org.openrewrite.gradle.ChangeDependency Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2023 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.openrewrite.gradle;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
import lombok.*;
import org.openrewrite.*;
import org.openrewrite.gradle.marker.GradleDependencyConfiguration;
import org.openrewrite.gradle.marker.GradleProject;
import org.openrewrite.gradle.util.ChangeStringLiteral;
import org.openrewrite.gradle.util.Dependency;
import org.openrewrite.gradle.util.DependencyStringNotationConverter;
import org.openrewrite.groovy.GroovyIsoVisitor;
import org.openrewrite.groovy.tree.G;
import org.openrewrite.internal.ListUtils;
import org.openrewrite.internal.StringUtils;
import org.openrewrite.internal.lang.Nullable;
import org.openrewrite.maven.MavenDownloadingException;
import org.openrewrite.maven.tree.GroupArtifactVersion;
import org.openrewrite.maven.tree.MavenRepository;
import org.openrewrite.maven.tree.ResolvedGroupArtifactVersion;
import org.openrewrite.semver.DependencyMatcher;
import java.util.*;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
public class ChangeDependency extends Recipe {
@Option(displayName = "Old groupId",
description = "The old groupId to replace. The groupId is the first part of a dependency coordinate ''. Supports glob expressions.",
example = "org.openrewrite.recipe")
String oldGroupId;
@Option(displayName = "Old artifactId",
description = "The old artifactId to replace. The artifactId is the second part of a dependency coordinate ''. Supports glob expressions.",
example = "rewrite-testing-frameworks")
String oldArtifactId;
@Option(displayName = "New groupId",
description = "The new groupId to use. Defaults to the existing group id.",
example = "corp.internal.openrewrite.recipe",
required = false)
String newGroupId;
@Option(displayName = "New artifactId",
description = "The new artifactId to use. Defaults to the existing artifact id.",
example = "rewrite-testing-frameworks",
required = false)
String newArtifactId;
@Option(displayName = "New version",
description = "An exact version number or node-style semver selector used to select the version number. " +
"You can also use `latest.release` for the latest available version and `latest.patch` if " +
"the current version is a valid semantic version. For more details, you can look at the documentation " +
"page of [version selectors](",
example = "29.X",
required = false)
String newVersion;
@Option(displayName = "Version pattern",
description = "Allows version selection to be extended beyond the original Node Semver semantics. So for example," +
"Setting 'version' to \"25-29\" can be paired with a metadata pattern of \"-jre\" to select Guava 29.0-jre",
example = "-jre",
required = false)
String versionPattern;
@Option(displayName = "Override managed version",
description = "If the old dependency has a managed version, this flag can be used to explicitly set the version on the new dependency. " +
"WARNING: No check is done on the NEW dependency to verify if it is managed, it relies on whether the OLD dependency had a managed version. " +
"The default for this flag is `false`.",
required = false)
Boolean overrideManagedVersion;
* Keeping this constructor just for compatibility purposes
* @deprecated Use {@link ChangeDependency#ChangeDependency(String, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean)}
public ChangeDependency(String oldGroupId, String oldArtifactId, @Nullable String newGroupId, @Nullable String newArtifactId, @Nullable String newVersion, @Nullable String versionPattern) {
this(oldGroupId, oldArtifactId, newGroupId, newArtifactId, newVersion, versionPattern, null);
public ChangeDependency(String oldGroupId, String oldArtifactId, @Nullable String newGroupId, @Nullable String newArtifactId, @Nullable String newVersion, @Nullable String versionPattern, @Nullable Boolean overrideManagedVersion) {
this.oldGroupId = oldGroupId;
this.oldArtifactId = oldArtifactId;
this.newGroupId = newGroupId;
this.newArtifactId = newArtifactId;
this.newVersion = newVersion;
this.versionPattern = versionPattern;
this.overrideManagedVersion = overrideManagedVersion;
public String getDisplayName() {
return "Change Gradle dependency";
