org.openprovenance.prov.scala.query.SummaryQueryGenerator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.openprovenance.prov.scala.query
import org.openprovenance.prov.scala.summary.types.ProvType.stn.{MEM, SPEC, USD, WAT, WDF, WGB}
import org.openprovenance.prov.scala.summary.types.{Act, Ag, BasicFlatType, CompositeFlatType, Ent, FlatType, NumberedFlatType, Prim, SummaryTypesNames}
import scala.collection.mutable
sealed abstract class QueryDirective(val name: Option[String])
case class QueryDirectiveTop() extends QueryDirective(None)
case class QueryDirectiveContinue(s: String) extends QueryDirective(Some(s))
class GensymGenerator {
var table: Map[String, Set[String]] = Map()
def newId(s: String): String = {
table.get(s) match {
case None =>
table = table + (s -> Set(s))
case Some(set) =>
val s2 = s + "_" + set.size
table = table + (s -> (set + s2))
object SummaryQueryGenerator {
def flatType2Query(selectedType: Int,
level: Int,
flatTypeMap: Map[Int, Map[Int, Set[FlatType]]],
allTypeStringsR: Map[Int, Map[Int, String]],
typeCount: Map[Int, Int],
directive: QueryDirective,
nesting: Int = 0,
where: mutable.ArrayBuffer[String] = mutable.ArrayBuffer(),
comments: mutable.ArrayBuffer[String] = mutable.ArrayBuffer(),
gensym: GensymGenerator = new GensymGenerator()): mutable.ArrayBuffer[String] = {
val result: mutable.ArrayBuffer[String] = mutable.ArrayBuffer()
if (selectedType == (-1)) {
result += ("// found -1 for level " + level + "\n")
return result
var top = directive.isInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveTop]
val flatTypes: Set[FlatType] = flatTypeMap(level)(selectedType)
val tabulation = " " * nesting
if (top) {
result += "\n\n"
result += "prefix provext \n"
result += "prefix t \n"
result += "prefix sum \n\n"
var latest_directive = directive
val sortedFlatTypes = flatTypes.toSeq.sortWith(lessThan)
for (ft <- sortedFlatTypes) {
latest_directive = flatType2Query2(ft,
top = false
if (directive.isInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveTop]) {
result += "\n\nwhere "
var first = true
where.foreach(l => {
if (first) {
first = false
} else {
result += "and "
result += (l + "\n")
result += "\n"
comments.foreach(l => {
result += (l + "\n")
result += "\n"
def flatType2Query2(ft: FlatType,
result: mutable.ArrayBuffer[String],
level: Int,
selectedType: Int,
flatTypeMap: Map[Int, Map[Int, Set[FlatType]]],
allTypeStringsR: Map[Int, Map[Int, String]],
typeCount: Map[Int, Int],
directive: QueryDirective,
nesting: Int = 0,
where: mutable.ArrayBuffer[String],
comments: mutable.ArrayBuffer[String],
top: Boolean,
tabulation: String,
gensym: GensymGenerator): QueryDirective = {
ft match {
case BasicFlatType(l, b) =>
if (top) {
result += (tabulation + "select * ")
b match {
case Prim(_) => directive
case Ent() =>
val newEntityId = "ent_%d_%d".format(level, selectedType)
directive match {
case QueryDirectiveTop() => result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:Entity\n".format(newEntityId))
case QueryDirectiveContinue(s) =>
result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:Entity\n".format(newEntityId))
result += (tabulation + " join\n".format(s, newEntityId))
if (directive.isInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveTop]) where += "%s[sum:nbr] = %d".format(newEntityId, selectedType)
comments += "//%s has type %s".format(newEntityId, allTypeStringsR(level)(selectedType))
case Act() =>
val newActivityId = "act_%d_%d".format(level, selectedType)
directive match {
case QueryDirectiveTop() => result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:Activity\n".format(newActivityId))
case QueryDirectiveContinue(s) =>
result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:Activity\n".format(newActivityId))
result += (tabulation + " join\n".format(s, newActivityId))
if (directive.isInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveTop]) where += "%s[sum:nbr] = %d".format(newActivityId, selectedType)
comments += "//%s has type %s".format(newActivityId, allTypeStringsR(level)(selectedType))
case Ag() =>
val newAgentId = "ag_%d_%d".format(level, selectedType)
directive match {
case QueryDirectiveTop() => result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:Agent\n".format(newAgentId))
case QueryDirectiveContinue(s) =>
result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:Agent\n".format(newAgentId))
result += (tabulation + " join\n".format(s, newAgentId))
if (directive.isInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveTop]) where += "%s[sum:nbr] = %d".format(newAgentId, selectedType)
