* Copyright 2022 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.openrewrite.gradle;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Value;
import org.jspecify.annotations.Nullable;
import org.openrewrite.*;
import org.openrewrite.gradle.marker.GradleDependencyConfiguration;
import org.openrewrite.gradle.marker.GradleProject;
import org.openrewrite.gradle.util.ChangeStringLiteral;
import org.openrewrite.gradle.util.Dependency;
import org.openrewrite.gradle.util.DependencyStringNotationConverter;
import org.openrewrite.groovy.GroovyIsoVisitor;
import org.openrewrite.groovy.GroovyVisitor;
import org.openrewrite.groovy.tree.G;
import org.openrewrite.internal.ListUtils;
import org.openrewrite.internal.StringUtils;
import org.openrewrite.java.MethodMatcher;
import org.openrewrite.java.tree.Expression;
import org.openrewrite.java.tree.J;
import org.openrewrite.java.tree.JavaSourceFile;
import org.openrewrite.java.tree.JavaType;
import org.openrewrite.marker.Markup;
import org.openrewrite.maven.MavenDownloadingException;
import org.openrewrite.maven.MavenDownloadingExceptions;
import org.openrewrite.maven.internal.MavenPomDownloader;
import org.openrewrite.maven.table.MavenMetadataFailures;
import org.openrewrite.maven.tree.*;
import org.openrewrite.properties.PropertiesVisitor;
import org.openrewrite.properties.tree.Properties;
import org.openrewrite.semver.DependencyMatcher;
import org.openrewrite.semver.Semver;
import org.openrewrite.semver.VersionComparator;
import java.util.*;
import static java.util.Collections.emptyList;
import static java.util.Collections.singletonList;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
public class UpgradeDependencyVersion extends ScanningRecipe {
private static final String VERSION_VARIABLE_KEY = "VERSION_VARIABLE";
private static final String NEW_VERSION_KEY = "NEW_VERSION";
private static final String GRADLE_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME = "gradle.properties";
transient MavenMetadataFailures metadataFailures = new MavenMetadataFailures(this);
@Option(displayName = "Group",
description = "The first part of a dependency coordinate `com.google.guava:guava:VERSION`. This can be a glob expression.",
example = "com.fasterxml.jackson*")
String groupId;
@Option(displayName = "Artifact",
description = "The second part of a dependency coordinate `com.google.guava:guava:VERSION`. This can be a glob expression.",
example = "jackson-module*")
String artifactId;
@Option(displayName = "New version",
description = "An exact version number or node-style semver selector used to select the version number. " +
"You can also use `latest.release` for the latest available version and `latest.patch` if " +
"the current version is a valid semantic version. For more details, you can look at the documentation " +
"page of [version selectors](https://docs.openrewrite.org/reference/dependency-version-selectors). " +
"Defaults to `latest.release`.",
example = "29.X",
required = false)
String newVersion;
@Option(displayName = "Version pattern",
description = "Allows version selection to be extended beyond the original Node Semver semantics. So for example," +
"Setting 'newVersion' to \"25-29\" can be paired with a metadata pattern of \"-jre\" to select Guava 29.0-jre",
example = "-jre",
required = false)
String versionPattern;
public String getDisplayName() {
return "Upgrade Gradle dependency versions";
public String getInstanceNameSuffix() {
return String.format("`%s:%s`", groupId, artifactId);
public String getDescription() {
return "Upgrade the version of a dependency in a build.gradle file. " +
"Supports updating dependency declarations of various forms:\n" +
"* `String` notation: `\"group:artifact:version\"` \n" +
"* `Map` notation: `group: 'group', name: 'artifact', version: 'version'`\n" +
"Can update version numbers which are defined earlier in the same file in variable declarations.";
public Validated validate() {
Validated validated = super.validate();
if (newVersion != null) {
validated = validated.and(Semver.validate(newVersion, versionPattern));
return validated;
public static class DependencyVersionState {
Map versionPropNameToGA = new HashMap<>();
* The value is either a String representing the resolved version
* or a MavenDownloadingException representing an error during resolution.
