Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2023 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.Value;
import org.jspecify.annotations.Nullable;
import org.openrewrite.*;
import org.openrewrite.gradle.marker.GradleDependencyConfiguration;
import org.openrewrite.gradle.marker.GradleProject;
import org.openrewrite.groovy.GroovyIsoVisitor;
import org.openrewrite.groovy.tree.G;
import org.openrewrite.marker.Markup;
import org.openrewrite.maven.MavenExecutionContextView;
import org.openrewrite.maven.MavenSettings;
import org.openrewrite.maven.internal.MavenPomDownloader;
import org.openrewrite.maven.tree.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import static org.openrewrite.internal.StringUtils.isBlank;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public class DependencyResolutionDiagnostic extends ScanningRecipe {
transient RepositoryAccessibilityReport report = new RepositoryAccessibilityReport(this);
transient GradleDependencyConfigurationErrors gradleErrors = new GradleDependencyConfigurationErrors(this);
public String getDisplayName() {
return "Dependency resolution diagnostic";
public String getDescription() {
return "Recipes which manipulate dependencies must be able to successfully access the artifact repositories " +
"and resolve dependencies from them. This recipe produces two data tables used to understand the state " +
"of dependency resolution. \n\n" +
"The Repository accessibility report lists all the artifact repositories known to the project and whether " +
"respond to network access. The network access is attempted while the recipe is run and so is " +
"representative of current conditions. \n\n" +
"The Gradle dependency configuration errors lists all the dependency configurations that failed to " +
"resolve one or more dependencies when the project was parsed. This is representative of conditions at " +
"the time the LST was parsed.";
@Option(displayName = "Group ID",
description = "The group ID of a dependency to attempt to download from the repository. " +
"Default value is \"com.fasterxml.jackson.core\". " +
"If this dependency is not found in the repository the error will be noted in the report. " +
"There is no need to specify an alternate value for this parameter unless the repository is known not to contain jackson-core.",
example = "com.fasterxml.jackson.core",
required = false)
String groupId;
@Option(displayName = "Artifact ID",
description = "The artifact ID of a dependency to attempt to download from the repository. " +
"Default value is \"jackson-core\". " +
"If this dependency is not found in the repository the error will be noted in the report. " +
"There is no need to specify an alternate value for this parameter unless the repository is known not to contain jackson-core.",
example = "jackson-core",
required = false)
String artifactId;
@Option(displayName = "Version",
description = "The version of a dependency to attempt to download from the repository. " +
"Default value is \"2.16.0\". " +
"If this dependency is not found in the repository the error will be noted in the report. " +
"There is no need to specify an alternate value for this parameter unless the repository is known not to contain jackson-core.",
example = "2.16.0",
required = false)
String version;
public static class Accumulator {
boolean foundGradle;
Set repositoriesFromGradle = new HashSet<>();
boolean foundMaven;
Set repositoriesFromMaven = new HashSet<>();
public Accumulator getInitialValue(ExecutionContext ctx) {
return new Accumulator();
public TreeVisitor, ExecutionContext> getScanner(Accumulator acc) {
return new TreeVisitor() {
public @Nullable Tree visit(@Nullable Tree tree, ExecutionContext ctx) {
if (!(tree instanceof SourceFile)) {
return null;
tree.getMarkers().findFirst(GradleProject.class).ifPresent(gp -> {
acc.foundGradle = true;
tree.getMarkers().findFirst(MavenResolutionResult.class).ifPresent(mrr -> {
acc.foundMaven = true;
return tree;
public Collection extends SourceFile> generate(Accumulator acc, ExecutionContext ctx) {
Set seen = new HashSet<>();
if (acc.foundMaven) {
record(true, acc.repositoriesFromMaven, seen, ctx);
if (acc.foundGradle) {
record(false, acc.repositoriesFromGradle, seen, ctx);
return emptyList();
private void record(boolean addMavenDefaultRepositories, Collection repos, Set seen, ExecutionContext ctx) {
// Use MavenPomDownloader without any default repositories, so we can test exactly one repository at a time
MavenPomDownloader mpd = new MavenPomDownloader(ctx);
Collection effectiveRepos = repos;
if (addMavenDefaultRepositories) {
if (!effectiveRepos.contains(MavenRepository.MAVEN_LOCAL_DEFAULT)) {
effectiveRepos = new ArrayList<>(effectiveRepos);
if (!effectiveRepos.contains(MavenRepository.MAVEN_CENTRAL)) {
effectiveRepos = new ArrayList<>(effectiveRepos);
MavenExecutionContextView mctx = MavenExecutionContextView.view(ctx);
ResolutionEventListener resolutionListener = mctx.getResolutionListener();
try {
for (MavenRepository repo : effectiveRepos) {
if (seen.contains(noTrailingSlash(repo.getUri()))) {
AtomicReference nullReason = new AtomicReference<>();
mctx.setResolutionListener(new ResolutionEventListener() {
public void repositoryAccessFailed(String uri, Throwable e) {
MavenRepository normalized = mpd.normalizeRepository(repo, mctx, null);
if (normalized == null) {
Throwable reason = nullReason.get();
if (reason == null) {
reason = new RuntimeException("Repository unreachable for unknown reason");
MavenSettings settings = mctx.getSettings();
if (settings != null) {
// normalizeRepository() internally applies mirrors,but normalizeRepository() just returned null.
