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edu.harvard.hul.ois.jhove.module.pdf.AProfile Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Jhove - JSTOR/Harvard Object Validation Environment
 * Copyright 2003 by JSTOR and the President and Fellows of Harvard College

package edu.harvard.hul.ois.jhove.module.pdf;

import edu.harvard.hul.ois.jhove.*;
import edu.harvard.hul.ois.jhove.module.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.xml.sax.*;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;

 *  PDF profile checker for PDF/A-1 documents.
 *  See 19005-1:2005(E), "Document Imaging Applications
 *  Application Issues".
 *  Revised to reflect the final standard.  With the new
 *  terminology, this profile is specific to PDF/A-1; there may be
 *  additional standards in the PDF/A family later on.  "PDF/A"
 *  means "PDF/A-1" in the documentation of this code.
 *  There are two levels of conformance, called Level A and Level B.
 *  We report these as two different profiles.  To accomplish this,
 *  we use AProfileLevelA, linked to an instance of this, which
 *  simply checks if this profile established Level A compliance.
public final class AProfile extends PdfProfile

    /* TaggedProfile to which this profile is linked. */
    private TaggedProfile _taggedProfile;
    private boolean _levelA;
    private boolean hasDevRGB;
    private boolean hasDevCMYK;
    private boolean hasUncalCS;  // flag for DeviceGray, DeviceCMYK or DeviceRGB
    /* Allowable annotation types.  Movie, Sound and FileAttachment
       are allowed in PDF, but not in PDF/A. */
    private String[] annotTypes = {
        "Text", "Link", "FreeText", "Line", "Square", "Circle",
        "Polygon", "Polyline", "Highlight", "Underline",
        "Squiggly", "StrikeOut", "Stamp", "Caret",
        "Ink", "Popup", "Widget", "Screen",
        "PrinterMark", "TrapNet"
    /* The following are the annotation types which are considered
       non-text annotations. */
//    private String[] nonTextAnnotTypes = {
//        "Link", "Line", "Square", "Circle",
//        "Polygon", "Polyline", "Stamp", "Caret",
//        "Ink", "Popup", "Widget", "Screen",
//        "PrinterMark", "TrapNet"
//    };
    private String[] excludedActions = {
        "Launch", "Sound", "Movie", "ResetForm",
        "ImportData", "JavaScript", "set-state", "no-op"
    /* The following filters are not allowed */
    private String[] excludedFilters = {
        /*"ASCIIHexDecode", "ASCII85Decode",*/ "LZWDecode" 

     *   Constructor.
     *   Creates an AProfile object for subsequent testing.
     *   @param  module   The module under which we are checking the profile.
    public AProfile (PdfModule module) 
        super (module);
        _profileText = "ISO PDF/A-1, Level B";

     *  Calling setTaggedProfile links this AProfile to a TaggedProfile.
    public void setTaggedProfile (TaggedProfile tpr) 
        _taggedProfile = tpr;

     * Returns true if the document satisfies the profile
     * at Level B or better.  Also sets the level A flag to the
     * appropriate value, so that satisfiesLevelA can subsequently
     * be called.
    public boolean satisfiesThisProfile ()
        // Assume level A compliance.
        _levelA = true;
        // The module has already done some syntactic checks.
        // If those failed, the file isn't compliant.
        if (!_module.mayBePDFACompliant ()) {
            _levelA = false;
            return false;

        // Conforming to the TaggedProfile requirements is necessary
        // for Level A
        if (_taggedProfile != null &&
                !_taggedProfile.isAlreadyOK ()) {
            _levelA = false;
            // But it may still be Level B

        hasDevCMYK = false;
        hasDevRGB = false;
        hasUncalCS = false;

        try {
            // Encryption dictionary is not allowed.
            if (_module.getEncryptionDict () != null ||
                  !trailerDictOK () ||
                  !catalogOK () ||
                  !resourcesOK () ||
                  !fontsOK () ||
                  !outlinesOK()) {
                _levelA = false;
                return false;
        catch (Exception e) {
            _levelA = false;
            return false;

