org.openrewrite.staticanalysis.UseDiamondOperator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2020 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.openrewrite.staticanalysis;
import org.jspecify.annotations.Nullable;
import org.openrewrite.*;
import org.openrewrite.internal.ListUtils;
import org.openrewrite.marker.Markers;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.*;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import static org.openrewrite.Tree.randomId;
import static;
public class UseDiamondOperator extends Recipe {
public String getDisplayName() {
return "Use the diamond operator";
public String getDescription() {
return "The diamond operator (`<>`) should be used. Java 7 introduced the diamond operator (<>) to " +
"reduce the verbosity of generics code. For instance, instead of having to declare a `List`'s " +
"type in both its declaration and its constructor, you can now simplify the constructor declaration " +
"with `<>`, and the compiler will infer the type.";
public Set getTags() {
return Collections.singleton("RSPEC-S2293");
public Duration getEstimatedEffortPerOccurrence() {
return Duration.ofMinutes(1);
public TreeVisitor, ExecutionContext> getVisitor() {
// don't try to do this for Groovy or Kotlin sources
return Preconditions.check(new JavaFileChecker<>(), new UseDiamondOperatorVisitor());
private static class UseDiamondOperatorVisitor extends JavaIsoVisitor {
private boolean java9;
public J.CompilationUnit visitCompilationUnit(J.CompilationUnit cu, ExecutionContext ctx) {
java9 = new UsesJavaVersion(9).visit(cu, 0) != cu;
return super.visitCompilationUnit(cu, ctx);
public J.VariableDeclarations visitVariableDeclarations(J.VariableDeclarations multiVariable, ExecutionContext ctx) {
J.VariableDeclarations varDecls = super.visitVariableDeclarations(multiVariable, ctx);
final TypedTree varDeclsTypeExpression = varDecls.getTypeExpression();
if (varDeclsTypeExpression != null &&
varDecls.getVariables().size() == 1 &&
varDecls.getVariables().get(0).getInitializer() != null &&
varDecls.getTypeExpression() instanceof J.ParameterizedType) {
varDecls = varDecls.withVariables(, nv -> {
if (nv.getInitializer() instanceof J.NewClass) {
nv = nv.withInitializer(maybeRemoveParams(parameterizedTypes((J.ParameterizedType) varDeclsTypeExpression), (J.NewClass) nv.getInitializer()));
return nv;
return varDecls;
public J.Assignment visitAssignment(J.Assignment assignment, ExecutionContext ctx) {
J.Assignment asgn = super.visitAssignment(assignment, ctx);
if (asgn.getAssignment() instanceof J.NewClass) {
JavaType.Parameterized assignmentType = TypeUtils.asParameterized(asgn.getType());
J.NewClass nc = (J.NewClass) asgn.getAssignment();
if (assignmentType != null && nc.getClazz() instanceof J.ParameterizedType) {
asgn = asgn.withAssignment(maybeRemoveParams(assignmentType.getTypeParameters(), nc));
return asgn;
public J.MethodInvocation visitMethodInvocation(J.MethodInvocation method, ExecutionContext ctx) {
if (isAParameter()) {
return method;
J.MethodInvocation mi = super.visitMethodInvocation(method, ctx);
JavaType.Method methodType = mi.getMethodType();
if (methodType != null &&
!mi.getArguments().isEmpty() &&
methodType.getParameterTypes().size() <= mi.getArguments().size()) {
Optional declaredMethodType = findDeclaredMethod(methodType.getDeclaringType(), methodType.getName(), methodType.getParameterTypes());
if (!declaredMethodType.isPresent()) {
// If we cannot find the method in the declaringType is because its parameter types doesn't match
// due to generic type parameters being inferred on the invocation. We cannot safely apply the
// diamond operator on an argument of this method, because we cannot guarantee type inference.