Map gaToNewVersion = new HashMap<>();
public DependencyVersionState getInitialValue(ExecutionContext ctx) {
return new DependencyVersionState();
private static final MethodMatcher DEPENDENCY_DSL_MATCHER = new MethodMatcher("RewriteGradleProject dependencies(groovy.lang.Closure)");
private static final MethodMatcher DEPENDENCY_CONFIGURATION_MATCHER = new MethodMatcher("DependencyHandlerSpec *(..)");
private static boolean isLikelyDependencyConfiguration(Cursor cursor) {
if (!(cursor.getValue() instanceof J.MethodInvocation)) {
return false;
J.MethodInvocation m = cursor.getValue();
return true;
// If it's a configuration created by a plugin, we may not be able to type-attribute it
// In the absence of type-attribution use its presence within a dependencies block to approximate
if (m.getType() != null) {
return false;
while (cursor != null) {
if (cursor.getValue() instanceof J.MethodInvocation) {
m = cursor.getValue();
String methodName = m.getSimpleName();
if ("constraints".equals(methodName) || "project".equals(methodName) || "modules".equals(methodName)
|| "module".equals(methodName) || "file".equals(methodName) || "files".equals(methodName)) {
return false;
if (DEPENDENCY_DSL_MATCHER.matches(m)) {
return true;
cursor = cursor.getParent();
return false;
public TreeVisitor, ExecutionContext> getScanner(DependencyVersionState acc) {
return new GroovyVisitor() {
GradleProject gradleProject;
public J visitCompilationUnit(G.CompilationUnit cu, ExecutionContext ctx) {
gradleProject = cu.getMarkers().findFirst(GradleProject.class).orElse(null);
if (gradleProject == null) {
return cu;
return super.visitCompilationUnit(cu, ctx);
public J visitMethodInvocation(J.MethodInvocation method, ExecutionContext ctx) {
J.MethodInvocation m = (J.MethodInvocation) super.visitMethodInvocation(method, ctx);
if (isLikelyDependencyConfiguration(getCursor())) {
if (m.getArguments().get(0) instanceof G.MapEntry) {
String groupId = null;
String artifactId = null;
String version = null;
for (Expression e : m.getArguments()) {
if (!(e instanceof G.MapEntry)) {
G.MapEntry arg = (G.MapEntry) e;
if (!(arg.getKey() instanceof J.Literal)) {
J.Literal key = (J.Literal) arg.getKey();
String valueValue = null;
if (arg.getValue() instanceof J.Literal) {
J.Literal value = (J.Literal) arg.getValue();
if (value.getValue() instanceof String) {
valueValue = (String) value.getValue();
} else if (arg.getValue() instanceof J.Identifier) {
J.Identifier value = (J.Identifier) arg.getValue();
valueValue = value.getSimpleName();
} else if (arg.getValue() instanceof G.GString) {
G.GString value = (G.GString) arg.getValue();
List strings = value.getStrings();
if (!strings.isEmpty() && strings.get(0) instanceof G.GString.Value) {
G.GString.Value versionGStringValue = (G.GString.Value) strings.get(0);
if (versionGStringValue.getTree() instanceof J.Identifier) {
valueValue = ((J.Identifier) versionGStringValue.getTree()).getSimpleName();
if (!(key.getValue() instanceof String)) {
String keyValue = (String) key.getValue();
switch (keyValue) {
case "group":
groupId = valueValue;
case "name":
artifactId = valueValue;
case "version":
version = valueValue;
if (groupId == null || artifactId == null) {
return m;
String versionVariableName = version;
GroupArtifact ga = new GroupArtifact(groupId, artifactId);
if (acc.gaToNewVersion.containsKey(ga)) {
return m;
try {