        return true;  // Passed all tests
    /** Returns true if the document was found to be Level A
     *  conformant.  This returns a meaningful result only after
     *  satisfiesThisProfile has been called, and
     *  is intended for use by the Level A profiler. */
    protected boolean satisfiesLevelA ()
        return _levelA;
    /* The Encrypt and Info entries aren't allowed in the trailer
       dictionary. The ID entry is required. */
    private boolean trailerDictOK ()
        PdfDictionary trailerDict = _module.getTrailerDict ();
        if (trailerDict == null) {
            return false;    // really shouldn't happen
        try {
            if (trailerDict.get ("Encrypt") != null/* ||
                  trailerDict.get ("Info") != null*/) {
                return false;
            if (trailerDict.get ("ID") == null) {
                return false;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
        return true;

    private boolean catalogOK ()
        PdfDictionary cat = _module.getCatalogDict ();
        if (cat == null) {
            return false;
        try {
            // The document catalog dictionary "should" be present.
            // If it does, the value "shall" contain
            // a valid RFC1766 language string.
            PdfSimpleObject lang = (PdfSimpleObject) cat.get ("Lang");
            if (lang != null) {
                RFC1766Lang l = new RFC1766Lang (lang.getStringValue ());
                if (!l.isSyntaxCorrect ()) {
                    return false;
            // It must have an unfiltered Metadata stream
            PdfStream metadata = (PdfStream) 
                _module.resolveIndirectObject (cat.get ("Metadata"));
            if (!metadataOK (metadata)) {
                return false;

            // If it has an interactive form, it must meet certain criteria
            PdfDictionary form = (PdfDictionary) 
                _module.resolveIndirectObject (cat.get ("AcroForm"));
            if (form != null && !formOK (form)) {
                return false;

            // It may not contain an AA entry or an OCProperties entry
            if (cat.get ("AA") != null ||
                cat.get ("OCProperties") != null) {
                return false;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
        return true;

    private boolean fontsOK ()
        if (!type0FontsOK ()) {
            return false;
        // For each type of font (just because that's the easiest way
        // to get the fonts from the PdfModule), check that each font
        // has a ToUnicode entry which is a CMap stream.
        List> lst = _module.getFontMaps ();
        Iterator> iter = lst.listIterator ();
        try {
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                Map fmap = ();
                Iterator iter1 = fmap.values ().iterator ();
                while (iter1.hasNext ()) {
                    PdfDictionary font = (PdfDictionary) ();
                    if (!fontOK (font)) {
                        return false;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
        return true;

    /* Check a font for validity */
    private boolean fontOK (PdfDictionary font) 
        try {
            // The ToUnicode entry is required only for Level A,
            // and there are an assortment of exceptions. 
            PdfSimpleObject fType = (PdfSimpleObject) font.get("Subtype");
            String fTypeStr = fType.getStringValue ();
            PdfDictionary desc = (PdfDictionary) 
                    _module.resolveIndirectObject (font.get ("FontDescriptor"));
            // MODIF THL 2010/10/11 test if desc is null
            PdfSimpleObject flagsObj = null;
            if (desc != null) {
                 flagsObj = (PdfSimpleObject) _module.resolveIndirectObject( desc.get ("Flags"));
            int flags = 0;
            if (flagsObj != null) {
                flags = flagsObj.getIntValue();
            if ("Type1".equals (fTypeStr)) {
                // A Type 1 font must have a CharSet string in the
                // font descriptor dictionary.
                if (desc == null) {
                    return false;    // The requirement mentioned above implies a FontDescriptor is needed.
                return desc.get ("CharSet") != null;
            if ("Type0".equals (fTypeStr)) {
                // Type 0 fonts are OK if the descendant CIDFont uses
                // four specified character collections.
                PdfObject order = font.get ("Ordering");
                if (order instanceof PdfSimpleObject) {
                    try {
                        String ordText = 
                            ((PdfSimpleObject) order).getStringValue ();
                        if ("Adobe-GB1".equals (ordText) ||
                              "Adobe-CNS1".equals (ordText) ||
                              "Adobe-Japan1".equals (ordText) ||
                              "Adobe-Korea1".equals (ordText)) {
                            return true;
                    catch (Exception e) {}
            PdfObject enc = font.get ("Encoding");
            if (enc instanceof PdfSimpleObject) {
                if ((flags & 0X04) != 0) {    // symbolic font?
                    return false;             // symbolic font must not have encoding
                String encName = ((PdfSimpleObject) enc).getStringValue ();
                if ("WinAnsiEncoding".equals (encName) ||
                        "MacRomanDecoding".equals (encName) ||
                        "MacExpertDecoding".equals (encName)) {
                    return true;
	     * Fixed contributed by FCLA, 2007-05-30, to permit
	     * indirect as well as direct stream object.
	     * PdfStream toUni = (PdfStream) font.get ("ToUnicode");
            PdfObject toUni = font.get ("ToUnicode");
            if (toUni == null) {
                _levelA = false;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
        return true;