return method;
mi = mi.withArguments(, (i, arg) -> {
if (arg instanceof J.NewClass) {
boolean isGenericType = false;
boolean isVarArg = methodType.getParameterTypes().size() == 1 &&
methodType.getParameterTypes().get(0) instanceof JavaType.Array;
if (isVarArg) {
isGenericType = isGenericType(((JavaType.Array) methodType.getParameterTypes().get(0)).getElemType());
} else if (i < methodType.getParameterTypes().size()) {
JavaType parameterType = methodType.getParameterTypes().get(i);
isGenericType = isGenericType(parameterType);
if (isGenericType) {
return arg;
J.NewClass nc = (J.NewClass) arg;
if ((java9 || nc.getBody() == null) && !methodType.getParameterTypes().isEmpty()) {
JavaType.Parameterized paramType = TypeUtils.asParameterized(getMethodParamType(methodType, i));
if (paramType != null && nc.getClazz() instanceof J.ParameterizedType) {
return maybeRemoveParams(paramType.getTypeParameters(), nc);
return arg;
return mi;
private boolean isGenericType(@Nullable JavaType type) {
if (type == null) {
return false;
boolean isGeneric = false;
JavaType.Parameterized parameterized = TypeUtils.asParameterized(type);
if (parameterized != null) {
List types = parameterized.getTypeParameters();
for (JavaType tp : types) {
if (tp instanceof JavaType.GenericTypeVariable) {
isGeneric = true;
return isGeneric;
private JavaType getMethodParamType(JavaType.Method methodType, int paramIndex) {
if (methodType.hasFlags(Flag.Varargs) && paramIndex >= methodType.getParameterTypes().size() - 1) {
return ((JavaType.Array) methodType.getParameterTypes().get(methodType.getParameterTypes().size() - 1)).getElemType();
} else {
return methodType.getParameterTypes().get(paramIndex);
public J.Return visitReturn(J.Return _return, ExecutionContext ctx) {
J.Return return_ = super.visitReturn(_return, ctx);
J.NewClass nc = return_.getExpression() instanceof J.NewClass ? (J.NewClass) return_.getExpression() : null;
if (nc != null && (java9 || nc.getBody() == null) && nc.getClazz() instanceof J.ParameterizedType) {
J parentBlock = getCursor().dropParentUntil(v -> v instanceof J.MethodDeclaration || v instanceof J.Lambda).getValue();
if (parentBlock instanceof J.MethodDeclaration) {
J.MethodDeclaration md = (J.MethodDeclaration) parentBlock;
if (md.getReturnTypeExpression() instanceof J.ParameterizedType) {
return_ = return_.withExpression(
maybeRemoveParams(parameterizedTypes((J.ParameterizedType) md.getReturnTypeExpression()), nc));
return return_;
private @Nullable List parameterizedTypes(J.ParameterizedType parameterizedType) {
if (parameterizedType.getTypeParameters() == null) {
return null;
List types = new ArrayList<>(parameterizedType.getTypeParameters().size());
for (Expression typeParameter : parameterizedType.getTypeParameters()) {
return types;
private J.NewClass maybeRemoveParams(@Nullable List paramTypes, J.NewClass newClass) {
if (paramTypes != null && (java9 || newClass.getBody() == null) && newClass.getClazz() instanceof J.ParameterizedType) {
J.ParameterizedType newClassType = (J.ParameterizedType) newClass.getClazz();
if (newClassType.getTypeParameters() != null) {
if (paramTypes.size() != newClassType.getTypeParameters().size() || hasAnnotations(newClassType)) {
return newClass;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < paramTypes.size(); i++) {
if (!TypeUtils.isAssignableTo(paramTypes.get(i), newClassType.getTypeParameters().get(i).getType())) {
return newClass;
.map(e -> TypeUtils.asFullyQualified(e.getType()))
newClass = newClass.withClazz(newClassType.withTypeParameters(singletonList(new J.Empty(randomId(), Space.EMPTY, Markers.EMPTY))));
return newClass;
private static boolean hasAnnotations(J type) {
if (type instanceof J.ParameterizedType) {
J.ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (J.ParameterizedType) type;
if (hasAnnotations(parameterizedType.getClazz())) {
return true;
} else if (parameterizedType.getTypeParameters() != null) {
for (Expression typeParameter : parameterizedType.getTypeParameters()) {
if (hasAnnotations(typeParameter)) {
return true;
} else {
return type instanceof J.AnnotatedType;
return false;
private boolean isAParameter() {
return getCursor().dropParentUntil(p -> p instanceof J.MethodInvocation ||
p instanceof J.ClassDeclaration ||
p instanceof J.CompilationUnit ||
p instanceof J.Block ||
p == Cursor.ROOT_VALUE).getValue() instanceof J.MethodInvocation;