String resolvedVersion = new DependencyVersionSelector(metadataFailures, gradleProject, null)
.select(new GroupArtifact(groupId, artifactId), m.getSimpleName(), newVersion, versionPattern, ctx);
acc.versionPropNameToGA.put(versionVariableName, ga);
acc.gaToNewVersion.put(ga, resolvedVersion);
} catch (MavenDownloadingException e) {
acc.gaToNewVersion.put(ga, e);
return m;
} else {
for (Expression depArg : m.getArguments()) {
if (depArg instanceof G.GString) {
G.GString gString = (G.GString) depArg;
List strings = gString.getStrings();
if (strings.size() != 2 || !(strings.get(0) instanceof J.Literal) || !(strings.get(1) instanceof G.GString.Value)) {
J.Literal groupArtifact = (J.Literal) strings.get(0);
G.GString.Value versionValue = (G.GString.Value) strings.get(1);
if (!(versionValue.getTree() instanceof J.Identifier) || !(groupArtifact.getValue() instanceof String)) {
Dependency dep = DependencyStringNotationConverter.parse((String) groupArtifact.getValue());
if (dep == null) {
String versionVariableName = ((J.Identifier) versionValue.getTree()).getSimpleName();
GroupArtifact ga = new GroupArtifact(dep.getGroupId(), dep.getArtifactId());
if (acc.gaToNewVersion.containsKey(ga)) {
try {
String resolvedVersion = new DependencyVersionSelector(metadataFailures, gradleProject, null)
.select(new GroupArtifact(dep.getGroupId(), dep.getArtifactId()), m.getSimpleName(), newVersion, versionPattern, ctx);
acc.versionPropNameToGA.put(versionVariableName, ga);
acc.gaToNewVersion.put(ga, resolvedVersion);
} catch (MavenDownloadingException e) {
acc.gaToNewVersion.put(ga, e);
return m;
public TreeVisitor, ExecutionContext> getVisitor(DependencyVersionState acc) {
return new TreeVisitor() {
private UpdateGroovy updateGroovy = new UpdateGroovy(acc);
private UpdateProperties updateProperties = new UpdateProperties(acc);
public boolean isAcceptable(SourceFile sf, ExecutionContext ctx) {
return updateProperties.isAcceptable(sf, ctx) || updateGroovy.isAcceptable(sf, ctx);
public @Nullable Tree visit(@Nullable Tree t, ExecutionContext ctx) {
SourceFile sf = (SourceFile) t;
if (updateProperties.isAcceptable(sf, ctx)) {
t = updateProperties.visitNonNull(t, ctx);
} else if (updateGroovy.isAcceptable(sf, ctx)) {
t = updateGroovy.visitNonNull(t, ctx);
return t;
private class UpdateProperties extends PropertiesVisitor {
final DependencyVersionState acc;
final DependencyMatcher dependencyMatcher = new DependencyMatcher(groupId, artifactId, null);
public Properties visitFile(Properties.File file, ExecutionContext ctx) {
if (!file.getSourcePath().endsWith(GRADLE_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME)) {
return file;
return super.visitFile(file, ctx);
public org.openrewrite.properties.tree.Properties visitEntry(Properties.Entry entry, ExecutionContext ctx) {
if (acc.versionPropNameToGA.containsKey(entry.getKey())) {
GroupArtifact ga = acc.versionPropNameToGA.get(entry.getKey());
if (ga == null || !dependencyMatcher.matches(ga.getGroupId(), ga.getArtifactId())) {
return entry;
Object result = acc.gaToNewVersion.get(ga);
if (result == null || result instanceof Exception) {
return entry;
VersionComparator versionComparator = Semver.validate(StringUtils.isBlank(newVersion) ? "latest.release" : newVersion, versionPattern).getValue();
if (versionComparator == null) {
return entry;
Optional finalVersion = versionComparator.upgrade(entry.getValue().getText(), singletonList((String) result));