    /* Check the type 0 font map for compatibility with
       CIDFont and CMap dictionaries */
    private boolean type0FontsOK ()
        Map type0Map = _module.getFontMap (PdfModule.F_TYPE0);
        if (type0Map == null) {
            return true;
        try {
            PdfSimpleObject ob;
            Iterator iter = type0Map.values().iterator ();
            while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                String registry = null;
                String ordering = null;
                PdfDictionary font = (PdfDictionary) ();
                // The Encoding entry can be a predefined name
                // or a dictionary.  If it's a dictionary, it
                // must be compatible with the CIDSystemInfo
                // dictionaries.
                PdfObject enc = font.get ("Encoding");
                if (enc instanceof PdfDictionary) {
                    // it's a CMap dictionary. 
                    PdfDictionary info = 
                        (PdfDictionary) _module.resolveIndirectObject
                            (((PdfDictionary) enc).get ("CIDSystemInfo"));
                    ob = (PdfSimpleObject) info.get ("Registry");
                    registry = ob.getStringValue ();
                    ob = (PdfSimpleObject) info.get ("Ordering");
                    ordering = ob.getStringValue ();
                PdfArray descendants = 
                    (PdfArray) _module.resolveIndirectObject
                        (font.get ("DescendantFonts"));
                // PDF 1.4 and previous allow only a single
                // descendant font, and this must be a CIDFont.
                // While Adobe warns that this may change in a
                // previous version, we require here that the
                // first descendant be a CIDFont, and ignore any others.
                Vector subfonts = descendants.getContent ();

		 * Fix contributed by FCLA, 2007-05-30, to permit the
		 * subfonts array to store PdfObject as well as
		 * PdfDictionary.
		 * PdfDictionary subfont = 
		 *                 (PdfDictionary) subfonts.elementAt (0);
		 * subfont = (PdfDictionary)
		 *                  _module.resolveIndirectObject (subfont);
                PdfObject objFont = subfonts.elementAt (0);
                PdfDictionary subfont = (PdfDictionary)
                        _module.resolveIndirectObject (objFont);
                PdfSimpleObject subtype = 
                        (PdfSimpleObject) subfont.get ("Subtype");
		 * Fix conributed by FCLA, 2007-05-30, to permit the
		 * comparison of a general PdfSimpleObject to a string.
		 * if (!"CIDFontType0".equals (subtype) && 
		 *     !"CIDFontType2".equals (subtype)) {
                if (!subtype.getStringValue ().equals ("CIDFontType0") && 
		    !subtype.getStringValue ().equals ("CIDFontType2")) {
                    return false;
                // If there's no CMap dictionary and this is the
                // first subfont, save the registration and
                // ordering strings.  Otherwise make sure they match.
                PdfDictionary info = 
                    (PdfDictionary) _module.resolveIndirectObject
                        (subfont.get ("CIDSystemInfo"));
                ob = (PdfSimpleObject) info.get ("Registry");
                String obstr = ob.getStringValue ();
                if (registry == null) {
                    registry = obstr;
                else {
                    if (!registry.equals (obstr)) {
                        return false;
                ob = (PdfSimpleObject) info.get ("Ordering");
                obstr = ob.getStringValue ();
		/* Fix contributed by FCLA, 2007-05-30, to fix an apparent
		 * typo.
		 * if (registry == null) {
                if (ordering == null) {
                    ordering = obstr;
                else {
                    if (!ordering.equals (obstr)) {
                        return false;
                // A type 2 subfont must meet certain restrictions
                if ("CIDFontType2".equals (subtype.getStringValue())) {
                    // MODIF THL 2010/10/11 Accept IndirectObject
                    PdfObject cgmap1 = subfont.get ("CIDToGIDMap");
                    if (cgmap1 == null) {
                        return false;
                    PdfObject cgmap;
                    if (cgmap1 instanceof PdfIndirectObj) {
                        cgmap = 
                            (PdfObject) _module.resolveIndirectObject (cgmap1);
                    } else {
                        cgmap = cgmap1;
                    if (cgmap instanceof PdfSimpleObject) {
                        if (!"Identity".equals (((PdfSimpleObject)cgmap).getStringValue ())) {
                            return false;
                    else if (!(cgmap instanceof PdfStream)) {
                        return false;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
        return true;