public String getInstanceNameSuffix() {
return String.format("`%s:%s`", oldGroupId, oldArtifactId);
public String getDescription() {
return "Change a Gradle dependency coordinates.";
public TreeVisitor, ExecutionContext> getVisitor() {
return Preconditions.check(new FindGradleProject(FindGradleProject.SearchCriteria.Marker).getVisitor(), new GroovyIsoVisitor() {
final DependencyMatcher depMatcher = requireNonNull( + ":" + oldArtifactId).getValue());
final MethodMatcher dependencyDsl = new MethodMatcher("DependencyHandlerSpec *(..)");
GradleProject gradleProject;
public G.CompilationUnit visitCompilationUnit(G.CompilationUnit cu, ExecutionContext ctx) {
Optional maybeGp = cu.getMarkers().findFirst(GradleProject.class);
if (!maybeGp.isPresent()) {
return cu;
gradleProject = maybeGp.get();
G.CompilationUnit g = super.visitCompilationUnit(cu, ctx);
if (g != cu) {
g = g.withMarkers(g.getMarkers().setByType(updateGradleModel(gradleProject)));
return g;
public J.MethodInvocation visitMethodInvocation(J.MethodInvocation method, ExecutionContext ctx) {
J.MethodInvocation m = super.visitMethodInvocation(method, ctx);
if (!dependencyDsl.matches(m)) {
return m;
List depArgs = m.getArguments();
if (depArgs.get(0) instanceof J.Literal || depArgs.get(0) instanceof G.GString || depArgs.get(0) instanceof G.MapEntry) {
m = updateDependency(m, ctx);
} else if (depArgs.get(0) instanceof J.MethodInvocation &&
(((J.MethodInvocation) depArgs.get(0)).getSimpleName().equals("platform") ||
((J.MethodInvocation) depArgs.get(0)).getSimpleName().equals("enforcedPlatform"))) {
m = m.withArguments(ListUtils.mapFirst(depArgs, platform -> updateDependency((J.MethodInvocation) platform, ctx)));
return m;
private J.MethodInvocation updateDependency(J.MethodInvocation m, ExecutionContext ctx) {
List depArgs = m.getArguments();
if (depArgs.get(0) instanceof J.Literal) {
String gav = (String) ((J.Literal) depArgs.get(0)).getValue();
if (gav != null) {
Dependency original = DependencyStringNotationConverter.parse(gav);
if (depMatcher.matches(original.getGroupId(), original.getArtifactId())) {
Dependency updated = original;
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(newGroupId) && !updated.getGroupId().equals(newGroupId)) {
updated = updated.withGroupId(newGroupId);
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(newArtifactId) && !updated.getArtifactId().equals(newArtifactId)) {
updated = updated.withArtifactId(newArtifactId);
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(newVersion) && (!StringUtils.isBlank(original.getVersion()) || Boolean.TRUE.equals(overrideManagedVersion))) {
List repositories = "classpath".equals(m.getSimpleName()) ?
gradleProject.getMavenPluginRepositories() :
String resolvedVersion;
try {
resolvedVersion = AddDependencyVisitor.resolveDependencyVersion(updated.getGroupId(), updated.getArtifactId(), "0", newVersion, versionPattern, repositories, null, ctx)
} catch (MavenDownloadingException e) {
return e.warn(m);
if (resolvedVersion != null && !resolvedVersion.equals(updated.getVersion())) {
updated = updated.withVersion(resolvedVersion);
if (original != updated) {
String replacement = updated.toStringNotation();
m = m.withArguments(ListUtils.mapFirst(m.getArguments(), arg -> ChangeStringLiteral.withStringValue((J.Literal) arg, replacement)));
} else if (m.getArguments().get(0) instanceof G.GString) {
G.GString gstring = (G.GString) depArgs.get(0);
List strings = gstring.getStrings();
if (strings.size() >= 2 && strings.get(0) instanceof J.Literal) {
J.Literal literal = (J.Literal) strings.get(0);
Dependency original = DependencyStringNotationConverter.parse((String)literal.getValue());
if (depMatcher.matches(original.getGroupId(), original.getArtifactId())) {
Dependency updated = original;
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(newGroupId) && !updated.getGroupId().equals(newGroupId)) {
updated = updated.withGroupId(newGroupId);
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(newArtifactId) && !updated.getArtifactId().equals(newArtifactId)) {
updated = updated.withArtifactId(newArtifactId);
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(newVersion)) {
List repositories = "classpath".equals(m.getSimpleName()) ?