comments += "//%s has type %s".format(newAgentId, allTypeStringsR(level)(selectedType))
case CompositeFlatType(l, NumberedFlatType(lnext, next)) => l match {
case MEM =>
val newMemId = gensym.newId("mem_%d_%d".format(level, selectedType))
result += (tabulation + "from %s a provext:HadMember\n".format(newMemId))
result += (tabulation + " join\n".format(directive.asInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveContinue].s, newMemId))
result += tabulation
result ++= flatType2Query(next, lnext, flatTypeMap, allTypeStringsR, typeCount, QueryDirectiveContinue("%s.entity".format(newMemId)), nesting + 1, where, comments, gensym)
case USD =>
val usedId = gensym.newId("mem_%d_%d".format(level, selectedType))
result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:Used\n".format(usedId))
result += (tabulation + " join\n".format(directive.asInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveContinue].s, usedId))
result += tabulation
result ++= flatType2Query(next, lnext, flatTypeMap, allTypeStringsR, typeCount, QueryDirectiveContinue("%s.entity".format(usedId)), nesting + 1, where, comments, gensym)
case WGB =>
val wgbId = gensym.newId("wgb%d_%d".format(level, selectedType))
result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:WasGeneratedBy\n".format(wgbId))
result += (tabulation + " join\n".format(directive.asInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveContinue].s, wgbId))
result += tabulation
result ++= flatType2Query(next, lnext, flatTypeMap, allTypeStringsR, typeCount, QueryDirectiveContinue("%s.entity".format(wgbId)), nesting + 1, where, comments, gensym)
case WAT =>
val newWatId = gensym.newId("wat_%d_%d".format(level, selectedType))
result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:WasAttributedTo\n".format(newWatId))
result += (tabulation + " join\n".format(directive.asInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveContinue].s, newWatId))
result += tabulation
result ++= flatType2Query(next, lnext, flatTypeMap, allTypeStringsR, typeCount, QueryDirectiveContinue("%s.agent".format(newWatId)), nesting + 1, where, comments, gensym)
case SPEC =>
val newSpecId = gensym.newId("spec_%d_%d".format(level, selectedType))
result += (tabulation + "from %s a provext:SpecializationOf\n".format(newSpecId))
result += (tabulation + " join\n".format(directive.asInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveContinue].s, newSpecId))
result += tabulation
result ++= flatType2Query(next, lnext, flatTypeMap, allTypeStringsR, typeCount, QueryDirectiveContinue("%s.generalEntity".format(newSpecId)), nesting + 1, where, comments, gensym)
case WDF =>
val newWdfId = gensym.newId("wdf_%d_%d".format(level, selectedType))
result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:WasDerivedFrom\n".format(newWdfId))
result += (tabulation + " join\n".format(directive.asInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveContinue].s, newWdfId))
result += tabulation
result ++= flatType2Query(next, lnext, flatTypeMap, allTypeStringsR, typeCount, QueryDirectiveContinue("%s.usedEntity".format(newWdfId)), nesting + 1, where, comments, gensym)
def lessThan(t1: FlatType, t2: FlatType): Boolean = {
(t1, t2) match {
case (BasicFlatType(l1, b1), BasicFlatType(l2, b2)) => l1 <= l2
case (BasicFlatType(l1, b1), _) => true
case (_, BasicFlatType(l1, b1)) => false
case (CompositeFlatType(l1, NumberedFlatType(lnext1, next1)), CompositeFlatType(l2, NumberedFlatType(lnext2, next2))) =>
if (l1 == l2) lnext1 <= lnext2 else l1 < l2
trait SummaryQueryGenerator extends QueryInterpreter {
/* Class used to append a number at the end of an identifier, to ensure its uniqueness */
def flatType2Query2(ft: FlatType,
result: mutable.ArrayBuffer[String],
level: Int,
selectedType: Int,
flatTypeMap: Map[Int, Map[Int, Set[FlatType]]],
allTypeStringsR: Map[Int, Map[Int, String]],
typeCount: Map[Int, Int],
directive: QueryDirective,
nesting: Int = 0,
where: mutable.ArrayBuffer[String],
comments: mutable.ArrayBuffer[String],
top: Boolean,
tabulation: String,
gensym: GensymGenerator): QueryDirective = {
ft match {
case BasicFlatType(l, b) =>
if (top) {
result += (tabulation + "select * ")
b match {
case Prim(_) => directive
case Ent() =>
val newEntityId = "ent_%d_%d".format(level, selectedType)
directive match {
case QueryDirectiveTop() => result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:Entity\n".format(newEntityId))
case QueryDirectiveContinue(s) =>
result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:Entity\n".format(newEntityId))