    /* Check if a font has an acceptable encoding. This applies
       only to TrueType fonts. */
    private boolean ttFontEncodingOK (PdfDictionary font)
        try {
            PdfDictionary desc = (PdfDictionary) 
                _module.resolveIndirectObject (font.get ("FontDescriptor"));
            // Not all fonts -- in particular, the standard 14 --
            // are required to have FontDescriptors.  How do we
            // handle encoding in those cases?
            if (desc == null) {
                return true;  // for now, give benefit of doubt
            PdfSimpleObject flagObj = (PdfSimpleObject)
                desc.get ("Flags");
            int flags = flagObj.getIntValue ();
            if ((flags & 4) == 0) {
                // It's a nonsymbolic font, check the Encoding
                PdfSimpleObject encoding = 
                        (PdfSimpleObject) font.get ("Encoding");
                String encStr = encoding.getStringValue ();
                if (!"MacRomanEncoding".equals (encStr) &&
                        !"WinAnsiEncoding".equals (encStr)) {
                    return false;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
        return true;

    /* Check if the interactive form is OK */
    private boolean formOK (PdfDictionary form)
        // Guess what?  It's another hierarchy of dictionaries!
        // So let's walk through the fields...
        try {
            PdfArray fields = (PdfArray)_module.resolveIndirectObject(form.get ("Fields"));
            Vector fieldVec = fields.getContent ();
            for (int i = 0; i < fieldVec.size (); i++) {
                PdfDictionary field = (PdfDictionary) fieldVec.elementAt (i);
                if (!fieldOK (field)) {
                    return false;
            // The NeedAppearances flag either shall not be present
            // or shall be false.
            PdfSimpleObject needapp = (PdfSimpleObject) form.get ("NeedAppearances");
            if (needapp != null && !needapp.isFalse ()) {
                return false;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
        return true;

    /* Check a form field for validity.  We don't allow form fields
       to have AA (Additional Actions) dictionaries */
    private boolean fieldOK (PdfDictionary field)
        try {
            // A Widget annotation dictionary or Field dictionary
            // shall not contain the A or AA keys.
            if (field.get ("AA") != null) {
                return false;
            if (field.get ("A") != null) {
                return false;
            // Every form field shall have an appearance dictionary
            // associated with the field's data.
            if (field.get ("DR") == null) {
                return false;
            PdfArray kids = (PdfArray) field.get ("Kids");
            // Now, just to complicate things, the contents of
            // the array might be subfield dictionaries or might
            // be widget annotations.  Oh, and neither one has
            // a required Type entry.
            // We only case about subfields.
            if (kids != null) {
                Vector kidVec = kids.getContent ();
                for (int i = 0; i < kidVec.size (); i++) {
                    PdfDictionary kid = (PdfDictionary) kidVec.elementAt (i);
                    // The safest way to check if this is a field seems
                    // to be to look for the required Parent entry.
                    if (kid.get ("Parent") != null && !fieldOK (kid)) {
                        return false;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
        return true;