gradleProject.getMavenPluginRepositories() :
String resolvedVersion;
try {
resolvedVersion = AddDependencyVisitor.resolveDependencyVersion(updated.getGroupId(), updated.getArtifactId(), "0", newVersion, versionPattern, repositories, null, ctx)
} catch (MavenDownloadingException e) {
return e.warn(m);
if (resolvedVersion != null && !resolvedVersion.equals(updated.getVersion())) {
updated = updated.withVersion(resolvedVersion);
if (original != updated) {
String replacement = updated.toStringNotation();
J.Literal newLiteral = literal.withValue(replacement)
.withValueSource(gstring.getDelimiter() + replacement + gstring.getDelimiter());
m = m.withArguments(Collections.singletonList(newLiteral));
} else if (m.getArguments().get(0) instanceof G.MapEntry) {
G.MapEntry groupEntry = null;
G.MapEntry artifactEntry = null;
G.MapEntry versionEntry = null;
String groupId = null;
String artifactId = null;
String version = null;
for (Expression e : depArgs) {
if (!(e instanceof G.MapEntry)) {
G.MapEntry arg = (G.MapEntry) e;
if (!(arg.getKey() instanceof J.Literal) || !(arg.getValue() instanceof J.Literal)) {
J.Literal key = (J.Literal) arg.getKey();
J.Literal value = (J.Literal) arg.getValue();
if (!(key.getValue() instanceof String) || !(value.getValue() instanceof String)) {
String keyValue = (String) key.getValue();
String valueValue = (String) value.getValue();
if ("group".equals(keyValue)) {
groupEntry = arg;
groupId = valueValue;
} else if ("name".equals(keyValue)) {
artifactEntry = arg;
artifactId = valueValue;
} else if ("version".equals(keyValue)) {
versionEntry = arg;
version = valueValue;
if (groupId == null || artifactId == null) {
return m;
if (!depMatcher.matches(groupId, artifactId)) {
return m;
String updatedGroupId = groupId;
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(newGroupId) && !updatedGroupId.equals(newGroupId)) {
updatedGroupId = newGroupId;
String updatedArtifactId = artifactId;
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(newArtifactId) && !updatedArtifactId.equals(newArtifactId)) {
updatedArtifactId = newArtifactId;
String updatedVersion = version;
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(newVersion) && (!StringUtils.isBlank(version) || Boolean.TRUE.equals(overrideManagedVersion))) {
List repositories = "classpath".equals(m.getSimpleName()) ?
gradleProject.getMavenPluginRepositories() :
String resolvedVersion;
try {
resolvedVersion = AddDependencyVisitor.resolveDependencyVersion(updatedGroupId, updatedArtifactId, "0", newVersion, versionPattern, repositories, null, ctx)
} catch (MavenDownloadingException e) {
return e.warn(m);
if (resolvedVersion != null && !resolvedVersion.equals(updatedVersion)) {
updatedVersion = resolvedVersion;
if (!updatedGroupId.equals(groupId) || !updatedArtifactId.equals(artifactId) || updatedVersion != null && !updatedVersion.equals(version)) {
G.MapEntry finalGroup = groupEntry;
String finalGroupIdValue = updatedGroupId;
G.MapEntry finalArtifact = artifactEntry;
String finalArtifactIdValue = updatedArtifactId;
G.MapEntry finalVersion = versionEntry;
String finalVersionValue = updatedVersion;
m = m.withArguments(, arg -> {
if (arg == finalGroup) {
return finalGroup.withValue(ChangeStringLiteral.withStringValue((J.Literal) finalGroup.getValue(), finalGroupIdValue));
if (arg == finalArtifact) {
return finalArtifact.withValue(ChangeStringLiteral.withStringValue((J.Literal) finalArtifact.getValue(), finalArtifactIdValue));
if (arg == finalVersion) {
return finalVersion.withValue(ChangeStringLiteral.withStringValue((J.Literal) finalVersion.getValue(), finalVersionValue));
return arg;
return m;
private GradleProject updateGradleModel(GradleProject gp) {
Map nameToConfiguration = gp.getNameToConfiguration();
Map newNameToConfiguration = new HashMap<>(nameToConfiguration.size());
boolean anyChanged = false;
for (GradleDependencyConfiguration gdc : nameToConfiguration.values()) {
GradleDependencyConfiguration newGdc = gdc;
newGdc = newGdc.withRequested(, requested -> {
if (depMatcher.matches(requested.getGroupId(), requested.getArtifactId())) {
GroupArtifactVersion gav = requested.getGav();
if (newGroupId != null) {
gav = gav.withGroupId(newGroupId);
if (newArtifactId != null) {
gav = gav.withArtifactId(newArtifactId);
if (gav != requested.getGav()) {
return requested.withGav(gav);
return requested;
newGdc = newGdc.withResolved(, resolved -> {
if (depMatcher.matches(resolved.getGroupId(), resolved.getArtifactId())) {
ResolvedGroupArtifactVersion gav = resolved.getGav();
if (newGroupId != null) {
gav = gav.withGroupId(newGroupId);
if (newArtifactId != null) {
gav = gav.withArtifactId(newArtifactId);
if (gav != resolved.getGav()) {
return resolved.withGav(gav);
return resolved;
anyChanged |= newGdc != gdc;
newNameToConfiguration.put(newGdc.getName(), newGdc);
if (anyChanged) {
gp = gp.withNameToConfiguration(newNameToConfiguration);
return gp;