// Replicate mirror application so that the correct URL is recorded
repo = MavenRepositoryMirror.apply(mctx.getMirrors(settings), repo);
if (seen.add(noTrailingSlash(repo.getUri()))) {
report.insertRow(ctx, rowFor(repo, reason, null));
} else {
if (seen.add(noTrailingSlash(normalized.getUri()))) {
GroupArtifactVersion gav = new GroupArtifactVersion(
isBlank(groupId) ? "com.fasterxml.jackson.core" : groupId,
isBlank(artifactId) ? "jackson-core" : artifactId,
isBlank(version) ? "2.16.0" : version);
Throwable resolutionThrowable = null;
try {, null, null, singletonList(normalized));
} catch (Exception e) {
resolutionThrowable = e;
report.insertRow(ctx, rowFor(normalized, null, resolutionThrowable));
} finally {
private static String noTrailingSlash(String uri) {
if (uri.endsWith("/")) {
return uri.substring(0, uri.length() - 1);
return uri;
private static RepositoryAccessibilityReport.Row rowFor(MavenRepository repo, @Nullable Throwable pingThrowable, @Nullable Throwable resolveThrowable) {
Integer pingHttpResponseCode = null;
String pingExceptionClass = "";
String pingExceptionMessage = "";
if (pingThrowable instanceof MavenPomDownloader.HttpSenderResponseException) {
pingHttpResponseCode = ((MavenPomDownloader.HttpSenderResponseException) pingThrowable).getResponseCode();
pingThrowable = pingThrowable.getCause();
if (pingThrowable instanceof UncheckedIOException) {
pingThrowable = pingThrowable.getCause();
if (pingThrowable == null) {
pingHttpResponseCode = 200;
} else {
pingExceptionClass = pingThrowable.getClass().getName();
pingExceptionMessage = pingThrowable.getMessage();
String resolveExceptionClass = "";
String resolveExceptionMessage = "";
if (resolveThrowable instanceof MavenPomDownloader.HttpSenderResponseException) {
resolveThrowable = resolveThrowable.getCause();
if (resolveThrowable instanceof UncheckedIOException) {
resolveThrowable = resolveThrowable.getCause();
if (resolveThrowable != null) {
resolveExceptionClass = resolveThrowable.getClass().getName();
resolveExceptionMessage = resolveThrowable.getMessage();
return new RepositoryAccessibilityReport.Row(noTrailingSlash(repo.getUri()), pingExceptionClass, pingExceptionMessage, pingHttpResponseCode,
resolveExceptionClass, resolveExceptionMessage);
public TreeVisitor, ExecutionContext> getVisitor(Accumulator acc) {
GroovyIsoVisitor gv = new GroovyIsoVisitor() {
public G.CompilationUnit visitCompilationUnit(G.CompilationUnit cu, ExecutionContext ctx) {
Optional maybeGp = cu.getMarkers().findFirst(GradleProject.class);
if (!maybeGp.isPresent()) {
return cu;
GradleProject gp = maybeGp.get();
G.CompilationUnit g = super.visitCompilationUnit(cu, ctx);
for (GradleDependencyConfiguration conf : gp.getConfigurations()) {
//noinspection ConstantValue
if (conf.getExceptionType() == null) {
gradleErrors.insertRow(ctx, new GradleDependencyConfigurationErrors.Row(gp.getPath(), conf.getName(), conf.getExceptionType(), conf.getMessage()));
return g;
return new TreeVisitor() {
public @Nullable Tree visit(@Nullable Tree tree, ExecutionContext ctx) {
if (!(tree instanceof SourceFile)) {
return tree;
SourceFile s = (SourceFile) tree;
if (s.getSourcePath().endsWith("build.gradle") && !s.getMarkers().findFirst(GradleProject.class).isPresent()) {
if (s.getMarkers().getMarkers().stream().anyMatch(marker -> "org.openrewrite.gradle.marker.GradleProject".equals(marker.getClass().getName()))) {
s = Markup.error(s, new IllegalStateException(
s.getSourcePath() + " has a GradleProject marker, but it is loaded by a different classloader than the recipe."));
} else {
s = Markup.warn(s, new IllegalStateException(
s.getSourcePath() + " is a Gradle build file, but it is missing a GradleProject marker."));
} else if (s.getSourcePath().endsWith("pom.xml") && !s.getMarkers().findFirst(MavenResolutionResult.class).isPresent()) {
if (s.getMarkers().getMarkers().stream().anyMatch(marker -> "org.openrewrite.maven.tree.MavenResolutionResult".equals(marker.getClass().getName()))) {
s = Markup.error(s, new IllegalStateException(
s.getSourcePath() + " has a MavenResolutionResult marker, but it is loaded by a different classloader than the recipe."));
} else {
s = Markup.warn(s, new IllegalStateException(
s.getSourcePath() + " is a Maven pom, but it is missing a MavenResolutionResult marker."));
if (gv.isAcceptable(s, ctx)) {
s = (SourceFile) gv.visit(s, ctx);
return s;