    /* Walk through the page tree and check all Resources dictionaries
       that we find.  Along the way, we check several things:
       Color spaces. The document may not have both CMYK and
       RGB color spaces.
       Extended graphic states.
    private boolean resourcesOK () 
        PageTreeNode docTreeRoot = _module.getDocumentTree ();
        try {
            docTreeRoot.startWalk ();
            DocNode docNode;
            for (;;) {
                docNode = docTreeRoot.nextDocNode ();
                if (docNode == null) {
                // Check for node-level resources
                PdfDictionary rsrc = docNode.getResources ();
                if (rsrc != null) {
                    // Check color spaces.
                    PdfDictionary cs = (PdfDictionary)
                            (rsrc.get ("ColorSpace"));
                    if (!colorSpaceOK (cs)) {
                        return false;

                    // Check extended graphics state.
                    PdfDictionary gs = (PdfDictionary)
                            (rsrc.get ("ExtGState"));
                    if (!extGStateOK (gs)) {
                        return false;
                    // Check XObjects.
                    PdfDictionary xo = (PdfDictionary)
                            (rsrc.get ("XObject"));
                    if (!xObjectsOK (xo)) {
                        return false;
                // Check content streams for  resources
                if (docNode instanceof PageObject) {
                    List streams = 
                        ((PageObject) docNode).getContentStreams ();
                    if (streams != null) {
                        Iterator iter = streams.listIterator ();
                        while (iter.hasNext ()) {
                            PdfStream stream = ();
                            PdfDictionary dict = stream.getDict ();
                            PdfDictionary rs = 
                                    _module.resolveIndirectObject(dict.get ("Resources"));
                            if (rs != null) {
                                PdfDictionary cs = (PdfDictionary)
                                        (rs.get ("ColorSpace"));
                                if (!colorSpaceOK (cs)) {
                                    return false;

                                PdfDictionary gs = (PdfDictionary)
                                        (rs.get ("ExtGState"));
                                if (!extGStateOK (gs)) {
                                    return false;

                                PdfDictionary xo = (PdfDictionary)
                                        (rs.get ("XObject"));
                                if (!xObjectsOK (xo)) {
                                    return false;
                            // Also check for filters
                            PdfObject filters =
                                dict.get ("Filter");
                            if (hasFilters (filters, excludedFilters)) {
                                return false;
                    // Also check page objects for annotations.
                    // Must be one of the prescribed types, but not
                    // Movie, Sound, or FileAttachment.
                    PdfArray annots = ((PageObject) docNode).getAnnotations ();
                    if (annots != null) {
                        Vector annVec = annots.getContent ();
                        for (int i = 0; i < annVec.size (); i++) {
                            PdfDictionary annDict = (PdfDictionary)
                                (annVec.elementAt (i));
                            PdfSimpleObject subtypeObj = (PdfSimpleObject) annDict.get ("Subtype");
                            String subtypeVal = subtypeObj.getStringValue ();
                            boolean stOK = false;
                            int j;
                            for (j = 0; j < annotTypes.length; j++) {
                                if (annotTypes[j].equals (subtypeVal)) {

                                    stOK = true;
                            if (!stOK) {
                                return false;
                            // If it's a Widget, it can't have an AA entry
                            if ("Widget".equals (subtypeVal) && annDict.get ("AA") != null) {
                                return false;
                            // For non-text annotation types, the
                            // Contents key is RECOMMENDED, not required.
                            // Therefore comment this test out GDM 4-Sep-2012
//                            for (j = 0; i < nonTextAnnotTypes.length; j++) {
//                                if (nonTextAnnotTypes[i].equals (subtypeVal)) {
//                                    if (annDict.get ("Contents") == null) {
//                                        return false;
//                                    }
//                                    else {
//                                        // Contents found, this dict OK
//                                        break;
//                                    }
//                                }
//                            }
                            // if the CA key is present, it must have a 
                            // value of 1.0.
                            PdfSimpleObject ca = (PdfSimpleObject) 
                                    annDict.get ("CA");
                            if (ca != null) {
                                double caVal = ca.getDoubleValue ();
                                if (caVal != 1.0) {
                                    return false;   
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
        return true;   // passed all tests