return finalVersion.map(v -> entry.withValue(entry.getValue().withText(v))).orElse(entry);
return entry;
private class UpdateGroovy extends GroovyVisitor {
final DependencyVersionState acc;
GradleProject gradleProject;
final DependencyMatcher dependencyMatcher = new DependencyMatcher(groupId, artifactId, null);
public J visitCompilationUnit(G.CompilationUnit cu, ExecutionContext ctx) {
gradleProject = cu.getMarkers().findFirst(GradleProject.class)
if (gradleProject == null) {
return cu;
return super.visitCompilationUnit(cu, ctx);
public J postVisit(J tree, ExecutionContext ctx) {
if (tree instanceof JavaSourceFile) {
JavaSourceFile cu = (JavaSourceFile) tree;
Map>> variableNames = getCursor().getMessage(VERSION_VARIABLE_KEY);
if (variableNames != null && gradleProject != null) {
cu = (JavaSourceFile) new UpdateVariable(variableNames, gradleProject).visitNonNull(cu, ctx);
Map> versionUpdates = getCursor().getMessage(NEW_VERSION_KEY);
if (versionUpdates != null && gradleProject != null) {
GradleProject newGp = gradleProject;
for (Map.Entry> gavToConfigurations : versionUpdates.entrySet()) {
newGp = replaceVersion(newGp, ctx, gavToConfigurations.getKey(), gavToConfigurations.getValue());
cu = cu.withMarkers(cu.getMarkers().removeByType(GradleProject.class).add(newGp));
return cu;
return tree;
public J visitMethodInvocation(J.MethodInvocation method, ExecutionContext ctx) {
if ("constraints".equals(method.getSimpleName())) {
// don't mess with anything inside a constraints block, leave that to UpgradeTransitiveDependency version recipe
return method;
J.MethodInvocation m = (J.MethodInvocation) super.visitMethodInvocation(method, ctx);
if (isLikelyDependencyConfiguration(getCursor())) {
List depArgs = m.getArguments();
if (depArgs.get(0) instanceof J.Literal || depArgs.get(0) instanceof G.GString || depArgs.get(0) instanceof G.MapEntry) {
m = updateDependency(m, ctx);
} else if (depArgs.get(0) instanceof J.MethodInvocation &&
(((J.MethodInvocation) depArgs.get(0)).getSimpleName().equals("platform") ||
((J.MethodInvocation) depArgs.get(0)).getSimpleName().equals("enforcedPlatform"))) {
m = m.withArguments(ListUtils.mapFirst(depArgs, platform -> updateDependency((J.MethodInvocation) platform, ctx)));
return m;
private J.MethodInvocation updateDependency(J.MethodInvocation method, ExecutionContext ctx) {
J.MethodInvocation m = method;
m = m.withArguments(ListUtils.map(m.getArguments(), arg -> {
if (arg instanceof G.GString) {
G.GString gString = (G.GString) arg;
List strings = gString.getStrings();
if (strings.size() != 2 || !(strings.get(0) instanceof J.Literal) || !(strings.get(1) instanceof G.GString.Value)) {
return arg;
J.Literal groupArtifact = (J.Literal) strings.get(0);
G.GString.Value versionValue = (G.GString.Value) strings.get(1);
if (!(versionValue.getTree() instanceof J.Identifier) || !(groupArtifact.getValue() instanceof String)) {
return arg;
Dependency dep = DependencyStringNotationConverter.parse((String) groupArtifact.getValue());
if (dep != null && dependencyMatcher.matches(dep.getGroupId(), dep.getArtifactId())) {
Object scanResult = acc.gaToNewVersion.get(new GroupArtifact(dep.getGroupId(), dep.getArtifactId()));
if (scanResult instanceof Exception) {
getCursor().putMessage(UPDATE_VERSION_ERROR_KEY, scanResult);
return arg;
String versionVariableName = ((J.Identifier) versionValue.getTree()).getSimpleName();
getCursor().dropParentUntil(p -> p instanceof SourceFile)
