the RI (Ring Indicator) bit changes.
* This notification is hardware dependent and may not be supported by all implementations.
* @param enable
* - {@code true}: enable notification
* - {@code false}: enable notification
public abstract void notifyOnRingIndicator(boolean enable);
* Expresses interest in receiving notification when the CD (Carrier Detect) bit changes.
* This notification is hardware dependent and may not be supported by all implementations.
* @param enable
* - {@code true}: enable notification
* - {@code false}: enable notification
public abstract void notifyOnCarrierDetect(boolean enable);
* Expresses interest in receiving notification when there is an overrun error.
* This notification is hardware dependent and may not be supported by all implementations.
* @param enable
* - {@code true}: enable notification
* - {@code false}: enable notification
public abstract void notifyOnOverrunError(boolean enable);
* Expresses interest in receiving notification when there is a parity error.
* This notification is hardware dependent and may not be supported by all implementations.
* @param enable
* - {@code true}: enable notification
* - {@code false}: enable notification
public abstract void notifyOnParityError(boolean enable);
* Expresses interest in receiving notification when there is a framing error.
* This notification is hardware dependent and may not be supported by all implementations.
* @param enable
* - {@code true}: enable notification
* - {@code false}: enable notification
public abstract void notifyOnFramingError(boolean enable);
* Expresses interest in receiving notification when there is a break interrupt on the line.
* This notification is hardware dependent and may not be supported by all implementations.
* @param enable
* - {@code true}: enable notification
* - {@code false}: enable notification
public abstract void notifyOnBreakInterrupt(boolean enable);
* public abstract void setRcvFifoTrigger(int trigger); deprecated
/* ---------------------- end of commapi ------------------------ */
* can't have static abstract?
* public abstract static boolean staticSetDTR( String port, boolean flag ) throws
* UnsupportedCommOperationException; public abstract static boolean staticSetRTS( String port, boolean flag )
* throws UnsupportedCommOperationException;
* Retrieves the parity error char.
* @return the Parity Error Character
* @throws UnsupportedCommOperationException
* if this operation is not supported for the OS by the underlying native library.
public abstract byte getParityErrorChar() throws UnsupportedCommOperationException;
* Sets the parity error char.
* @param character
* Parity Error Character
* @return true on success
* @throws UnsupportedCommOperationException
* if this operation is not supported for the OS by the underlying native library.
public abstract boolean setParityErrorChar(byte character) throws UnsupportedCommOperationException;
* Retrieves the end of input character.
* @return the End of Input Character
* @throws UnsupportedCommOperationException
* if this operation is not supported for the OS by the underlying native library.
public abstract byte getEndOfInputChar() throws UnsupportedCommOperationException;
* Sets the end of input character.
* @param character
* End Of Input Character
* @return true on success
* @throws UnsupportedCommOperationException
* if this operation is not supported for the OS by the underlying native library.
public abstract boolean setEndOfInputChar(byte character) throws UnsupportedCommOperationException;
* Sets the UART type.
* @param type
* String representation of the UART type which may be "none", "8250", "16450", "16550", "16550A",
* "16650", "16550V2" or "16750".
* @param test
* boolean flag to determine if the UART should be tested.
* @return true on success
* @throws UnsupportedCommOperationException
* if this operation is not supported for the OS by the underlying native library.
* @deprecated use {@link #setUARTType(UARTType, boolean)} instead.
public abstract boolean setUARTType(String type, boolean test) throws UnsupportedCommOperationException;
* Sets the UART type.
* @param type
* the uartType
* @param test
* boolean flag to determine if the UART should be tested.
* @return true on success
* @throws UnsupportedCommOperationException
* if this operation is not supported for the OS by the underlying native library.
public abstract boolean setUARTType(UARTType type, boolean test) throws UnsupportedCommOperationException;
* Retrieve the UART type.
* @return type String representation of the UART type which may be "none", "8250", "16450", "16550", "16550A",
* "16650", "16550V2" or "16750".
* @throws UnsupportedCommOperationException
* if this operation is not supported for the OS by the underlying native library.
* @deprecated use {@link #uartType()} instead.
public abstract String getUARTType() throws UnsupportedCommOperationException;
* Retrieve the UART type.
* @return the UART type
* @throws UnsupportedCommOperationException
* if this operation is not supported for the OS by the underlying native library.
public abstract UARTType uartType() throws UnsupportedCommOperationException;
* Set Baud Base to 38600 on Linux and W32 before using.
* @param baudBase
* The clock frequency divided by 16. Default BaudBase is 115200.
* @return true on success
* @throws UnsupportedCommOperationException
* if this operation is not supported for the OS by the underlying native library.
* @throws IOException
* if an IOException occurs.
public abstract boolean setBaudBase(int baudBase) throws UnsupportedCommOperationException, IOException;
public abstract int getBaudBase() throws UnsupportedCommOperationException, IOException;
public abstract boolean setDivisor(int divisor) throws UnsupportedCommOperationException, IOException;
public abstract int getDivisor() throws UnsupportedCommOperationException, IOException;
* Set latency to low.
* @return true on success.
* @throws UnsupportedCommOperationException
* if this operation is not supported for the OS by the underlying native library.
public abstract boolean setLowLatency() throws UnsupportedCommOperationException;
* TODO ??
* @return true on success.
* @throws UnsupportedCommOperationException
* if this operation is not supported for the OS by the underlying native library.
public abstract boolean getLowLatency() throws UnsupportedCommOperationException;
public abstract boolean setCallOutHangup(boolean noHup) throws UnsupportedCommOperationException;
public abstract boolean getCallOutHangup() throws UnsupportedCommOperationException;