    /* Check if a color space dictionary is conformant */
    private boolean colorSpaceOK (PdfDictionary cs)
        // If it's null, that's fine.
        if (cs == null) {
            return true;
        // Walk through the color space dictionary,
        // checking device ("uncalibrated") color spaces 
        Iterator iter = cs.iterator ();
        while (iter.hasNext ()) {
            PdfObject res = (PdfObject) ();
            if (res instanceof PdfArray) {
                Vector resv = ((PdfArray) res).getContent ();
                PdfSimpleObject snameobj = (PdfSimpleObject) resv.elementAt (0);
                String sname = snameobj.getStringValue ();
                boolean oldHasUncalCS = hasUncalCS;
                if ("DeviceCMYK".equals (sname)) {
                    hasDevCMYK = true;
                    hasUncalCS = true;
                else if ("DeviceRGB".equals (sname)) {
                    hasDevRGB = true;
                    hasUncalCS = true;
                else if ("DeviceGray".equals (sname)) {
                    hasUncalCS = true;
                // If this is the first time we've hit an uncalibrated
                // color space, check for an appropriate OutputIntent dict.
                if (hasUncalCS && !oldHasUncalCS && !checkUncalIntent ()) {
                    return false;
                if (hasDevRGB && hasDevCMYK) {
                    return false;   // can't have both in same file
        return true;   // passed all tests

    /* If there is an uncalibrated color space, then there must be a
     * "PDF/A-1 OutputIntent." */
    private boolean checkUncalIntent ()
        try {
            // First off, there must be an OutputIntents array
            // in the document catalog dictionary.
            PdfDictionary catDict = _module.getCatalogDict ();
            PdfArray intentsArray = (PdfArray) _module.resolveIndirectObject 
                    (catDict.get ("OutputIntents"));
            if (intentsArray == null) {
                return false;
            Vector intVec = intentsArray.getContent ();
            PdfStream theOutProfile = null;
            boolean pdfaProfileSeen = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < intVec.size (); i++) {
                // Multiple intents arrays are allowed, but all must use
                // the same DestOutputProfile object or none, and there 
                // must be at least one that as one and has GTS_PDFA1 as
                // the value of its S key.
                PdfDictionary intent = (PdfDictionary) intVec.elementAt (0);
                PdfSimpleObject outCond = 
                    (PdfSimpleObject) intent.get ("OutputCondition");
                if (outCond != null) {
                    PdfStream outProfile = (PdfStream) _module.resolveIndirectObject
                        (intent.get ("DestOutputProfile"));
                    if (outProfile != null) {
                        if (theOutProfile != null) {
                            // all output profiles must be the same.
                            if (outProfile != theOutProfile) {
                                return false;
                        else {
                            // All subsequent output profiles must matcht his.
                            theOutProfile = outProfile;
                        PdfSimpleObject subtype = (PdfSimpleObject) intent.get ("S");
                        if (subtype != null && 
                                "GTS_PDFA1".equals (subtype.getStringValue())) {
                            pdfaProfileSeen = true;
            if (theOutProfile == null || !pdfaProfileSeen) {
                return false;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
        return true;
    /* Check if the outlines (if any) are OK.  This is a check
       on Actions, and the module has already checked if there
       are Actions in the outlines, so if there aren't any,
       we save the time to do this test. */
    private boolean outlinesOK () 
        if (!_module.getActionsExist ()) {
            return true;
        PdfDictionary outlineDict = _module.getOutlineDict ();
        if (outlineDict == null) {
            return true;
        try {
            PdfDictionary item = (PdfDictionary) _module.resolveIndirectObject
                       (outlineDict.get ("First"));
            while (item != null) {
                if (!checkOutlineItem (item)) {
                    return false;
                item = (PdfDictionary) _module.resolveIndirectObject 
                        (((PdfDictionary) item).get ("Next"));
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
        return true;