.computeMessageIfAbsent(VERSION_VARIABLE_KEY, v -> new HashMap>>())
.computeIfAbsent(versionVariableName, it -> new HashMap<>())
.computeIfAbsent(new GroupArtifact(dep.getGroupId(), dep.getArtifactId()), it -> new HashSet<>())
} else if (arg instanceof J.Literal) {
J.Literal literal = (J.Literal) arg;
if (literal.getType() != JavaType.Primitive.String) {
return arg;
String gav = (String) literal.getValue();
if (gav == null) {
getCursor().putMessage(UPDATE_VERSION_ERROR_KEY, new IllegalStateException("Unable to update version"));
return arg;
Dependency dep = DependencyStringNotationConverter.parse(gav);
if (dep != null && dependencyMatcher.matches(dep.getGroupId(), dep.getArtifactId())
&& dep.getVersion() != null
&& !dep.getVersion().startsWith("$")) {
Object scanResult = acc.gaToNewVersion.get(new GroupArtifact(dep.getGroupId(), dep.getArtifactId()));
if (scanResult instanceof Exception) {
getCursor().putMessage(UPDATE_VERSION_ERROR_KEY, scanResult);
return arg;
try {
String selectedVersion = new DependencyVersionSelector(metadataFailures, gradleProject, null)
.select(dep.getGav(), method.getSimpleName(), newVersion, versionPattern, ctx);
if (selectedVersion == null || dep.getVersion().equals(selectedVersion)) {
return arg;
getCursor().dropParentUntil(p -> p instanceof SourceFile)
.computeMessageIfAbsent(NEW_VERSION_KEY, it -> new HashMap>())
.computeIfAbsent(new GroupArtifactVersion(dep.getGroupId(), dep.getArtifactId(), selectedVersion), it -> new HashSet<>())
String newGav = dep
return literal
.withValueSource(requireNonNull(literal.getValueSource()).replace(gav, newGav));
} catch (MavenDownloadingException e) {
getCursor().putMessage(UPDATE_VERSION_ERROR_KEY, e);
return arg;
Exception err = getCursor().pollMessage(UPDATE_VERSION_ERROR_KEY);
if (err != null) {
m = Markup.warn(m, err);
List depArgs = m.getArguments();
if (depArgs.size() >= 3 && depArgs.get(0) instanceof G.MapEntry
&& depArgs.get(1) instanceof G.MapEntry
&& depArgs.get(2) instanceof G.MapEntry) {
Expression groupValue = ((G.MapEntry) depArgs.get(0)).getValue();
Expression artifactValue = ((G.MapEntry) depArgs.get(1)).getValue();
if (!(groupValue instanceof J.Literal) || !(artifactValue instanceof J.Literal)) {
return m;
J.Literal groupLiteral = (J.Literal) groupValue;
J.Literal artifactLiteral = (J.Literal) artifactValue;
//noinspection DataFlowIssue
if (!dependencyMatcher.matches((String) groupLiteral.getValue(), (String) artifactLiteral.getValue())) {
return m;
Object scanResult = acc.gaToNewVersion.get(new GroupArtifact((String) groupLiteral.getValue(), (String) artifactLiteral.getValue()));
if (scanResult instanceof Exception) {
return Markup.warn(m, (Exception) scanResult);
G.MapEntry versionEntry = (G.MapEntry) depArgs.get(2);
Expression versionExp = versionEntry.getValue();
if (versionExp instanceof J.Literal && ((J.Literal) versionExp).getValue() instanceof String) {
J.Literal versionLiteral = (J.Literal) versionExp;
String version = (String) versionLiteral.getValue();
if (version.startsWith("$")) {
return m;
String selectedVersion;
try {
GroupArtifactVersion gav = new GroupArtifactVersion((String) groupLiteral.getValue(), (String) artifactLiteral.getValue(), version);
selectedVersion = new DependencyVersionSelector(metadataFailures, gradleProject, null)
.select(gav, m.getSimpleName(), newVersion, versionPattern, ctx);
} catch (MavenDownloadingException e) {