result += (tabulation + " join\n".format(s, newEntityId))
if (directive.isInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveTop]) where += "%s[sum:nbr] = %d".format(newEntityId, selectedType)
comments += "//%s has type %s".format(newEntityId, allTypeStringsR(level)(selectedType))
case Act() =>
val newActivityId = "act_%d_%d".format(level, selectedType)
directive match {
case QueryDirectiveTop() => result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:Activity\n".format(newActivityId))
case QueryDirectiveContinue(s) =>
result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:Activity\n".format(newActivityId))
result += (tabulation + " join\n".format(s, newActivityId))
if (directive.isInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveTop]) where += "%s[sum:nbr] = %d".format(newActivityId, selectedType)
comments += "//%s has type %s".format(newActivityId, allTypeStringsR(level)(selectedType))
case Ag() =>
val newAgentId = "ag_%d_%d".format(level, selectedType)
directive match {
case QueryDirectiveTop() => result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:Agent\n".format(newAgentId))
case QueryDirectiveContinue(s) =>
result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:Agent\n".format(newAgentId))
result += (tabulation + " join\n".format(s, newAgentId))
if (directive.isInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveTop]) where += "%s[sum:nbr] = %d".format(newAgentId, selectedType)
comments += "//%s has type %s".format(newAgentId, allTypeStringsR(level)(selectedType))
case CompositeFlatType(l, NumberedFlatType(lnext, next)) => l match {
case MEM =>
val newMemId = gensym.newId("mem_%d_%d".format(level, selectedType))
result += (tabulation + "from %s a provext:HadMember\n".format(newMemId))
result += (tabulation + " join\n".format(directive.asInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveContinue].s, newMemId))
result += tabulation
result ++= flatType2Query(next, lnext, flatTypeMap, allTypeStringsR, typeCount, QueryDirectiveContinue("%s.entity".format(newMemId)), nesting + 1, where, comments, gensym)
case USD =>
val usedId = gensym.newId("mem_%d_%d".format(level, selectedType))
result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:Used\n".format(usedId))
result += (tabulation + " join\n".format(directive.asInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveContinue].s, usedId))
result += tabulation
result ++= flatType2Query(next, lnext, flatTypeMap, allTypeStringsR, typeCount, QueryDirectiveContinue("%s.entity".format(usedId)), nesting + 1, where, comments, gensym)
case WGB =>
val wgbId = gensym.newId("wgb%d_%d".format(level, selectedType))
result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:WasGeneratedBy\n".format(wgbId))
result += (tabulation + " join\n".format(directive.asInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveContinue].s, wgbId))
result += tabulation
result ++= flatType2Query(next, lnext, flatTypeMap, allTypeStringsR, typeCount, QueryDirectiveContinue("%s.entity".format(wgbId)), nesting + 1, where, comments, gensym)
case WAT =>
val newWatId = gensym.newId("wat_%d_%d".format(level, selectedType))
result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:WasAttributedTo\n".format(newWatId))
result += (tabulation + " join\n".format(directive.asInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveContinue].s, newWatId))
result += tabulation
result ++= flatType2Query(next, lnext, flatTypeMap, allTypeStringsR, typeCount, QueryDirectiveContinue("%s.agent".format(newWatId)), nesting + 1, where, comments, gensym)
case SPEC =>
val newSpecId = gensym.newId("spec_%d_%d".format(level, selectedType))
result += (tabulation + "from %s a provext:SpecializationOf\n".format(newSpecId))
result += (tabulation + " join\n".format(directive.asInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveContinue].s, newSpecId))
result += tabulation
result ++= flatType2Query(next, lnext, flatTypeMap, allTypeStringsR, typeCount, QueryDirectiveContinue("%s.generalEntity".format(newSpecId)), nesting + 1, where, comments, gensym)
case WDF =>
val newWdfId = gensym.newId("wdf_%d_%d".format(level, selectedType))
result += (tabulation + "from %s a prov:WasDerivedFrom\n".format(newWdfId))
result += (tabulation + " join\n".format(directive.asInstanceOf[QueryDirectiveContinue].s, newWdfId))
result += tabulation
result ++= flatType2Query(next, lnext, flatTypeMap, allTypeStringsR, typeCount, QueryDirectiveContinue("%s.usedEntity".format(newWdfId)), nesting + 1, where, comments, gensym)
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