    /* Check an outline item, going down recursively */
    private boolean checkOutlineItem (PdfDictionary item) 
        // Check if there are actions for this item 
        try {
            PdfDictionary action = (PdfDictionary) 
                     _module.resolveIndirectObject (item.get ("A"));
            if (action != null && !actionOK (action)) {
                return false;
            PdfDictionary child = (PdfDictionary)
                     _module.resolveIndirectObject (item.get ("First"));
            PdfDictionary next;
            while (child != null) {
                if (!checkOutlineItem (child)) {
                    return false;
                next = (PdfDictionary)
                    _module.resolveIndirectObject (child.get ("Next"));
                if (next.getObjNumber() != child.getObjNumber()) {
                    child = next;
                } else {
                    child = null;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
        return true;

    /* Validate an Action dictionary.  Actions exclude certain types. */
    private boolean actionOK (PdfDictionary action) 
        int i;
        // For some reason, an action's type is an "S" entry, not
        // a "Subtype" entry.
        try {
            PdfSimpleObject actType = (PdfSimpleObject) action.get ("S");
            String actStr = actType.getStringValue ();
            // Note: I should also be checking for the set-state
            // and no-op actions, which are prohibited; but since
            // the documentation I can find doesn't say what the 
            // actual names for these actions are, it's tough to
            // exclude them, and I'd rather not guess the names.
            for (i = 0; i < excludedActions.length; i++) {
                if (excludedActions[i].equals (actStr)) {
                    return false;
            // An action can have a "Next" entry which is either
            // another action or an array of actions.  Need to follow
            // the whole tree to make sure all actions are legit.
            PdfObject next = action.get ("Next");
            if (next instanceof PdfDictionary) {
                if (!actionOK ((PdfDictionary) next)) {
                    return false;
            else if (next instanceof PdfArray) {
                Vector nextVec = ((PdfArray) next).getContent ();
                for (i = 0; i < nextVec.size (); i++) {
                    PdfDictionary nact = (PdfDictionary) 
                        nextVec.elementAt (i);
                    if (!actionOK (nact)) {
                        return false;
            else if (next != null) {
                return false;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
        return true;

    /* The ExtGState resource may not have a TR key, or a
       TR2 with a value other than "Default". */
    private boolean extGStateOK (PdfDictionary gs) 
        if (gs == null) {
            // no object means no problem
            return true;
        try {
            PdfObject tr = gs.get ("TR");
            PdfObject tr2 = gs.get ("TR2");
            if (tr != null) {
                return false;
            if (tr2 != null) {
                String tr2Val = ((PdfSimpleObject) tr2).getStringValue ();
                if (!"Default".equals (tr2Val)) {
                    return false;

            // RI is restricted to the traditional 4 rendering intents
            PdfSimpleObject ri = (PdfSimpleObject) gs.get ("RI");
            if (ri != null) {
                String riVal = ri.getStringValue ();
                if (!validIntentString (riVal)) {
                    return false;
            // SMask is allowed only with a value of "None".
            PdfSimpleObject smask = (PdfSimpleObject) gs.get ("SMask");
            if (smask != null) {
                String smVal = smask.getStringValue ();
                if (!"None".equals (smVal)) {
                    return false;
            // BM, if present, must be "Normal" or "Compatible"
            PdfSimpleObject blendMode =
                (PdfSimpleObject) gs.get ("BM");
            if (blendMode != null) {
                String bmVal = blendMode.getStringValue ();
                if (!"Normal".equals (bmVal) &&
                !"Compatible".equals (bmVal)) {
                return false;
            // CA and ca must be 1.0, if present
            PdfSimpleObject ca = (PdfSimpleObject) gs.get ("CA");
            double caVal;
            if (ca != null) {
                caVal = ca.getDoubleValue ();
                if (caVal != 1.0) {
                return false;
            ca = (PdfSimpleObject) gs.get ("ca");
            if (ca != null) {
                caVal = ca.getDoubleValue ();
                if (caVal != 1.0) {
                return false;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
        return true;   // passed all tests