return e.warn(m);
if (selectedVersion == null || version.equals(selectedVersion)) {
return m;
List newArgs = new ArrayList<>(3);
.withValueSource(requireNonNull(versionLiteral.getValueSource()).replace(version, selectedVersion))
newArgs.addAll(depArgs.subList(3, depArgs.size()));
return m.withArguments(newArgs);
} else if (versionExp instanceof J.Identifier) {
String versionVariableName = ((J.Identifier) versionExp).getSimpleName();
getCursor().dropParentUntil(p -> p instanceof SourceFile)
.computeMessageIfAbsent(VERSION_VARIABLE_KEY, v -> new HashMap>>())
.computeIfAbsent(versionVariableName, it -> new HashMap<>())
.computeIfAbsent(new GroupArtifact((String) groupLiteral.getValue(), (String) artifactLiteral.getValue()), it -> new HashSet<>())
return m;
private class UpdateVariable extends GroovyIsoVisitor {
private final Map>> versionVariableNames;
private final GradleProject gradleProject;
public J.VariableDeclarations.NamedVariable visitVariable(J.VariableDeclarations.NamedVariable variable, ExecutionContext ctx) {
J.VariableDeclarations.NamedVariable v = super.visitVariable(variable, ctx);
boolean noneMatch = true;
Map> gaToConfigurations = null;
for (Map.Entry>> versionVariableNameEntry : versionVariableNames.entrySet()) {
if (versionVariableNameEntry.getKey().equals((v.getSimpleName()))) {
noneMatch = false;
gaToConfigurations = versionVariableNameEntry.getValue();
if (noneMatch) {
return v;
if (!(v.getInitializer() instanceof J.Literal)) {
return v;
J.Literal initializer = (J.Literal) v.getInitializer();
if (initializer.getType() != JavaType.Primitive.String) {
return v;
String version = (String) initializer.getValue();
if (version == null) {
return v;
try {
for (Map.Entry> gaEntry : gaToConfigurations.entrySet()) {
GroupArtifact ga = gaEntry.getKey();
GroupArtifactVersion gav = new GroupArtifactVersion(ga.getGroupId(), ga.getArtifactId(), version);
DependencyVersionSelector selector = new DependencyVersionSelector(metadataFailures, gradleProject, null);
String selectedVersion = Optional.ofNullable(selector.select(gav, null, newVersion, versionPattern, ctx))
.orElse(selector.select(gav, "classpath", newVersion, versionPattern, ctx));
if (selectedVersion == null) {
return v;
getCursor().dropParentUntil(p -> p instanceof SourceFile)
.computeMessageIfAbsent(NEW_VERSION_KEY, m -> new HashMap>())
.computeIfAbsent(new GroupArtifactVersion(ga.getGroupId(), ga.getArtifactId(), selectedVersion), it -> new HashSet<>())
J.Literal newVersionLiteral = ChangeStringLiteral.withStringValue(initializer, selectedVersion);
v = v.withInitializer(newVersionLiteral);
} catch (MavenDownloadingException e) {
return e.warn(v);
return v;
public J.Assignment visitAssignment(J.Assignment assignment, ExecutionContext ctx) {
J.Assignment a = super.visitAssignment(assignment, ctx);
if (!(a.getVariable() instanceof J.Identifier)) {
return a;
J.Identifier identifier = (J.Identifier) a.getVariable();
Map> gaToConfigurations = null;
boolean noneMatch = true;
for (Map.Entry>> versionVariableNameEntry : versionVariableNames.entrySet()) {
if (versionVariableNameEntry.getKey().equals(identifier.getSimpleName())) {
noneMatch = false;
gaToConfigurations = versionVariableNameEntry.getValue();
if (noneMatch) {
return a;
if (!(a.getAssignment() instanceof J.Literal)) {
return a;
J.Literal literal = (J.Literal) a.getAssignment();
if (literal.getType() != JavaType.Primitive.String) {