     *  Checks a single XObject for xObjectsOK.  
    protected boolean xObjectOK (PdfDictionary xo) 
        if (xo == null) {
            // no XObject means no problem
            return true;
        try {
            // PostScript XObjects aren't allowed.
            // Image XObjects must meet certain tests.
            PdfSimpleObject subtype = (PdfSimpleObject) xo.get ("Subtype");
            if (subtype != null) {
                String subtypeVal = subtype.getStringValue ();
                if ("PS".equals (subtypeVal)) {
                    // PS XObjects aren't allowed.
                    return false;
                if ("Image".equals (subtypeVal) && !imageObjectOK (xo)) {
                    return false;
                if ("Form".equals (subtypeVal) && !formObjectOK (xo)) {
                    return false;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;        
        return true;

    /** Checks if a Form xobject is valid.  This overrides the method in
       XProfileBase. */
    protected boolean formObjectOK (PdfDictionary xo)
        // PDF/A elements can't have an OPI or Ref key in Form xobjects.
        return !(xo.get ("OPI") != null || xo.get ("Ref") != null);

    /** Checks if a single image XObject fits the profile */
    protected boolean imageObjectOK (PdfDictionary xo)
        try {
            // OPI and Alternates keys are disallowed
            if (xo.get ("OPI") != null ||
                xo.get ("Alternates") != null) {
                return false;
            // Check against LZW filter
            PdfObject filters =
                xo.get ("Filter");
            if (hasFilters (filters, excludedFilters)) {
                return false;

            // Interpolate is allowed only if its value is false.
            PdfSimpleObject interp = (PdfSimpleObject) xo.get ("Interpolate");
            if (interp != null && !interp.isFalse ()) {
                return false;
            // Intent must be one of the four standard rendering intents,
            // if present.
            PdfSimpleObject intent = (PdfSimpleObject) xo.get ("Intent");
            if (intent != null) {
                String intentStr = intent.getStringValue ();
                if (! validIntentString (intentStr)) {
                    return false;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;        
        return true;
    private boolean validIntentString (String str) 
        return ("RelativeColorimetric".equals (str) ||
               "AbsoluteColorimetric".equals (str) ||
               "Perceptual".equals (str) ||
               "Saturation".equals (str));
    // See if the metadata stream from the catalog dictionary is OK
    private boolean metadataOK (PdfStream metadata)
        // Presence of metadata is required
        if (metadata == null) {
            return false;
        try {
            PdfDictionary metaDict = metadata.getDict ();
            if (metaDict.get ("Filter") != null) {
                // We just metadata we didn't like. Filters aren't allowed.
                return false;
            // Create an InputSource to feed the parser.
            SAXParserFactory factory = 
            factory.setNamespaceAware (true);
            XMLReader parser = factory.newSAXParser ().getXMLReader ();
            //InputStream stream = new StreamInputStream (metadata, _module.getFile ());
            PdfXMPSource src = new PdfXMPSource (metadata, _module.getFile ());
            XMPHandler handler = new XMPHandler ();
            parser.setContentHandler (handler);
            parser.setErrorHandler (handler);
            // We have to parse twice.  The first time, we may get
            // an encoding change as part of an exception thrown.  If this
            // happens, we create a new InputSource with the encoding, and
            // continue.
            try {
                parser.parse (src);
                if (!handler.isPdfaCompliant ()) {
                    return false;
            catch (SAXException se) {
                String msg = se.getMessage ();
                if (msg != null && msg.startsWith ("ENC=")) {
                    // encoding change is not allowed with PDF/A, so there's no
                    // need to re-parse
                    return false;
//                    String encoding = msg.substring (5);
//                    try {
//                        //Reader rdr = new InputStreamReader (stream, encoding);
//                        src = new PdfXMPSource (metadata, _module.getFile (), encoding);
//                        parser.parse (src);
//                        if (!handler.isPdfaCompliant ()) {
//                            return false;
//                        }
//                    }
//                    catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
//                        return false;
//                    }
        catch (Exception e) {
            return false;
        return true;

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