return a;
String version = (String) literal.getValue();
if (version == null) {
return a;
try {
for (Map.Entry> gaEntry : gaToConfigurations.entrySet()) {
GroupArtifact ga = gaEntry.getKey();
GroupArtifactVersion gav = new GroupArtifactVersion(ga.getGroupId(), ga.getArtifactId(), version);
DependencyVersionSelector selector = new DependencyVersionSelector(metadataFailures, gradleProject, null);
String selectedVersion = Optional.ofNullable(selector.select(gav, null, newVersion, versionPattern, ctx))
.orElse(selector.select(gav, "classpath", newVersion, versionPattern, ctx));
if (selectedVersion == null) {
return a;
getCursor().dropParentUntil(p -> p instanceof SourceFile)
.computeMessageIfAbsent(NEW_VERSION_KEY, m -> new HashMap>())
.computeIfAbsent(new GroupArtifactVersion(ga.getGroupId(), ga.getArtifactId(), selectedVersion), it -> new HashSet<>())
J.Literal newVersionLiteral = ChangeStringLiteral.withStringValue(literal, selectedVersion);
a = a.withAssignment(newVersionLiteral);
} catch (MavenDownloadingException e) {
return e.warn(a);
return a;
public static GradleProject replaceVersion(GradleProject gp, ExecutionContext ctx, GroupArtifactVersion gav, Set configurations) {
try {
if (gav.getGroupId() == null || gav.getArtifactId() == null) {
return gp;
Set remainingConfigurations = new HashSet<>(configurations);
if (remainingConfigurations.isEmpty()) {
return gp;
MavenPomDownloader mpd = new MavenPomDownloader(ctx);
Pom pom = mpd.download(gav, null, null, gp.getMavenRepositories());
ResolvedPom resolvedPom = pom.resolve(emptyList(), mpd, gp.getMavenRepositories(), ctx);
List transitiveDependencies = resolvedPom.resolveDependencies(Scope.Runtime, mpd, ctx);
org.openrewrite.maven.tree.Dependency newRequested = org.openrewrite.maven.tree.Dependency.builder()
ResolvedDependency newDep = ResolvedDependency.builder()
Map nameToConfiguration = gp.getNameToConfiguration();
Map newNameToConfiguration = new HashMap<>(nameToConfiguration.size());
boolean anyChanged = false;
for (GradleDependencyConfiguration gdc : nameToConfiguration.values()) {
GradleDependencyConfiguration newGdc = gdc
.withRequested(ListUtils.map(gdc.getRequested(), requested -> maybeUpdateDependency(requested, newRequested)))
.withDirectResolved(ListUtils.map(gdc.getDirectResolved(), resolved -> maybeUpdateResolvedDependency(resolved, newDep, new HashSet<>())));
anyChanged |= newGdc != gdc;
newNameToConfiguration.put(newGdc.getName(), newGdc);
if (anyChanged) {
gp = gp.withNameToConfiguration(newNameToConfiguration);
} catch (MavenDownloadingException | MavenDownloadingExceptions e) {
return gp;
return gp;
private static org.openrewrite.maven.tree.Dependency maybeUpdateDependency(
org.openrewrite.maven.tree.Dependency dep,
org.openrewrite.maven.tree.Dependency newDep) {
if (Objects.equals(dep.getGroupId(), newDep.getGroupId()) && Objects.equals(dep.getArtifactId(), newDep.getArtifactId())) {
return newDep;
return dep;
private static ResolvedDependency maybeUpdateResolvedDependency(
ResolvedDependency dep,
ResolvedDependency newDep,
Set traversalHistory) {
if (traversalHistory.contains(dep)) {
return dep;
if (Objects.equals(dep.getGroupId(), newDep.getGroupId()) && Objects.equals(dep.getArtifactId(), newDep.getArtifactId())) {
return newDep;
return dep.withDependencies(ListUtils.map(dep.getDependencies(), d -> maybeUpdateResolvedDependency(d, newDep, new HashSet<>(traversalHistory))));